551 | ]=[ Master Energy TBC 2.4.2 Realm ]=[ Wir sind ein WOW TBC Fun Realm. Wir haben wievele selbsterstellte Items einen Spielertreff und mehrere Weltenbosse.... | 0 | 247 |
552 | Uvok WoW 2.4.x Support.::.WorkingSunwell.::.Custom Battlegrounds.::.PvP Tokens.::.Custom Leveling Zone.::.Custom Instances.::.Level Cap 80.::.Nerfed Raid Bosses.::.All Items are Stat Increased.::.Obstacle Courses.::.Many Events.::.Dedicated Servers.::.Join No... | 0 | 390 |
553 | Walhalla WoW WalhallaWoW::Burning Crusade Included!::1GBit Connection::Server Patch 2.4.2::Happy Hour XP Rates and Quest Rates::VIP Accounts::Events... | 0 | 241 |
554 | HEAVEN WOW Top German Server. Fun Server, Blizzlike, Highrate.... | 0 | 242 |
555 | Gods Of Wow Gods Of Wow Instant 70 Full PVP With Custom World and Event's Full Scripted Instances and TBC 2.4.x Come fight in our Sunwell battlegrounds for more Pvp Fun.... | 0 | 400 |
556 | UnderDark Wow 300x Exp,Custom quests. Tier 1-10.
Alot of Raids. Proffecion Triners in shattrath. ALOT OF FUN... | 0 | 252 |
557 | WoW-Server Русский вов сервер... | 0 | 241 |
558 | UnrealWoW Wir haben Costem Items|Nette GMs|Level Arena1-120|Jeden Tag ein neues Event|Langzeit Events|PT|und vieles mehr... | 0 | 244 |
559 | McWoW Server[BETA] McWoW Fun Server[BETA] Instant lvl 70:2.4.x Supported:Free t3:Custom Mall[coming soon]:Custom Gear[t7_coming_soon]:Custom Events:Custom Vendors:99.9% Uptime:100mbit Connection: 3.6Ghz proc:4gb ram:100mbp/s. High/Low Rate server coming soon
... | 0 | 230 |
560 | Force WoW No Lagg | 24 / 7 Online!!! | Nice GM�s and Admins | Events ENJOIN!!... | 0 | 210 |
561 | World Of Warcraft FreeServer 2.3.2 WOW Privat server LV 100 PT-Treff HIGRATES ein richtig Klasse Server,MFG Das Team... | 0 | 233 |
562 | Squell�s & Schnuppi�s WoW World Server Herzlich willkommen bei Squell�s & Schnuppi�s WoW World Server, bei uns erwartet euch ein nettes hilfsbereites Team, das nur auf euch Spieler und Fun wartet! Wir freuen uns immer auf neuank�mmlinge! Unser Server basiert auf 2.4.2 , euer Squell�s & Sc... | 0 | 233 |
563 | WoWZeR Realms - free server Free Server | 2 Realms (Funserver & Blizzlike) |... | 0 | 233 |
564 | World Of Warcraft: Burning Legion Funsever|Helpful GM's/Admins|Help And Support when You Need It|All Instances Work|2.4.2 Stable Working Realm|Hamachi|Its Easy To Connect Just Go To Web! And find Out Its Really Easy Takes 5 Mins|Burning Crusade|Contact Me For Account Creation I Check... | 0 | 212 |
565 | Vengance WoW [2.4.x Support] [Burning Crusade] [Scripted Instances] [High Rates] [Low Ping] [Stable Servers] [Vote and be Rewarded] [Custom mall] [Custom items] [Custom evetns] [Looking for Gms]... | 0 | 216 |
566 | ~ Legends-of-Dark ~ 2.4.3 Supported!! WoW Funserver | erh�hte Rates | Horde- und Allianztreffs | Levelarena, eigene Quests, ... etc | Nun gibts nur noch eins zu sagen come and join Legends-of-Dark
| MfG Legends-of-Dark Team... | 0 | 265 |
567 | CozyWoW PvP Server - 24/7 Online
- Fully Custom Malls
- Taxi
- �ber Friendly GM's
- Instant 80
- No Lag
- Latest Core
- Want to find out more? Join NOW!... | 0 | 236 |
568 | World of Warcraft Best Sites Leveling Guides | List of Free Private Servers | WoW Guilds | Gold Guides | WoW Forums & Communities | AddOns & Macros | Cheats & Hacks... | 0 | 257 |
