1201 | Medieval WoW 1 server::200xp::100 gold::No Lag::100% Up time:: Freindly Gm\\\'s::Events::Connection Guide on website::Join Now... | 0 | 245 |
1202 | Kamcraft Gaming (New Gamecorn) 2.3.2 100% Total Blizzlike Server (ALL 1X Rates), Friendly GMs, NO-LAGS, GREAT COMMUNITY,GUILD BANKS, PVP ENABLED & MORE! A TOTAL PARADISE FOR ULTIMATE WOW EXPERIENCE... | 0 | 275 |
1203 | Sk8terz.sytez.net World of Warcraft 2.3.0 :: 1000mbit Connection ::PVP :: Dedicated Server :: Tons of Events:: 3000 User Cap :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs ::Black Temple :: Tier t1,t2,t3,t5,t6... | 0 | 286 |
1204 | burningchaos.com sweet finaly a server that pwans patch 2.3 three realms!!!! join today while you get the chance!You wont regret it... | 0 | 277 |
1205 | The Edge | 2.3.x | Play For Free 24/7, stable fast server. Populated. Blizzlike. Events, prizes, actions and more. Absolutely free. Join us now... | 0 | 283 |
1206 | WoW Revange No bugs! instances work,Zul'aman work!
Level 70+tier4+5000 gold for free!!!
contact GM for the offer... | 0 | 306 |
1207 | WarKeeper private server Burning Crusade 2.3.X :: 1x 2x 2x :: 100mbit Connection :: 1000 User Cap :: Lag-Free ::Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: RP :: Zul Aman Fully Spawned :: Events... | 0 | 267 |
1208 | FantasyWoW Friendly GM's::Free GM Weapons::Big Events::24/7::Fun Verry Fun Rates:: Custom Vendors::No Lag::Version 2.3-2.3.3 Also 2.3.2::Its just Great:: Come Join ... | 0 | 248 |
1209 | The Molten Throne Custom Mall, Custom Vendors, Custom Quests, Custom Starting Area, Custom leveling area, Custom mobs, Custom Items. Supports 2.3.0+ patches. Funserver. NEED MORE ACTIVE MEMBERS. Recruiting 1 GM.... | 0 | 270 |
1210 | Grim Reapers PVP Server Full Auction Houses,Portals in Major Cities, Player Level Max 80!
We support 2.3.3
Forums offer interactive maps for trainers,towns,level reqs for each area.
We are Blizzlike - Check out our forum section right now... | 0 | 256 |
1211 | rundown.no-ip.info WoW Server TBC
2.3.0 Fun Server!
1 kill lvl 70... | 0 | 253 |
1212 | Killcraft GMs getting you down? Politics and power abuse driving you crazy? Killcraft has NONE of the above! Pure dedicated blizzlike server, running latest bug-free MaNGOS, with mid-high rates and the friendliest players you'll ever meet. The server is new bu... | 0 | 302 |
1213 | DKNY Sever DKNY Mj atentos buen royo para lo demas visiten la pagina... | 0 | 269 |
1214 | Fantastico-wow morphing stones thats can do you to illidan, a real deathknight , a shade and a murloc/instant level 80/custom tier 7, 8 and deathknight gear/custom mall/custom area/custom flying mount thats can be used in azzeroth. custom dungeons. faster speed.
... | 0 | 258 |
1215 | >>> - - Project 7 - - <<< Hey leute unser server leuft auf 2.3.3 wir haben 4 Playertreffs Horde + Alli lvl arena und t9 keine 99% keine bug (Funserver) !! lvlcap 120 kommt vorbei!... | 0 | 264 |
1216 | Corewow Best privateServer From Finland CoreWoW - DarkShadow Realm
Best WoW Private Server From Finland!
43x Rates!
Custom Vendors for alliance and horde!
24/7 Online
99.9% UPTIME
Custom Leveling areas
Custom 0lvl vendors at every race start point!
