101 | WoWIS - Warcraft Italian Shards Burning Crusade, Ultima patch ufficiale, 100Mb connessione, Cap Illimitato, 2 Server, SR - Souls River Rpg Blizzlike rates, TLOA - The Legend Of Azeroth SuperExp rates, Staff sempre disponibile, Senza LAG !!... | 0 | 298 |
102 | EPIC-WoW -EXTREME CUSTOM FUNSERVER 2.4.2 Burning Crusade 2.4.2:: Uptime 24/7 ! ALWAYS ! Fun Server + 200xp 100Qxp Level Cap 255 . Instant Level 70! Ventrilo 3 Shopping Malls Custom Starting Weapons Starting Tier-2. Custom Tier-7 Custom Quest. Custom Mobs! Nice Friendly Gms... | 0 | 341 |
103 | Blackwars 52 Le meilleur M�gafun actuel. Niveau 200 ~ Rate 5000 ~ 100 000po offert ~ t7, t8, t9, et S5 ~ De milliers d'instances et d'items in�dits ~ 300 players ONLINE ~... | 0 | 310 |
104 | The Lost Realm � 2 Realms � 3.0.3 24/7 100mbps and No Lag! � Instant 80 Funserver � PVP BG Server � PvP Rewards � Vote Rewards � Custom Content � & TONS MORE ... | 0 | 297 |
105 | Scapewow Scapewow all rates 60x 99.9 uptime max level 70... | 0 | 260 |
106 | Middle Earth Middle Earth | Brand New Server | 70x Exp | Custom Mall | Great GMs | Instant Uptime | Low Disconnects | Events | Mearth Launcher | Get a FREE level 40 Character in the first mounth! | Join Now... | 0 | 289 |
107 | Frozen-wow.com Fun Server 2.4.1 Frozen-wow.com Fun Server 2.4.1 Fun Server Max level 100 Shoping Mall GM Help
Have Fun join now Set Relamlist logon.frozen-wow.com... | 0 | 280 |
108 | EpicWoW 2.4x PvP Server Instant 70 T1-11 Features:
- High Rates
- 1000000 xp
-Season 4
-100x Quest xp
-600x Gold Drop
-No Lagg
- Friendly Gm's
- Awesomeness
- Teleporters
- PvP Tokens
- Season 4
- Kill 1 Person and 1 PvP Token! for epic Armour
- Custom Launcher
- No Buggs and No Lagg!
- Muc... | 0 | 385 |
109 | Overlords Kingdom Wotlk 3.0.8, High Rate, German Privatserver, Playertreff, Nice Community, Great Admins and GM's... | 0 | 291 |
110 | WoW ShadowCraft WoW BC Server | 2 server | Blizzlike and FuneServer | 1600000 1 kill lvl 255 | With no mall but all the shops are in the start place | Come Play In This Great Server... | 0 | 300 |
111 | SoulBound's WoW Server Instant Level 70 Server with all instances working, hardly any bugs, HUGE Mall in SW and ORG, online store for ingame items, HUGE website and server, come play today, PvP Rewards each month. Uniqe items.... | 0 | 249 |
112 | Rotlichtbezirk-Funserver 2.4.1/2.4.2 Herzlich Willkommen auf dem Funserver des Rotlichtbezirkes
Hier mal ein paar Daten von unserem Realm:
* Levelarea 1-100
* CustomItems
* 2x Playertreff (Horde und Allianz)
* PvP Events
* Fehlende Spells Trainer
* Custom Spells (In Planung)
* PvP A... | 0 | 268 |
113 | Forbidden Land - Shard italiano WotLK Il primo server italiano compatibile con Wrath of the Lich King (non � uno scherzo, provare per credere!). Rates blizzlike,
eventi personalizzati, possibilit� di GDR, gioco bilanciato. Cosa aspetti ad iscriverti?... | 0 | 254 |
114 | UniFREE 3.0.9 Russian blizzlike UniFREE.ru Updatings of a server every day Russian game server Version 3.0.9 XPRate: blizzlike high Account testing server ping login test password test... | 0 | 260 |
115 | WoWRev Server Community ||xp:100x | drops: 100x-200x | gold:200x | rep/honor: 500x||Custom Towns, Climbing and Maze Events, and Gear for every 10 levels, Monthly PvP Tournements with prizes, Donation Gear||... | 0 | 287 |
116 | MaxvellNoS WoW Server MaxvellNoS WoW TBC Free Server
client version 2.3.3... | 0 | 258 |
117 | WOW-PvP-Aktion BC PvP Server Schaut vorbei auf unserer HP dort erfahrt ihr alles Wissenswerte �ber unseren Server!... | 0 | 280 |
118 | Dark Wolf Hallo zusammen wir sind ein deutscher fun server wir bieten gute GM's ((support)) sowie viel viele andere dinge schaut vorbei =)... | 0 | 246 |
119 | The Last Legends - Blizzlike WoW Server WoW Privat Server Blizzlike! 99,9% Bugfrei... | 0 | 217 |
120 | WoW-Imba Funrealm & Arenarealm!!! Patch 2.4.3, Komplett Laggfrei, Viele Extras, Nette GM u.v.m Imagehoster & eigene Toplist. Jede Menge Events! St�ndig wachsende Community... | 0 | 283 |
121 | WoW Respawn Gostaria de Divulgar Aqui Um Server Muito Bom Com um Projeto De Ser o Melhor Server do Brasil.
