1501 | MAGNERIDON Servidor ascent low rates 24h no lag y buen royo servidor de comunidad en expansion.... | 0 | 239 |
1502 | ShadowMoon Russian World Of warcraft server site
Usees patch 2.3.3... | 0 | 330 |
1503 | MagmaWoW l join today! Welcome to MagmaWoW one of the best funservers every made!!! dont forget to vote and donate to make the server even better!!! thank u and have a nice day :) About this server... *Instant level 90* *99.9% uptime* *friendly GM staff* *2 Custom instance... | 0 | 261 |
1504 | Smokin Aces [Blackout Wow] 2.4x ONLY.
Got All sunwell items in
2 Custom INstances
Full tier 6.5
Scripted and Non Scripted Raid/Instances
Friendly GM's
Constant Uptime.
Goin dedicated VERY SOON
... | 0 | 265 |
1505 | World of HellCraft Rates100x/Version 2.3.3/Custom Mall till T3/Custom Tier/Events every weekend/24-7 uptime/2x 5,6GHz/4GB RAM/RAID-HDDs/No Lag/Helpful Team
... | 0 | 258 |
1506 | WoW-Vision German High Rate [German High Rate Server Patch 2.4.1][Specials Spawnpoints][Special Starter Places][Mall][Porter]... | 0 | 191 |
1507 | Aleajecta 4ever Best blizzlike free server... | 0 | 229 |
1508 | Beginning of Warcraft [2.4x support][Isle of Kael'danas][Custom instances][Monthly events][Friendly GM's][Low-rates funserver so the aspect of the game isn't taken out]... | 0 | 230 |
1509 | Reign Of Legends Always newest patch! We are a private server with an amazing experienced GM crew, with own scripter�s, and low latency. Our Generic Experience rate is 40x, Quest Experience rate is 75x, Rested Experience is 150x and our Gold Rate is 8x... | 0 | 265 |
1510 | Gods of Warcraft Great WoW high-rate server:
patch 2.3.3!!!
The Burning Crusade Allowed
Events every week!...... | 0 | 226 |
1511 | Northrend WoW 30x , friendly admins, no lag, support 2.4.x,
set realmlist | 0 | 257 |
1512 | Free WoW Free wow servers only one... | 0 | 318 |
1513 | Sunshine FR FUN Serveur fr fun
exp 400
qu�tes fr
Compte actif directement ... | 0 | 236 |
1514 | BG WoW Rate.XP.Kill = 50
Rate.XP.Quest = 50
* Warp NPC
* custom items
* Morph npc (many morphs added)
* PvP Token system with announce
* WSG works
* Improved hack detection,
dadicate server :
cpu intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz;
ram 2x2gb ddr2 800hz;
hdd 2x... | 0 | 229 |
1515 | DH-WOW 99.9 % Lag Free !
99.9 % Online !
Very Nice Gm's !
Event's for everyone
When there are 30 Player's online, there have to be at least 3 gm's online,
When we have 30 player's, we need 5 Gm's
When we have 60 player's w... | 0 | 242 |
1516 | Atlantis WoW Play WoW for Free and with the newest patch.... | 0 | 242 |
1517 | � Dreams Of Freedom BC 2.3.3 � Xp x2 � � Dreams Of Freedom BC 2.3.3 � Long Term � ~~XP Rates x2~~ � New dedicated server: Dual-Core 6000+ 8GB RAM 100mbps � Real PVP � Community Boards English � Lag-Free � Lots of Players Online � Friendly GM's � Events � Stable uptime �... | 0 | 231 |
1518 | DF08's HellFire Server HI this is a custom server and eveything in this server is custom...Events.new arenas much more is custom..u can test this server if u want to=D...i hope you guys enjoy my server and have much fun=D...... | 0 | 241 |
1519 | Hypermod - A wow private server 2 realms ( Blizzlike , Funserver ) - Active gm's - Taking idea's - Forum - More comming... | 0 | 303 |
1520 | WoW Lobby Deutscher Blizzlike Server. WoW:Burning Crusade 2.4.1...!!! Sehr nette GMs, Lagfrei, Bugs werden innerhalb k�rzester Zeit gefixt! Schnelle Updates!
