1251 | burncraft studios new server.::.blizzlike/high rate.::.
IMBA weapons for new clients::.
high leveling rate::. PVP::.
.::what are you waiting for!::.... | 0 | 252 |
1252 | Light Mare New Server - Beta Phase - German - Bug- und Lagfrei - Nice Community [GM�s] - Online mit Hamachi wegen Beta Phase - Patch: 2.3.3 - Funserver - 2 Treffs... | 0 | 239 |
1253 | Persisting Pain WoW Gilde von Die Todeskrallen... | 0 | 234 |
1254 | WOWsecrets Drop: x10
XP: x100
QuestXP: x85
Drop Money: x60
Level Cap: 120
2.4 Burning Crusade... | 0 | 307 |
1255 | WoW Storm new server. highrate. runs on hamachi. 2 admins. donations comin soon.... | 0 | 261 |
1256 | TrueLife ..:::TrueLife:::.. | Polski nowo otwarty serwer | Patch 2.4.1 | Rates exp 8x Rates drop 6x Rates quest 12x | Emu: Mangos | 24/7 | Łącze 100 mb/s | Działające skrypty w instancjach oraz spelujące moby,bossy itd | Życzymy ... | 0 | 261 |
1257 | Gray's Funserver, You choose Alot of fun, new in business, not uptime 24/7 but mostly we are.
Stats and stuff is on your choice to change, if you want more servers, we can take care of that, if you want other rates, same to that..
Gray... | 0 | 251 |
1258 | Game portal! Hacks, Cheats, Programs etc Game portal! Hacks, Cheats, Programs, Replayers, Maps, Bots... | 0 | 271 |
1259 | Ero-WoW 2.3.x Server :: 1000mbit Connection :: 3000 User Cap :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Forums :: Discussion Boards :: No Hamachi! :: Constant Uptime :: PVP :: Dedicated Server ::Shopping Mall :: Events ::... | 0 | 271 |
1260 | TBGFX - WOW 2.4.x TBC Private WoW Server! 99.9% Uptime, Custom Donation items, No-PvP Mall with t1 - t3, and more server runs: Q6600 Quad Core, 8Gb's Of ram, 500GB 7200rpm HD, On a unmetered 100mbit line! Come checkout TBGFX and experience perfection... | 0 | 263 |
1261 | 2FastWoW Great 2.4.1 World of Warcraft server , no lag , friendly Gm , almost no bugs , first 100 players get 1k gold , enter and you will be amazed... | 0 | 263 |
1262 | Legends of Chaos Neuer,Lagfreier Server mit vielen Extras: Unstucker, Livemap und vieles mehr!
Momentane Server Aktion
Level 30 mit Rar-Equip und 100G!
Ben�tigt Screenshots (mind. 2 glaubw�rdige) und Item-ID�s
... | 0 | 251 |
1263 | Chrom-WoW-Funserver Unser Server l�uft auf der version 2.4.1 und bietet euch eine nette und gro�e Community auserdem schnellen Support und wachendes gameplay... | 0 | 282 |
1264 | Fortune Gaming Fortune Gaming 2.4
... | 0 | 265 |
1265 | [Warcraft-Evolution Fun-WoW 2.4.1] Deutscher 2.4.1 WoW Server#2.4.1#Spells+quests working!#Constantly improving + taking suggestions!#Increased weapon skills.#Custom Website!#Daily events!#Fun rates.#Very stable.#NO lag#Fast connection.#Boats/Zepplins work!#Hourly Updates, Quel Danas ... | 0 | 269 |
1266 | Now Crack 2.4.x Fun Server # We should have a working Sunwell open to the public in a matter of days!
# Welcome our server, have fun & enjoy staying here!
# Have the time of your life & bring your friends!
# Now Crack Fun Server 2.4.x
# Instant 70 with cap of 70 (soon to i... | 0 | 263 |
1267 | WOW Underground NOW SUPPORTS PRIVATE SERVER USAGE - It grinds, it loots, it skins, it heals, it even farms soul shards... without you.