Gostaria de Come�ar Divulgando Suas Rates...
Quest: 10x
Mob: 5x
Drop: 4x
Um server Serio Com um Porte Expetacular E um link Otimo... Temos um link de... | 0 | 271 |
122 | Ballin WOW Great server level cap 255
xp rates 1000
all color item rate 10000
and gold drop rate 1000000000000!!!!!!
also teleporter NPCs
what are you waiting for ?????????... | 0 | 318 |
123 | Fantasy netgames SK/CZ free wow server Server akt�vne spolupracuje na preklade questov a celej hry do slovenciny a cestiny. Zaujmave na serveri je, �e pocas svojho p�sobenia od roku 2005 bol WIPE iba 1x dals� uz rozhodne nebude, takze sa nemusite bat, ze o svoje postavy pridete!... | 0 | 266 |
124 | WinForce-Online.de 1000MBit WoW WinForce-Online.de WoW Server an GBit WAN. Der beste deutsche WoW Server!
http://www.winforce-online.de/blog/winforce-onlinede-registrierung-schritt-fur-schritt-erklart/... | 0 | 236 |
125 | Revolution WOW-Server Wir bieten euch einen herforagenden Server mit 100 MB/s Anbindung.
Server ist auf einen 64 BIT System erstellt und ist durch den Restarter des Server automatisch (fast) imemr on!
Die Rates werden jeden Monat durch bitten von Spieler ge�ndert!
Das he... | 0 | 301 |
126 | UWC-ESPORTS WOW GAMING Deutscher WoW-Server | 5 Realms | Version 2.4.3 | Max lvl 70-250 - alles dabei | Fun Server / 70 Instanz / Highrate Server| Gro�e deutsche Community | Viele Events & Hilights | Eigene Bosse / T7-T9 | Level Arena | Niedrige Latenz |
... | 0 | 235 |
127 | WoW Exile Server instant 100 ALL CUSTOM 2.4.X STABLE�2 Realms�Instant 100 and 99.9%Blizzlike High Rates�25+Custom Instances & Raids�Fully Custom Content/Mall/Gear�Obstacle Courses�Dedicated� 1000mb/s�Truly Lag Free�10k Player Cap�Events� Working BG�99% Uptime�Tier 7-10�WarpNPC�Friendly GMs... | 0 | 279 |
128 | World Of EstCraft Wold Of Estcraft , 24/7 Medium rates.. 255 Level cap And nice Rates * Custom Armor * Custom Instances* Custom Spells * Everything Custom!! * Custom City's * Helpfull and Active GM's * Adding new items everyday * Players gets .tele command * Join *... | 0 | 380 |
129 | University-WoW � Client 2.4.2 � St�ndige Updates � AuktionshouseBot � Arena� Rates: 10 � Viele Events � St�ndiger Support von GMs �... | 0 | 279 |
130 | Dragon of Chaos One Community - 2 Realms (lowrate/ fun) versions 2.4 more than 6000 registered accounts, 3795 active Forumsmember, TS2 and Chat are available. Custom Instances, Shop and a nice Community are waiting for you! Being nosy?
