751 | wow.anirena.com wow.anirena.com... | 0 | 243 |
752 | In Nomine WoW WoW private server... | 0 | 260 |
753 | ...:::AFK-WoW:::... Custom Tier 7 | New Dungeon Frozen Throne | Custom Battle Grounds | Custom Teleporters and shopping center | Great community | Helpful GM | 99.9% Up time | Xp x50 | Drop x50 | Gold x50 | ::PVP::| Tons of the evnets | Join us now... | 0 | 306 |
754 | WOWLAH server versao 2.1.3 FUN max lvl 250 server dedicado 24h... | 0 | 279 |
755 | Xavius WoW Bulgaria All rates are 120x money is 200x.Good GMs Ascent emulator good HOST.... | 0 | 283 |
756 | Fun server World of WarCraft More PVP
More FUN... | 0 | 278 |
757 | WoWNoW v2.0 Deutscher WoW 2.1.3 P-Server || Blizzlike || 90% Deutsch || Immer Aktuell || Nette Website features || L�uft auf : Amd64, 2Gb Linux Server = Lagfree... | 0 | 281 |
758 | Guerras De Tanaris 2.1.3 ,Server espa�ol Rates x80 , conexion de cable muy alta para que soporte gente, ascent, gms amables y comprensibos ^^ , vendors de todo tipo , portales, y MUCHO MAS!!
NOS VEMOS DENTRO! :D... | 0 | 285 |
759 | BattleCry To join our server you need to create an account. The current game version is 2.1.3. To join the forum log into your account (You can earn XP with the forum.). We have a very good community!;... | 0 | 248 |
760 | NEW AGE PVP SERVER 2.1.3 ITS NEW AND HIGH RATE SERVER X 100 but DROP IS 400... | 0 | 246 |
761 | aMaZiNGWoW! - Free WoW For Everyone - German WoW Project - 24/7 Online - No Lags - Rates ~30x - Linux & 100Mbit - Backup System -... | 0 | 256 |
762 | DB-WorlD - Info Огромный файловый архив онлайн игр:
- Сбор... | 0 | 252 |
763 | Destroyer server der server geht mit jeder patch server laggt net exp rate 3.5 gold rate 1.5 deutscher server... | 0 | 296 |
764 | Born Of Shadows WOW This is an antrix funserver.. Instant 70 Custom items/vendors Recruiting 10 gm spots... and 3 Admins we have firiendly gms whitch will give out free things if u ask nicely....We are new please check us out... | 0 | 241 |
765 | DB-WorlD - Info Портал по знаменитым online играм... | 0 | 219 |
766 | XtremeWoW server. We are a dedicated server that will soon open to public.... | 0 | 251 |
767 | Project Avinity Project Avinity - Deutscher Privat-Realm! XP-RateX80,Spielertreffpunkt,netter Support + inkl Forum und eigenem Realm-TS der f�r jeden zug�nglich ist, st�ndige updates mit neuster version von Antrix!9,6ghz rootserver mit 4gig-RAM und 1gigabitleitung... | 0 | 248 |
768 | XtremeWoW: WOW to the eXtreme Drop x80
Kill x38
Can hold over 500 players!
1000 mbit connection!
... | 0 | 294 |
769 | Illidan's Wrath TBC, no lags, nearly 24/7 online, high rates, costum vendors, max. lvl 80, funpark... | 0 | 255 |
770 | Kingdom WoW Funserver Extrem Raten mit [2 Treffpunkten] [Bis zu LvL 80] [Nice Gms] [Events] Man kann sich schnell registrieren!!... | 0 | 258 |
771 | World Of Aragonnshow Its New Server - And I Will Give to all New Gamers 2 illidan blade + t7 + full lvl 80
No lag - Frindly gm's - Costum items
come Join now! Have a Fun... | 0 | 238 |
772 | Grey Guilds Defenders of Lorderon... | 0 | 264 |
773 | StasWoW Welcome dear players!
This is new server that is running on Ascnet and it's gonna be a very popular in few days.
First 20 players get reward!
Informations about server:
Custom shops
Custom instances
Exp rate - instant 70
Battleground's and Arena@... | 0 | 240 |
774 | DarkFire WoW Running version 2.4.2
Max lvl 80
5x blizz EXP
4x more gold
New city - Mysthaven
hundreds of quests thousands of items and mobs added
Friendly staff constantly willing to help.
This server is not for the faint hearted or those who expect the game to... | 0 | 246 |
775 | DeaD-WoW Server Лутчший WoW сервер!Рейты: мобы х50,квесты х25,отк... | 0 | 267 |
776 | Unity-WoW Server Rates are: HealthReg = 1.5, ManaReg = 1.5, Drop rates: Items = 1.5, Money = 2, Experience rates: Kill = 3, Quest = 6, Explore = 4 Dedicated Server -- Friendly GMs -- Version 2.2.3 -- Lag-Free -- Europe server... | 0 | 251 |
777 | Lala We, the UTGARD.Network are the best private Server Network around.
We got alot of dedicated GM's and Admins that are helping on people's problems as much as they can.
We got 2 Server's:
1x Highrate
1x Lowrate
Join us, Join the Legend, Join the ... | 0 | 270 |
778 | Stormrage 2.3.0 Hey Everyone. Stormrage WoW Server Is Currently In Need Of Some Players!
