Top 100 Zone


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I join the
A: Please submit your gaming website by clicking the 'add site' in the top menu. Once you have registered, you will be given a link that is to be placed somewhere on your own website. The link is basically a few lines of HTML that allows visitors to vote for your website. Every time a visitors clicks on the voting link, your site will be "ranked" higher on the listing.

Q: Why should I join?
A: By joining the our Top 100, you'll get exposure and more visitors/traffic to your website. More traffic means more players for you.

Q: Is this really free?
A: Yes this is 100% free and will always stay free.

Q: I signed up but I don't see my website?
A: We will review all suggested new websites first (this takes usually within 24 hours). We are doing this manually to keep our list clean and accurate. All votes you receive while waiting will be stored in our database. Once your website is approved it will appear on our list.

Q: What does IN and OUT mean?
A: The column 'IN' represents the total number of votes/hits that came from your site. The column OUT represents the total number of visits/clicks to your site, from the top 100.

Q: Why does my ranking reset every month?
A: To keep the chart fair and accurate, we reset the IN and OUT hits every month. This way new websites can have a fair chance at competing for the top spots.

Q: Can I sumbit multiple websites?
A: You are allowed 1 account per website, so you will need to sign up again to add another site. Please do not submit the same website more than once.

Q: How do I advertise my listing?
A: You can apply for gold membership here.

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Time until reset: 6 days, 2 hours and 53 minutes.
IN/OUT are reset every month...