1551 | Messed Up Wow [instant 80] [WoTLK Alpha Server] [Friendly GMs] find more info when you join :)... | 0 | 246 |
1552 | PixieWoW 2.4.x Funserver[Instant 70][Dedicated Server][Custom PvP system][Custom T1-T8 Gear Instantly][Custom malls][VIP Donation gear][Donation Gear][VIP Account Status w/ Donation][Custom Events including Waterfalls and Maze][Join us at the best funserver]... | 0 | 262 |
1553 | Frozen WoW Servers Join Now Relam List
logon.frozen-wow.com... | 0 | 265 |
1554 | xTION WoW Server 2.4.2 - Blizzlike - 24/7 Support - Friendly GMs... | 0 | 250 |
1555 | Crisis WoW Server High Rate Server mit netten GM's und einem Playertreff auf Patch 2.4.2
Es sind stellen f�r GM und Supporter frei bewerbt euch im Forum und hab die chance in ein Team mit netten leuten zu kommen!!!... | 0 | 237 |
1556 | Diabolic WoW Hungary �dv�zl�k minden World Of Warcraft kedvelőt!
Ratek:Xp= 50x
Minden drop= 25x
Patch:2.4.0-t�l 2.4.2-ig
Bővebb inf�:Sunwel Plateau(A 2.4.0-�s patch �j �stja):
Bossok erej�nek optimaliz�l�sa �s drop �t�ll�t�sa.Dobnak t7-et(Itt... | 0 | 247 |
1557 | Zul'Jin WOW [2.4.1 Support] [Burning Crusade] [Scripted Instances] [x5 kill x7 drop x5 honor Rates] [Low Ping] [Stable Servers] [Everydays events and rewards] [Active and Helpful GM's]... | 0 | 251 |
1558 | DoomsDay (New Server) Lag Free Always adding New stuff gms Needed 2.4.2!
Gm apps Are welcome
Currently Looking For more gms... | 0 | 232 |
1559 | LeiGon Of WoW New Server!!! High Exp Rates...Custom mobs, npc's EtC!!... | 0 | 241 |
1560 | Matrocity Server [New Server] [ 2.4.x Stable ] [ Friendly GMs ] [ Events] [ Custom malls ] [ Start out with Dungeon set 3] [ gold = x15, xp = x9, drop = x2] [ Custom teleporters] [ Custom donation weapons and armor] [ 99 % uptime ] [ Low Ping]... | 0 | 247 |
1561 | Jamin WOW ELITE SPEED HACKING? Yes!!.Sunwell FULLY SPAWNED-S4 vendors-Future Azeroth Flyerys-malls ORG&SW -Portrals-startoff gold quest- HIGH RATES-INSTANT 70-First 40 get 1 free custom weapon.... | 0 | 257 |
1562 | ..::[ Hellios 2.4.1 & 2.4.2 ]::.. Hellios 2.4.1 & 2.4.2 [10x Rates] Server, All Bosses Scripted, No Bugs, ALL QUESTS&MOBS&BOSSES&LOOTS Correct For Quel'Danas, Low Pings, Alot Of FUN, JOIN NOW!!!!... | 0 | 253 |
1563 | WoW SERVER INSTANT 60 WoW Server INSTANT 60 ... 2.4.x
1000 gold
weapons for lvl 60
NO LAG ..(50-100 MS)
... | 0 | 264 |
1564 | TheNamed Hello,
We are a new server.
We got nice gm's,
We host Event,
More info you find inside.... | 0 | 224 |
1565 | Ivil World Very High Rate Serwer ivil world 2.4.2. Jezeli zmieczylo cie bicie lvla na serwerze typu blizzke to jest ten serwer ktorego potrzebujesz .rate: xp 20 drop 20 quest 30.Bugi staramy sie systematycznie naprawiac.Serwer stoi na dobrym Łaczu 24/7.Mila i profesjonal... | 0 | 224 |
1566 | Kitten Head-Butt / Indestructible Gaming Kitten Head-Butt WoW / Indestructible Gaming Community presents
No PvP in Malls (Gms/Admins will be looking in the malls every 4 or 5 minutes)
set realmlist: indestructiblegaming.org
account creation site is:
Forums: http://indestructibl... | 0 | 254 |
1567 | WoW-Pod Constant uptime, great ping, no bugs, always up to date, great community, dedicated GMs and admins, reasonable rates, custom events, custom questing island, custom outdoor bosses, working on custom instances. Teleporter, items, all working!
We are ... | 0 | 236 |
1568 | Mistaken-WoW 24/7 UpTime|Tweaked Blizzlike Realm|Fully Dedicated|No lag at all|Friendly and helpful GM/Admin's|Fun Realm Coming Soon!|Come join... | 0 | 240 |
1569 | Conviction Conviction 2.4.2
-Sunwell nearly spawned and scripted
-All TBC raids and instances Scripted
-New pvp expirience
-S4 arena set buyable with marks soon!
-Custom citys
-Custom starting arenas and unseen levelroad with quests!
