JOIN NOW... | 0 | 240 |
1402 | WoWTech - Brand New TBC Server Blizz High-Rated :: High Drop & Gold Rates :: Friendly GMs :: Custom Events :: Custom NPCs :: Custom Items :: 24/7 Uptime :: Sign up now, and be a part of our new community... | 0 | 235 |
1403 | Durotar Realm 2.3.0 World of Warcraft BlizzLike server, Friendly GMs, updated frequently, relatively new.... | 0 | 239 |
1404 | ICs Epic WoW - Free Mount - 100g Start High XP - Custom Items - Custom Zones - Latest Eveything - 2.X.X... | 0 | 242 |
1405 | 2.3 WoW Server Marikami Projekt New 2.3 Server , Instant lvl 70 or High Rate Lvling, Good GMs, Events everyday, No lag server, Join NOW! =)... | 0 | 248 |
1406 | Dread End Cool hi rate server... | 0 | 235 |
1407 | World of Game 1 kill = 70
24/7 uptime
good drops
good gold
2.2.3 NO 2.3.0 yet lol... | 0 | 259 |
1408 | Wars of the Shadow ..::Fun-Server::.. WoW Bc 2.2.3 Rate:Hoch k�nnen wir nur sagen - restliche bugs werden t�glich behoben - viele Events - eigene gemachte ITEMS-eigender Treff-... | 0 | 240 |
1409 | Arthas II This is a German WoW Fun & Blizzlike server with all good thinks look at the Website and you See more... | 0 | 262 |
1410 | Outlaw Gamers Welcome to Outlaw Gamers where we now support the LATEST update. No need to downgrade !!
Our server offers players the chance to become part of a great player base with excellent game masters and events.
We Offer::
- Excellent Rates 40x XP/ 50x Ques... | 0 | 312 |
1411 | WowRealm of a Thousand Truths We are a newer realm with a blizzlike server that has had its xp and gold rates increased by a small amount (So it doesn't take all the fun out of it:)... | 0 | 215 |
1412 | ArtisanWOW A private WOW Server where we plan to have as many servers geographically placed around the world to provide a lag free connection.... | 0 | 251 |
1413 | OffiLhun Funserver with good drop rates and xp rates.... | 0 | 251 |
1414 | WowClan | Come all on this site |... | 0 | 271 |
1415 | abyssal Burning Crusade 2.3.x :: 100mbit Connection:: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Server Forums :: Constant Uptime :: PVPFunServer :: Dedicated Server :: Tons of Events :: Team Arenas! :: Zul'Amam Spawns :: Shopping Malls :: Custom Items And Sets :: ... | 0 | 265 |
1416 | Burning Legion - 2.3.0 Xp - Blizz... | 0 | 239 |
1417 | Gigel's World This is a BlizzLike wanna be server 100%, come on and join... | 0 | 271 |
1418 | Batle WoW Server WoW BC v2.3.0 Russian call at... | 0 | 252 |
1419 | World of Warcraft Revolution Running Patch 2.3.x
Level 70 Cap
Custom Mall added in Shattrath with every vendor you need!
Custom Trainers added in Shattrath with all the skills you need!
Custom Hyjal with custom elite spawns, including custom quests for T7 armor sets. Also great ... | 0 | 256 |
1420 | Dawn Of WoW Burning Cusade 2.3 :: 1000 user cap :: Lag free if ther is its ur comp :: Australian server :: massive pvp :: 1000xgreen, 100xblue, 10xepic :: Friendly GMs :: Constant upgrades :: Custom shopping malls coming up! :: lvl cap 70 :: 100x xp rates :: 15... | 0 | 223 |
1421 | The-White-Hand [Blizzlike] New Blizzlikeserver with a lot of Events.
>>>low ping.
>>>good working server.
>>>only a few of bugs.
>>>fast support via Teamspeak.
>>>good Community.... | 0 | 282 |
1422 | WoWline world of warcraft fun server The Burning Cruasade 2.3.0 version Up 24/7... | 0 | 237 |
1423 | wow infinity Hello To all the server info is: XP DROP : 200x|Custom Items|Custom places|custom quests|qustom events|Friendly GMS|New pvp system|... | 0 | 263 |
1424 | Darkfire221 WoW Brand new server, 2.3.x, instant 70, working on vendors, custom items, etc...
Come join us today... | 0 | 312 |
1425 | World of Maniacs - Free German 2.3 Realm Feel free and join us...... | 0 | 263 |
1426 | The Dark Carnival || Join The Dark Carnival || Very High Rates || Funserver | Custom Shop Mall || Very Low Latency || Level Cap 70 || Player Cap 1000+ ||... | 0 | 234 |
1427 | WoW-Agez -Tier 1,2,3,4,5,6 vendors
-Custom Vendors
-PVP area in Gurubashi
-Horde and Ally mall in Alterac Valley
-Fully loaded Instances
-Cool looking Teleporter NPC
-Friendly gms
-A Funserver(Exadus)
-A FunBlizzlike Server(Fantasy)
-Dance club(for horde)
-Sn... | 0 | 262 |
1428 | Codre WoW VErs: 2.3.x,custom vendors,items,npc... | 0 | 258 |
1429 | SM WoWPS Blizlike server running at 2x everything (gold/exp/etc.)
