851 | WoW GM Search Forum Need a GM for Your Private Server? look no further!! Post an Application on this website and wait up to a week!
... | 0 | 247 |
852 | WHV-WoW Germany Privart Server 2.4.2
[low pings] [Teleport NPC] [high rates] [starter quest] [ starter set] [playertreff] and more... | 0 | 235 |
853 | stealth Wow 2.4.x patch // 24/7 dedicated server // custom scripts // 100 mbs... | 0 | 240 |
854 | WoW Smacks 2 servers, blizzlike server and a funserver
the blizzlike server has all blizzlike... caps level 70
and the funserver has instant tier 6
malls for alliance and horde
.rec port mallalliance
.rec port gmalliance
.rec port mallhorde
.rec port gmhord... | 0 | 240 |
855 | Frozen WoW patch 2.4.2
Welcome to Frozen WoW Triple Relam Fun, High. Bliz Server
Frozren WoW Fun Server Information
Max Level : 70 Instant
Items: Shoping Mall
PvP: Working
Boss: All Working
You can make Quest Welcome in Fun Relam Will Get level 70 and 20k Gold
lf you... | 0 | 398 |
856 | Quiet-Shadows Mangos 3.0.3 World of Warcraft Server !!! Wotlk !!!
3 Realms
- Funrealm
- Blizzlike
- Highrate
4 Weeks LvL 30 Aktion
German Server
... | 0 | 256 |
857 | Wowfreezer 2.4 all gear S4 T6 Free New Fun privat server all gear free pvp Server.. go on Homesite for more info www.123hjemmeside.dk/WowFreeZer... | 0 | 254 |
858 | Reawakenwow 2.4.3,Leveling Area, Mini Mall. Warper, 10x gold and drops. 28x kill XP,5x skill rate. materials for profession on vendors up to 300 skill. scripted instances, character unstuck site. working battlegrounds and arenas, 2.4 items. Season 4 and guardian... | 0 | 256 |
859 | ForeverWoW WoW Burning Crusade v2.4 :: WotLK Alpha :: 10,000 User Cap :: Quad-Core System with 16 Gigs of RAM :: NO LAG :: Ultra Fast GigaBit Connection ::... | 0 | 255 |
860 | Vermaechtnis des Phoenix
Mid-Rate | 28 spielbare Klassen | T�gliche Events | 2.4.2 | Erfahrene GMs - netter und schneller Support | Customized Questreihen, Itemsets, T-sets, Worldbosse,Battle Grounds uvm...
... | 0 | 240 |
861 | dark-generation Hi leute unser serve ist eest ganz neu und m�ssen denn root fertig machen und dann starten lassen. Was unser server hat.
Es ist ein Blizzlike projekt es werden aber einen playertreff level area pvp arener events t1-t6 h�ndler werden eigne quest und i... | 0 | 231 |
862 | Dominion Funserver Two Realm's Funserver 2.4.3 Rised the lvl to 80 we got all the vendors t-7 t-8 custom attachment and more and more you guys asked for it well you got it all the custom gear you could handle friendly gm always willing to help ... | 0 | 241 |
863 | Scourge WoW Einer der neuesten Funser!
Blizz T1-4 Vendoren
T5 gibts im Jump Event=)
Level Arena vorhanden!
