501 | Rolcraft, Servidor gratis de rol
Tu Servidor gratis de Rol en World of WarCraft. Una forma diferente de jugar al WoW. Este es el server privado y gratuito en el que podreas rolear mejor que en ningun otro sitio y ademas en espa�ol.
Sin lagg, gm atentos, buenas tramas... y pronto ... | 0 | 271 |
502 | --=[WOW Wrath of the King]=-- Suchst du einen server bei denn alles geht dann komm zu uns haben die neuste DB die pats gehen und die mobs casten.Black Tempel und Hyjal ist voll spielbar. Max lev ist 75.Jede Fraktion hat ihr einkaufzentrum und ein neuen Schlachtfeld haben wir auch... | 0 | 251 |
503 | Toasty WoW Funserver Toasty WoW Funserver! | x2500 rates | Tier vendors! | Long up-time | No-lag | Friendly GM's | Events held often! | What are you waiting for? Sign up and play now... | 0 | 260 |
504 | Warzone server ~~WarZone Domination 2.1.x Client~~ Realmlist : bcwarzone.servegame.com
Rate xp FUN SERVER !!!
60x kill ; 70x quest ; 60x rest xp ; drop items 80x ; drop money 100x
For any questions contact the administrator an Yahoo ID : xgeme_hack3r or at ema... | 0 | 246 |
505 | UWC good site ;) and nice server... | 0 | 280 |
506 | World of Warcraft - Izar Server Server specs:
Inter(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Drop Rates:
Items - 2x
Money - 5x
Exp Rates:
Kill - 5x
Quest - 8x
Explore - 10x;... | 0 | 236 |
507 | Kleopatra World of Warcraft The Best Russian Pirate Server... | 0 | 234 |
508 | WOWReborn WOWReborn - a fresh new look ... TBC 2.1.3 FUNSERVER with CUSTOM DONOR ITEMS sold from vendors ... lvl 70 lvl cap, high rate ...... | 0 | 260 |
509 | Fire Skull 2.3.0 ^.^ lvl 255 |rates 2000 = exp/rest | gold = 3000 uptime 80% shattrath + a Heaven Mall both have tier vendor and more!
*** next 50 ppl that join get 10000 gold**... | 0 | 279 |
510 | WoW-Evolution highrateserver x40 rates, pvp arena, pvp sets, t1-6 setst noch relativ neuer server daher noch nicht so viele spieler...... | 0 | 255 |
511 | Crazywow Hey here is the info |Rates:200x|Friendly Gms|Gms always ONLINE|Tier 1-3 in Shops|Custom Items|Looking for new GMs
... | 0 | 254 |
512 | Nuclear 2.3.3 funserver! Rus,Eng.Bg legendary funserver! no lag ! no disconects! 1mob=70lvl .vendors in sw and og! :))) good game ;)))... | 0 | 238 |
513 | Immortals WoW English/German WoW BC 2.x.x Server(Ascent) -= High XP/Drops/Stats/Equip LvL 99=- Friendly German and English GM's which you help and organize events | Custom Items, Warp Portals,PvP Arena and NPC's and always the newest updates.... | 0 | 251 |
514 | Emerald Dream - WoW Private Servers Emerald Dream PvP-RP Server: TBC :: 2.2.x :: bllizlike x5 :: 100% UPTime :: 1000cap
and Elite Board PvP Server: TBC :: 2.2.x :: bllizlike x15 :: 100% UPTime :: 1000cap... | 0 | 448 |
515 | The Best Server Ever GoldenWoW Drop rates
Rate.Drop.Items = 10
Rate.Drop.Money = 8
XP rates
Rate.XP.Kill = 5
Rate.XP.Quest = 20
Rate.XP.Explore = 3... | 0 | 232 |
516 | Burning-Evolution Willkommen auf Burning-Evolution!
Wir bieten euch:
.t2+t3 und d3 Verndoren
.T7 Sets
.t7 Instanzen
Und vieles mehr!;... | 0 | 240 |
517 | WOWAdrenalina Il miglior server Italiano di World of Warcraft. Shopping center - Oggetti Donatori - Portali - Tier6 Full - level 70 - Eventi Organizzati - Lag: Free... | 0 | 262 |
518 | WoW Gaming Lounge - German BC 2.3.0! XP-Rate Higher als Blizz! Alle Tiersets bis T6! Freundliche Community und GMs! Lest hier noch mehr!...
