1751 | Prophets of deah JOIN THE PROPHETS OF DEATH NOW! INSTANT 70 . CRAZY COOL REWARDS FOR VOTING! CUSTOM VENDORS AND tier7-11. Pay for vip(GM POWERS!)... | 0 | 441 |
1752 | WoWatik Best WoW Private Server. Best GM`s.... | 0 | 261 |
1753 | World of Fire Willkommen auf dem World of Fire Funserver... | 0 | 246 |
1754 | WoW-Vecro WoW-vecro Server is a 24/7 world of warcraft private server. This is an english only server, no foreign languages in the world chat! You need client 2.3.3 to play on our server . Come help the population get higher!
Features of this server:
-Full 2.... | 0 | 259 |
1755 | World WoW 2.4.1 Welcome TO World WoW! Free Private server 2.4.x Free lag Friendly Gm... | 0 | 257 |
1756 | Dark-Multigaming Ein Deutscher Fun Server, der nie abst�rzt immer gute Latenz hat und auch nicht laggt.
Wir haben:
-Eigene Items
-Eigene Instanzen
-Zwei Playertreffs
-Eine Levelarea
-Eine Selbstgemachte PVP Arena
-Eine Portal Insel
-Eine Berufe Insel
-Max lvl 120
-T0... | 0 | 259 |
1757 | Der Echsenkessel Wir bitten, 100 Players, einen Super Server, kaum Laggs und st�ndig wachsende User anzahl.... | 0 | 233 |
1758 | WoW Curse l No lagg l Blizzlike comming Welcome to WoW Curse!!! Here we offer... *99.9% uptime* *no lagg* *Friendly GM staff* *Donor gear* *3 Custom instance: Scarlets hand, Zul'thalar, and Custom Stormwind vaults* *Custom town* *Custom mall* *Custom Event gear* *instant level 80* *Custom ... | 0 | 413 |
1759 | World Of Remix Serveur FUN PVP (2.4.1).Recrutement [On]. On attend plus que vous... | 0 | 225 |
1760 | LORWYN WOW | BLIZZLIKE | 2.4.1 Nowy powstały serwer wow. Zapraszamy.... | 0 | 244 |
1761 | Ruby WoW Description: 24/7 Uptime Always // Custom bosses // Custom Quest // Custom Mall // Custom Items // Active and Nice Gm's // 100 mbps Internet speed // No lag // True Funserver // Sunwell plateua // Isle of quel'danas // JOIN NOW... | 0 | 247 |
1762 | shadow craft all info is on site and we have banner jsut dont know how to add :(lol... | 0 | 247 |
1763 | shadowsbandBG_PVP instant lvl
have shop... | 0 | 261 |
1764 | Mistika Server Private wow server... | 0 | 297 |
1765 | TeamFx TeamFx WoW Highrate/funserver costum instances and mutch fun... | 0 | 220 |
1766 | Wow Godly Custom Town Mall Battlegrounds (multiple BGs) Fun area Npcs Leveling trail War Zone. High Rate. Hamachi.... | 0 | 242 |
1767 | .:Lordzed Zone:. Wow server 2.4.1 Mid-rate Frendly Gm`s And lots of players :D... | 0 | 256 |
1768 | WoW Battlecry ### Server Located in Bulgaria ###
### Realmlist: ###
### RATES: ###
Profession and skill increment rate:40x
[How cool is that ? Now you can reach your ... | 0 | 266 |
1769 | Serbia WoW World of Warcraft Private Server !
HighFun rate server !
Serbia WoW is BACK !
Ascent core supports 2.4.x
Normal & TBC WoW... | 0 | 269 |
1770 | N.i.n.j.a. WoW New server LFGameMasters... | 0 | 286 |
1771 | Whiterock This server is 2.4.x with the most least buggiest db ever! try it and see vote rewards where added to the server if you been with us for a while you will know that i was the first creator and finder of the flying carpet mount alot of other noobs just... | 0 | 246 |
1772 | World of Emerald Finest Wir sind ein Server mit einer netten Community ! 1x Original Server, 1x Blizzlike Server und 1x Fun Server . Das ganze l�uft auf dem Patch 2.4.2... | 0 | 252 |
1773 | AGF-WEB [Learn Making Wow Servers][Learn Making Wow Realm][Learn Ascent][Learn MySQL][Learn Apache][Learn to make Custom Items/Mobs/Vendors/Sets/Portals/Objects]... | 0 | 265 |
1774 | Nox-gaming Hallo
Unser wow Privatserver such noch member
Patch 2.4.1 mango server leuft im mom noch �ber hamachi Nox-gaming pw lol
Acc erstellen �ber icq 225271668 nur wunsch acc und pw duchgeben
Suchen jemand der uns eine hp erstellt und gms die playtreff ba... | 0 | 301 |
1775 | Genesis Wow 30x Rates | Help + Support | 2.4.x | QuelDanas Spawned | Custom Items | Enchant Stones | Community Based | Fun Events | Working Ticket System | Friendly GMs | Starter Zones Re-Done! | 99.99% Uptime |... | 0 | 268 |
1776 | Dragoon-WoW new server
tbc support-2.4.x support-ultimate blizzlike-2 realms... | 0 | 234 |
1777 | BgHC WoW server kill-20 quest-50 drop-20... | 0 | 244 |
1778 | .:::WoW_Revolution_PT:::. Server de Portugal... | 0 | 268 |
1779 | WowBigBrother Big Brother themed server! Custom malls for both horde and alliance! 2.4 server.. custom portals etc........ | 0 | 240 |
1780 | WoW Ultimate 2 Romanian Server 24/24 online no lagg no bugg 2.4.x version all work... | 0 | 275 |
1781 | Step Into The Moonlight Less bugs, full spawned areas, frendly GM, al x30. Try It !!!... | 0 | 214 |
1782 | Forum-WoW-Serveur 2.4.2 pour un moment le serveur est off dsl pour sa il va reouvrir dans maximum 2 jour tout va etre terminer
2 realm
blizzlike rate 10-20
fun (rate 10-60)(en construction)
Royaume Fun a sa zone xp avec des quest et a une zone shop bien particuliere
des g... | 0 | 257 |
1783 | Vindication WoW: TBC: 2.4.x
Blizz like
Fun and friendly GMs
Website account creation - No email auth.
