1 | WoW Craft 255 Fun realm 255 is the level cap, High rates,custom instances, Leveling Roads, Awesome yet not too op Donor and Vote rewards,Awesome Events and great event rewards, 1000+ Custom Items, PVP and Non-PVE malls, 12 milion damage with well balanced classes... | 649 | 5427 |
2 | Scarlet WoW Shadowlands 9.1 • What we offer • Around 95% classes spells/talents working • Active GMs • Friendly staff • No custom Items/Quests (99% Blizzlike) • Tens of thousands working quests • Anticheat system • Costum events • Discord Server •
We also do have a nice Co... | 597 | 1011 |
3 | Warrior-WoW Instant255 Fun+Blizlike 100x [255 Level Cap] [Tier 1 to Tier 28] [1v1 Arena] [80000+ Custom Items] [Amazing Custom and scripted Instances] [Custom Quests] [Working BG and Arena] [Custom Mall] [Balanced Classes] [Friendly Staff][Transmog Mall] [Custom Bosses14] + Blizlike 100x Fu... | 549 | 1713 |
4 | WOW MISTS OF PANDARIA 5.4 SIEGE OF ORGRIMMAR Best wow PVP FULL Private Server - No Lag - 99% Up Time - No Bugs - Legendary King All Items in shop - High Rates 750x/750x/750x - Join us!... | 229 | 4112 |
5 | Forsaken-WoW [Haste server] [Custom content] [Transmog] [3.3.5] [Custom Scripts]... | 106 | 552 |
6 | Hypnotic-WoW Short and Sweet, we are a level 255 high stats fun server that is in development, we will offer plenty of unique content and fun on the server, we are a bunch of players who left a greedy, p2w server to remake our own version and offer way more conte... | 80 | 308 |
7 | Treason-WoW 5.1.0 MOP / Custom WOTLK Join our MOP 5.1.0 or our WOTLK 3.3.5 custom realms today!! Worgen and goblin race support. Custom patch with MOP items and creatures on our WOTLK realm. Stable realms and loads of custom scripting. Join today!!!!... | 76 | 1714 |
8 | WotLK by Scarlet - Progressive experience Low to mid rate | progressive | Individual XP | Autobalance | SoloLFG | Arena Seasons | PvE | Transmogger | X-Faction interactions | AH-Bot | Active staff | Giveaways | Polls about features in the future | 2nd realm with harder stuff and extra conten... | 26 | 221 |
9 | Scarlet-WoW Cataclysm 4.3.4 We are offering quality gameplay... from gamers, for gamers!
Worgen start zone is fully scripted... so all quests are working!
Same onto Goblin and DK start area!
Here are some Infos about our Server rates:
Kill-Rate: x5
Quest-Rate: x3
... | 9 | 196 |
10 | Wrath of Hyperion | The combat has began! Presents patch: 3.3.5a; With Mythic+, Warforged, custom gearing system, 55K transmogrification items, reworked class spells, progressive content releases, item upgrades, reworked game mechanics, reworked spell system, custom lore with lots of quest c... | 8 | 276 |
11 | Gladiator WoW 2.4.3 TBC We have 6x exp, quest, explore rates! We got 2x rates for professions and honor! We got active Game Masters! Max Level 70! Events Everyday with Special Rewards! We hope you join the greatness today!... | 6 | 780 |
12 | Emerald-WoW i80 PvP / PvE Instant 80.
S8 / 277-284 ilvl gear is free.
1v1, soloQ, Rated Battlegrounds
Daily Login Rewards... | 6 | 420 |
13 | WOW MOP 5.4: SIEGE OF ORGRIMMAR!! Best PVP Server 2013 - WOW:Mists Of Pandaria 5.2 PTR, 115 Level Cap, Very Good Rates, New Races, Custom Items,Tier 1 to Tier 16, No Lags. Join us! IT'S FREE!!... | 4 | 785 |
14 | WoW Stunde des Zwielichts 4.3.4 Wir sind ein deutscher WoW Privatserver auf Patch 4.3.4.
15fach erhoehte Xp Berufe und Ruf.
Vendor im Anfangsdorf mit Erbstuecken.
Freundlicher Support.
Voteshop und vieles mehr.