569 | KoR World Aus ||Version 2.4.3|| High Blizzlike Rates|| Great UpTime || Quests 8x Kills 4x|| Friendly GMs and players|| No wipes || Server been up for 2 years || Powered by Linux || 100mb Connection || Ventrilo Server ||... | 0 | 261 |
570 | theOn WoW Public 2.4.2 free server. x5/x5/x7... | 0 | 236 |
571 | Shoupz 2.4.2 | The Only True Fun Server Shoupz Radio | Free Prizes | 2 Realms - Fun Server & Custom Fun Server (Instant 70) | Custom Malls, Tier Sets & Weapons | GM Gear For Players | No Donation Items/Gear | Fair & Equal PvP | We Are The Only Fun Server With No Donation Gear... | 0 | 240 |
572 | Official Norwegian Elite Server Running unrelased Norwegian Elite DB 5.0 . Highrate funserver. custom lvl zonez, custom luascripted instances, quests & cities. also a wotlk server with spawned northerend areas, quests, instances and working deathknight with working spelltrainer... | 0 | 285 |
573 | WoW-Devils FunServer (German) Deutscher Funserver mit 8x Rates... | 0 | 233 |
574 | WoW FTW -NO LAGG- -SUNWELL- INSTANT 70 2.4.x - 2 Servers! - Fun/Blizz - 24/7 Uptime - No Bugs - Fully Spawn Sunwell - Great Staff - Dedicated Servers - Custom PvP System - Tier 7/8/9/10/11 - NPC Teleporter - Dedicated to our Players... | 0 | 423 |
575 | Adventure Island WoW TBC 2.4.2 P-Server Sei gegr��t Abenteurer ! Wir begr�ssen jeden der einfach nette Leute kennenlernen m�chte in einer soliden Community. *Nette GM�s *3 Realms zur Verf�gung, *Perfekte Anbindung, * TS (bei Bedarf) Admins sorgen immer f�r Abwechslung Schaut mal rein ...... | 0 | 227 |
576 | World Of Warcraft 8 (Wow 8 ) Very Good Support & 7 Custom Cities & 2 Custom Instances & 4 Stairways & 2 Realms - Custom Blizzlike and Instant 70 & 2.4.3 Supported & Thousands Of Custom Items & Reward System & Fun Events & Lag Free & 99% UpTime & Every-Day Updates... | 0 | 245 |
577 | Ashbringer The best server 2 realm,Ashbringer bizzlake,MegaWoW PvP fun... | 0 | 259 |
578 | Burning-Blade WoW Server laufen auf Version 2.4.3, Blizz/Fun/Higrate-Server. Viele Events und vieles mehr.... | 0 | 275 |
579 | Snowman wow FUN/BLIZZLIKE Snowman WoW Fun/Blizzlike Sever 100%on
no lags no buggs frendly Gms
... | 0 | 299 |
580 | Team Reloaded MaNGOS Ran Wow Server. 1.12.x
Ran on 15MBps down 2MBps up connection... | 0 | 273 |
581 | Kaito Server Site This server creating people who Love World Of Warcrafr. We are not a kids who want just to be gm and have the best character on the server. We want make stable server with friendly community and Gm's. You Like that ?? TRY US !!
P.s Every new player r... | 0 | 261 |
582 | Hard Boyz|Gaming & Community Wir sind eine Mischung aus Multigaming Clan und Community. Bei uns findet Ihr immer die aktuellen News �ber Games, Hard- und Software.... | 0 | 256 |
583 | White WoW TBC 2.1 Fun server! we have an event once a day, custom monsters, custom items, high rates, really good staff, Antrix Server!, and very stable.... | 0 | 267 |
584 | WoW-RUSSAKI Server XP x 5000
Drop x 3
Money x 200
Russaki i nemzi: Dobro pozhalovat!
Russen und Deutsche sind herzlich willkomen!
Der Server f�r ist Russen, Russlanddeutsche sowie die Ureinwohner Deutschlands gedacht.
