451 | 1 kill lvl 70 game version 2.0.12 heey all join this server!!
4 gms spots. and 1kill level 70
nice gms,vendors tier 1,2,3,4,5
+ all of the weapons.
... | 0 | 277 |
452 | Scynet WoW BC Server! 2.1.3 High Xp-Rate! BG funktioniert und wird viel genutzt!Eigene, anspruchsvolle Bosse!! Higher Money Drop Rate and Item Drop Rate! Keine Lags! Gute Pings! Viele Events! Bosse spellen! 24/7 on (nur kurze downs aufgrund von updates)... | 0 | 264 |
453 | in dying days GM server awsome server were everyone is a gm creat your own weapons and areas... | 0 | 228 |
454 | Forsaken Raiders We are a instance lvl 70 server.with custom T7.freindly GM's.99, 99% up time,mature server,with instances working,tons of events,... | 0 | 256 |
455 | Asgard - The home of gods Freiuer Privater WoW Server... | 0 | 261 |
456 | Grim WoW http://grim-wow.no-ip.org/ Set Realmlist grim-wow.no-ip.org Version 2.4.X All vendors no lag no Crash Custom instances Custom items T7 to t10 Server onnline 24/7 Admin skype playboy_kj.15... | 0 | 275 |
457 | XtremeWoW - Funserver Burning Crusade 2.3.X l Lvl up to 70 l 40x XP, 20x Money, 60x QXP, 50x RXP l PVP l Tier 1 - Tier 6 gear l 1000 + user cap l Custome Vendors l Server might be upgraded at anytime l... | 0 | 368 |
458 | server wow fortnet is the best wow server!!!!и ниипет... | 0 | 271 |
459 | Lost Realm Excellent Server! Always Updated Moonscripts,NCDB,Ascent Core! with many pluses! The Exclusive Paid 2 Play system!PAID2PLAY.ORG... | 0 | 245 |
460 | lwow server 2.3.2 TBC Welcome to server Lwow high
The server has opened 23.01.2008
Rate.Drop.Items = 70
Rate.Drop.Money = 30
XP rates
Rate.XP.Kill = 45
Rate.XP.Quest = 70
Rate.XP.Explore = 40
levl 70
set realmlist Lwow.no-ip.info;... | 0 | 270 |
461 | BlacknightWoW | German 2.3.2 Funserver | 2.3.2 Mangos Funserver | Nette Community,Tolle GMs,Pvp-Arena, Alle Instanzen spawned, ALLE RATES 80X , Custom Vendors, Teleportnpcs, Events UND UND UND!!
Seid Dabei!
Wir suchen noch GMs die schon Erfahrung haben. Bewerbt euch im Forum ... | 0 | 250 |
462 | McWoW Private Fun Server McWoW Fun Server:Instant lvl 70:2.3.x Supported:Custom Mall:Custom Gear[t7_coming_soon]:CustomWar-per:Custom Events:Custom Vendors:99.9% Uptime:100mbit Connection:Duo core 3Ghz pentium:4gb ram:100mbp/s:High Rate server coming soon... | 0 | 237 |
463 | InproWoW ( FunServer) We are now a small comunity again, but u guys can change that and make the server the greatest again!
We have :
T7, Working on T8 at the moment, gonna take some time.
Custom Weapons.
All kind of Events from Questions till climbing and more.
Mal... | 0 | 239 |
464 | JustEnter 2.3.X Instant level 47, but XP : 100.Instant tier 7(you can buy it).Tier 8 at level 60.Portal to level 50-60 Zone and 60-70 Zone.Very very good starter weapons.Try us ! New server.... | 0 | 232 |
465 | Kenzu WoW 2.4.3 Server A new Server we Support 2.4.3 the latest patch so far.... | 0 | 260 |
466 | Violent Fear New Russian Server WoW 2.3.3 Exp5500,Gold1500,Quest5500 is opened, it is a lot of venders , good
administration, frequent events and as it is a lot of much another
Come and be the first...... | 0 | 230 |
467 | LostWoW instant 70 Instant 70, portals to major citys, tier vendors, and weapon... | 0 | 226 |
468 | Nightdream-wow Free Gaming Comunity Deutscher WoW Server Vers. 2.3.3
Levelcap 255
PlayerTreff mit Vendoren(Pets,Waffen,D2,Rezepte usw.)