Eigener Ts3 Server und Root
Wir begrueßen euch herzlichst auf uns... | 3 | 744 |
15 | WoW 3.3.5 Blizzlike Private Server Play with us on us WoW 3.3.5 Blizzlike Server. We very happy to play with you :)... | 2 | 548 |
16 | Haedowow classic server3.3.5... | 2 | 107 |
17 | World of Asgard Deutscher 4.3.4 Server ;; Nettes Team ;; 24/7 Stabil ;; Gildentransfer... | 1 | 672 |
18 | Buy Neverwinter Diamond on Buyneverwinter.com Neverwinter Gold 24/7 Judgmatical Service at Buyneverwinter.com, Buy Cheap Neverwinter Gold, Neverwinter Diamond,Neverwinter Astral Diamonds Online and Cheap Runescape Gold with Live Support and Fast Delivery. ... | 1 | 699 |
19 | 3.0.9 2.4.3 UWC-ESPORTS WOW GAMING Deutscher WoW-Server | 5 Realms | Version 2.4.3 | Max lvl 70-250 - alles dabei | Fun Server / 70 Instanz / Highrate Server| Gro deutsche Community | Viele Events & Hilights | Eigene Bosse / T7-T9 | Level Arena | Niedrige Latenz |
... | 0 | 1173 |
20 | WrathWoW for 3.0.9and 2.4.3 5000%ATT [first support 2.4.3 3.0.9][new skills items][start at 60lv t3][50X Attack&Attribute][t1~t8 supported][Active and Helpful GM's][Scripted Instances][Super Voting Rewards][4000+ Players][99.9%update][Low Ping]... | 0 | 754 |
21 | 3.0.9 / 3.0.8/ 2.4.3 V.C. Wrath [PvP]�[2 Realms]�[Woltk]�[New Content]�[Free New Tier]�[New Items]�[Working Arena, BAttlegrounds]�[Custom World PvP Areas]�[Vote for Custom Items]�[SkillNPC and Custom Trainers]... | 0 | 851 |
22 | Rising-Gods WoW 2.4.x Deutscher Private WoW Server 2.4.x | 500+ Player online | Blizzlike | Lag frei | viele Events | InGame Tools | groe Community | TS Server | schneller Support & Bugfixes | Chartransfer... | 0 | 726 |
23 | Ash Realms WoTLK 3.0.9 - 2 Servers - Donator rewards - Scripted Northrend instances - Bind on Account items WORK - High Rates - Flying Mounts in Azeroth - Aerial combat - Custom leveling gear, quests, events - Updated OFTEN - Since 2007 - USA... | 0 | 553 |
24 | StonedRaiders 3.0.8a WOTLK Funserver Funserver Lvl 150 with many features and content! MANAGE YOUR OWN GUILD HOUSING/ Giant Shopping Malls, Custom Level Areas and Instances with custom drops and scripted bosses! Full WOTLK Support! AND many MORE... | 0 | 605 |
25 | Madjoes Realm 2.4 V 2.4.3, German\English language, EP rate 2*Blizz, Talent rate 1.3*Blizz, Sehr stabil, Page/Forum alles auf Deutsch. 2 f�hige Erwachsene GM's (keine GM Player!). Eigene gescriptete Gildenh�user etc. Server besteht seit feb. 2007... | 0 | 705 |
26 | Fallen Heroes Wir sind der WoW Server der auf den Spielspa� wert legt.
Wir fixen lieber aktuelle Patches als planlos mit neuester Version verbuggt zu sein.
Nette Community, schneller Support. Serverversion: 2.4.3 & TBC 2.4.3 Servertyp: PvP/PvE... | 0 | 710 |
27 | Naxxramas - Weg zur Verdammnis 2.4.3 Blizzlike, BGs/Arena, aktive Community und GMs, Mob-EP = 3x, Quest-EP = 2x, eigener Root (Core2Quad, 4x 2.4Ghz, 8 GB RAM), niedriger Ping, laufend neue Updates, Foren-Account = Game-Account... | 0 | 682 |
28 | True Blizzlike PvE Mode 1x Rates Blizzlike 1x for Everything. Custom Blizzlike Quests. Good People and Friendly Chat. Vote Rewards. Donor Rewards. Battlegrounds. Active Forum. Less bugged quests than all the rest, Well on our way to Zero bugged quests. Fun and Free.... | 0 | 475 |
29 | WoW - LegiOn WoW 2.3.3 PvP Server
Rate XP=400/500/300 Loot/Money=400, Vendors T2, Weapon 50+... | 0 | 544 |
30 | Overhill Circle WoW Ver. 2.4.x (Neuer Server!!!! AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ Dual Core, 6 GB DDR2 RAM) Instanzenporter, PlayerTreff, PVP-ARENA, regelm��ige Updates und Fixes. Server Raten : EP = 2x, Quest = 2x, Drop = 2x, Geld = 3x, 24 Stunden Online... | 0 | 475 |
31 | [Australia] World of Chris TBC 2.3.x+ #1 Australia & WORLD || 24/7 Dediacted100mbs || 2.3 - 2.3.x Server || Funserver[ INSTANT lvl 70 + 50k gold] || HighRate[ 55x + 100 gold] || Shopping Vendors || Teleporter || All Instances + Boss Phases/ ARENA / Battleground || No Lag || ZulAman Tier ... | 0 | 737 |
