651 | Etonz WoW | The Only True Fun Server 3 Realms! Instant 70, 100x, Blizzlike High! Custom Malls, Tier Sets & Weapons! GM Gear For Players! No Overpowered Donars! No Donation Items/Gear! Fair & Equal PvP! Unlimited Gold! We Are The Only Server With No Donation Items/Gear... | 0 | 244 |
652 | - ..:::WoWNP:::.. - RATES:
Monsters XP: 60
Quests XP: 90
Item Drop: 10
Money Drop: 150
Honor Rate: 10
Max Online: 2000
Gm amables pero a la vez estrictos|eventos & concursos|24H|Zonas de shopping|Portal a arena|
A que esperas? Si entras seguro que te quedas. [En contin... | 0 | 233 |
653 | WoW nati Server WoW Server NATI
������� ������ ONLINE
set realmlist wownati.net... | 0 | 249 |
654 | wow for all gamers Hallo.Ich komme vom wow servver WoW forall.Wir suchen noch GMs.Es l�uft �ber hamachi aber auf einem rootserver.Man hatten einen ping mit 90.Auf�der homepage steht aber genaueres wie alle geht und was mann machen muss.Also ich warte auf euch bis denne... | 0 | 289 |
655 | der beste privatserver in Deutschland bis lvl 250 und nette gms+hohe exp rate (ein mob =10 lvl)^^ kommt alle rein... | 0 | 232 |
656 | World of Warcraft: Destiny RP-PVP Realm / Instant 70 or 7x XP / Custom Items / New Storylines / GM Lead Roleplay... | 0 | 259 |
657 | FortNet 05/05/2005... | 0 | 238 |
658 | serberus wow custom malls, custom event zones, custom teleporters, donor T8, COMING SOON! raid for T7! 2.3.X!! instant 70 FUNSERVER!... | 0 | 226 |
659 | silkroad-bot-and-silk Euch erwartet ein kostenlosen Bot der 100% funktioniert
und 1-200 Silk zu verschenken...
One expects you free bot this one works 100%
and giving 1-200 Silk away ... ... | 0 | 258 |
660 | ADDICTaWoW ADDICTaWoW is an upcoming server with great potential, Friendly Helpful GM's, Custom Vendors and Items, and Instant Level 70. We are trying to create an experience unlike any other. Join us Now and help us progress... | 0 | 231 |
661 | UbP WoW LoS: ON -> Battlegrounds: AB - WSG - EoS - Arena Battles -> Rates: Kill 1 - Quest 1 - Drop Items 1 - Drop Money 1 -> Online 24/24 -> Max. Players 2000 -> Max. Level 70 BlizzLike... | 0 | 257 |
662 | Futurama Reborn 2.4.2 The future is now at Futurama-Reborn, we have a completely custom fun server that we are running, custom lvling zones as well as custom quests, and instances. New stuff being added daily, custom armor as well as donator gear ingame. JOIN US... | 0 | 233 |
663 | World of Warfare 4 Realm: High, Blizz, Fun, Only PvP
Treffs, Events und vieles vieles mehr wird euch erwarten... | 0 | 247 |
664 | Dantes Peak WoW Server !real root Real Root server, Real Blizzlike, Real fun, Real friendly Gms, Real forums community, real support
REAL WOW FREE SERVER... | 0 | 298 |
665 | � Chronicels of Fate � Hammer server Nett Gm Nett Member Immer wider neue G�ste gesehen... | 0 | 249 |
666 | World of Warcraft WOW Bots Cheats Hacks World of Warcraft WOW Bots Cheats Hacks... | 0 | 358 |
667 | Simf.WoW.Server Free PvP Server x5... | 0 | 233 |