Portale, keine Lags, da 500User Cap, Alle Instanzen, h�ufige Updates, viele Events usw.... | 0 | 237 |
519 | Wow Imperial Very Highrates Server 35x exp or instant 70! you choose! we are now up after a long break and up 24/7! get d2 and weps right away and at 70 t3 and weps! set up for raiding and pvp!skills = 100x and rep= 1000x
... | 0 | 215 |
520 | Elements of Warcraft Source v3 Kein Geld? Kein Bock auf Blizzard? Aber trotzdem 100% Blizzlike?
Das ist unm�glich? NEIN ! >>Join EoWs<<... | 0 | 268 |
521 | WoW Borea SET REALMLIST wow-borea.no-ip.info
The server Borea is one of the only ones servers with better stability. His(her,your) system uses a processor of four cores(nucleuses) what few lag gives, and 2gb. Opened Outland and spawn. Opened Zulaman and spawn... | 0 | 232 |
522 | Illidans-Crusade Illidans-Crusade ist ein neuer deutscher World of Warcraft Server der noch aktive member sucht. Also schaut doch ma vorbei ;) Wir haben 2 Level Arenen 1 Playertreff 1 Disco Neue Items Neue Quest. Wir freuen uns auf euch.
mFg das Illidans-Crusade Tea... | 0 | 279 |
523 | ***Playnetim Fun WoW Server***2.3.0 ascent 2.3.0 fun server...... | 0 | 232 |
524 | Wrath of Destiny Fun Server!!!
VIELE Extras!!!
Nette GMs!!!
Nice Support!!!
Sch�ner und gro�er Treff!!!
Coole Events!!!
Spielspass garantiert!!!
Daten: Fun-Server
XP-Rate = 400x
Level Cap = 70
Ein gro�er Treff
Viel Entdeckung!!!
2.3.0 und 2.3.2 f�hi... | 0 | 394 |
525 | WoWPrime TBC 2.3.X Server running 110% Server running 24/7 with active GMs Rates are 15x along with changed rates for mining, ect. We are growning and looking for you... | 0 | 247 |
526 | WoW Brothers Daemon 2.3.x Dual Quad-Core Xeon Servers�2.3.x�(Very Fast Growing Server!) VERSION TBC 2.3.x 24/7 Uptime!�Guild Banks!�Every Weekend Double XP�8x normal XP�Constant Giveaways�24/7 Teamspeak�Crash free�Average Very low latency across the world.... | 0 | 246 |
527 | WoW Server Cult Of Justice sever Fun sV 1 realms ~2.3.0~ FMJ~Instant LvL 70 ~WoW Server Cult Of Justice~ 100x gold, Super Custom realm ~JSP~ Highrate Fun! ~Come play these great realms today!~ ~Join us for more info!~ and Ventrilo GO
... | 0 | 232 |
528 | Annihilation WoW Dies ist ein Deutscher Privat Server nat�rlich Blizz/Fun Like raten 25/25/25 mit sehr vielen Events ... Etc nat�rlich Lag Frei! Netten Gm's und einer fr�hlichen Community... | 0 | 227 |
529 | RavenCrest WoW Ravencrest [World: Blizzlike] [Rates: Blizzlike] [A/V Online: ~100] [A/V Latency: ~300ms]... | 0 | 238 |
530 | WoW Life Russian PVP Server of WOW, version 2.3.2, Rates : Rate.XP.Kill 9999999, Rate.XP.Quest 9999999,
Rate.Drop.Money 10000, Rate.Drop.Items 75 !!! Good administration, much events , that is you needed
for a fan ??, Call and be the first .... | 0 | 267 |
531 | Sphere Private WoW SERVER Unser Deutscher Wow Server ist ein High End Server und kann somit eine hohe spieleranzahl ohne laggs aushalten:
Dualcore 2x3,4Ghz, 8GB DDR2-Ram, 600GB Festplatte. Unser Server ist ein Funserver sofort beim einloggen stufe 70, wir haben mega events, e... | 0 | 223 |