100% Uptime!... | 0 | 253 |
1430 | WoW Stammkneipe German WoW 2.3.0 BC Server with nice community,friendly gm,and higher rates
Blizz and Funlike mix... | 0 | 300 |
1431 | Forgotten Realms Fun Russian Server World of Warcraft... | 0 | 261 |
1432 | Shadowfury WoW 2.3.2 Current Version ZA Items Everything. We have Vendors ect. it is a Mid Rate Server. rates 40x 50x 60x Small Pop.
[New Server] Full on GMs. Get any item you want. level cap 70... | 0 | 206 |
1433 | $HaDoW Realm WoW TBC 2.3.X :: 100mbit:: 2000 User Cap :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: PVP :: Dedicated Server :: Tons of Events :: Tier 6,7 :: Arena Works !!! :: Bug-Free :: Website, Forum, Chat, Ventrilo :: Join us And you Will... | 0 | 243 |
1434 | DeathF!st World Of Warcraft /HUN/ DeathFist 2.3.3 -- 500 User Cap -- Lag Free -- Rate 2x -- NON-STOP /HUN/... | 0 | 244 |
1435 | WoWatik Private Server High XP rates! Friendly GM`s! Events! Working Zul`Aman... | 0 | 282 |
1436 | FORJADEROL [ROL SERVER] Servidor Rolero de World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade, sin lag, a penas bugs y 100% ROL!
La mayor comunidad hispanohablante te espera para rolear en WoW, con un Staff dedicado de Gm's ,superior a 20, para hacerte vivir grandes batallas, impresion... | 0 | 266 |
1437 | Sigguratu r.7x XP rates = x7
Drop money = x10
Drop items = x3... | 0 | 230 |
1438 | LossNet WoW Server 3 servers (normal, high blizzlike)... | 0 | 317 |
1439 | Archangel Knights WoW� This is cool funserver now gonna open many many realms on that server see the info:
-10 malls
-Npc tele,portal room,money npc
-Custom areas
-Custom mobs,npc,boss
And much much more..
Join us! Thank you ... | 0 | 250 |
1440 | wowaddicts very nice staff high lvling rates taxie, huge mall, custom items, no lag... | 0 | 227 |
1441 | ShaDDow-WoW /The Darkside of WoW Server 24 Stunden Online!
Was wir bieten:
- Der Server l�uft mit Version 2.3.0
- Die Rates betragen 5x der Blizz.
- Support wird dann geboten, wenn er ben�tigt
- Char Transfer im Forum Ank�ndigen und ihr
erhaltet euren Char vom Alten Serve... | 0 | 283 |
1442 | RileyWoW RileyWoW server is now back after it crashed! Features: -Based on Inn0cent Database! -level 1-75 Custom Leveling Road in Hyjal made by me! -Custom City from Inn0cent! -Custom Alliance and Horde mall by Inn0cent! -Portals in every starting area... | 0 | 246 |
1443 | WoWCraft Always using the very latest official patches - Rates: 3x Blizzlike! - Good skilled community - challenging world - And alot more! Take a minute to sign up, and see for yourself... | 0 | 245 |
1444 | NetherQuest 2.3.0 New Server|2.3.0|2 dual core xeon processors|6 Gig Ram|Dedicated Vent server|Free lvl 40|Blizz like|BG's,Arena's,Events and workin Talents... | 0 | 318 |
1445 | The lost scrolls of Acrimar dedicated server, 24/7 uptime, blizlike rates,CUSTOM EVENTS, and friendly GM/ADMIN, we have a Team Speak server, and MSN/Yahoo contact... | 0 | 220 |
1446 | WOWRage play WOW for free! 2.3.2 Stable server :: always latest core updates :: active developers :: Client 2.3.2 supported :: 25-30x XP :: higher drop rates! :: no imba gear! :: 100mbit... | 0 | 217 |
1447 | Free World of Warcraft Guides/Priv. Serv Download Free World of Warcraft Guides. Play on our Private Server - with over 2,000 players online on any time of the day... | 0 | 324 |
1448 | DarkFusion Gaming Account Page Realmlist = "set realmlist dfg-server.de" without ""
Fun server T4/S2 Pvp Area ... and much more... | 0 | 272 |
1449 | --<<( D O N D O N S E R V E R )>>-- [DonDon Server - WoW Private Server] [Custom place and Vendors] [2 Realms: Funserver and Test Realm] [Searching for player :)] [JOIN AND HAVE FUN]... | 0 | 248 |
1450 | The Night GARD Realms We are running a Dedicated Server to give the fastes connection, we have 80+ lvl and a customized Guild hall and training areas.... | 0 | 410 |