Nette GM�s...stabiler rootserver.
24/7 Online !
... | 0 | 266 |
469 | Crystal Virus Server: 1 Funrealm. Keine Laggs oder Crashes. 24 Stunden Online. Custom Waffen. �ber 200 Leute Online. T7 und T8. 2 Pt�s f�r Horde und Alli. Nette Gm�s. Fast keine Bugs. Alle Bosse spellen. Eigene erstellte Bosse die spellen. Besucht uns doch.... | 0 | 289 |
470 | Wow G1 Server 2.4.3 Private New Server Version 2.4.3. BlizzLike Server.Kill Xp 4X Quest Xp 7X ALL DROP 5X . All Maps Spawns, All Instances Works. Mangos Emulator. Friendly GMs.Every Weeks Mega-Events.... | 0 | 232 |
471 | Seltmansa WoW Fun Server [Nice Gms] [High Exp] [No Lag] [Level Cap: 80] [Scripted Instances] [Modified Database] [1 Realm] [Teamspeak Server] [set realmlist seltmansa.ath.cx]... | 0 | 227 |
472 | [DWC] Die Welle - der Clan Wir ver�ndern die Welt ... | 0 | 229 |
473 | BC EXTREEM FIGHTERS Hi, wir sind ein neuer deutscher Privater WOW BC Server. Wir haben unseren Server seit 24.04.2008 er�ffnet. Der Server l�uft auf der Version 2.4.1. Wir haben 2 Realme *BLIZZLIKE* & *HIGHRATE*! Wie Ihr �ber uns spielen k�nnt erfahrt Ihr auf unserer We... | 0 | 249 |
474 | Black-Legion New Free Fan Server 2.4.2!!!free all set, new weapont, A4, new t6 set.High Rate. Event, pvp tournament. Join now... | 0 | 234 |
475 | Extreme-Hardcore Community Extreme-Hardcore Community ist eine recht junge World of Warcraft Community.... | 0 | 276 |
476 | OC WOW FUNSERVER PVP! JOIN TODAY 3.8 Quad Core Server |1000 MB Connection|
477 | Kingdom Hearts Crew Eigene Level Arena // Set verk�ufer // Spieler Treff // Max Level 250 // Rates : Funserver like... | 0 | 244 |
478 | Angelic WoW Description: Angelic WoW ist ein Deutscher Privatserver. Wir haben 2 Realms (Avanging Angel und Silver Angels).Avanging Angel- Middlerealm|Gildenst�dte mit eigenen H�user und Vendoren (Wenn gekauft)| Neue Instanzen|Eigene Items. Silver Angels- Funrea... | 0 | 249 |
479 | Funserver :: Armored-Gaming [2.4.x Support] [Burning Crusade] [Funserver] [Low Ping] [Stable Servers] [New Community] [Tier 7/8] [PVP Battles/Honor Vendors] [Teamspeak]... | 0 | 289 |
480 | WoW-Devotee 2.4.2 WOW TBC 2.4.2 |99.8% Uptime |Aktuelle Version |Autostarter |AHBot |kompetente GMs |Blizzlike Server | Arenasystem |Treffpunkte f�r Beide Fraktionen |TeleGUY |Root Server |LAG frei |und vieles mehr besucht uns...... | 0 | 312 |
481 | Private wow Fast xp rates:FAST MONEY RATES: T7: WE ELET GM'S. GM'S Wanted!!!!!!!!! WE have a new instances only for us.... | 0 | 231 |
482 | WoW TacticS free russian WOW TBC 2.4.1 game server... | 0 | 221 |
483 | Underworld of GMs My site is my own private server, but im not on it alot so unless u stay in touch alot on website... | 0 | 240 |
484 | Amfetamin WoW server ������������ PVP ������. 27/7 ��������������(������ � ������). ����� ���!!!��� ���� �� ����� �������, �������� ��� �� � ����� � �����...... | 0 | 296 |