668 | eternal-war Forjadores de leyendas Forja tu propia leyenda en una comunidad amistosa con gms muy atentos, eventos semanales, mensuales, trimestrales y anuales y votaciones y sorteos atraves de la comunidad :D... | 0 | 254 |
669 | fortune-gaming Der server fortune-gaming gibt es seid dem 20.4.2008 der server hat ne Level arena und sehr nette gms WoW 2.3.3 - FunServer - xp: 70 - lvl cap 80 - deutscher Server - t7 instanz - einzigartiger Treff - d1-d3 + t1-t5 kaufbar - Start Angebot
... | 0 | 229 |
670 | World of SinS 2.4.1 World of SinS(2.4.x TBC), Instant lvl 70, ,high-rates, discussion boards. Online 24/7... | 0 | 287 |
671 | Grim WoW http://Grim-wow.no-ip.info/ Set realmlist Grim-wow.no-ip.info server Patch 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 Orgrimmar And Stormwind All vendors SErver onnline 24/7 EnjoY!!!! Non stop event admin skype lapeto_131... | 0 | 233 |
672 | WoW serv [x40-XP]::[Scripted Bosses]::[2.4.2]::[NO overpowered Donor gear]::[Working BGs and Arena]::[70 Level Cap with Blizzlike raid progression]::[DualCore Intel Box. 12GB RAM]::[1 Realm | High Rate]... | 0 | 268 |
673 | World of Darkness ::100 Mbit Dedicatet Server(s)::1000+ User Limit::2.4.1 Server(s)::Lag-Frei::Gro�es Team::Team Speak Server::Middle Rates::Gro�e Community::T�gliche Updates::Events::Come in and find out... | 0 | 246 |
674 | the best funserver t4 t5 free!! tudy's server is a funserver is 2.4.1 friendly gm's and more ring vendor high rate and all high!!! taht for you!!! have a fun... | 0 | 243 |
675 | Syntax Private Server 2.4.2 PvP/Fun Server. Quel'Danas Spawned. Scripted Instances. Custom start zones with mall and teleporter. Custom Donation rewards. Vote and be rewarded... | 0 | 252 |
677 | iluminati wow a very good server..its new,we try make it big, server will be with lot of raids,bt doors open,za work perfect..all work ,no bugs, rates:40x for xp and questxp:45x first 20 will have lvl 60 and tier 2..pls join us nad vote for us... | 0 | 233 |
678 | Instinct Wow - 100% Custom Funserver Dedicated WoW Private Server, 99.5% uptime (0.5 is adding updates to keep stable to the lastest core) Everything is 100% custom....Custom start areas, custom quests, custom instances, custom mall...And even Custom class/NPC's We welcome you to join... | 0 | 253 |
679 | World of Wolfpack [2.4.3|Blizzlike and Fun realms x120|New server|Small community looking for some players to help us expand!|Friendly staff|Player Mall|Custom areas and questlines|Join the Wolfpack today and help us expand!]... | 0 | 244 |
680 | World Of Food Full BT + Spells / Custom Mall / Start with lvl 60 Level up till 150 and be the best! / Donator Armor / Donation Page Soon / EXP = 500x DROP = 100x... | 0 | 235 |
681 | Mighty WoW Mighty WoW, the next big thing of wow privite servers, raids, active gms, active players, t4-t11, season 1-season 4 donater items, Instant 70, max level 75... | 0 | 278 |
682 | Energy Funserver Wir sind ein Funserver der noch in Aufbau sind.Aber gut^^.