Level Cap: 75 Super Ping
Also Join us now!=) set realmlist | 0 | 236 |
864 | WoA and CoF WoW Patch 2.4.2 THIS IS A FUNSERVER WITH PLAYERTREFF T7-t8 Dungeons and Jumpevent
Das ist ein Funserver mit jumpevent playertreff und t7-t8 inztanzen... | 0 | 351 |
865 | Crusader vikings New cool wow server is now up and waiting for you to join with 300x xp 600x gold 20x skillrates! nice pvp events and paintball shootout join now and get the time of your life
866 | Throne Of Darkness Deutscher WOW PServer 2.4.x | ausbalanciertes PVP | alle BGs inklusive Arena | PVP Events Scherbenwelt | viele Veranstaltungen | 1A Support | blizzlike | 1000MBIT | kein Lag | schneller Support/Fixes | Englisch/Deutsch | Chartransfer | LvL 35 Startak... | 0 | 255 |
867 | Blood WaR Версия ВоВ 2.4.0-2.4.2[На нашем сервере рейты x6][Кул Г... | 0 | 273 |
868 | Poison of Darkness (Fun-Rate Server) Deutscher WoW server 2.4.x. Custom Mall. 2 Levelarenen! �ber lvl 70 weiter steigende Stats! Max level 200! Rates x 40! Guter Ping! Nette GM�s! Eine Schnell wachsende Community! Schaut mal vorbei :D... | 0 | 209 |
869 | RealDarkness WoW Deutsche Server | 5 Realms | 3.0.3 | Fun-PvP/PvP/Fun | Nette GM's | Lag frei | viele Events | TS� Server | schneller Support & Bugfixes... | 0 | 232 |
870 | WoWofoldSunwell �xXx�server 2.4.2+ Level Cap Now 70 Dx3 Gx2 S4 T6 Custom Areas Custom Items
... | 0 | 247 |
871 | Untold Tales Fun WoW server with 40x kill xp and 25x quest XP| almost 24/7 uptime other then updates|friendly GMs and don't beg for GM... | 0 | 255 |
872 | NaWaK PvP FUN Serveur WoW Instant 70 Serveur Up Time 100% Most Event ! All Stuff Added (s4 and more !) Custom item Custom Event all TIME ! 100mo/s GO JOIN IT IS THE MUST ... | 0 | 230 |
873 | StalkersWoW 24/7 Online Wir sind ein World of Warcraft Server 24 Stunden online mit Playertreffs PvP usw
We are a World of Warcraft Server 24 H Online with Playertreffs battels usw
... | 0 | 253 |
874 | Kastal German Blizzlike Server 99,99% Bug fixxed
German Blizzlike
High End Server
+100 Players online daiely... | 0 | 396 |
875 | Ehgeiz A Forum waiting for you! we have a big mmo section Reviewing many MMO games and we would like to do the same For WoW but we need you. Join us Today... | 0 | 246 |
876 | West Coast Mangos West Coast Mangos is currently running version 1.12.2 NO LAG, Quests Working, GM's Available Almost Anytime, All skills working includeing pets... | 0 | 329 |
877 | Brotands Wow Community A World of warcraft Gameing community, Get Help With Areas, Quests, Classes, And Proffessions... | 0 | 231 |
878 | communautexu Serveur Priv� Burning Crusade... | 0 | 243 |
879 | BlackRock Burning Crusade BlackRock Burning Crusade Gameserver
Freut euch auf FEATURE wie -->>
-> T1/ T2/ T3/ T4/ T5 Sets
-> WETTER - E... | 0 | 287 |
880 | SecondOrder 2.1.2 Events on server | 2.1.2 TBC | No lags ! | Events on server ! | Mangos | Rates blizzlike | 24/7 | All Quest, Talents, Flying Mounts Working ! | No Bugs ! COME AND JOIN ! |... | 0 | 246 |
881 | Thullife WOW Thullife 2.1.3 German Server Burning Crusade Included! :: 1GBit Connection :: 2000+ User Cap :: 2.1.3 Servers:: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: PVP/RP-PVE ::...... | 0 | 265 |
882 | Death-A-Crew Network WoW Server This server is the newest part of the DAC Network and its part of the zero_cool's servers. This server runs on a AMD ATHLON 64 X2 3800+ with 4 GB RAM and a Broadband internet connection of 2Mbits so you can enjoy a non-lag gaming experience! Also thi... | 0 | 279 |
883 | Dragon's Fire TBC 2.0.12 Server Back Online at,ver 1.12.1 must be installed LONG TERM! 1 Servers 100 Mb/s connections NO LAG | Exp xNormal |Bug Free|All Events , Castle Siege Weekly, JOIN US NOW... | 0 | 269 |
884 | Light and Dark TBC Server Regenaration:
Health = 5;
Mana = 10;
Items = 10
Money = 10
Xp Rates
Kill = 25
Quest = 15
Explore = 15
Player cap: Now 100, we will make it high ;)
Primary skills: 3x
Player level: 80
Good ping, nice GMs, no lags, no crashes. The newest DB and ... | 0 | 249 |
885 | TBC-Force Ein Mega Super Realm
Jetzt is auch endllich der schwule Snake (Pascal) vom realm :)... | 0 | 221 |
886 | Shadow Moon WoW Server Dual Xenon 3,4 GHZ 3GB Ram WoW TBC Server Alle Instanzen komplett
bespawned. XP Rate: Hoch... | 0 | 262 |
887 | Wdocs Blizz Server Great Server Good GMs nearly awals on.