Eigene Community, Chat Channels, Eigener Teamspeak Server, IRC-Chat, Viele Events!. Top Community. JOI... | 0 | 248 |
1521 | ---Worlds of Wonder--- 2.3.3 :: Blizzlike :: many custom features :: active GMs/Mods :: great community :: dynamic vendors :: guildbank since 1.8 and much more... Come and see.... | 0 | 255 |
1522 | the burningblade hichrate server this is fun server with lots of custom items hyjal lvling road 1-70 soon more lvls lots of fun pvp events old ironforge and more places you should fint out join now!... | 0 | 256 |
1523 | The Forsaken Kingdom | 2.4.X WORLD OF WARCRAFT THE FORSAKEN
WoW Forsaken Kingdom Features:
Running Patch 2.4.x
Level 70 Cap
Leve... | 0 | 212 |
1524 | Devastion server , patch 2.4.1 DEVASTION - nowy serwer zaprasza wszystkich ambitnych graczy. Raty: XP x2 Drop x2 otwarty 24/7, stabilny do 300 graczy online, patch 2.4.1.Emu Mangos. Bardzo przyjazny zesp�ł GM-�w znających się na rzeczy. Więcej na stronie... | 0 | 292 |
1525 | world of warcraft guides database thousands of guides for world of warcraft... | 0 | 231 |
1526 | Zawisza the Black� Server name: Zawisza the Black�
Acc Creator-->
XPrate--> Very High (1 kill=70 level)
~~50 Custom Items!~~
~~Low lags!~~
~~Friendly GM Staff~~
~~Cool Admin~~
~~Free PVP!~~
Just join u... | 0 | 242 |
1527 | Legion Potepionych New polish serwer. Patch 2.4.1. All rates: blizzlike. Forum and more info http://legion-potepionych.servegame.com/news.php
set realmlist legion-potepionych.servegame.com... | 0 | 251 |
1528 | WOW U.C.K. Private Server [2.4.3 Supported!][Blizzlike High Rates Realm][Dual Quad Core Dedicated Servers] - [ARENA SEASON 4][Lag-free][Best Staff Team][Taxi Teleporter][Good GM suport][1000 mb Connection][Vote and be rewarded][Join Us Today]... | 0 | 239 |
1529 | project-cor3 Funrealm + Instant 70 Realm , Events, Custom things etc.... | 0 | 269 |
1530 | Aschart WoW Ein privater Server mit netten GMs und nat�rlich auch Admin. Der Server l�uft momentan auf 2.4.2. F�r die ersten 20 Anmelder gibt es einen Carakter auf dem endlevel 70/ 80, auserdem 100000 gold... | 0 | 298 |
1532 | PwnageWoW [Instances Fully Scripted][Active and Helpful GM\\\'s][No OP Donor Gear][2.4.x Support Burning Crusade][Events Everyday][Chance to become a GM since we are new][JOIN NOW]... | 0 | 246 |
1533 | IncredibleWoW ** Patch 2.4.0 - 2.4.2 ** Sunwell bespawned ** Deutscher Server ** 2 Realms ** Instant 70 + Blizz mit etwas erh�hten Rates ** nette Community ** 24/7 ** Laggfrei ** guter Support **... | 0 | 332 |
1534 | WOW SARGERAS The Best True Blizzlike Server v2.4.2 :: Best Uptime/Lagfree 100/1000mbit :: Active and Helpful GM's :: Battleground,Arena :: Sunwell/QuelDanas/MT :: AI Scripted :: Сharacter transfer !!!... | 0 | 231 |
1535 | Eternity wow �r�mmel jelentem be hogy az eternity wow szerver megnyitotta kapuit
Aj�nlom mindenkinek ezt a j� kis szervert:)!
