1651 | WoW Modular Nexus Linux 100MBIT / 8-Way Opterons / 6GB RAM / 800GB SCSI Raid-5 / Linux Ascent / NCDB
1x Blizzlike PvP
1x Blizzlike PvE
1x Blizzlike RPPvP
1x Fun Server PvP
Clients: 2.3.X... | 0 | 247 |
1652 | WoWballers Party Server Party Realm:
Unlimted Gold
Unlimted Help From GMs
Free Access To Non - GM Arena...And If You Defeat Alot OF Non - GMs ~You Will Get A Chance At GM Arena
HUGE Leveling Area
Server Films (You May Get A Part In It)
I Hope You Join And Most Importantly ... | 0 | 295 |
1653 | nBeldandy veery good server. i remember that was the best whewn it was young but now when it dont inckude player they change it into funserver:(... | 0 | 308 |
1654 | LordOfWow.no-ip.org LordOfWow.no-ip.org... | 0 | 214 |
1655 | Titan High rates server.20x... | 0 | 249 |
1656 | My Evil Server FunServer
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:37 am Post subject: The info about the server(PLEASE READ!!) Reply with quote
=====What to Expect!=====
|Level Cap 80!|
|D1-D3 and T1-T6|
|Tier 7 obtainable through Events!|
|Leveling Road!!!|
|Shoppi... | 0 | 263 |
1657 | Embers of Doom Please bear with us. We use hamachi for a more stable and flexible server.
Name: Embers of Doom
Pass: EOD
We, at Embers of Doom are happy to invite you to our private server. Our max level is 70, the rates is explained further down. We are not looki... | 0 | 243 |
1658 | Crystal WoW �World Of Warcraft � Version 2.3.0 � Long Term Server � Burning Crusade � No Shopping Mall � Medium Rates � Friendly Admin And Community � No Lag � Not Alot Of Bugs � Experienced Admin � ��Join Crystal WoW Today�� You Won't Regret It... | 0 | 241 |
1659 | Dark Pho3nix Server You can connect with TBC client 2.2.3. The main server language is English.
Every weekend there are updates of the MaNGOS server core, and the database.... | 0 | 266 |
1660 | ChaothicWoW One of the best blizzlike servers.If you find anybug report it to a gm or to the admin... | 0 | 401 |
1661 | Realm of a Thousand Truths 2 Blizzlike realms with their xp and gold rates increased by 1... | 0 | 257 |
1662 | Pandoras Box - Raid & High Rate 2.4.X 2 realms : 100% uptime : new community : dedicated server : weekly events : 100 & 70 caps : 10x and 1x rates : up to date : no lag : welcoming all players... | 0 | 261 |
1663 | WoW TBC in Estonia -=(Rus)=- | Estonia WoW TBC 2.2.3 | 24/7 Online | Nice GMs | No Lags | 70 max lvl | Events | PVP Server | TS2 Server |CPU Core 2 Duo QX RAM 4 Gb, HDD Raid 2x160 Gb >>> ((( ВСЕ СЮДАА! ))) <<<... | 0 | 254 |
1664 | WoW GF WoW GF, Almost always up(soon a 24/7 server), Friendly GM's, lots of activity, dedicated servers, contact me on my site privided for more information! Please vote WoW GF... | 0 | 252 |
1665 | Stepup wow STepup wow is a hamachi sever we are VERY soon going off we run on 2.3 and currently looking for 2 more GM's we are making custom stuff Long uptime and GM's are always active =]... | 0 | 259 |
1666 | Wars of the Shadow Clientversion: Version 2.3.0 (7561) only Server Stats: - Schnelles lvln mit level Area - Raten: Extrem hoch k�nnen wir nur sagen - restliche bugs werden t�glich behoben - Portmeister - viele Events - eigens gemachte ITEMS,MOUNTS, INSTANZEN, gemodete ... | 0 | 261 |
1667 | Omega WoW Burning Crusade 2.3.x � High Rate PVP � Unmetered Connection � Lag - Free � Experienced Professional Staff � Blizzlike Content � Fully Scripted Dungeon Encounters � And More coming!! Check our front page for all the Details... | 0 | 265 |
1668 | WoW-Zockergames WoW-Zockergames=Spa�!!!!!
Patch: 2.3
Rate: High
Besonderes: Eigene Q�s, Playertreff, Instanzen!... | 0 | 270 |
1669 | GamingEvo.com - The Evolution Has Begun The Gaming Evolution has begun. Get your fix on gaming news, updates, and rumors all on one site! Join our community and you'll be part of many gamers who simply want to do their best.... | 0 | 252 |
1670 | FortNet Server 2.2.3 �����:
200/200/200... | 0 | 232 |
1671 | World of Funea Good Dedicated Server::2.3!::3 Realms!::2 have malls Custom leveling area::SkyPad::Events everyday!::Freindly Gm's::Looking for Experienced GMs::... | 0 | 281 |
1672 | WoW-GameKong Free WoW Russian PvP Realms!1x and 100x!
Cliet version 2.2.3!