532 | BloodWorld WoW TBC Blizzlike - All Rates x1, Events, Player Cap 300+, Mangos'a Updates Every 1-2 Days !, Custom Boss Scripts, Transfers. Patch 2.3.3... | 0 | 264 |
533 | Dark Warrior WoW Homepage Ein Funserver zwar noch in Bearbeitung aber schon recht fett ;)... | 0 | 225 |
534 | Enphoria-X Nette Community, Aktive Spieler, Aktive GMs,Version 2.3.0/2.3.2 ,WoW mit oder ohne BC spielbar. Eigens PT, Events,uvm.... | 0 | 251 |
535 | World Of Freecraft Great server::Fun Server:: player cap 3000:: No Lag::70 level cap:: High rate:: 2.3.x::Fun for all::Custom shopping malls and items::
... | 0 | 233 |
536 | Apulanta Wir sind einer der besten Deutschen Freeshard Server. Gro�e Community, im Normalfall 200-300 Gamer Online.... | 0 | 348 |
537 | FireFusion the best GMs ever. JOIN NOW AND GET 3 DAYS OF FREE GM... | 0 | 224 |
538 | ICE World & Nordwinde v.3.0.8 WoltLK ICE World & Nordwinde v.3.0.8 WoltLK
Game/Server description: [ 3.0.8 WOTLK ][ AI Scripted ][ 24/7 Uptime ] [FUNSERVER PvP & INSTANT 80 & BLIZZSERVER ][ FAST ][ BG & Arenas ][ Death Knights / Custom Vendors / Vent ][ SUNWELL & LICH KING ] EU... | 0 | 234 |
539 | HeLLwow Fun Server Burning Crusade 2.3.3 � Fun Rate Server (20x)� Powerful Dedicated Servers � 1000mbit Connection � Lag-Free � 5000 User Caps � Constant Uptime �... | 0 | 196 |
540 | wowjunkies fun server. Automatic level 70 with full epics and shops.... | 0 | 224 |
541 | DIWOW PVP SERVER BLIZZ CHAR TRANS Wir hollen deinen blizzard character zu DIWOW !!!!
TBC and nonTBC... | 0 | 308 |
542 | WoW-Shuttle WoW-Shuttle ist der perfekte Privat server du glaubst mir nicht ? Join us und seh selbst... | 0 | 255 |
543 | Doom WoW Doom WoW realm, version 2.3.3, rates: kill:10x quest:15X drop:20x, freandly gm, events every day, 24/7 online, no lag, 98% of bugs solved, scripted mobs and bosses (mobs and bosses have spells)... | 0 | 272 |
544 | Spirit Kingdom RPPvP 2.3.3 2.3.3 Supported! | Low Latency | Friendly/Strict GMs | End-Game content | Strong RP System/rules | Gankfree server | Can Hold Easy 500+ Players | Core Ascent
There is an XP event happening at this moment as to make it more friendly for people that w... | 0 | 250 |
545 | Be a real GM !! be a real gm on a free wow server... | 0 | 219 |
546 | Hommwow [Hommwow] [2.4.3 Client] [Funserv] [Malls] [Instant 70] [Free 20K Gold] [Free T6 and Merciless]... | 0 | 259 |
547 | WoW Funz Server [Instant 100 fun][World Teleporter][Lag Free 1 GBPS Connection][Zul'Aman Open]
[Good GM suport][Shopping Mall][Working Arenas and Bgs]... | 0 | 229 |
548 | WoW-Northrend Guter Deutscher Mangosserver, nette Leute und GM`s, Horde und Ally TP, Events usw....... | 0 | 227 |
549 | Arthas Excelente servidor de wow, rates sorprendentes, gm's atentos siempre a los problemas de los payers y lo mejor de todo quest en espa�ol!!! Entra y vive otra experiencia... | 0 | 253 |
550 | World Of Murlocs WOM, Is a High Rate Server where the fun NEVER Stops! We have extremely friendly GM's that will give you teir 1-3. We are accepting GM applications! We are an Aussie Server yet we have many Americans on the server! We have donor gear so please donate... | 0 | 267 |