32 | CraigCraft Reloaded Three realms, Low, mid, and high rate, hosted in Florida, friendly GMs, daily backups and updates, forums, store, season 4, working pets and first aid, cable internet connection.... | 0 | 435 |
33 | Demetrox Core Server Support 2.4.3 || Uniquely Asian Server ||Players from Malaysia, Singapore,China,Thailand,India, Japanese and from UK || Scripted Instances based on players feedback || Friendly GMs|| Mid Rate server... | 0 | 779 |
34 | AtaricWOW GM server AtaricWOW GM server 2.3.0 GM server with lots fun and excitnig vendors shopping malls and lots more this is a server where everyones a GM! ...... | 0 | 557 |
35 | WoW Elite Server 3.0.3. Deutscher Root,Arcemu-Emulator, Blizz Rate Server 3.0.3.,Regelm��ige Fixes und Updates,Rates - ,Kill 2x Quest 2x Money 3x,Nette GM�s und Player ! TeamSpeak2 include !Jeder Freundliche Gamer ist Willkommen bei UNS!... | 0 | 465 |
36 | WoW XtremeZone - ROMANIA 3.0.9 Server Romanesc de Wrath of The Lich King (3.0.9) -
Rate 25x - Custom Taxi - Toate instantele functionale. Morpher NPC, Vendori T6, D1, D2, D3, Recipe, etc - Arena. 100% NORTHREND
Hai sa te distrezi cu noi ! Mall - WOTLK !!... | 0 | 554 |
37 | WOW TOWN!!! INSTANT 70!!!! FREE T7!! ---------------Wow Town---------------
We are a fairly new server that is on 24/7 but since we're doing updates like every few hours it might go down for a while. We are looking for GM's and also looking for a lot of players
People who join us at ... | 0 | 527 |
38 | World of DarkCraft Fun Server Custom Gurubashi PvP Area - Vote System - Donation System - Tier 1-9 And More To Come - Leveling Road Along With Custom Quest\'s, NPC\'s, Item\'s. And Alot More.... | 0 | 487 |
39 | Wff 3.0.3 Wotlk all gm server Wir sind ein All GM Server mit 3.0.3 unterst�tzung wo jeder mal gm sein kann und fast alle behfele kann!
Schaut einfach mal vorbei!
Server ist IMMER online! Und st�rzt fast NIE ab... | 0 | 619 |
40 | The_Sunwell 2.4.3x3.0.9 Sunwell 2.4.3 snd soon 3.0.3 Supported - Blizzlike Realm - High Rates until 20 january 2009 - Dedicated Server - Low Latency - Highly Stable - Helpful GM Staff
... | 0 | 575 |
41 | BohServ Privat WoW WotLK Ver. 3.0.9 HighRate Blizzlike (Deutsch) � 3.0.9 � 1GBit � 1000+ User � Lag-Free � Nette GM�s � Nette Community � Belohnungen 15x � 4 Root Server � Eigenst�ndige Entwicklungen � WotLK... | 0 | 515 |
42 | DarkRock PVP 2.4.3 DarkRock PvP Server
Spielversion 2.4.3
The Burning Crusade
Erstklassiger deutscher blizzlike Server
Immer auf dem aktuellsten stand der Entwicklung
24/7 online
Bestand seit Mai 2006
! Kein Charwipe seit bestehen !
Battlegrounds und Ar... | 0 | 549 |
43 | eternal-wow the best funserver around!
... | 0 | 506 |
44 | WODNET(MY) SERVER v3.0.9 1st WOW ASIA Private Server Since 2004,High Population,100% Lag FREE,60x XP Rate, 60 % item drop. Highspeed server, Join Us Now. WORLD OF THE LICH KING.SPECIAL EVENT [SUPPORT 3.0.9]... | 0 | 743 |
45 | Zockerbude-Revolution [3.0.9+2.4.3] Wir sind wieder da mit noch besserer DB als zuvor!!
Wir haben 20 Events,
Levelarena Ally-Horde,
Playertreff Ally-Horde,
Disco,Tanzlokal,Puff XD,Instanzen f�r T7-8 und neue R�stungen,PVP Arenen,und vieles vieles mehr kommt und schaut vorbei bei uns!! ... | 0 | 496 |
46 | The No Jerk Zone IF you are a mature player that like's to play the game of WOW. And are tired of jerky player's this is the place to come. wow ver if you want to no more, please visit the site.... | 0 | 402 |
47 | burningfusion.servegame.com set realmlist burningfusion.servegame.com. Thanks... | 0 | 561 |
48 | Play-dont-Pay Bester Deutscher Fun Server!
Level/Drop Rate Sehr hoch!
Shopping Mall(Alle Sets kostenlos!)
Level Area incl. Quest!
Join us!... | 0 | 496 |
49 | New wowkse site join this web... | 0 | 349 |
50 | Callofwow for 2.4.3 | New PvP System [first support 2.4.3][new skills items][start at 60lv t3][new pvp system][more than 20000+damages][150
times High Rates][scripted instances][1000+ Players][Vote for Reward][Stable Servers][Low
Ping] [weapon promotion system]... | 0 | 604 |