51 | FreeSpirit Realm 3.0.9 9551 WOTLK WOW 3.0.9 9551 SERVER always upto date, custom built database, UK based Dual Xeon 2.8GHz dedicated server with private high speed connection, events and raids run, long standing server with great GMs and ingame support. Custom shop area.... | 0 | 460 |
52 | WoW Burning Funserver, BG and Blizzlike WoW Burning is a Non-lagg server with 3 Realms: Funserver with custom weapons/armor with lvl roads max lvl is 255 and 250x exp / Totally Blizzlike Realm and a BattleGround PVP Realm. Join us now and have fun.
Supporting 3.0.8a (funserver and Battlegr... | 0 | 552 |
53 | WoW StorM -=][ Netstorm WoW Server ][=-
-=][ Hy everyone ! This is a new stable server , we worked on this server several months and now its ready ][=-
^ The server is running on a manGOS dbc , 2.3.x version , great uptime [99%] and low latency ^
... | 0 | 416 |
54 | WoWJunkies 2.3 High Rate FunServer || Shops || Custom AV War || Instant lvl 70 by choice or work your way up || Friendly GM's || Dedicated Server || 1000 Player cap || Working WSG and Arena... | 0 | 521 |
55 | RiSeN WoW ||#1 Twink Server||100% Up time||2-Realms||Blizz-like and Twink||Custom Items||Looking For GMs||Join Today!||... | 0 | 438 |
56 | Demons of Nightmare WoW >>WOTLK<< ~deutscher Blizzlike & Fun WOTLK~ Fun-Features: inst.70~2 Playertreffs mit allen
Vendoren und leichtem Start ins Spiel~custom Storyline & PvP System~gescriptete &
funktionierende Bosse~balanced custom Items~Port NPC~w�chentliche Updates~... | 0 | 453 |
57 | Unholy Wow --> instant 80 just made few days ago privatserver what has fixed much bugs like shaman elemental totem works...instant 80 shopping mall, T7 exists ( not in vendor)friendly GM:s and Admin... | 0 | 403 |
58 | Blacknight-WoW |(Deutscher 2.3.2 Server) Wir sind ein freundlicher 2.3.0 Funserver mit maxlvl 150. Der Server l�uft Rund um die Uhr stabil - 24/7 FUN!!
Wir haben ein nettes GM-Staff,Custom-made Items,Vendors und Playertreff - Wenn ihr Teil der Community werden wollt besucht uns!
Wir suchen ... | 0 | 419 |
59 | Keazains X100 Epick Fun Server Xpack X100 from Keazain - Epic Fun - 3.1.0 ready. Instant 80 lvlcap 255, dk unlimit, T7 Startgear, T8 Vendor, MegaCustom Mall, Custom Events, Custom citys, Custom arenas, Custom Zones, Levelroad, City Takeover and Alot of stuff. Downloadable repack f... | 0 | 492 |
60 | WoWXtreme World of Warcraft, TBC Private Server, Patch 2.3.x, Core updated weekly, low ping... | 0 | 384 |
61 | Ultimate - WoW Blizzlike & Fun Ein deutscher Privatserver mir 2 Realms einem Blizz Realm in dem man normal leveln kann und ein FUN realm auf dem man instant lvl70 bekommt 9000 gold bekommt und �berall sind portale zum playertreff auf dem man alles lernen kann und alles kaufen kann... | 0 | 365 |
62 | Ex-WoW Fun and Blizz-like Realms [2.4.3][Fun Server][200 Cap][Start at 70][High Rates][Friendly GM's][Tier 7,8 in Level Road][Tier 9 in Sunwell][99.9% Uptime][Tier 10 and 11 in custom raids] [Events Daily][Quests][Nice Donor Items][Voter Items][100+ Custom Items][Burning Crusade][Jo... | 0 | 464 |
63 | Insane WoW Powerfull dedicated server with 100mbit conecion always on.Suports 2.3.0 99% works quests,instances,arenas NO bugs in all racess this is the advencest repack alway pls join and help us grow.......... | 0 | 504 |
64 | Kastan-WoW LinuxServer Funserver WoW Linux Server:
Free T6
50 000g Free
2 Playertreffs
Arathi/Warsong/Alterac WORK!
24/7 Online
Server Hardware:
2x 4x 3,0 Ghz
16GB Ram
1000Mbit/s.... | 0 | 363 |
65 | X-Realms The Xtreme Xperience of WoW Ihr Sucht einen Server mit dauerhaft guten Pings??
Mit einer netten Community und netten und Hilfsbereiten GM�s??
Wo in der Woche mindestens 2 Events statt finden??