Custom Portals!
Friendly GM:s
... | 0 | 300 |
1217 | Project Revolution Fun-Blizzlike Server| 30x drop rates| 20x Money Rate| 30x Kill Xp| 45x Quest Xp| Horde and Alliance Mall| Constant Uptime| Friendly and experienced GMS| Low Ping| and much more... | 0 | 263 |
1218 | SlumWoW 2.3.3 [2.3.x Support] [Burning Crusade] [ US West Realms] [Scripted Instances] [Custom High Rates] [Great Players] [Low Ping] [99.9% Stable Server] [Vote and be Rewarded] [Nice, Active and Helpful GM's]... | 0 | 226 |
1219 | clan-GODr Dota~allstars Лучший софт портал игры Warcraft 3! Хаки|Проги|Стат&... | 0 | 249 |
1220 | Burning World of Death Great Funserver using Ascent! Custom Deadmines with T7, Custom Raid with Great weapons and armor. Great community, Adding more awesome stuff! Custom malls, leveling zones, quests and things that you will only find on this server... | 0 | 242 |
1221 | Chillordz Mangos2.4.2 German Fun /blizz CHILLORDZ WoW (Deutsch)/Mangos 2.4.2/ Eigener Fun und Blizz-High realm / Nette GMs, guter stabiler root server ! Have Fun Chillordz Team... | 0 | 366 |
1222 | WOW - COLOMBIA WOW - COLOMBIA es una red privada de wow, gratuita y sin �nimo de lucro, que cuenta con un avanzado equipo de programadores y dise�adores dedicados al mejoramiento continuo de la misma.... | 0 | 228 |
1223 | Nic's WOW SERVER Nic's WOW SERVER is the best server ever! We have custom donation items for $5 each! We have a mall in shatt! We have custom starter items and a very friendly admin! CYA ON!!... | 0 | 244 |
1224 | WoW Dreams we have multi realms ,funn realms instand 70 normal realms double xp, come and check it out
... | 0 | 218 |
1226 | Wow Dev Сервер wow-dev.zapto.org -это новый сервак большое время u... | 0 | 243 |
1227 | Myght of WoW INFORMATION:http://www.myghtofwow.extra.hu/news.php
Rate.xp.Kill = 40
Rate.xp.Quest = 60
Rate.xp.Explore = 7
Rate.Drop.Items = 15
Rate.Drop.Money = 120
Rate.Honor = 15... | 0 | 255 |
1228 | Darkfury-WoW Mangos Ver. 2.3.3 Details:
Keine Bugs !
Drop Raten:
Items = 10 x Blizzlike
Geld = 10 x Blizzlike
Kill = 10 x Blizzlike
Quest = 15 x Blizzlike
Entdecken = 5 x Blizzlike
... | 0 | 229 |
1229 | FF-Networks.net Friendly GMs, mostly 24/7 online, dedicated server, 1000 m/bit connection, Highrate, Cs 1.6, Sponsoring, ... | 0 | 262 |
1230 | Voodex: Gold-Making in World of Warcraft Make 100+ gold/hour with free and community-written gold guides.... | 0 | 246 |
1231 | Nemesis-WarCraft [2.3.x Support] [High Rate] [Stable & Dedicated Server] [10000 Players Cap] [Very Low Ping] [1000 Mb/s Connection] [Vote and be Rewarded] [Active GMs][75x Kill & Quest, 60x Drop & Gold ]... | 0 | 270 |
1232 | Lethal WoW [Completely Scripted] Lethal WoW :: Funserver with INSTANT level 100 :: Illdian :: CUSTOMIZED Instances :: 3000x GOLD Drop! :: 1 Realm With AMAZING Features :: Al Scripts :: Hamachi Needed :: CUSTOMIZED Mall in Ally/Horde Major Cities :: All Instances Scripted:: JOIN NOW... | 0 | 246 |
1233 | DissilussionWoW Max Level 200
very fun server
100x all
server also is in developing stage
we need players... | 0 | 286 |
1234 | DarkGate Server Welcome to the Dark Gate Server.Please read what this server has to offer :)
This Server is an instant 90 server packed with malls and dance clubs and events. The Server is a funserver so please if you like blizzlike go play on normal wow :)
I hope t... | 0 | 251 |
1235 | Light of Stormwind Eine Sehr nette WoW Community.... | 0 | 253 |
1236 | World of Warcraft / Lineage / CoD 4 WoW funserver, WoW Blizzlike, lineage Server, Call of Duty Privat Server.. Wir bieten alles was das herz begeehrt.