Learn new secrets that the most powerful players DON'T want you to know.... | 0 | 258 |
1268 | Hordric Terror 2.4.1 Server~Fun Realm/Blizzlike with custom vendors donation vendors pvp vendors and more!!! instant 70.
join this~server today and join~the~fun... | 0 | 265 |
1269 | Noble Vampire Noble Vampire... | 0 | 281 |
1270 | MomchosWOW Fun Server. Custum Items 2.4.x Friendly GMs and Admins... | 0 | 240 |
1271 | WoW-Romania WoW-Romania.RO is trying to be the best wow private server community in ROMANIA.
We are begining our expedition in wow server world with 2 realms: one blizzlike and one fun.
Come in and check them out!
http://www.wow-romania.ro;... | 0 | 328 |
1272 | Darkero Germany !NEW!MITARBEITER GESUCHT!
Burning Crusade 2.4.x � 4 Realms � Mid Rate PVE Server (4x) � Dual Quad Core Dedicated Servers � 1000mbit Connection � Lag-Free... | 0 | 252 |
1273 | GxG Network WoW Server Latest patch, FUN Realm, stability... | 0 | 288 |
1274 | Treebark WoW [2.4.X Supported][Fully Scripted Instances & Raids][Dedicated Host][Online 99.9%][Tons of Players][Low Ping][Stable][Vote System][PvP System][Instant 70][Over 5 Quest Zones][Teleporter Item][Mall][Custom Content & Gear][Game Master's][Obstacle Course... | 0 | 263 |
1275 | Fortress of Darkness Zapraszamy na nowo powstały serwer Fortress of Darkness Serwer stoi na patchu 2.4.1, otwarta instancja Zul aman ,Instancje są oskryptowane, tylko u nas instancja black temple dor�wnuje instancji Globalnej.. moby bosy spelują przyjazna... | 0 | 252 |
1276 | DarkMadnessWoW BlizzLIKE We are a fast growing server! We like to reward our player with Cash prizes from our events and custom items ... | 0 | 246 |
1277 | District-Azeroth 2.4.2 Blizzlike |Patch 2.4.2| |Immer Up�Date| |Sunwell 100% Spawn und Loot bereit| |Kaum Buggs| |Keine Laggs| |Leistungsstarker Rootserver| |Nette Community| |Nette GM's| |24/7 Online|... | 0 | 268 |
1278 | The-Next-Generation-WoW instant 70 and lots of fun. lots of i fun i said@... | 0 | 258 |
1279 | ecimo DOT tee vee Multiple Realms, High Rates, Low Ping, Funserver & BG Server, Up to date items, spawns, creatures & quests. Friendly GMs, self developing.... | 0 | 256 |
1280 | WoW Russian server Русский вов сервер... | 0 | 326 |
1281 | DarkResurrection WoW Server El server es nuevo y muy trabajado, version 2.4.1, administradores muy atentos, el server esta bastante custom, instences nuevas en construccion y t7 espectacular en construccion. Entra y averigua mas sobre este maravilloso server.... | 0 | 297 |
1282 | Alstorius Private Server 2.4.X Serveur Communautaire mi-Fun mi-Blizzlike WOW & BC. RATES : Xp x3, Qu�tes x5, Objet x 2, Gold x3, Honneur x3 CADEAU (pour les 2 ans du serv) = 1 po + 2 sac 18 places. Staff Comp�tent & Bonne ambiance, Nous vous attendons ...... | 0 | 258 |
1283 | Night-WOW wen mirh einer hilft ein eigenen wow server zu erstellen entsteht hir ein wow kostenloser server
ich hab schon 1000 mal fersucht einen zu erstellen aber das ist immer mislungen
msn= [email protected]
meldet sich mal einer bei mir der mir dab... | 0 | 374 |
1284 | Leppars WoW Fun Server 500x Xp & Drops Patch 2.4.1 Custom Tier 7 Custom Gears and Stuff Custom Instance Max LvL 85 Sunwell / Quel Danas Spawned Come Join Now!!!!!
... | 0 | 303 |
1285 | Rising Legends Deutscher Middlerate RP PvP Realm. Lag frei, nette Gamemaster und Admins, nette Gamer,regelm��ige Events,24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche erreichbar,Mobkills=2fach,Quest=5fach, Entdecken =2fach,Gold =2fach,Items =2fach
... | 0 | 255 |
1286 | World Of Warcraft WotLK Version 3.0.1 [8337]... | 0 | 262 |
1287 | Death Squad TBC Death Squad has be online for a year now and we finally have added two new GMs to help manage the realm.