The Server language is mainly russian and g... | 0 | 285 |
585 | Devils-Of-Nightmare World of Warcraft 1.12.x Server with friendly gm's and good rate's
The Rate's are :
- XP 15x
- Drop 5x
- Gold 10x
Sehr gute Pings, Sehr wenig Abst�rtze Teamspeak usw..... | 0 | 262 |
586 | Kil'Jaden WoW Realm ------------------------Server Informationen------------------------------------
Root-Server mit einer Super Latenz ( Mangos )
Ver. 1.12.1
- Alle Rassen und Klassen funktionieren komplett
- 24/7 Online ( Ausser bei Wartungsarbeiten :-) )
- Mail-Sy... | 0 | 251 |
587 | Hav0c TBC and original 2.1.0 | 1.000 Mbit Internet | blizzlike rates | up 24/7 | no lag | friendly and helpful staff, dedicated to help | daily PvP events | 2 custom Challange Areas | entertaining players since 2004... | 0 | 292 |
588 | Fast-FunRealm TBC 2.2.3 and 2.3.0 Fast-FunRealm is a private server that works for 2.2.3 and 2.3.0. We have 2 Realms. (One FunServer and one BlizzLike). Join now our fast growing community and start a new kind of gamer experience... | 0 | 250 |
589 | oZerZ WoW Server # Drop rates
Rate.Drop.Items = 15
Rate.Drop.Money = 15
# XP rates
Rate.XP.Kill = 150
Rate.XP.Quest = 150... | 0 | 256 |
590 | Tuga World Servidor World Of Warcraft BC !!!
Informa�oes do servidor:
versao actual: 2.0.12
site: http://tugaworld.servegame.com
maquina: core 2 duo extreme 2gb de ram 800mhz dual channel
conexao: com 2mb de upload
Regeneration ... | 0 | 251 |
591 | Budapest Szerver :) BC 2.1.1 (6739) High rate! Connection 100Mbit NO LAG NO DC!:)
Realm | 0 | 274 |
592 | WOW Line - The best Free server BC FreeLag server BC 2.0.12! Version.
безлаговый сервер БК 2.0.12! Версии... | 0 | 261 |
593 | -=lWorld of Darknessl=- German Server; Level Back; Nette GMs; Events; Erh�te EpRates
---->Join Us!<-----... | 0 | 233 |
594 | locowow 2.1.0 antrix funserver extreme This version 2.1.0 patch
New Contents:
1-New Emu
2-New DB
3-Tier 6
4-Black Temple Working
5-No Lag
6-Vendors for the Players
7-Many fixs... | 0 | 242 |
595 | Pained Gamers WoW Ihr wollt WoW TBC spielen ohne Geld zu bezahlen denn Joint auf Unseren Server .
Falls ihr �ber 10 Jahre seit und bisschen WoW zogen wollt ohne 13 � zu bezahlen geht auf meine home Page und Joint unseren Server !!!
Forteile zu andern WoW TBC Private ... | 0 | 237 |
596 | WOWBAZI 2.3.2 Burning Crusade 2.3.x! :: 1000mbit Connection :: 2000 User Cap :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: PVP :: Dedicated Server(s) :: Tons of Events >>>... | 0 | 224 |
597 | Turkwow Project Private WoW Server Our server using WoWD [Secret Emu], 1000 Player Cap, Fun Rates, Shopping Center, Tier Sets, Teleporter, Boss City, Some Events.... | 0 | 273 |
598 | Amerikas Funserver x150 exp rates all around | Tier 1-5 Vendors and portals avaiable | Tier 6 high level raid reward | TIER 7 IN DEVELOPMENT! | Great GMs and events | Level Cap 255 | set realmlist amerika.no-ip.org... | 0 | 289 |
599 | WoW.Flazzard High Rate PvP Server WoW.Flazzard is High Rate PvP Server / With Friendly Community / Most Bugs Are Fixed / No Lags /... | 0 | 272 |
600 | ShadowBlade 2.1.3 WoW Freeshard New Highrate Server with Startgold, Portals and many more.. Join our Community and enjoy WoW with many other Users... | 0 | 240 |