Blizz like server come and join we do need a lil more GM's atm its high rate Come and join us... | 0 | 212 |
888 | Darkside-WoW (2.0.12 TBC) .::.German WoW Freeshard :: Allways Up to Date :: Up to 200 Player online :: Version 2.0.12 TBC :: Nice GM's :: Many Events :: 3 x XP Rate | 3 x Drop Rate .::.... | 0 | 255 |
889 | [IG] Stormspire (PvP) Infuriated Gaming highrate server
No lags, 100% uptime always up to date
Nice admins and custom areas available
Come and join us today... | 0 | 252 |
890 | German WoW Funserver ver. 2.0.12 Deutscher Server :: High Rates (500 = xp; 1000 = gold; 500 = Exp.; 1500 = Quest) :: Version 2.0.12 :: Max Level 70 :: Please all Join :: Have Fun... | 0 | 280 |
891 | VaynA Online WoW Server 2.1.1 - 2.1.2 Game is Working Full.. Not have A Bug.
All Rate 1000x.
T0-T6 Vendors have a outlands.... | 0 | 257 |
892 | >>>World of Darkness<<< WoW 2.2.3 Burning Crusade Included! :: 1Mbit Connection :: 1000+ User Cap :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Board :: Constant Uptime :: PVP/RP-PVE :: Dedicated Server(s) :: Many Events (PvP, PvE etc.)... | 0 | 263 |
893 | CroHerzegovina WoW (Ljubuski) Server Antrix/ no lagg/ friendly gms/ a lot of vendors/ instant levelt to 40/ 5000 golds at start/... | 0 | 253 |
894 | Elite G@mer CreW Privat WoW server Elite Gamer Crew der Privat server.
nice Pings, kaum laggs, nette user... | 0 | 232 |
895 | FireStorm 2.1.3 New Private WoW Server looking for members.Realm list = foxsqd.com... | 0 | 232 |
896 | Soulbound Crusader Friendly and supportive with a hatred for cheaters :D We currently use the Silvermoon DB with the latest core and accept 2.1.3 clients. We update at least weekly and stay on top of latest bug... | 0 | 250 |
897 | *-* Elite Dragons Private WoW server *-* The best private wow server :D no laggs no bugs :D... | 0 | 359 |
898 | WoW Power Server Want to join a newer server that will soon be on the top of every chart with:
Lots of kind and mature people
60X XP rate
100X item drop rate
No E-mail Address required to register Friendly and HUMAN GM's
Custom Cities and Items
Visit us... | 0 | 212 |
899 | MMooDragus TBC 2.1.3 New server has emerged rally recently wbijac as you want to play spox serv rates xp quest 40 rates xp 30 drop money 30 drop item 30... | 0 | 232 |
900 | Das dunkle Portal Deutscher Privat Server. Patch 2.1.3, 2x Rates, Noch auf Hamachi bald auf Root (paar tage), guter support, Lag frei, Black Tempel+tier4+5+6, suchen gute Spieler, nette Community... | 0 | 262 |