Come on and join the fun and help us make this the best server out there... | 0 | 430 |
1784 | WoW pro100Witya Portal WoW pro100Witya Portal - all for wow!!!addons, boats, cheats...... | 0 | 192 |
1785 | Old School Blizzlike v2.4.2 Pr�-BC Old School Blizzlike vous renvoye dans l'univers de WoW Pr� BC ( Outreterre non disponible // Level 60 max ). Arm� d'une �quipe de MJ souvent pr�sente et mature, ce serveur orient� PVP est prometteur. Rate XP x4 | Gold x4 | Quete x3 | Nouveau du 11/... | 0 | 246 |
1786 | Dragon Coast Rates 7x. TBC.... | 0 | 239 |
1787 | Horror Shop 100% Blizzlike 2.4.2
Normal Latency, High Player Cap.... | 0 | 263 |
1788 | Final-Insane Deutsch/English Community, 100% Uptime, keine Lags, 24/7 Email/Live Support. Da unser Server noch ziemlich neu ist sind wir gerade dabei unsere Homepage zu vervollst�ndigen. Der Server ist fertig und somit Spielbereit. Es werden noch 2 weitere Server... | 0 | 235 |
1789 | Wow Gaming Lounge 2.4.x BC WoW TBC 2.4.x, freundliche User, Keine Lags, stabiler Server, LvL Cap 80, Battlegrounds, alle Tier Sets T1-T6, eigene PvP Belohnungen und vieles mehr erwarten euch... | 0 | 266 |
1790 | #NAME? : Custom City, Instant level 70, Teleporter, Alliance and Horde Malls, Custom 70+ Instance, Donate for GM or VIP, No Lag, 99.9% Uptime, Custom Vendors with Custom Armor and Items, Custom Start Area!, Custom Tier 7,7.5,8,9,10 and 11! : Funserver : JOI... | 0 | 267 |
1791 | Sunshine Server WoW Ascent 2.4.x server////Quel'danas//// Season 4////Located in Europe////Run on AMD 3.2 Ghz Dual Core with 4GB RAM
1792 | Dagorwow - Funserver Dagorwow is a World of Warcraft hamachi fun private server. We are running on hamachi, and patch 2.4.2 is up and running. Sunwell is also working... | 0 | 257 |
1793 | WoW-Empire Awsome GMS::Custom Areas:: WoW BAND:: HAMACHI SERVER::BARELY ANY DC:: NO LAGG!::JOIN NOW,BEFORE ITS TOO LATE... | 0 | 245 |
1794 | Nadero-WoW Wir sind ein Deutscher FunServer, mit tollen Playertreffs und vielen Events man wird sofort Level 70 und bekommt 15000 Startgold duch eine Quest Nette GMs und Nette Member warten auf euch!!... | 0 | 241 |
1795 | KoC WoW [2.4.x Support] [Burning Crusade] [1 Realms] [Scripted Instances] [High Rates] [Low Ping] [Stable Server] [Vote and be Rewarded] [Active and Helpful GM's]... | 0 | 224 |
1796 | www.wow-di.my1.ru Server version 2.4.2 is good rete x1-x3... | 0 | 230 |
1797 | My WoW Server 2.4.x Panex private server exactly like Blizzard's.Completely lag-free and with helpful GMs.
1798 | Blazing-WoW 2 Realms Funserver & Blizzlike/Malls/Custom Items/Friendly GM & Admins/Live Chat Support/Well integrated website/Best Hamachi runned server out there xD... | 0 | 311 |
1799 | FallenWow - Rise With the Fallen FallenWow Is now open. We are a brand new server here to provide an experience unlike any other. Daily database updates(we will try our damndest,) friendly GM's(still being hired), and a 10MB connection fully dedicated to FallenWow. Come check us out... | 0 | 295 |
1800 | Official probasco.mine.nu WoW site. A site to connect with others, create an account, get login information, and help for the one and only Probasco Server... | 0 | 305 |