>>>>>>>>!!COME AD VISIT US!!<<<<<<<... | 0 | 236 |
1237 | Nightmare Networx AscentFunRealm mit LevelArea, Playertreffs 2x, Portalinsel, Charactertransferz sowie nette Community und schneller InGameSupport... | 0 | 321 |
1238 | worldofwarcraft-game se site est cool vous verr�... | 0 | 246 |
1239 | RO A rmy Of Darkness HI
3 servere
1-Army Of Darkness Fun Server[instant 80]
2-WoW Empires Fun Server[instant 70]
3-WoW King Of Blizz Very High Rate
HAVE FUN... | 0 | 260 |
1240 | Ghost WoW Constant Uptime!::Highrate Server:: LagFree :: 100% Working Instances ::Custom Malls for both Horde and Alliance:: JOIN TODAY!::Its Never to late to begin:: www.rtgaming.se... | 0 | 265 |
1241 | WoW Fatality New Server - Join now and become the best!
Rates: all x50
(set realmlist wowfatlity.kicks-ass.net)... | 0 | 220 |
1242 | WoW for all Hallo.Ich komme vom wow servver WoW forall.Wir suchen noch GMs.Es l�uft �ber hamachi aber auf einem rootserver.Man hatten einen ping mit 90.Auf�der homepage steht aber genaueres wie alle geht und was mann machen muss.Also ich warte auf euch bis denne... | 0 | 243 |
1243 | Slayers Paradise [[2.3.x Support] [Burning Crusade][High Rates][Low Ping] [99% Uptime][Active and Very Helpful GM's] [Custom Vendors in Custom Mall] [Daily and Weekly Events] [Great Atmosphere for all ages.] [Active Forums]... | 0 | 248 |
1244 | Falke15.ath.cx Hallo wir suchen leute wir unseren wow server gleich Level 70 man kann sich t6 kaufen und wir haben sch�ne events... | 0 | 269 |
1245 | Omwow Omwow re ouvre ses portes pour de nouvelles aventures !
Serveur fran�ais RP/PVP... | 0 | 254 |
1246 | Fatality Project WoW German Ascent Funserver, 99% Deutsch, Patch 2.4.x, Qualifiziertes Team, Lvl Cap 150, Lvl Arena bis Lvl 150, 2 Playertreffs (Allianz und Horde), 24/7 Support, Custom Instanzen... Join Us... | 0 | 247 |
1247 | _-*Veritas*-_ WoW_Funserver 2.4.2~LAG Free~~40xRates~Level arena~Nice Gm's~Events~hindernisparcour~Playertreff mit allen Vendoren die man braucht~... | 0 | 251 |
1248 | Fallen Angel TBC Server Burning Crusade 2.3.3 :: 24 Hour on :: user cap 150 :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime ::immer was los bei den wilden Playern :: Lots of Events ::... | 0 | 253 |
1249 | FR World Of Darks World Of Darks Server World Of Warcraft , Fun ,
Rate X3 , MJ � l'�coute des joueurs.... | 0 | 239 |
1250 | Netherstorm 1 Blizzlike 2.3.3 Realm: set realmlist http://netherstorm.ath.cx hp: http://netherstorm.ath.cx... | 0 | 426 |