Server Information:
Supported Client Version: 2.4.2
Drop Rate Items: 16
Drop Rate Money: 16
XP Kill Rate: 8
XP Quest Rate: 12
XP Explore Ra... | 0 | 257 |
1288 | Purple Fire Gaming 2.4.x :: Custom Gear :: No lag :: Dedicated Server :: Over 70 Custom Quests :: Instant 70 :: Custom Instances :: Scripted bosses :: Unique PvP System :: Friendly GMs :: GM Applications are Open... | 0 | 268 |
1289 | Infinity-WoW WoW Server 2.4.1-2.4.2,Der Server ist ein FUN server und es gibt jede menge Events.
Die Rates sind ebenfalls FUN also 1 Kill = 5 LVL up (schnelles Lvln).
Der Server biete zahlreiche m�glichkeiten WoW neu zu erleben durch eig.Mounts,Playertreff ect.... | 0 | 250 |
1290 | SickWoW FUNSERVER 2.4.X Custom malls, Instant 70 Max 80, Quad core 9.6Ghz Quad Core Server, Friendly Staff, Custom PVP Arena's, Qual'Danas spawned! [SEASON 3/4!] TALENT REQUIRED SPELLS DON'T NEED TALENTS TO LEARN THEM! ALLY + HORDE can COMMUNICATE! Tier 7... | 0 | 245 |
1291 | NaviWoW Join NaviWoW now! We are a high rate blizz-like server,... | 0 | 247 |
1292 | Honorwow A server created by players for players, HonorWoW hosts two fast, reliable servers for your enjoyment. One is instant 70, the other has high rates for raiding. HonorWoW is a friendly, tight-knit, easy-going community who's sole interest is making you... | 0 | 299 |
1293 | World of SkyShatter [2.4x support][Isle of Quel'danas fully spawned and looted][Custom instances][Monthly events][Friendly GM's][low-rates server][constantly updated]... | 0 | 264 |
1294 | SunFreakz 2.4.x SunFreakz
- 2 malls in capital cityes
- starting quest lvl 70 instant & 10k gold
-T6 8 pieces
-Full Sunwell spawner
-Full Season 4
-Lag Free!
JOIN! HAVE FUN... | 0 | 255 |
1295 | Cayotic Online Wow Private server that is blizzlike with x25 rates and the ability to have 4 main proffesions. Full website with many tools. Enjoy... | 0 | 335 |
1296 | WoW - LoL ZonE Free GM rank 1!!!SEASON 4 Armors,Hell-Fire MALL,Custom Items,Custom Quests,Custom Mounts,Friendly GMs,NO-LAGG!!!BATTLEFIELD 100% Workin Realm:lolzone.blogdns.com PM admin on forum if u want ACCOUNT on server... | 0 | 254 |
1297 | PWN-AGE WoW -- 2.4.x - 2 Dedicated Servers - Blizz/Fun - 24/7 Uptime - Great Staff - Custom PvP System - Tier 7/8/9/10/11 - Fully Spawn Sunwell - Dedicated to Our Players! -- JOIN NOW... | 0 | 268 |
1298 | Hellfirelords Looking for admins and gms Very good private server with costum bosses and instances fully scripted free T7 and arena season 4. Costum quests with great costum items.Friend gms and aminds willing to help and looking for some gms and 1 more admi�... | 0 | 303 |
1299 | Cwis shard [Capritecnoservice.com Italy] Venite nel nostro CWIS Shard supporta la patch 2.4.2 ci sono posti liberi admi e gm
Necessita di hamachi x andare piu veloce :P xD
Nome network : cwowis1 - cwowis2 fino a cwowis 20
Password Network : cwis
il server e aperto 24/24... | 0 | 266 |
1300 | CodeMonkeys WoW (FULLY CUSTOM) Fully Custom WoW.. Events,Instances,Malls,Trainers,Items,Teleporters..HIGH RATES WITH FAIR GAMEPLAY..Very Friendly Gaming Community Come Join Us... | 0 | 271 |