-Many events
-Constant upt... | 0 | 269 |
1570 | World of Wonders v2 Using latest patch 2.4.3
server rates:
5x Kill XP
2x Quest XP
2x Droprates... | 0 | 262 |
1571 | Brother Hood Wow A high rate funserver with friendly gms... | 0 | 254 |
1572 | HelLStorM WoW(Bulgarian Blizzard Server) HelLStorM WoW - Bulgarian Blizzard Server... | 0 | 357 |
1573 | krautswow a private server just starting. offering instant 70 and the option to be a gm (if ur a good person) max gold will be awarded and free mounts if u join soon!
running 2.4.3 server.... | 0 | 278 |
1574 | new WoW Server Молодой активно развивающийся серверер c... | 0 | 255 |
1575 | K1Ng-CoBrA The number 1 cheating site for PC gamers!... | 0 | 274 |
1576 | Lucky INC Network YO! Lucky INC want you to help us grow!
We need GM's aswell as players, so take a look to us!
We Support version 1.12.1 and 1.12.2... | 0 | 281 |
1577 | DarkWizards Reborn Best Server - 3 Realms - No Lag - 2 Delicated Hosts - One For The Server One For The Database - Custom Stuff - And Much More ... | 0 | 331 |
1578 | Vr WoW Rates: 525/525/1000/10,000... | 0 | 259 |
1579 | France - Rebellion Serveur WoW TBC - 2.13 Serveur 100 % dispo et performant Il ne manque plus que vous ... | 0 | 261 |
1580 | NEXploits.com The all in on gaming site for MMO. Everything you need for MMO games, including private servers and guides.... | 0 | 260 |
1581 | .::|*La Guerre Des Races*|::. Rate XP: 1.5 Quetes: 2.5 Explor: 3.0 Items: 1.5 Or: 2.0
Plus d'informations sur le Site Web.... | 0 | 318 |
1582 | TheWoWShadows TheWoWShadows are up and going!
This is a Server with full support!!!
Support : [email protected]
Version: 2.0.8-2.0.12
Drop.rate: 3x
Quest: 10x
Explore: 3x
Thanks... | 0 | 258 |
1583 | Valley of Shadows 2.0.12 Constantly updated server, not MangOS, or Ludd. Flying mounts work, BGs Work, Uptime ranging from 8-12 hours, Respectful staff, and much more... | 0 | 259 |
1584 | [IG] Stormspire (PvP) Infuriated Gaming highrate server
no lags
24/7 uptime
nice admins
regular events (weekly PvP)
daily bugfixes
and much much more, come join us NOW... | 0 | 262 |
1585 | United Class Come And join because it's a good server!Thanks
Xp rate : 200x
Drop Rate : 100x... | 0 | 268 |
1586 | SpelaMera Network Two Dedicated servers. Blizzlike/Funserver. Good connection speed, frendly community. Always updated.... | 0 | 278 |
1587 | Karizma Wow TBC Private Server Online 100 players and like blizzard items and mods..
Enjoy..... | 0 | 346 |
1588 | TBC 100% Uptime WOW Titan-Energy
New server 100mbps duel core come play now.... | 0 | 250 |
1589 | WoW aTTaX Deutscher WoW Server... | 0 | 253 |
Our rates are pretty good, and a new blizz-like server is on the way, at the moment we have the good oul'fun server running.
Some info on the server.
====... | 0 | 282 |
1591 | warsrage this is a burning crusade server 24/7uptime never a crash just started advertizing working flying mounts ex:... | 0 | 229 |
1592 | Blackned WoW Funserver with no lagg and gear vendors in SW and ORG VOTE... | 0 | 249 |
1593 | Durotar - Game Server New server of "World of Warcraft", comes to have fun and to help this beautiful server to grow. Blizzlike 2x with The Burning Crusade.... | 0 | 241 |
1594 | Blackhawkfunserver Cool server whit alot of special areas and items. Cool admin and Gm's. XP-rate very high server = 1.11.1 COME AND JOIN US... | 0 | 227 |
1595 | BloodWorld Welcome, BloodWorld Private WoW TBC 2.0.12 (Latest ManGOS, SDB, ScriptDev2)
Opteron 100 mmbit... | 0 | 381 |
1596 | Step Into The Moonlight Full spawned areas, less bugs, frendly GMs,all x30. Just try it!!!... | 0 | 243 |
1597 | WoW we're good ultra high rates, free server. latency guaranteed to be below 100... | 0 | 221 |
1598 | SecretOUtland The Burning Crusade Privat The SecretOUtland The burning Crusade server . This server got the coolest things events cool gm's and nice admin so why not join c'mon just try and you wont be sorry and if your fast enought we will give you 70 lvl... | 0 | 254 |
1599 | Burning-WoW Romania -2.4.3 Version-No lag-No Bugs-Arenas ON-BGs ON-Scriptet Instances-3x Rates-Romanian Server-... | 0 | 258 |
1600 | ...::Burning-Blood::... BurningBloos: a german and english wow-BC Fun server community with friendly admins and gm�s.
u can play with version WoW-BC 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 on our server.... | 0 | 258 |