485 | Abillion Funserver Der server is ein lagfree server mit max lvl 150 und hat d1-d3 und auch t4-6 und ein playertreff mit level road... | 0 | 270 |
486 | Deathly Wow Instant lvl 100 friendly gm's teleporting system now open and working:)... | 0 | 254 |
487 | Ungodly WOW! DEDICATED SERVER Custom everything, taxi, god like db... | 0 | 275 |
488 | *** WoW4nix.ws TOP German Server *** Free WoW Server
Rates: EXP x100 - Gold x100 - Items x50 // Burning Crusade // Top Webside ! //24*7 up // German+English // Free Gaming // Custom Starter + Custom updater // Newest Version +++... | 0 | 295 |
489 | Stalker WoW TBC Lvl cap 255 Fun server :D
No bugs,
No lag,
Good GM`s... | 0 | 374 |
490 | Darklegend WoW Darklegend ist ein Funserver mit netten GM's, Admins und Playern. Wir hoffen das es euch bei uns Spa� macht und ihr uns treu bleibt.... | 0 | 254 |
491 | The Guards Wir benutzen den Mangos Server Blizzlike Ihr braucht Wrath of The Lichking 3.0.3 um bei uns Spielen zu k�nnen! schaut doch mal vorbei.... | 0 | 230 |
492 | Euro-WoW server PVP server.. you will get nouthing on this server unless you pvp. 3 battlegrounds working.. good luck... | 0 | 251 |
493 | H.C.P.S GaMeStaLkeR CoMmUn|Ty Hallo zusammen!
Unsere Community ist eine Multigaming Community! Darunter besitzen wir 2 WoW Server! Einer l�uft unter 1.11 und der andere unter 1.12! Wir w�rden sehr den 1.11 server empfehlen,da er �ber lvl Arenen verf�gt,Die schwarze Fenn und viel... | 0 | 255 |
494 | MMOTricks.com MMOG and MMORPG WoW Secrets, Tricks, Cheats, Strategies, Exploits, Macros, Bots, and Guides for the latest in massive multiplayer online games such as World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, Matrix Online, Guild Wars and MORE... | 0 | 254 |
495 | HelL WoW Version 1.12.1 & 1.12.2 . No Lag,No Bugs,Good GM`s... | 0 | 268 |
496 | HeadshotWoW HeadshotWoW BC High Server it's a warcraft world where you'le find frindly GM's, no lag and the most important thing no bugs.Work's with 2.1.3 client.... | 0 | 320 |
497 | Dark Battle Server mangos 2.0.12
blizzlike french and english server... | 0 | 245 |
498 | Haunted Gms |||New Funserver|||2.1.1-2.1.2|||99999999xp rates|||1 kill=70 lvl||| Great Gms||| No lag!|||Very stable|||Events every day!|||cool instances||| 1-6 tier vendors on GM ISLE ||| JOIN NOW!!... | 0 | 246 |
499 | [- Pubes TCB Private Server 2.1.3 -] - Mangos Console - Custom Gear - Custom Level Road - Custom Shop - Great GMs - Nice Community - Level Cap 255 - Join Now!!... | 0 | 265 |
500 | World Of Epix 2.1.3 Fun-PVP WoE Welcomes you to a new era of WarCrafting.
Rates are: XP1000/Quest2000/Drop500/Gold500
Server specs are: AMD Dual Core 4400+, 640MB RAM, 100MB/s Line hosted in Miami-USA
Tier Vendors/Portals available!
Lag Free! Most bugs fixed, more getting fi... | 0 | 264 |