951 | ToS-Guild Torments of Spirit... | 0 | 268 |
952 | Apocalypse WoW Gay GMs, Gay serv owner, Gay forums, Gay community.... | 0 | 261 |
953 | SAS FUNSERVER New Server, Intant level 70 , all weapon , all ring ,free money,all Tier 1-2-3-4-5-6 and soon 7 , free enchater, shopping mall and much much more.... | 0 | 257 |
954 | World of Warcraft : Battle for Glory Free World of Warcraft Game Server. Gameplay - RPPVP type. Fast ISP port, rapid updates.... | 0 | 243 |
955 | USB-PC-SERVICE WOW SERVER German WOW Fun Server Version 2.3.0 no Bugs more 100000 Players 24/7 Days Onnline have fun !... | 0 | 260 |
956 | WoWFanTasm New private server| Running 2.3|Instant 70|Great GMs|Custom vendors|Free armor|Working on custom armor... | 0 | 267 |
957 | WoWLogic 24/7 - NO LAG - [VERSION 2.2.0] Come and Play WoWLogic! - 24/7 - Great and Friendly GM's - ONLINE 24/7 - Hosted by Alienware - 4gig RAM - 3.0GHz Core 2 Duo - 10mbit Internet Connection - Exp: 250x - Quest: 1000x - Drop: x50 - Max Level 100 - Shopping Mall - All Skills Instances and... | 0 | 261 |
Quest XP: 15x
Item Drop Rate: 30x
Money Drop Rate: 35x
Honor Gain Rate: 10x
Max Player Cap: 500
PVP event;
Guild War;
Nice GM;
100MB/s Connection
Never LAG
No Bug's... | 0 | 262 |
959 | WOW-ONLINE TBC 2.3.3 Russian server World of Warcraft TBC 2.3.3
rate x25 ... | 0 | 246 |
960 | UclanWow ASOME GM'S AND GREAT UP TIME!!! WE BALLIN~!!!... | 0 | 292 |
961 | Ressurrection of storm shard server 2.2.3 aggiornato lunedi 17 alla 2.3.0 porting 70 fino a natale diamo t4 e armi player 30 maxx server rpoff macchina eccellente sito e tutto gm professionisti e pronti per voi http://todwow.forumfree.net/... | 0 | 260 |
962 | Deutsche community Mit 2 Wow Serverrn Eine community mit 2 wow servern Fun max lvl 120 boss arena etc.Hight server. Hosting von Gameserver und Ts2. Und vieles Mehr Besucht uns einfach... | 0 | 280 |
963 | God Wars - Dedicado Servidor BlizzLike Dedicado.
Traducido, estabilidad garantizada.... | 0 | 266 |
964 | Rook's Realm 2.3 PVP Latest databases...inhouse dev team supported, ALL instances open, spawned and dropping, daily fixes. The most blizzlike server you will find anywhere besides going to official...period! You have tried the rest...now its time to switch to the best.... | 0 | 270 |
965 | Wow Craft Dedicated Server, Friendly GM\\\'s, Custom Mall, Custom T7 Armour , CustomWeapons, Custom Armour, Great Community... | 0 | 247 |
966 | Supreme WoW ~][ TBC 2.3.0. | Low Rates (2.5x-3x) | Custom Quests/Items | Friendly GM's | 99% Server Uptime | No Lag | MaNGOS Server with New MaNGOS Scripts | Weekly Events | Player Cap 2000 ][~... | 0 | 249 |
967 | BiNet WoW Server The Best Russian WoW Server :: 2.3.x :: Lag-free :: 2 Realms - Tyralyon (True Blizzlike) and Crysong (Instant 70, Starting T4, Custom Vendors) :: 1 Gbit/sec connection :: Regular Updates :: Friendly GM's... | 0 | 269 |
968 | ImmortalWoW 2.3 support, A new coming server, Still needs Gm's, Funsever, going to have loads of events,costum instances ect.. JOIN NOW!!!... | 0 | 323 |
969 | RAGNAROS-WOW WOW TBC 2.3 via Hamachi! Wir bieten TS2 Server,Forum,Ingame und Livesupport,...... | 0 | 275 |
970 | Fallen Angel TBC 2.3.0 Server ~Fallen Angel TBC~... | 0 | 315 |
971 | Pandora's Box WoW Private Server Small and Simple Private Server for those who want to play WoW for free. 2.3.x High-rate with level cap 200. TBC and Classic supported. We hope you join... | 0 | 303 |
972 | ..::WoWDimension::.. Quest, news, addons, mappe, patch, e molto altro ancora su l'univarso di World of Warcraf... | 0 | 360 |
973 | WoW 24/7 German Realm Ver.: 2.3TBC/ger, Niedrige Latenz, fast w�chentliche Mangosupdates, Nette Community, hilfsbereite, erfahrene GMs, IRC-Support. Ingame-IRC-Connection,
ForumAccount=GameAccount... | 0 | 265 |
974 | Shaddowmoon-Project Gutter privat Server f�r jeder mans geschmack!!!
