251 | WoW-Naruto 2.3.x - European Server WoW Naruto 2.3.x
New Items
New Armour
New Vendors
New Lands
New Monsters
New Shopping Areas... | 0 | 277 |
252 | TPI World of Warcraft (RUS) 2.3.2 World of Warcraft Server :: AMD 64 Machines :: No Lags :: 99,99% uptime :: x20 items drop :: x25 money drop :: x25 XP :: Tier 6 :: Black Temple :: PvP All dungeons are working, online GM, custom vendors, items and more! set realmlist games.tpi.... | 0 | 265 |
253 | NaturalWoW Wir sind ein deutscher 3.0.3 WOTLK Funlike Privatserver mit sehr netten GMs.
Unser Server ist erst vor kurzem Online gegangen.
Unsere Rates:
Gold = 30x Blizzard
Monster = 27x Blizzard
Quest = 25x Blizzard... | 0 | 292 |
254 | Cursed WoW TBC Server Very Good Server For WoW TBC 2.0.8/2.0.10
Rp rate , Drop Rate : Hight
Level Cap : 70
Outwhant is spawned , all quest worck
No More Lag .. !
Good Game ... | 0 | 278 |
255 | WoW Epic Private Server Join the WoWEpic Private server we have: Nice GMs, Ally+Horde Malls, custom events, Working BGs and Tickets... | 0 | 288 |
256 | Ascent WoW Server Ascent WoW Server... | 0 | 298 |
257 | wow buddelkiste | wow bc | german only Wir sind ein neuer Server,deshalb suchen wir noch Leute die gut sind im bugfixen.Wir benutzen Mangos Emulator.... | 0 | 315 |
258 | Deathstorm Blizzlike server A nice new little sever with lots of fun, Friendly gm's 50%xp 35%drop, 1000 player cap, lvl 80 and a new island with lvl 80's mobs, new items. Try it :)... | 0 | 275 |
259 | Kellerloch�s WoW-Realm Hallo liebe Community,
mein Team und ich haben uns dazu entschlossen ein neues WoW Projekt auf die Beine zu stellen.
Das Team besteht aus 4 erfahrenen WoW Spielern.
Die EP-Rate ist 5x Blizzard, die Quest-Rate 7x Blizzard und die Drop-Rate ebenfalls ... | 0 | 275 |
260 | Fun Syzran Stile Server v. 2.3.3 Фан сервер 1 убийство моба ты получаеш 70 лев&... | 0 | 272 |
261 | Server maximum wow Burning Crusade 2.3.3! very good server... | 0 | 265 |
262 | LegendaryWOW This is a high rate/blizzlike server! Very few bugs, friendly GMs, no lag! Stability and security guaranteed! Dev team! Join us now!
... | 0 | 270 |
263 | Acid-WoW Are you good enough to play here? /2.3.0 / Max. 254 / Custom Shoping / PvP arena / No lag / 20/7 / NO Dc / 99.9% no bug/exp x60, money x200/... | 0 | 272 |
264 | WoW TBC BlizzLike Server Area54 Join now Der Server l�uft Inmoment auf Version 2.4.x es wird nicht unbedingt TBC gebraucht es ist ein BlizzLike Server
No Bugs No Lags Kommt jetzt drauf und habt Viel spa� auf dem WoW Area 54 Server !!
set realmlist drbeat.mine.nu... | 0 | 335 |
265 | TheWhiteDragon.de WoW Projekt Privat WoW Server... | 0 | 278 |
266 | -= Aleajecta WoW Server 2.4.3 =- Best 100% BlizzLike Server out there! | No lag, no wipes, no downtime, no cheaters | 2.4.3 | Completely free | Join us today... | 0 | 339 |
267 | University-WoW WoW 2.2.3| No Lag (1000mbit) | PvP | Deutsche Community | Weekly Updates+Fixes | max. Usercap ~200 |... | 0 | 245 |
268 | Wow-Mortal Fun Server----Nice GM----Max lvl 100----- xp400 & drop 400---Support 24/7--lot of events-pvping
raid--Custom stuff.............COME JOIN THE FUN
the realm is------set realmlist wowmortal.ath.cx
... | 0 | 359 |
269 | WoWCrusade WoWCrusade is a great server with blizzlike rates meening their has only been 2 changes , we are free and we have a mall. We have great server staff who will be happy to help. we have a great lagg free servere with a average ms on 0... | 0 | 245 |
270 | Leonidas-WoW German Blizzlike TBC Server @Mangos with Version 2.3.3 Specials:Flying Mounts in Azeroth ... | 0 | 292 |
271 | virtualMONSTERS HIGH Der virtualMONSTERS WoW Server wurde komplett erneuert, und das ist dabei herausbekommen: 10xBlizzlike, Schnelle Leitung, keine Bugs und Super nette GMS.... | 0 | 278 |
272 | Nemesis Xtreme WoW Welcome to NX-WoW (Nemesis Xtreme WoW High-Rate) We have a dedicated 24/7 no lag server. Player cap of 1000. 100MBIT T1-T3 Vendors, custom instances and level cap set to 80. We are using the latest and best DB out now. Please try out our server.... | 0 | 282 |
273 | WoW-Srtammkneipe German bugfreest free WoW Server!... | 0 | 255 |
274 | ~~ WoW Greece ~~ 999999x Exp and Drop | All instances WORKING | No Lag | No Bugs | Great GMs | PvP | Vendors & Portals | 99% Uptime | And much more! Don't waste your time! Join today our Community and you won't regret... | 0 | 262 |
275 | The Banished Antrix Server 2.1.0-2.1.2 THE BANISHED ANTRIX SERVER
-*Server Comp*-
-*20mbit connection 24/7
-*AMD Athlon Duel core 4200*-
-*2Gb ddr400 RAM*-
-*1x TeraBit HDD*-
-*Windows Xp Professional SP2*-
realmlist: the-banished.ath.cx
Version: 2.1.0 to 2.1.2 Normal Wow & TBC
Cor... | 0 | 270 |
276 | Massacre WoW Server Massacre WoW Server 2.2.x :: Blizzlike :: Lag-Free ::... | 0 | 271 |
277 | NEW PERFECT WORKING WOW SERVER!!! WarZon A new WoW Server for you to play!!!
