701 | Ankaris-wow (CZ/SK) Free wow server - 2x rates.... | 0 | 241 |
702 | DragonfireWoW Custom mall, instant 70 apon entrance, good gm's admins, -no lag- ACTIVE GM AND ADMIN!!! come join the fun... | 0 | 248 |
703 | Final-Insane Fun&Blizzlike Free World of Warcraft Realms. Blizzlike and Funserver. Nice GMs. Great Community. Custom Stuff on the Funserver.... | 0 | 245 |
704 | Pantheon Server... | 0 | 278 |
705 | MaNGOS-Ukraine >>>.:New Server UA 2.4.2:.<<<***Rate: Drop-x1;XP-x2;Quest-x2***No lag's!***Event's***very much friendly GM*Welcom*
Realm list: set realmlist | 0 | 289 |
706 | KagnusGaming WotLK - 3.0.8 & 3.0.9 [3.0.8 support][Northrend fully spawned and Scripted][Friendly GMs and Admin][Professional Team members][Low Latency][load of custom content][Hyjal Mall][PvP fully working][Custom mounts][Alot more when you join][All WoTLK items]... | 0 | 267 |
707 | World of War (Ultimate Funserver) The best server you will ever join!!
See website for details... | 0 | 223 |
708 | Legion of Sylvana WoW-Pserver Deutscher Highrate WoW-Pserver 2.4.2, Noch im Aufbau aber l�uft ganz stabil momentan.... | 0 | 258 |
709 | WolfenElite Servers 2.4x server! Instant 70 Fun Server with increased drop rates!Faction Malls, Tier 8 items, Battlegrounds,custom instance- Scarlet Hand 69-70! (looking for GMs)... | 0 | 257 |
710 | UndeR WoW 2.4.3 2.4.3
Rate.XP.Kill = 50
Rate.XP.Quest = 50
Rate.XP.Explore = 50... | 0 | 285 |
711 | WoW.Decoder.LV [ Patch 2.4.3 ] :: [ Up Time 24/7 ] :: [ Servers rates 75x ] :: [ Portals,Totem Vendor] :: [ No Bugs ] :: [ Nice Gm' ]... | 0 | 322 |
712 | FFX Team High Rate German WoW Server [GERMAN|DEUTSCH][2.4x TBC][Playertreff T2 und mehr][Highrate 15x][Dedizierten Server|Dualcore|2GB Ram|100MB Verbindung][Lagfrei][Keine Crashs!|Bugs werden direkt gefixt][Keine Pre-Queste][Kompetentes Supportteam]... | 0 | 262 |
713 | Darkblade-wow Nette GM's Gute Latenz ; 100% LAGFREE ; Kommt vorbei ; SONDERAKTION... | 0 | 249 |
714 | The world Wow Наш сервер поддерживает самую последнюю ... | 0 | 279 |
715 | World of Chaos Join us!
Asus A8V Deluxe
1GB DDR-2 Ram
-ManGoS v2.4.2
-Blizzlike mit erh�ten XP [x10] und Golddrop's [x10]
-Startlevel 40
-Max level 75
-Startgold: 100g
-Teleporter zur Shopinsel sind auf der Welt... | 0 | 319 |
716 | Soul WoW Frostice and Frostshock Patch 2.4.3
Guter Server mit Fiendly GM's
Connectet jetzt ... | 0 | 257 |
717 | Rise of Evil WoW Rise of evil WoW (High Xp & instant 70 Realms) :: 1000mbit Connection :: 2000 User Cap :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: 99.9% Uptime :: PVP :: Dedicated Server :: Events :: Custom, Mall, Instance, Item's & Level Ground:: fully scripted sunwell:: patch ... | 0 | 238 |
718 | Nether Guard Realm 2.4.3 [Custom Raid Server] 3 20-man Raids. 1 5-man Instance. [Mobs and Bosses Are Custom-Scripted For A Challenging Experience!]
Level Cap raised to 80 Completely custom Tier 7 and 8 sets along with Weapons and Accessories.
