1051 | LASERWoW FUNSERVER [2.4.x Support] [Burning Crusade][Scripted Instances] [High Rates] [1000+ Players] [Low Ping] [Stable Servers] [Vote and be Rewarded] [Active and Helpful GM's]... | 0 | 224 |
1052 | the City OF Chaos (DoM) Free wow high server.
... | 0 | 256 |
1053 | LordLoot - WoW Gold Guide Die besten World of Warcraft Guides. Alle Tricks und Taktiken, zusammengefasst in ein gro�es Kompendium, komplett in deutsch verfasst. Der Gold Guide.... | 0 | 255 |
1054 | Sabotage-World Sabotage-World is back and better than ever. We have a Blizzlike-Realm and an Instant-70-PVP-Realm. The Server grows each day more, not only the number of content players, but also the Number of new Items and Creatures. Join Us and Test our great Wor... | 0 | 251 |
1055 | Renacimiento Ascent Actualmente estamos usando el emulador ArcEmu r169 con la base de datos Phoenix rev 89 (de projectSilvermoon)
Traducido al 100% espa�ol
Quel`danas Full 100%;... | 0 | 259 |
1056 | WoW-Disconnected a new World of Warcraft Funserver :)... | 0 | 329 |
1057 | Dark-Warcraft Brandneuer WoW-Server der derzeit (leider) �ber Hamachi l�uft.
Wir sind eine sehr nette Community und GMs.
Besuche uns noch heute und werde Teil eines neuen Abenteuers.... | 0 | 232 |
1058 | WoW Vision we are a brand new server, looking for players!! Rates are 40x, and lvl cap is 100... | 0 | 217 |
1059 | Animatrix Xtreme FUNSERVER Animatrix Xtreme FUNSERVER JOIN NOW!... | 0 | 253 |
1060 | IceStorm WoW Server We Have A 100% WoW Dedicated Server ! 24/7 Uptime Join And Have Fun ! Rates Are Very Hight , And You Reach LvL 70 In 2 Hours ... | 0 | 231 |
1061 | Shadow Wow 1 Realm Rp-Pvp 1gbit Shadow Wow 1 Realm Rp-Pvp 1gbit... | 0 | 234 |
1062 | MFsoft iPlay.sk WoW MFsoft iPlay.sk FREE SK/CZ WOW server sme novy zacinajuci server tak prid si zahrat a podpor nas... | 0 | 225 |
1063 | AGC Highrate Fun Server AGC Highrate Fun Server | World-of-Warcraft
Wir sind ein neuer Highrate Fun Server der schon jetzt einiges zu bieten hat. 2.3.4 Gro�er PT mit allen Vendoren und Lehrern .Instant level 20 mit Willkommens Quest und LevelArea Quest. Level 80 cap T1-T9 i... | 0 | 252 |
1064 | Delta-WoW Delta-WoW [2.4.x]A funserver and one blizzlike server with nice friendly staff, we have both horde and alliance mall and we are doing events every day. Our GM's / Admins are very helpfull and we are looking for some developers.... | 0 | 303 |
1065 | HyBurN 2.4.2 Sunwell [2.4.x Support] � [2 Realms] � [HighRates And Instant 70 With Vendors] � [Sunwell Instance Works] � [99% UpTime] � [No Lag] � [COME AND JOIN US!!!] � [Very Good Server!!!] � [CANADA]... | 0 | 256 |
1066 | Meine Familiy Noch nicht gro�... | 0 | 246 |
1067 | ATLANTIC WOW 2.4.X - Instant 70 - Great Fun Server - Totaly New Items, Quests, Bosses 24/7 Online - 1000mb Connection - Good GM Suport... | 0 | 261 |
1068 | WOW TBC REVOLUTION Server Medium Rate... | 0 | 254 |
1069 | MyP Server - Argentina Servidor Argentino::::soporta 2.4.2:::
Sin caidas!!!::::sin LAG!!!:::2 Realms:::::: 24 Hrs Online:::: Fun Realm:::: Mid Rates Realm::::... | 0 | 250 |
1070 | Destruction WoW 2.4.3! Brand New server! Friendly GM's and Admin's! Custom Instance! Custom Everything!! Join Now!... | 0 | 348 |
1071 | Serenity Wir bieten euch 1 funserver 1playertreff t4 vendor ringe vendoren eine levelarena
usw schaut einfach mal auf die homepage... | 0 | 244 |
1072 | Gaurdians Mangos Servers 99% uptime, 2 realms, tbc realm soon, V1.12.2 over 2700 members, nice Gms, Fun server and blizzlike server, working battleground, getting better every day.... | 0 | 270 |
1073 | The Cauldron - Wow server 1.12.x Server, | English and French community | 30x Exp | 30x Quest | 500 player limit | All Instances working | BG working | Events weekly | Updated often | NOT a funserver.... | 0 | 290 |
1074 | World of Warcraft Files The Ultimate Download Resource for Everything World of Warcraft... | 0 | 309 |
1075 | NicksHouse WoW 2.3.3 |100mbit connection | 24/7 uptime | LVL75 Instant | always up to date | Free gold on start | 100users+ | Very low latency (30-100ms) | try it out!... | 0 | 267 |
1076 | G@m3r's W0rld Community 2.4.x Funrate Highrate und Midrate. Einzigartige Events, vieles immer wieder neu entdecken und eine Nette Community :D... | 0 | 271 |
1077 | Agama`gor PVP Server ::30x XP::10x Drop::150Users Cap::No LAG!!::Honor Work::100mbit connection::
Friedly GM!::
Thanks! :)... | 0 | 257 |
1078 | Digitalhell Saga The rebirth 2.2.3 The best private wow around custom up to lvl 200
Custom zones with custom mobs hundreds of custom items, high rates
online 24/7 supports 2.2.3... | 0 | 271 |
1079 | Raidens World of Warcraft Raidens World of Warcraft We have 3 servers! All are Burning Crusade!
