351 | Molten Core WoW Server 2.4.2 Server Molten Core World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
Molten Core x1 RPPVP
Molten Core x10 PVP... | 0 | 318 |
352 | Atom Server Atom Server MMORPG World of Warcraft.
This is very yang Server of WoW... | 0 | 261 |
353 | .::Fury WoW - Funserver 2.4.X::. .:2.4.X support:.:24/7 Uptime! (100%):.:No lag:.:Instant lvl 70:.:Custom Items:.:Custom Spells:.:Custom Instances:.:1000 of Custom Staff!:.: Friendly Gm's:.:Join now!:.
... | 0 | 261 |
354 | Clanprovider / Silverdust Always online and nice game masters to help you out with things come and make this server rock again... | 0 | 295 |
355 | Free World of Warcraft No More Crappy Private Servers! Play the Real World of Warcraft for Free... | 0 | 313 |
356 | Enclave WoW Private Server Version 2.1.2 Burning Crusade 2.1.2 :: High Rate Realm :: 1000+ User Caps :: Friendly Community :: Powerful Dedicated Server :: Fast Connection :: Lag-Free :: Constant Uptime :: Black Temple Spawned :: Tier 6... | 0 | 251 |
357 | WoW Z-net It's a good server whith normal rates... | 0 | 256 |
358 | XD WoW XD WoW
Ihr sucht nach einem Server mit kompetentem Team, vielen Features und Events?
Dann spielt auf XD WoW!
Wir bieten:
-Viele Events
-Nette Admin's/GM's
-Die GameMaster Supporten viel und gerne und haben viel Erfahrung.
-(Sehr) Gut... | 0 | 264 |
359 | Ctrl Alt Elite's 2.3.0! Ctrl Alt Elite's is a PvP server whit many PvP events and 20x more Honor Points, 20x XP Kill, 30x XP Quest, 25x XP Explore!... | 0 | 268 |
360 | wow fun server Homy-fun High rate exp server... | 0 | 267 |
361 | <-- LordOfWoW --> LordOfWoW = Burning Crusade 2.3.1-2.2.x :: Funserver + Brizz Rate Realms :: 1000+ User Caps :: 1000+ Online :: Powerful Dedicated Servers :: Fast Connection :: Lag-Free :: Constant Uptime :: Shopping Malls :: Black Temple :: Tier 6 :: Flying Mounts :... | 0 | 267 |
362 | sunfury server instant 70 and shopping area. New server. No Buggs no down time soon to be off hamachi... | 0 | 257 |
363 | The Nexis Realms - 2.4.3 Supported Now Supporting 2.4.3! :: Originaly creator of the Darkmoon Faire Project! :: Blizzlike Realms :: Monthly Raffle :: Server Events :: Coming soon: New Brewfest Event!! :: One of the oldest and friendliest communities around... | 0 | 330 |
364 | WoW Freakz Exp:70x
Quest Xp: 90x
Gold Rate: 1500x... | 0 | 281 |
365 | Darklegend Fun Server Darklegend ist back steigt ein und eure Tr�ume werden war mit neue Mounts, Items, Quest, Viele Bugfixes und und und!
Darklegend hat 2 Realms BliZz und Extreme
also f�r alle was da! Steigt ein und Tr�umt auf einen Geilen Server!... | 0 | 240 |
366 | S.ev!L team server WoW:TBC WoW private server... | 0 | 289 |
367 | Ultima Ratio Ultima Ratio ist ein deutscher Privat Server, mit einer sehr netten und freundlichen Community.
Wir bestizen zur Zeit 2 Server, und kl�geln immoment an einem Spenden System, wobei ihr VIP Status erhaltet, in eine Spender Gilde kommt, und auf unserem ... | 0 | 293 |
368 | Ruthless Mega Funrealm Spiel Version Burning Crusade 2.3.x , PvP , Lag frei , Forum , Freundliche GM�s , Zul aman (Ruthless Mega Funrealm) 1. Player Treff von allen erreichbar, 2 einzelnde Treffs f�r beide seiten , Discos, Jahrm�rkte Rennstrecke , Tier 9 Instanze.... | 0 | 268 |
369 | Darknessofflame Hi all!Come on to my server!!!My server always start at weekend.
Patch: 2.3.0
Emu:Panex 6.1
Port�lok vannak.
Ratek:Kill: 100x
Quest: 100x
Drop: 100x
Gold: 100x
Kill Reputation: 100x
Quest Reputation: 100x
Regen: 100x
Skill: 100... | 0 | 263 |
370 | RTK Gaming - WoW Xeon 100mb Server | Friendly GM's | English Server |Ascent Emu Supporting 2.3.0+ | 2 Realms Blizzlike & HighRate ( Custom Vendors - 30x XP 30x drop ) Come join our brand new server and help our community grow! :D... | 0 | 281 |
371 | Elysium WoW Private Server This server rocks! Instant 70, free t4, their still is progression. Custom items, friendly GMs, low pings! Awesome friendly community we rock... | 0 | 284 |
372 | Deutscher Funserver Der Server hatt den Patch 2.2.3 und l�uft Suppi Ohne laggs!!!