L�pcs�s event, ugr�l�s event, pvp event, bujocska...
Minden ami kell:)
J� sz�rakoz�st kiv�n, az Eternity WoW Team. ... | 0 | 248 |
1536 | ImmortalChaos WoW 2.4.x..frequent updates..MaNGOS core..UDB..high rate server..Malaysia..Battleground working fully..... | 0 | 240 |
1537 | nS - Testrealm instant lvl 60 NS-Testrealm focused for raids. Instant lvl 60 Normal rates.
Max players cap right now is 50 per realm.... | 0 | 245 |
1538 | Absolute WoW the TRUE Blizzlike server 1x rates--2.4.1--Battlegrounds--Burning crusade--Nice Gm's--Good community--NO overpowered items--Dedicated to REAL WoW--10,000 Player Cap--And much more come join the REAL Blizzard server 100% WoW... | 0 | 274 |
1539 | Feralas-WoW Supporting 2.4.x Quad Core Dedicated Server 100mbit Connection :: 100 Custom Vendors :: 2.4.x Support :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: PVP Tournaments :: High Rate :: Fully spawned and working Zul'Aman :: And Lots More::... | 0 | 228 |
1540 | Abyss Wow Completely blizzlike server all rates 40x,great gm service thier to help when need be IF WE DO NOT RESPOND WITHIN 1 MINIUTE YOU GET 10GOLD, custom vote system wich will allow you to vote to get points to spend on reward items!!! All instances scripte... | 0 | 253 |
1541 | Absolute WoW We are a Private server looking to build a strong community. *Friendly staff* *Level 70 cap* *Item mall for both Alliance and Horde* *Working on vote rewards* *Ventrilo*... | 0 | 242 |
1542 | Unique World --> 2.4.2 --> Ascent Unique World, Un tout nouveau serveur FUN tous les rates sont � x35. A votre entrer sur le serveur vous recevrez votre T0.5 + 500G pour commencer. Le nouveau raid Sunwell Plateau fonctionne et la S4 est sortie. Venez nous rejoindres. ... | 0 | 255 |
1543 | World Of Frozen Hey all this is the first day on this server and all is so nice so please join and have fun with me and all..... the GM's will help you with all join on worldoffrozen.com... | 0 | 245 |
1544 | DragonBlight WoW server DragonBlight WoW server:
Level crap 100. Costum vendors and more JOIN... | 0 | 380 |
1545 | AquaWoW INSTANT 70 HIGH GOLD RATE JOIN 2.4.2 functional -_*Aqua WoW*_- funserver Fully functional battle grounds
~Tiers 1-6
~Custom Mall
~Custom items
~Custom NPC's
~Custom places
~Custom events
~Custom quests to be added VERY soon
We are a server with staff that does not abuse their po... | 0 | 269 |
1546 | ExplosionWoW ! Server is Running on a 2.4.X VERSION !!
SUNWELL full spawned with Sunwell Drops !!
Arena season 4 !!
A lot of Custom Weapons !!
Friendly GM's !!
JOYN US !... | 0 | 280 |
1547 | ForbiddenWoW - Blizz high rate and Funse -:[Constant up time]:- -:[Two Dedicated Dual-Core Servers]:- -:[Friendly GMs]:- -:[Live Forum Community]:- -:[Wrath of the Lich King in Progress!]:- -:[Join Today!]:-... | 0 | 255 |
1548 | LegendGamer - Be on with it //// Will be added \\\... | 0 | 252 |
1549 | Fture wow 3.0.3 wotlk server Fture wow server
- Blizzlike server.
- Rates x5
- WotLK patch 3.0.3
- Great uptime.
- Recruiting GM's
- weekly events/contests... | 0 | 246 |
1550 | The Horizon Netherlands hosted server. 100mb/s, 24/7. Character Transfer possible from Official or Private.
Blizzlike ratings. Guild Houses for sale and many things more... | 0 | 264 |