Бесплатный русский WoW сервер!2 ре
... | 0 | 250 |
1673 | Wow Bot You can advtise your wow servers here NEW WEB SIGHT Please Join... | 0 | 241 |
1674 | Wow Review for Private Servers This website is designed to do one thing only! Review Private Servers! Our reporters dish the dirt on the private servers. We also report on some of the better under-dog servers that some of you are missing out on.... | 0 | 329 |
1675 | World of World of Warcraft Site focused on wow and other mmorpg's come in and see... | 0 | 295 |
1676 | FuseTech WoW FuseTech WoW :: No-Lagg :: 24/7 Gm Support :: Dedicated Staff :: Excellent Developing Team :: Events :: Dontaion Gear.... | 0 | 225 |
1677 | World of Warcraft Private server this is my website for my up-coming server. :)... | 0 | 243 |
1678 | [HUN][ENG]MFK WoW 2.3TBC Hungary ::1 Gb hosting,0-24 :: No wipes! :: No DC\'s :: Blizz-scripted instances :: Events, WSG, arena :: Portals in main cities :: Working quests :: Helpful and patient GM staff :: Familiar community! ::
... | 0 | 231 |
1679 | mD css clan Its a css-clan website... | 0 | 263 |
1680 | The Fallen Gods Funserver Funserver 2.3.0 all works & all zulaman spawned & working 12 custom instances 4 database have been compiled together... | 0 | 268 |
1681 | Burning - wow Qc 2.3.x Nouveau serveur Quebecois --gold x5 seulement ! 1 realm blizzlike --crusade wow Qc 2.3
Bienvenue a tous /welcome all !... | 0 | 384 |
1682 | NZWoW Deticated WoW Server/ 24/7 uptime/ Good Rates/ 3.2.0/ Looking for all Alliance players for Instances/Raids... | 0 | 311 |
1683 | Southern Cross WoW An Australian server based in Adelaide with a 100Mbit connection, WoW 2.3.2 and a very friendly community... | 0 | 265 |
1684 | Wow4tugas wow4tugas | Server with good gms | Tbc version 2.3.0 | XP 3 | Nice Admins... | 0 | 258 |
1685 | WoW-CSSCom ��������� ���������� ���������� ������ World Of Warcraft Burning Crusade v 2.3.0... | 0 | 244 |
1686 | Titanium Заходите все рейты х20 первым 25 даю 70 и т4 заход... | 0 | 276 |
1687 | World of Warcraft Hungary Hungary's best World of Warcraft Site... | 0 | 265 |
1688 | ShadowBladeClan free WoW Since 2005 German Highrate PvP Server on v2.3 Custom Playertreff , no Charwhipes !!! alway Online Join us and have fun ... | 0 | 241 |
1689 | WoW Epic Private Server Join the WoW Epic Private server.
:nice GM's::lag-free::donation-items::and a lot more....... | 0 | 233 |
1690 | Nightmare-wow Funrealm NIgtmare-Wow Is ein Nagelneues Projekt!
Finde bei nightmare Heraus wie gut du bist Wir haben Zur zeit 1 server und endliche eigene items und es werden immer mehr! PLayertreff,lvl Arena Und t�glich viele,einfalsreiche , Einzigartigen events! integrier... | 0 | 266 |
1691 | InnerGamer Networks Blizzlike WoW InnerGamer Networks is a long time gaming network, we just recently moved from 1st person shooter games to WoW. And we welcome it greatly. Our servers are located in our OWN datacenter with a dedicated 100 meg internet connection. We have a Donation... | 0 | 238 |
1692 | Chronicles Of WoW Rate x3
patch 2.2.3 BC... | 0 | 252 |
1693 | Crystal WoW Original & Unmatched ONLY �True� Funserver! 6 Collocated Dedicated Dual Quad-Core Xeon Servers:Supports all 2.3 on Ascent & 2.1.3 on Mangos::5 Exotic choices of Realms::Friendly Community of 77K!Max Level 254!Unique&Custom Items,Mobs,Vendors,Shoppin... | 0 | 267 |
1694 | Anj'Mark hight server [2.3.0] [2000 User Cap] [High Rate] [No lag] [Weapon vendors and vendor for t2] [Portals] [All instances work] [Friendly GM's]... | 0 | 360 |
1695 | Temple of Warcraft World of Warcraft Cheating... | 0 | 260 |
1696 | Bnet Heaven Free Private PvP World of Warcraft Server Donations Welcome... | 0 | 365 |
1697 | Obsidian-wow No lag::Xp 70::1 server obsidian wow::high gold rate::100% up time::frequent advents::holiday xp bonus::Freindly Gm's... | 0 | 226 |
1698 | Num Hit Man WoW Server 2.3.3 Black temple, Zul aman, Hyjal work, talents work, great and friendly gms, no lagg, almost perfect uptime, join now... | 0 | 342 |
1699 | =-Bnet Heaven-= TBC Private Server | Patch 2.3.0 & 2.3.3 | FUN SERVER! | Friendly Admins | NO LAG... | 0 | 233 |
1700 | Mooland Private Server A newly started Private server from 3 year wow veteran. we have perks, the server staff will buy your first mount as well as we will duplicate any verified registered character. plus many more join us to find out the rest.... | 0 | 345 |