* RWoW:
Version 2.0.12 TBC Retail, 20x XP, 25x Gold, Epic Shops, Events
Realmlist = rwow.ath.cx
* EpsWoW:
Version 2.0.12 TBC Retail, 50x XP, 120x Gold, Epic Shops, Por... | 0 | 285 |
1080 | dragonfire Private WOW server... | 0 | 292 |
1081 | Raiden's World of Warcraft 2.0.3-2.0.10 Burning Crusade Retail Patch, and 1.12.1 Retail patch servers. Extremely fast connection. 150 User Cap each server. Small downtime. Official WoW Game Masters! Server = Dual Xeon 3.06ghz, 3GB ram, 100mbit line.... | 0 | 271 |
1082 | The Cauldron 1.12.x WoW Server The Cauldron 1.12.x Server for WoW... | 0 | 298 |
1083 | Ak@Da WoW TBC 2.0.12 ServeR Good SERVER! Quest is work 80 %! Talents and sells work 80-90%!!! Not lags! 1000 mb/s! Online cap 1000!!... | 0 | 289 |
1084 | Bru7aL WoW ! TBC 2.0.12 Bru7aL WoW ! TBC 2.0.12 ! No Lag ! No Crash ! Good GM's ! Admin every day !
New Server on Good PC ... | 0 | 253 |
1085 | Chaos Impact 2.4.3 Gute Xp- und Item Drop Rates! Keine Lags! Gute Pings! Bosse spellen! Wechselnde Events halten euch bei Laune. Immer Up to Date... | 0 | 254 |
1086 | wow bazi High Xp-Rate! Higher Money Drop Rate and Item Drop Rate! Keine Lags! Gute Pings! Viele Events! Bosse spellen! 24/7 on (nur kurze downs aufgrund von up...... | 0 | 261 |
1087 | GamingTown.Net The Burning Crusade 2.0.1 GamingTown.Net The Burning Crusade 2.0.12 with 10x-20x rates very fun... | 0 | 307 |
1088 | World of WarCraft 1.12.1 Server WoW Server 1.12.1
High Drop and Exp... | 0 | 255 |
1089 | Shadow WoW TBC V 2.0.12 Wir von Shadow WOW Garantieren den Usern Spielen in angenehmer Bugfreien und Netten Umgebung.
Unser Server verf�gt �ber Folgende Detais:
99,9% Komplett Deutsche Quests
Blutelfen und Drenei frei W�hlbar
Instanzen zu 99% Spielbar
Flugmou... | 0 | 266 |
1090 | THE DIVINITY-PROJECT -- PRIVATE WOW Willkommen beim Divinity Project. Unser Server unterst�tzt Burning Crusade 2.0.12! Linux Root kein Lag! Spieler starten mit LvL 25 und T0.5... | 0 | 266 |
1091 | Deathly Enemy WoW WoW Burning Crusade Version 2.0.12. Alle Klassen ausw�hlbar, Scherbenwelt bespawnt, nette Community + Gm's. Fast 24h Support... | 0 | 278 |
1092 | eXotic CruSade Wir sind der eXotic CruSade- Server und bieten euch BC, zehnfache Rate, nette GM�s und regelm��ige Events mit sch�nen Preisen. Au�erdem haben wir eine eigene PvP-Arena.... | 0 | 256 |
1093 | WoW UA [2.2.0] Free World of Warcraft Server with 2.2.0 support! Low pings, friendly GM's...
Powered by private emu - WoWWeR... | 0 | 273 |
1094 | WoWPlaygrounds We are a high rate server almost all bugs gone and we have custome vendors uptime 100% rates are 20xp and 30x gold drop... | 0 | 312 |
1095 | Felguard Network FelguardNetwork New Server Great GMS/Exp/Antrix 2.1.2 NEW DB/Great Community/Join Now!
x10 kill
x10 drop
x5 Drop Money
x10 Quest
We are currently looking for more database developers, graphic techs, hosts, New GMs, ect. If you are interested in one... | 0 | 235 |
1096 | JK WOW Wanna be a GM then join JK WOW the first 10 accounts will get GM Functions : Patch 2.0.10 and 2.0.12: Custom vendors : Sockets working... | 0 | 243 |
1097 | eIGENGAMe wOw tBc Deutscher WOW TBC server mit netten GM�s . 90% lagg und bug FREI !... | 0 | 248 |
1098 | Burning Crusade Braindeath Server Sehr netter privat sever mit player treffs und pvp area..wir w�rden uns um neuen besuch freuen ;-)... | 0 | 279 |
1099 | Naruto Wow exp999 drop items80 drop manay 50 %... | 0 | 336 |
1100 | BlackRoses PvP Server This is a WoW PvP server, 1 kill = level 70, portals to all citys as well as war rooms, almost every item vendered at war rooms, PvP arena... | 0 | 264 |