LvlArena 1-170
eigene Sets T7,T8,T9
Geile Shopping-Insel
Eigene Mounts
Eigene Quests
Shop Vendoren
Marken H�ndler und noch mehr
Join us ;)
... | 0 | 250 |
683 | Burning-Blade WoW 2.4.2 Blizzlike Realm|Fun Realm|viele Events|guter Support|Nette Community|99% Uptime und vieles mehr...... | 0 | 249 |
684 | Djunko`s world New fun server,free custom items,2.4.x,Sunwell full spawn... | 0 | 233 |
685 | Wow Fury 2.4.X**FUN*ins 70**pvp**LV-CAP-70**CUSTOM CITY**... | 0 | 246 |
686 | Kick Ass AussieS 2.4.x GM SERVER. Every one is gm in this server all you have to do is mail perithues or admin and i hope you have fun :)... | 0 | 268 |
687 | Night-wow Fun server fun wow server ich brauche noch spieler die auf mein server zocken ich zock gerade mit ein freund aauf den server.... | 0 | 220 |
688 | Riot-WoW ::Riot WoW 2.4.x:: ::Instant 70:: ::Dedicated Server:: ::Low Latency:: ::Highly Stable:: ::Good PvP:: ::Scripted Instances:: ::Friendly GMs:: ::Custom Shops:: ::Custom Donor Items:: ::Weekly Events:: ::Private Ventrilo::... | 0 | 264 |
689 | OzanaWorld 2.4 Funserver PVP Ozanaworld is a PVP server with lvl instant 70 and custom malls , Season 3 included and in future we will have a very stable 2.4 SERVER ! ENJOY US NOW... | 0 | 252 |
690 | Cyprus Funserver WOW AND BUTTLEGROUND ON Europe :: 100Mbit :: instance 70 :: No playercap :: No latency :: Nice community :: Friendly GM\'s :: Quadcore CPU :: 4GB mem :: FREE MIGRATION SERVICE :: JOIN US NOW! :: VOTE and be Rewarded... | 0 | 275 |
691 | XBITE WoW SERVER Бесплатный сервер WoW! Версия клиента 2.4.2. Рейт... | 0 | 271 |
692 | Die Kaktusfeige w�nscht Spa� Hallo Leute ich Wollte bei euch mal meinen Neuen Server in Forum Stellen da her Hoffe ich auf Gute zusammen Arbeit .
[U][B]Den Schreibe ich mal los Leute was erst mal zum Server :[/B]... | 0 | 273 |
693 | Skullcrusher WoW Supports WoW client 2.4.2: Fully and accurately scripted instances:: Custom T7 and T8: T11 reward gear: Soon to be on
Intel Core 2 Quad Extreme server: Easy to navigate web page: Serious and Dedicated GM staff: Join SCW... | 0 | 403 |
694 | Abyssal WoW Abyssal WoW
High Rate
Friendly Staff
Runs On Latest Patch 2.4.2
Secrete Cow Level
Level To 85
No Lag*
Malls In Every City
And Much More To Come... | 0 | 250 |
695 | WoW KaniCooL Server 2.4.2 Fun server 2.4.2 . Cool Gms , and very friends players ... | 0 | 252 |
696 | Via-Levis
Dies ist der neue WoW Privatserver Via-Levis
-Exp Rate: 70 Mal
-Gold Rate: 20 Mal
-Quest Exp Rate: 70 Mal
-Drop Rate: 20 Mal
-Heal Rate (Ausserhalb eines Kampfes): 2 Mal
-Mana Rate (Ausserhalb eines Kampfes): 3 Mal
schnelles leveln und dana... | 0 | 256 |
697 | 2.4.2!!season4!!!2.4.2!!epic insanity jo [no lagg][1000 player cap][1 realm][max level 75][friendly staff][pvp events][ custom items!]t7,t7.5,t8,t9]
donation items season 4!!!! join us!
... | 0 | 237 |
698 | Wow-toxic !! Wow-Toxic new server cool stuf custom server helpful Admin and GM's... | 0 | 204 |
699 | Shadow-Illusion Shadow-Illusion.de // Deutscher WOW Server 2.4.3 // 3 Realms // 1. Blizzlike Pve // 2. Instant 70 PvP - nur Arena und Bg�s // 3. WoW classic Oldshool Blizzlike (auf wunsch instant 45) // 99,9% online // eigener TS server // Schneller Rootserver // Ne... | 0 | 258 |
700 | ...::::Lost ElEment::::... Cool wow private server .... High rates frendly Admin & Gm .... Join today ..... The first 100 players that will join will have lvl 70 instant ... so what are you waiting for :) Join Today Lost ElEment.... :) Hope to see ya on the server .. :)... | 0 | 306 |