60 Custom Quests with a deep st... | 0 | 278 |
719 | Eternal .::Domination::. [Great Tbc 2.4.x] [Custom malls quests and tiers][Tiers 1-11][Level cap 350][Starter gear (tier6) and quest for 73 level]... | 0 | 340 |
720 | >>C4 WoW FuN Server<< New 2.4.3 FuN Server (opened on 27.07.2008) Custom T7 & T8 Set + Special Donor Set. Custom T7 & T8 Boss, Custom Events.All the Bosses are scripted, that is MORE FUN!! Drop Rate is 35X. Friendly GM's. Low Lag. Try it, You won't regret it ;)... | 0 | 266 |
721 | World of Destruction World of Destruction - Polish WoW Fan Site // Server 1.12.1... | 0 | 265 |
722 | Unreal-WoW Privater Deutscher WoW Server (Blizzlike). Sind nette Comunity die User sucht. Jeder ist Willkommen.Wir nutzen die WoW version 1.12.2. Haben eigenen Kontinent mit 3 neuen Instanzen und auch mit nenen Quests... | 0 | 269 |
723 | WoW.WaR1ors | WoW.WaR1ors | Ver: 1.12.1 | UpTime: 27/7 | Reg: | Realmlist: | Rates: High | MaxLevel: 85 |... | 0 | 292 |
724 | AniRena World of Warcraft Networks � TBC: 2.3.0+ :: 3x Servers (High rate, !2x Funservers!!!) :: Active GMs and Admins :: 24/7 Uptime :: No donation benefits :: Constant Uptime �... | 0 | 293 |
725 | MMWoWS 2.3.0 PL Very good server, high rates ( but not too high ), 10Mb/s, 24/7, helpfully GM's... | 0 | 286 |
726 | World of Warground Deutscher Highrate Server | Patch 2.1.x | Nette GM's | Spitzen-Support! | Player-Treff | UND UND UND...... | 0 | 482 |
727 | Return Of Honor Kostenfreier, deutschsprachiger WoW Server, keine Spenden, kein Votezwang, Mangos und TBC... | 0 | 291 |
728 | WoWOblivion Custom Funserver! With custom vendors, Items, Quests, Ect. | Cheap Donation Rewards | Friendly GM's | Low latency! And a good connection! | Rates are posted on the site and forum! | Come join us... | 0 | 279 |
729 | Tzukara Deutscher Server||High rate||80x Kill 100x Explore 100x Quest||80x Gold 100x Drop|| Nette GM's und pets gehen!Wenig Bugs niedrige Latenz!!... | 0 | 267 |
730 | FreeRunWoW --->TBC FuN TBC server wow patch 2.0.8, 2.0.10 Stats: MAX Level- 70 Rate.XP.Kill - 40 Rate.XP.Quest - 50 Rate.XP.Explore - 30 Rate.Drop.Items -...... | 0 | 345 |
731 | XAOC BC SERVER XAOC Burning Crusade Server 2.0.12!Reits drop 2X,Kill 4X,Quest 8X,Money 3X... | 0 | 317 |
732 | WoW Burning Crusade High-Rate Private Wir beiten euch:
- Sehr gute Pings
- SEHR wenig abst�rze
- XP 15x
- Drop 10x
- Gold 20x
- Maxlevel: 70
- Teamspeak
- Eigene Shop Area
-regelm��ige Events
- und viel viel FUN
Alles was ihr braucht ist die BC WoW-Client Version 2.0.12 OHNE HACK
VIEL... | 0 | 293 |
733 | DanteRip This web site about warez download Games movies music and Watching Videos From YouTube... and more we have forum all for a warez website ENTER TO our website register and add games and its will show on the main page of the web its cool... | 0 | 306 |
734 | WOW SpeeD TBC v.2.1.3 2.1.3 Burning Crusade | Max Level 250 | PVP | GM SHOP| EXP/DROP/GOLD: 200/200/200... | 0 | 260 |
735 | Active Realm 2.4.x Support � BurningFusion(Fun HighXP[40x]/Shopping Mall) � FireFusion(Blizzlike[5x]) � Custom T7(Soon T8) Gear � Custom Items/Npcs/Zones/Vendors/Questlines � Scripted Instances � Best Uptime/Lagfree � Best Staff Team Anywhere � Tons of vote rewar... | 0 | 275 |
736 | Iron Heart Server WoW Burning Crusade 2.1.3 patch
Kill - 15x, Quest - 15x, Money - 15x, Item - 15x
... | 0 | 268 |
737 | World of Starnger Burning Crusade private server ... | 0 | 465 |
738 | German WoW Privat Server German Privat WoW TBC Server
2 Realms : 1 Blizzlike realm , 1 Funn realm !
Nice Player , Nice Community , Nice GM's... | 0 | 283 |
739 | Flaming-Rivers WoWTBC Server Ein deutschsprachiger WoWTBC Server! Zwar noch im Anfangsstadion aber daf�r ein Guter Server! Keine Laggs + Wenig Bugs! 2.0.12... | 0 | 233 |
740 | Mageal WOW Server BC Server work 24/7 4096 mb ram. 100mb+. No lags! ping 30-70!!!
2 Servers one Blizzlike and Fun(x100)... | 0 | 281 |
741 | Kuthulu Private WoW / Bc Server Friendly Gm's / Fast Leveling / Good Pings / High Population / Lots of Events / Patch 2.1.1 / New Weapons / Registration very Easy... | 0 | 273 |
742 | Forgotten Reliquary Antrix, updated core. TBC 2.1.No restarts 99% uptime, 40x rates. great staff. Free bonus! Come check us out... | 0 | 282 |
743 | Shadow Warriors World of Warcraft - { Player Cap 200+ } { PvP } { Patch 2.1.3-2.3.0 } { No-Lag } { Great Uptime } { Friendly Game Masters } { Dedicated Server } { Website/Forums } { Excellent Community } { 1 Server - Fun Server } { XPRate 300} {Server Emu: Ascent}
C... | 0 | 345 |
744 | Romanian FunServer ver 2.1.x bigg xp and good drop... | 0 | 271 |
745 | WoW Unied Funserver 2.1.2 2.1.2 Support :: Lag free :: 800 Players cap :: Hyjal spawned :: Playertreff :: T Set Vendor :: 95 % Germand Database :: only a Few Bugs :: NO Buff Bug :: Black Temple Blizzlike with Illidan Drops :: Join and Enjoy :-)... | 0 | 409 |
746 | World of Warcraft The best Germany Server
Rates all 90x
max.Lvl 70
Version: 2.1.2 - 2.1.3... | 0 | 312 |
747 | MetroSpeed 2.1.3 WoW Server The Best... | 0 | 344 |
748 | the blaze of fire account creation + info is on the forum^^
max lv = 200 :)
very good rates
good gms
just check it out :P... | 0 | 288 |
749 | Olvia Olvia world - the best game server... | 0 | 305 |
750 | :: Rastafarian WoW :: Komplett deutsche Datenbank, Blizzlike rates, gute Pings, keine Lags, Kompetente GM`s und Admins, 24/7 Online, regelm��i�ge Updates...... | 0 | 399 |