Worauf wartet ihr dann noch Joint unseren Server und erlebt die Welt von X-Realms
A... | 0 | 312 |
66 | WoW ICN Cool SERVER
quest-x10... | 0 | 286 |
67 | XenoW - Deu. Blizzlike WoW-BC Realm Gro�e Community, deutscher WoW-BC Realm mit Leistungsf�higem Server, eingespieltes Team, Version 2.4.3, schnelle Reaktion bei Bugs, w�chentliche Updates, Community w�chst t�glich (Chartransfer aktiv), wir freuen uns auch auf Euch... | 0 | 296 |
68 | Evil WoW Server INSTANT 255 LVL Instant 255 lvl | Custum Items | Events | PvP | Malls in Stormwind and Orgrimmar | Have fun & GL... | 0 | 495 |
69 | Azzinoth free WoW Server 2.4.3;
CTF, Auge und Arathi;
Gute HP;
Nette GM's und Community;
Events... | 0 | 368 |
70 | wow-nagrand VERSION 2.4.3
Rate.Drop.Items = 1000000
Rate.Drop.Money = 450
Rate.XP.Kill = 450
Rate.XP.Quest = 450
Rate.XP.Explore = 450
Rate.Honor = 15
Realmlist: | 0 | 390 |
71 | Dragonfire-BG The best Bulgarian blizzlike TBC server. Version 2.0.12, Low ping, no crashes and good population. Join now and have fun... | 0 | 254 |
72 | WoWGasm Original & ONLY True Funserver! 6 Collocated Dedicated Dual Quad-Core Xeon Servers:Friendly Community of 77K!Max Level 254!Custom Items,Mobs,Shopping Center and Friendly GMs.... | 0 | 304 |
73 | Deadliners Revolution Deutscher Server auf 2.4.x EP Rate 2x, Drop Rate 2x. Wenig Bugs, netten GMs, eigene Events, Lagfrei, Ts-Server f�r Support & Gilden. St�ndig anwachsende, freundliche & hilfsbereite Community, Charaktertransfer m�glich.... | 0 | 287 |
74 | ..:: Immortal-WoW ::.. deutscher WoW-Server - Burning Crusade - Mangos 2.3.2 - BLIZZLIKE - nice Community... | 0 | 311 |
75 | Wowlord Burning Crusade 2.1.x-2.2.x ;; 1000mbit connection ;; 2000 user caps;;Powerful Dedicated servers ;; Funserve ;; Hight-rates ;; 24h online GMs ;; countless Events ;; Active coummunity ;; National systerm ;; wishing-stone ;; free flying mount ;;Rushing... | 0 | 332 |
76 | Chaos WoW Chaos WoW! Vicious Instance bosses! (No really they are evil spell toting bastards)
6x Items!
12x Gold!
8x Exp (kills)
12x Exp (explore)
16x Exp (quests)
Half Fall Dmg
Double Regens/Rage/Reputation
5x Honor/Rest
TBC + Regular 2.3.3.X!
Aliance and Ho... | 0 | 287 |
77 | GuN Gaming WoW! Instant Level 90 Insant Level 90! || 2 Totally Custom Malls! || 3 Custom Instances & Instances are Scripted and More Challenging! || Amazing Uptime! || Tier 7 Instance! || Custom Mounts! || All New Characters START with Tier 4!! || So Come on Down... | 0 | 261 |
78 | WowLegendary WOwLegendary
... | 0 | 325 |
79 | vWoW vWoW :-: 2.3 Compatible :-: Black Temple, Mount Hyjal, Battlegrounds, ALL WORK! :-: 1 Funserver, instant level 70, massive gold drop, Seperate Item Malls :-: 1 Blizzlike :-: 24/7 Uptime :-: Dedicated Server... | 0 | 287 |
80 | 2.3.0 Funserver GM for ALL Hello welcome to the Forsaken Realmz Private Server. we Are wanting to invite anyone who wants to have fun.. The server is up 24/7 So come on and join the fun!!