... | 0 | 262 |
131 | Mystikawow 255 funserver MystikaWoW Server is back. We are a stable, Fun, and enjoyable server. Highrate 255 PvP server. All battlegrounds work. Outstanding GM support. 99%uptime. Allways updated. Join today!... | 0 | 293 |
132 | EvoWoW 1000x 2.1.0 - 2.1.3 EvoWoW 2.1.0 - 2.1.3 1000x rates: 1000x for exp, drops and quests 800x gold. New serve rthat needs your help! Enter this great server and have fun! Nice spanish and english gms.... | 0 | 303 |
133 | Funserver Sehr geehrte Elite-PvP Newcomer und Newsleser,
nach langer, schwerer und komplizierter Bugfixerei ist es uns, dem Elite-PvP Team gelungen den nun ersten FREE GAMING Funserver in unserer Reihe mit umfangreichen Features aufzusetzen..
Der Elite-Pvp Re... | 0 | 332 |
134 | Epix WoW Epix WoW, read the forum to join.
Instant Lvl 70, Custom vendors and weapons and custom instances. Join now, looking for GM's.
Brand New Server... | 0 | 258 |
135 | Ansotica WoW 2.4.x Private Server German WoW, Level 255, Maxplayers 1000+, High Rates, Low Ping, 1000MB/s connection, Own Teamspeak with 300 slots, Server = IntelCore2Duo, 6GB RAM, 2x2x3.0 GHz CPU with Linux debian as Operating system, no lags, no bugs and all in German... | 0 | 285 |
136 | WoW Elite Server Deutscher Root Server auf 3.0.3.,Blizzlike Rates Xp 2x Quest 2x Money 3x ,Nette Community,Neue Alte GM�s,Wir freuen uns auf Euch.Euer WoW Elite-Server-Team... | 0 | 209 |
137 | The-Dark-Kings-WoW Weekly Updates+Fixes | max. Usercap ende open | Chaar�bernahme Vom Offizielem Server |
Gratis Item bei 5 Geworbenen Usern. | Willkommens Quest !!| German Community |... | 0 | 277 |
138 | WoW Russian Fan Server server 2.3.2 Rate Fan!!... | 0 | 216 |
139 | BLAZERS-SX World of Warcraft BurningCrusade ������ 2.3.3
Rate.Talent = 2
Gmshop vendors T1,T2,T3,T4, + FAN VENDOR ITEM... | 0 | 283 |
140 | Chaotic WoW Server includes a fun realm where max lvl is 150 and all creatures lvls are double making it fun and easy to get to lvl 150. All item and gold drops are faster and exp is a lot better.... | 0 | 265 |
141 | TWvW-Gaming Dies ist ein Privater WoW server mit wenigen laggs/bugs niedrige latenzen gibt auch schon t7 t8 t9 bald ein wohnviertel wo man sich h�user kaufen kann und auch als gildenh�user nutzen kann^^... | 0 | 367 |
142 | omg-wow .:omg-wow:. .:Freindly GM`S:. .:Level cap of 255:. .:Become a GM:.
.:Have Fun:.... | 0 | 280 |
143 | XaosWoW XaosWoW is a no nonsense blizzlike realm in its 3rd year of continuous operation, always on a powerful dedicated server. The staff is fair, fun, and professional; the community is tight-knit. We look forward to seeing you ingame.... | 0 | 269 |
144 | welcome to gn tbc best blizlike server all is like blizard server 99,9%spels work no lugs !!!!... | 0 | 246 |
145 | ..::ELeMeNT::.. World Of WarCraft Fun Se Hyjal leveling zone 1-255 lvl. Tier8 in merchants. Great xp & gold rates. Nice admins & community... | 0 | 266 |
146 | .:WoWzers ONLINE:. [2.4.3][Instant 70][Battleground Vendor Rewards!][T7,T8,T9 Instance Drops][Arena Season 4][Tier 7][Dedicated Quad Core][Updated Daily][Malls]... | 0 | 258 |
147 | Tradewinds Burning Crusade 2.0.0 Tradewinds Burning Crusade compatible with 2.0.0 (6080) 5x exp per level above you. 2x drop rates on items and gold. New starting areas integrated. *NOT EVERYTHING WORKS*... | 0 | 278 |
149 | Black Thunder Wow +++Deutscher WoW Server+++---+++ Shapping mall , nette GM's , 24/7 Online, ect. Mehr auf unserer Seite http://bt-wow.de.vu... | 0 | 276 |
150 | The Bloody Network Der Beste Deutsche Server! 4 Realms, Blizzlike, Highrate, Fun und Level19Pvp. Kein Playercap, durchschnittlich 800 Leute online. Blizzlike Bosse f�r echte Raiderlebnisse.... | 0 | 352 |