We Are A Small Community Running Version 2.3.0 Very Nice Gms. And Looking For Players!
100% Quests Work. Medium XP Rates. No Vendors. Portals In Every Major City . Daily Events... | 0 | 256 |
779 | The WestPark's Crew Hosted in Bulgaria;
Version: 2.4.2;
Realmlist: wow.shuntek.com;
Type: PvP;
Rates: 1Xblizzlike;... | 0 | 286 |
780 | Realm of Sandoria Come play on a high rate server with a small but growing community. TBC and 2.3.0 compatible with a kill xp rate of 60X, quest xp rate of 65X, item drop rate of 20X and money drop rate of 60X
Player max level is 70 and we're capping players at 500 to... | 0 | 260 |
781 | German WoW Server 24/7 Free Lags German WoW Free Server 24/7 Free Lags Nice Community nice Player Funserver PT and Level Area on! come join us... | 0 | 256 |
782 | WoW-emserv Server 2.3.0 patch.
Reats: Blizzlike.... | 0 | 236 |
783 | FORCEMEAT.ORG VIP WOW server Lot of events, 30x quest rates, blizzlike and classic style userbars, armory, bonus system... | 0 | 233 |
784 | World of Wacraft Very Fun Server kill = World of Wacraft Very Fun Server kill = level70 Set Relam list to | 0 | 249 |
785 | Dark Moon WoW Client: 2.3.x
2 Playertreffs
Levelarea von 1-70
eigene Quests
neue Items uvm.... | 0 | 292 |
786 | Chaos Evolution Nette Admins und GM�s, guten Support, einen Root mit gutem Ping und ohne Lags, st�ndig neue Updates und Fixes, wenig Bugs, Charakter Transfer, Passwort Changer, Teleporter, PvP Events, alle Quest auf Deutsch, Teamspeakserver u.v.m.... | 0 | 259 |
787 | Molten WoW || [ALPHA/BETA] Molten WoW || 40x Rates || Custom donator kits || Malls || Looking for [APLHA/BETA] Testers! ||... | 0 | 247 |
788 | Naxxramas Evolution 2.3.2 Fun Naxxramas-Evolution PvP 2.3 Fun
I just open a new Ascent Server with latest database and core. No lag...many bugs fixed....just try
* added T6 itemsets
* addet custom weapons
* corrected factions for mobs in eversong woods
* changed names of the t6 ... | 0 | 259 |
789 | LostSouls-Development Der Server l�uft auf Version 2.3.2. Chars von anderen Servern k�nnen 1 zu 1 �bernommen werden, inklusive Ruf und Ehre! Schaut doch mal rein... | 0 | 242 |
790 | Project Nightmare
Project-Nightmare PvP 2.3 Fun
I just open a new Ascent Server with latest database and core. No lag...many bugs fixed....just try
* added T6 itemsets
* addet custom weapons
* corrected factions for mobs in eversong woods
* changed names of the t6 i... | 0 | 220 |
791 | Anwow Бесплатный сервер World of warcraft burning crusade, рейты х1 х2 х2, Uptime 24 часа... | 0 | 226 |
792 | Hiihtoliitto Finnish WoW Server Hiihtoliitto Finnish WoW Server
set realmlist hiihtoliitto.sytes.net
2.3.3 The Burning Crusade
A new server that has everything you could hope for!
80x rates, instances working, very nice and active gm's.
Portals in every main city.
Custom items fo... | 0 | 274 |
793 | SCORPIO coold fun server nice gm's gmhop t7 events everyday... | 0 | 244 |
794 | FroZen~FlaMe 2.3.3 Blizzlike PvP Server Server : 24/7 online
Support: Ingame und Ts2 support 24/7
Raten : Blizzlike
Version: 2.3.0 bis 2.3.3
Quests : 99% Deutsch
laggs : Nein
Wenn ihr lust habt auf einen Server der fast genauso ist wie der Orginale EU-Server dann kommt zu uns . Wir hab... | 0 | 235 |
795 | World of Warcraft Chile Servidor Chileno de World of Warcraft [Realm Northrend: Normal Rate][Realm Eastern Kingdoms: High Rate][Realm Kalimdor: FunServer]... | 0 | 259 |
796 | The Dethklok Server The Dethklok Server is brand new to the World. It released just shortly after New Year's 2008. The server hosts 3 different realms: Blizz-Like, Instant 70, and Level 250 CAP. There are still a few more glitches, but we (The Dethklok Admin) are wor... | 0 | 250 |
797 | manuel join if you whant i will spawn join i can lvl you to lvl 500 and spanw you anything ok..... | 0 | 230 |
798 | styZz WoW high rated wow TBC server// Custom weapons// Custom vendors// Custom areas// maxlevel 70//
Rate.Drop.Items = 50
Rate.Drop.Money = 20
Rate.XP.Kill = 80
Rate.XP.Quest = 90
Rate.XP.Explore = 85... | 0 | 262 |
799 | WoW-mania pvp x10 NEw server, Rate-x10 and x1000, low ping,no disconect>>>Cool server... | 0 | 269 |
800 | WoWdream Custom t7.t7.5,t8,t9 + tons of custom stuff. Custom malls,events,flying in azeroth come and join our high rate fun server. 150 XP... | 0 | 245 |