Patch: 2.3.3(aber auch mit allen andaren benutzbar^^)
XP rates gut (5-6 tage lvl 70)
Player Treff (Ein horde und ein Allianz)
... | 0 | 273 |
975 | >> NederWoW 2.4.1 Server 2 Realms << Dutch 2.4.1 Server with 2 realms, blizzlike and funserver. Database and core are regularly updated. XP = 3x, Items = 3x, Money = 3x. Uptime is 24/7, less lag, working guild banks, ahbot system and custom portals. Join us and have fun.... | 0 | 293 |
976 | Wowpox Private Servers Wowpox private servers are now up and running with daily updates. we have gms online 24/7. our server is using Dual core with 4 gigs of ram! we can hold up to 4000 people and no problem! 2 servers up and running funserver and a blizlike high rates. j... | 0 | 259 |
977 | Dark Age New Private Server Blizz-like with NO lag and many events at week (one at day)... | 0 | 271 |
978 | Final Crusade wow version 2.3.2
Realmlist = finalcrusade.game-host.org
0 | 274 |
979 | SDWow Burning Crusade 2.3.x Support � All-FREE Realm INSTANT Lvl 70� Working Zul'Aman � Player Events � Custom Instance � Vendors for EVERYTHING � Lag-Free � CUSTOM Items � Community Boards � Real PvP � AND MUCH MORE... | 0 | 281 |
980 | lWoW Serve It's good server!
... | 0 | 267 |
981 | Max Gamers Portal Mega Multiplayer Gaming Portal
WOW Server - High XP - Shopping Center - Friendly GM - GM Wanted Apply on Website.... | 0 | 299 |
982 | New World Order Chronicles New Server, nice GM,... | 0 | 290 |
983 | Krillins WoW Server Blizzlike and HighRate WoWServer running mangos and supports client 2.3.x. 99% uptime and almost everything working. Helpfull and active community. Awesome website updated daily... | 0 | 294 |
984 | Cult of Justice wow server Cult of Justice extra fun server instant level 100 horde shop alinace shop //set realmlist 2.3.0... | 0 | 265 |
985 | WoW Plewki | FUNSERVER !!Latvian FUN Server PVP 2.3.3!! XP 50x Drop 60x || Cool Money End Friendly GM's || (Irc.lv:6667 #cs.plevki.lv , #wow.plevki.lv) Register: http://wowplevki.oo.lv/ and Vote: http://hds.oo.lv/ VOTE PLIZZ... | 0 | 274 |
986 | Eps WoW Burning Crusade 2.3.x -- 2 Extreme Realms, High XP rates and Fun! -- Great GM Service -- Thousands of Players! -- Constant Uptime -- JOIN NOW!!... | 0 | 441 |
987 | codename:Andromeda WoW Server Can you WoW? :]... | 0 | 289 |
988 | WoW 2.3.2 (online 1500+) WoW 2.3.2 (online 1500+)... | 0 | 282 |
989 | New Era of Warcraft New Era of Warcraft
Ist ein Projekt das noch in den Kinderschuhen ist. Wir haben aber trotzdem einen sehr leistungs starken Root.
Wir haben bis jetzt nur einen Funserver.
1 kill = LvL 70
Alles bis auf t4-t6 kann man kaufen. Den Rest muss man durch... | 0 | 267 |
990 | WoW250 great server,fast lvling,t10 at vendors... | 0 | 231 |
991 | WoW-Divinity Dual Quad-Core Server-2.3.x on Ascent-3 FunServer(exp X40) -World Teleporter-Custom Shops-Custom Weapons-Lag Free 1 GBPS Connection-Dedicated Server-Zul'Aman Open... | 0 | 282 |
992 | _-FuNNy WoW-_ HiHO Leute!!!wir bieten:Fun server/Playertreff/Levelarena/2.3.3/t7 und t8/ lvl 90/Leider laufen wir noch �ber hamachi aber bald auf root !!! mehr infos auf der hp!... | 0 | 278 |
993 | WoW-KinG 2.3.3 Support Burning Crusade Scripted Instances х20 Rates Low Ping Stable Servers Active and Helpful GM's... | 0 | 276 |
994 | .--== Randais World ==--. Great server, talented GM's, Two realms to play with, Blizlike and the best High Rate Fun Server around with many custom items!!!Tier 6 event, Tier 7 custom instance!!! A must see and play one server... | 0 | 299 |
995 | Melkor-WoW Neuer deutscher Funserver mit netten und hilfsbereiten GMs|Patch 2.3.2|Alle BC-Raids und -Instanzen|D1-T3|D2+T3 in Shattrath k�uflich... | 0 | 255 |
996 | Blacklike-Project-WoW Blacklike WoW German Highrate, Nice GMs.... | 0 | 261 |
997 | CoolWOW Funserver Server up and running. NEWEST RELEASES!
Teleport vendor
Starter quest
Custom 70 quests
Custom items
Custom town
Custom leveling road
Custom instances
Shopping mall
Custom spawns
Custom monsters
Custom games
Custom Gm Island , Alliance , H... | 0 | 260 |
998 | World of Warcraft (wow) Romania Support 3.1.0 patch
We have 2 realms to choose from
Working instances, dungeons and raids.
24/7 support, friendly game-masters.
Kill 10x
Quests 10x
Drop Items/Monet 10x
http://www.wow-romania.ro... | 0 | 251 |
999 | Los Caballeros Vengadores El mejor servidor prestando calidad de ultima generacion y trabajando por lo mas importante tu.... | 0 | 300 |
1000 | Wow Legend , a legendary wow customg teleports , custom vendores , shops , nice gm's , skillfull gm's , all instances working , this is the best place to become legendary... | 0 | 292 |