901 | The New Generation Wir Bieten 4 x drop 4 x EXP 99 % uptime und open PVP alles zu 90% auf Deutsch und Scherbenwelt zu 95 % bespawnt wenig Bugs
... | 0 | 236 |
902 | Bulfleet WoW Server set realmlist wow.bulfleet.com
BULFLEET WOW SERVER! Blizzlike Rate, Online 300-400, No have lag, PvP, PVE, Normal, Support from MaNGOS DeVS... | 0 | 367 |
903 | Die unewige Wacht - WoW Highrate Server Die unewige Wacht ist ein relativ neuer Server mit noch wenigen Spielern. Darum suchen wir DICH f�r unsere Community! Wir haben relativ hohe Raten und es m�glich an einem Tag 70 zu werden. Gerne helfen euch die GMs weiter um auf 70 zu kommen und Item... | 0 | 264 |
904 | Free Blizzlike WoW Server Hamachi System ... | 0 | 225 |
905 | Araucano Servidor FUN (dedicado) versiones 2.1.x o superiores... | 0 | 229 |
906 | WoWIS Warcraft Italian Shard... | 0 | 241 |
907 | Wizardworld (wow tbc fun server) join us and see the difference,Trough our work whi try to settle a
friendly relationship with players based on consideration... | 0 | 228 |
908 | Terrorkom-Network Funserver
Connect over Hamachi
Full TBC, Patch 2.0.0 to 2.1.... can join
... | 0 | 238 |
909 | ☼ WoWXL - 2.1.x ☼ 15x Faster than regular WoW :: All Skills and Instances WORK :: Flying Mounts in Azeroth :: Tier 6 and 7 items :: Fast City to City ports :: Lich King Sword and Gun :: 100% Lag Free :: Online 24/7... | 0 | 248 |
910 | Bastion Crusades Jest to polski server na patcha 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 i moze bedzie na 2.0.0 potrzebujemy was gracze... | 0 | 392 |
911 | World of WarCraft - Colombia http://wow-colombia.co.cc... | 0 | 249 |
912 | DiNieG0 Free Italian/English WoW+TBC Diniego is a free Italian,English(What lang do you want!) WoW+TBC server, supports 2.1.3(6898) client on a T1 Granted Connectivity..... | 0 | 248 |
913 | BigWoW Рейты:
5... | 0 | 251 |
914 | WoW-CerberuS WoW pvp blizzlike realm! Featuring DEATHKNIGHTS! We have many ideas, many events and more! Join us! We have features that you wont see anywhere else... | 0 | 250 |
915 | WoW-Community Shard World of Warcraft... | 0 | 259 |
916 | the meah server the meah wow private server... | 0 | 346 |
917 | north-costh serveur sans beug et aussi on fait des recupe perso et au 20 premier on offre 60 lvl et 1000 po... | 0 | 300 |
918 | Free MMORPG World Running 4 Servers and now a NCDB test server site as well.... | 0 | 261 |
919 | Booty-WoW Unsere homepage ist noch im Aufbau, aber wir haben einen meiner Meinung nach sehr guten Designer ;D... | 0 | 233 |
920 | Extremes
Ip of server: extremes.no-ip.info
Realm: Extremes bc
Type: PvP
Population: Low
Accounts: 434
Regeneration rates:
Health = 1.5 x Blizzlike
Mana = 1.5 x Blizzlike
Drop rates:
Items = 100 x Blizzlike
Gold = 100 x Blizzlike... | 0 | 236 |
921 | Tierras De Nadie ||Servidor Espa�ol||Blizz||Npcs,Misiones,Objectos Al Espa�ol || Soporta Las Ultimas 5 Versiones||24/7|||BG's Funcionan!||Gm's Amigables!||Y Mucho Mas...!!!||... | 0 | 232 |
922 | eXtream-Gamer "2.2.3" Germans Top 1, Best Support,Fun Realms, (no Lags no Crashes) Eigens entwickelte Datenbank und Core. T7 & Lich king Equip ... "WORKING VOICE CHAT"
Lineage 2 Realm... | 0 | 222 |
923 | Wow Pimped This server is a 24/7 server and using Hamachi. The Hamachi Network is WoW PIMPED or WoW PIMPED 2 or WoW PIMPED 3 or WoW PIMPED 4 or WoW PIMPED 5
and the password for all of them is 12345
So far we have 3 GMS and 2 Admins
first 10 people to join our ... | 0 | 231 |
924 | Dark Chaos Legion Jest to polski server dedykowany... | 0 | 296 |
925 | Private Server Fun awsome fun to play and fun to level fun to make friends some fun admins/GMs.... | 0 | 252 |
926 | world of sean join now for world of sean// xp rate 500x gold rate and drop rate 9999x road level... | 0 | 280 |
927 | Public Server 2.1.3 / TBC
Health = 1
Mana = 1
Drop.Items = 20
Drop.Money = 15
XP.Kill = 70
XP.Quest = 70
XP.Explore = 60
Rate.Honor = 1500
... | 0 | 267 |
928 | SEWoW Funserver Burning Crusade 2.1.x-2.2.x ;; 1000mbit connection ;; 2000 user caps;;Powerful Dedicated servers ;; Funserve ;; Hight-rates ;; 24h online GMs ;; countless Events ;; Active coummunity ;; National systerm ;; wishing-stone ;; free flying mount ;;Rushing... | 0 | 228 |
929 | Kult der Verdammten PVE 2.3 + BC Kult der Verdammten
- blizzlike Server mit Version 2.3 und The Burning Crusade
... | 0 | 258 |
930 | Mono-WoW Mono wow EXP: 30 DROP: 30 Reg :http://monowow.sytes.net
Realm: monowow.sytes.net ... | 0 | 251 |
931 | WoW.GoL.Su Free World of Warcraft BC... | 0 | 287 |
932 | DarkT�ra WoW Wir sind ein recht neuer WoW Server mit 2 Realms.Wir haben erfahrene Gms und eine Nette Community.... | 0 | 215 |
933 | interessant server with more 1000 player great server... | 0 | 254 |
934 | Project Avinity Funserver 2 Intel Xeon CPU�s ( 4x 2.33Ghrz ), 4GB Ram, 1Gbit Anbindung, Playertreff, Level Area 1-70 und 70+, Boss Area, PVP Area,Professionelle GM�s,Perfekte Rates, immer neuste Ascent Version... | 0 | 316 |
935 | Diabolical WoW Constant Uptime:: Friendly staff::PVP::Battlegrounds&Arena::Dedicated Server::Multiple events a week::Funserver/Lowrate::Instant level 70:: Custom Armor sets::Join now... | 0 | 245 |
936 | House of Olwe, 2.2.3 instant 70 funrealm Welcome to the house of Olwe. This is an instant 70 (By choice) funrealm, with custom vendors, and an arena for duelling or PvP below the mall. We have a dedicated, experianced, yet relaxed, GM team.