Er ist Nicht 24/7 er l�uft noch �ber hamachi wird sich bal �ndern Es Gibt PLayertreffs einer f�r Horde und einer F�r ally Es ist eine Level arena im Aufbau !!... | 0 | 265 |
373 | Funny World Funny World is a new Fun PvE Server. We have Level-Zones till 70++. You start with Level 25 and 2000g. We have createt some Instances, Level-Areas and Items.... | 0 | 273 |
374 | WoW Worlds Italian Shard :: Patch 2.4.x :: Custom Set T7 T8 and weapon :: Friendly GM :: NO LAG! :: Istance Custom with custom mob :: RATES ARE: 20x 10x 10x :: Server uptime 100% :: A great italian community wait you :: JOIN US!... | 0 | 272 |
375 | WoW 4 LiFe Willkommen beim Team von WoW 4 LiFe Wir bieten euch einen stabilen WoW PvP Server, der einen nahezu reibungslosen Spielbetrieb garantiert. Das Team rund um den Server steht bei Problemen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite
EP Rates 3x... | 0 | 253 |
376 | WoW-Sexy TBC Servers Blizzlike | Instant 70 PvP | Custom Enjoyment Server | Discover the usual World of Warcraft | Fight like hell on PvP | Be 3 classes at once with their talents and spells, each class 2 professions! | Get stronger the longer you play! Buy unique upgrad... | 0 | 298 |
378 | wow izrael x 500
1500 мбит... | 0 | 253 |
379 | ArtWoW Realm Best, crazy 2.4.x PvP Server | Rates - x5 | Lag-free | 24\7 | Professional Support | Scripted Dungeons | 1Gb\s host!
~WELCOME~... | 0 | 259 |
380 | New nice-quality server WOW ver. 2.4.2 MAX server WOW ver. 2.4.2 with YTDB database. What is possible to work � works. Big auction. Arena. BG. Regular events. No wipes! Autoregistration. Welcome
set realmlist
... | 0 | 282 |
381 | Sandoria.org Sandoria website.... | 0 | 318 |
382 | World of Rivera - Is Your World 1000+ Online, own emu (JWoW), own database only handmade population. A lot of working quests (no prob with leveling). Separated Battlegrounds for each level. FAIR PLAY! (we do not sell items, levels , skills).... | 0 | 380 |
383 | Shadowcraft German private WoW Server Wir sind ein Deutscher WoW Privat server.
Rates sind alle 4x Blizz.
Version:2.0.12 - 2.1.3... | 0 | 266 |
384 | WoWHeat 2.1.3 Server 2.1.x TBC Server || 2 Server Test/Blizz High-Rate || Flying Mounts || Few Bugs || Always Updated || No Lag || 24/7... | 0 | 305 |
385 | World of Racuria TBC 2.4.3 & WotLK 8820 NEW Instant lvl 70 WotLK beta 3.0.1 (8820) Realm. Main Realm Version 2.4.3 Blizzlike; Lvl Cap set to 80; Custom Quests, Events & Items; PVP & PVE; Contests; AH Bot, NO EMPTY AUCTION HOUSE EVER... | 0 | 309 |
386 | New Destiny WOW Server 2.2.3 German:
Hi und Wilkommen auf unserem Destiny WOW Server.
Wir hoffen es gef�llt euch auf unserem Server und w�nschen euch Viel Spass !!!
-- Come and Enjoy --
- 24/7 Online auf nem Stabilen Rootserver
- Sehr nette GMs
-- Come and Enjo... | 0 | 267 |
387 | Romanian Delicious! Instant lvl 70 -Instant lvl 70
-romanian server
-no ruls (exept cheeting)
-WSG works... | 0 | 289 |
388 | Spin WoW Friendly GM's :: Most Spells and Quests working :: instant lvl 250 :: Looking for more GM's!! People will be randomly chosen! :: So enter if u want to play the best Funserver around!!... | 0 | 250 |
389 | Dark Alliance Awsome private server::x50EXP::x50Quests::Awsome GMS::Teir 5::NO SERVER CRASHES... | 0 | 262 |
390 | 2.3.0 Evil Funserver Very cool Funserver!Instant 70 LvL and vendors Tier 6!
Сервер на емуляторе Adcent!Есть апсол&... | 0 | 278 |
391 | TxWoW�PVP�Custom mall/vendors/items ���Custom Shopping Mall-Items-Vendors-NPC's�1 Server (High Rates)�24/7 Uptime (AUTO-RESTARTER)�Level Cap 100�World Teleporter�No Lag�Friendly Gm's���... | 0 | 290 |
392 | My-Family WoW Server My-Family WoW Server - Europe / german... | 0 | 284 |
393 | Dark Killaz WoW wir ind sehr neu und suchen aktive player und gms sind highrat server max lvl 70 haben ne shop insel patch 2.3.x wen ihr mehr wissen wolt schaut mal rein... | 0 | 229 |
394 | Lunarwow (over 10,000 custom!) 2.4.1 server at 2.4.1 join now great server great gms great people lots of custom stuff such as instances quests places items +more join now! we have donators page forums a map on website that shows where people are and realm status stuff and lots more joi... | 0 | 300 |
395 | CraZy WoW Server is up and running....again.
We have changed our name from SshuggzZ Funserver!! to CraZy WoW
The server is very new, came up today (19:55 4/18 2008) we are using a new database called TCDB
Quick Facts
latest official Ascent core ... | 0 | 449 |
396 | darkwowrus.servegame.com fan rates
... | 0 | 243 |
397 | wownemesis set realmlist wownemesis.servegame.org
-Latest database
-Horde Mall Orgrimmar in Ring Of Valor
-Alliance Mall in Stormwind Keep
-Start with tier 4
-Welcome NPC gives 20000 gold & instant 70... | 0 | 256 |
398 | The burning crusade server [2.0.10] The best server outland and 2 new characters go and play for free... | 0 | 254 |
399 | Realm Deep Hell Unser WoW TBC Server ist ganz NEU,High Rate, Sehr gute Latenz!!!
Deep Hell Team... | 0 | 269 |
400 | The Dark World of Warcraft Русский беcплатный Сервер для World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade 2.1.3 рейm... | 0 | 264 |