*Custom Starting Gear an weapons
*Custom Starting Spells
*Custom Vendors
*Custom Ma... | 0 | 325 |
81 | SonicWoW | Instant 70 RAID SERVER [INSTANT 70/Raider's Server] [Starter Gear/Vendors] [Public Vent/Dedicated GM's] [DAILY Talent/Bug Fixes/Great Events] [AWESOME Instance Scripting] [Dual Core/1000mBit/2gRAM/NO LAG!] [VOTE REWARDS SYSTEM!]... | 0 | 336 |
82 | EGC-WoW Realm Deutscher Blizzlike Server auf Mangos: Patchstand 2.4.3, nette GMs, keine Lags, wachsende Community, w�chentliche Events, Charaktertransfer und Lvl 35 Startaktion, regelm��ige Updates, hero Instanzen;... | 0 | 295 |
83 | Sin'Dorei World of Warcraft Server Erst k�rzlich er�ffneter WoW Server / Kaum Laggs und Downs / Ideal f�r neuanf�nge... | 0 | 287 |
84 | :: WoWExion Romania FunServer 3.0.8 :: Un servar cu peste 100 de playeri;)... | 0 | 272 |
85 | The Bright Light = [The Bright Light] = [Deutsch Blizzlike & Funserver] = [Stabil & Schnell] = [2.4.3 TBC] = [PVP] = [Eigene Features] = [Netter & f�higer Support] = [Events mit Preisen] = Wir freuen uns auf euch! =... | 0 | 279 |
86 | ~MC~Multigaming WoW-Freeshard ~ CS:S ~ CS 1.6 ~
We have 2 Servers of WoW, 1x Highrate and 1x RP-Blizzlike. A ver nice Community with friendly Supporters.... | 0 | 286 |
87 | Exodus T.B.C 2.4.3 --- Serwer World Of Serwer exodus ma ponad rok działania za sobą. Pełen godny zaufania skład jak i wiernych graczy, liczba ludzi to ok 170 os�b online. Działające areny i BG. Serdecznie zapraszam wszystkich zainteresowanych :) Serwer jest b... | 0 | 456 |
89 | .::Best WoW BlizzLike Server Latvia::. .:GoldMoon TM Presents:. WoW Burning Crusader BlizzLike server... Our rates: Exp: x1 Drop: x1 Sp: x1 - Real BlizzLike! Cool Events ::: All Working ::: Up time 99% ::: Long Term! ::: No Lags ::: Join us - http://GoldMoonia.ru :::... | 0 | 269 |
90 | ..::ELeMeNT::.. WoW MeGa Fun Server Great WoW High Rate Server > Hyjal Zone 1-255lvl > 99% uptime >Portals > Pvp Areas >Batlegrounds >Vendors with all sets T1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & Weapons & World Trainers... | 0 | 341 |
91 | WoW UtopiE [2.4.X Instant 70] [2.4.X] [Instant 70 Realm] [Scripted Instances][Free|T1-T6| Vendor+Weapon Vendor] [Low Ping] [Team Arenas|BG's are working!][Start with 20k Gold] [No Downtime 24/7 100mbit][Custom Mall] [Raid T VII]... | 0 | 305 |
92 | The Black Temple Woltk 3.0.8a Server WOW Woltk 3.0.3/3.0.8/low ping/Platz f�r bis zu 5000 User/Fre�ndliche Admins/Gm's/Suchen noch GM's/Vip m�glich/usw mehr infos auf unserer page... | 0 | 257 |
Open 24/24 7/7 Congig Q660 (oc 3Ghz) + 4GB RAM under Vista x64.
Forum (in french) http://fra298.servegame.com/forums... | 0 | 251 |
94 | -Kamical 250 And Instant 80 Realms- - Nemesis Realm Has Level Cap 250! With Level Roads And T7,8,9,10,11,12 ect.. - Crysis Realm Has Level Cap 80! With FREE CUSTOM TIER 7! PvP All Around! - Run On A 100mb Connection - JOIN NOW! -... | 0 | 358 |
95 | Exigence|Exodus Gaming Exigence|Exodus Gaming :: Two realms :: Exigence (Level Cap 200, XP 50x) :: Exodus (Level Cap 80, Instant) :: Two dedicated servers :: 1000mb connection :: ONLY Custom Content :: Active Community :: Join Today... | 0 | 286 |
96 | Mutiny WoW 2.4.X Sunwell Fully Spawned Mutiny WoW 2.4.3 Supported, Sunwell Fully Set up with all Bosses, Public Ventrilo, 2 Realms: Funserver Instant 70 10,000 Gold to Start , Blizzlike Server High Rate, Dedicated Server, Low Latency, , Highly Stable, Custom Creations, 8000 User Cap, Even... | 0 | 314 |
97 | Mein WoW PServer Wey willkommen auf unseren PServer wir ibeten euch ein blizzlike und ein Fun Server sidn auf version 2.1.3 ganz neu kommt doch mal und schaut rein!!!!... | 0 | 265 |
98 | VTommy's Private WoW Server 2 Servers (Blizzlike/FunServer), 3.0.9 FULL BlizzLike Spawn, FunServer has Mall Included with free stuff
All Hosted with DEDICATED DUAL-XEON 2.8GHZ with 6GB ram on 100 MBits Connection (No Lags)
Everyone welcome, we have friendly staff
See you in ... | 0 | 352 |
99 | Deathknell Realms Blizzlike servers, semi blizzlike and funservers ,high population (generally 750+ at peak times). Great GMs, fun events, fun battlegrounds! Requires TBC or regular wow patched to 2.3.X... | 0 | 272 |
100 | Panic-WoW [Panic-WoW] [3.0.x Support] [Lagg Free] [Bug Free] [costant Uptime] [1000 mbit connection] [16000 User cup] [New Comunity] [Join Us!]... | 0 | 281 |