-We hope to see you online... | 0 | 265 |
937 | Everglade WoW Server
(::) :: (::) INSTANT 70 QUEST THEN PVP IN CUSTOM PVP ARENAS (::) :: (::)
(::) :: (::) English only! (::) :: (::)
(::) :: (::) SHOPPING MALLS!!! (::) :: (::)
(::) :: (::) Maximum Player Capacity = 100 (for now) (::) :: (::)
(::) :: (::) CURRENTLY... | 0 | 267 |
938 | EviL-WoW The Burning Crusade 2.3.0, Antrix, Laufende Updates, Playertreffs (Player meeting places) 100 MBit line, No Lag, server running on linux, German + English Support, kompetentes GM-Team =), Forum, Low ping, Location: Europe, All
... | 0 | 263 |
939 | FunWoW a part of FunGaminG Private Serve .:FunWoW:. Privat WoW Server Community Play with 2.1.x. WoW or TBC. Many Players! 1 international realm, Low ping, ever up to date Emulator & 90% Online! Come and register an Account... | 0 | 261 |
940 | ||eSports Gaming Community|| Ger eSports Fun Realm
Hyjal Bespawnt
DropGree... | 0 | 253 |
941 | Cellers Wow [Cellers wow 2.4.3][Dedicated Servers][Custom Vendors][2 instant level 70 PvP Funserver!][80 User Cap][Low lag][Great Uptime!][PvP Arenas!][Custom Donor Gear][Custom Shops]... | 0 | 263 |
942 | DUTCH POWER FUNSERVER * Xp en Quests 100 x
* RestXp 150x
* Drop grijs 100x
* Drop orange, blue, purple enz 1000x
* Skills 10x
* Money 1000x
The mall kan je vinden in shattrat de portals in de hoofdsteden.
(ongeveer 80 vendors) (bijna alles gratis)... | 0 | 268 |
943 | Nova Server Nova - Private Server ||Raty: Blizz||24/7||Serwer Dedykowany|| Server z klimatem i zasadami||Szybka naprawa bug�w|| Dużo Własnych Zmian||Mily Team|| Poprostu sie przekonaj|| Mn�stwo Event�w w tym jeden duży co tydzień|| http://www... | 0 | 297 |
944 | Underwar servidor brasileiro de wow online 24 horas todos os dias e mto mais
versao 2.2.0
... | 0 | 269 |
945 | -= Xtreme-nET WoW 2.3.0 Romania =- Speram sa va placa serverul nostru spuneti si prietenilor ne vedem in joc
Ruleaza Pe Un Pc Dedicat+Linie Internet 1000 Mbps (GIGABITE) Dedicata
Server Deschis Astazi 2-IANUARIE-2008
+Low Latency
+Up and Running 24/7
+Auction and Buyback working
+Hon... | 0 | 241 |
946 | Chillordz.de WoW Server Burning Crusade 2.3 ManGOS :: High-Rates 20x Quest 9x Kill 8x Explore :: Battlegrounds :: Arena :: German Server :: Friendly GMs... | 0 | 267 |
947 | NWGames "OtherWoW" High-Rates Server NWGames "OtherWoW" Russian High-rates Server!!! Burning Crusade 2.3.2 :: Scripted Instances :: 1000mb Connection :: Friendly GMs :: Custom Events :: Dedicated Servers :: Zul'Aman :: Lag-Free ::... | 0 | 257 |
948 | WoW 2.2.3 Server ONLINE 100x Quest XP , 100x Kill XP , 100x Discovery XP
... | 0 | 246 |
949 | marunawow marunawow,instant 80,friendly and very helpful gms, caring and loving players, gear, donars and much more if u join =D... | 0 | 244 |
950 | Diablomoon Project We propose a Server client 2.1.3 and 2.2.3: -SERVEUR FUN with lots of vendor, + T7 with system trading token to Hyjal, Rate.XP.Kill = 150 Rate.XP.Quest = 250 Rate. Drop.Money = 250 Drop item high Levelmax = 70 Rate Skill = 10... | 0 | 243 |