Nearly perfect DataBase!
Great GM's!
Contests will have place on our server!
Lag free server!
The server is opened every day from 07:00 to 04:00!
Any problems you have will be rezolved 100% by our GREAT TEAM!
If yo... | 0 | 272 |
This server was basically created to make fast profiles for Glider
In-game Commands:
.lookup tele... | 0 | 294 |
279 | ..::: Kamical's 2 Custom Super Funserver Kamical Warcraft 2.3 Servers
Kamical Crysis PvP Server
-Were Back And Better Than EVER!-
Instant Level 80!-
-FREE Tier 7-
-Lots Of Donor Gear-
-Free Ventrillo-
-Always A Helping Hand-
-Lots Of Custom Content-
-99.9% UpTime And N... | 0 | 200 |
280 | GgWoW Server VERSION 1.12.1 ! Custom EPIC shops! XP rate 30x // Max lvl 70 // Everything works !(Mail,Raids,Instances,Bank,Bosses,Auction etc.. // Stable Server! // No Lag ... | 0 | 310 |
281 | -=]DreamWoW SERVER[=- Rates - x25. Friendly GMs. No lag. No disconects. JOIN NOW / Рейты - х25. Дружественные ГМы. Нет ... | 0 | 279 |
282 | WowBr Server O mais rapido servidor de Wow do Brasil!!!
Vers�o 2.2.3 The Burnning Crusade.
Realm PvP, Xp rate x2, Quest rate x3
A guerra esta comen�ando!!... | 0 | 243 |
283 | The Lowland Realms Multi realm blizz like and High rate servers.
We are here a long time and know what makes a good server. We run servers where things work the way the should, so come and join and see for yourself.
Client version 2.4.2... | 0 | 273 |
284 | WoW-illusion Server 2.3.x New Fun Server] For all ppl ! [ no lags ] [no dc] [ drop&exp rate= x60 ] We Hope, you will play with us ... | 0 | 288 |
285 | ~WoWShift~ 2.4.3 Private Server + Forum [WoWShift][High Rates][x80
exp rate][40x Gold][Custom Mall][Custom Leveling Road 70-90][Level Cap 90][Friendly GMS][Season 4][Custom Quests][Supports 2.4.3]... | 0 | 332 |
286 | Public Game Server Server with 2.0.0 BURNING CRUSADE! Welcome to the great virtual World of Warcraft! Friendly administration, good server team, working quests, XP rates:2.5 and more, more and more....... | 0 | 302 |
287 | Haste WoW Burning Crusade 1000mbit Connection :: 100+ User Cap / 300 User Cap :: 2.0.10 Server :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: PVP :: Dedicated Server :: Events :: High Exp Server :: Dual Core :: Custom Contents... | 0 | 335 |
288 | ShadowHunters Shadowhunters Server,vers 2.3.x,instant 60,level cap 255,...SHADOWHUNTERS....... | 0 | 246 |
289 | Beyond WoW its a funserver, instant 70, 20000 gold, teleporters.... | 0 | 269 |
290 | WoWSvoge WoW Blizzlike Server (2.3.3) We present to you the best privite WoW server with all spells,talents,battlegrounds working and much more !!... | 0 | 290 |
291 | Blades Edge WoW Burning Crusade 2.3.x! :: 1000mbit Connection :: 5000 User Cap :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: PVP :: Dedicated Server :: Events :: 1 Server (Instant 70) :: Black Temple ::... | 0 | 332 |
292 | Frozen-wow.com Have Fun
All Quest Working
All Boss Working
Have fun
Server forum
Invite your Friend to Play on frozen-wow.com... | 0 | 269 |
293 | wow-underworld.hopto.org Romania Are mall shop t1......t6 instant level 70 no lag buguri sunt doar la 3 questuri se fac instanta detoate intrati incercatil no sa va para rau :)!!!!... | 0 | 285 |
294 | NAXXRAMAS NETWORK SERVER Polish WoW Server :: Blizzlike :: Version 2.3.3 :: Cap 1000 :: Online 500+ :: Free :: Ascent :: Battlegrounds work :: Arena work :: Special events :: Very stable server :: Good GM staff :: Lag free :: Join now... | 0 | 250 |
295 | Frankenstein Italian Unofficial Server Shard Italiana non ufficiale World of Warcraft + The Burning Crusade.
Server MaNGOS sempre aggiornato all'ultima versione... | 0 | 362 |
296 | ☼ SERVER LIST ☼ Vers. = 1.11.1-2.2.3 REGISTER YOUR SERVER TO OUR LIST, NOW! :)
A gamelist for world of warcraft websites!
All server versions aloud! Versions 1.11.1-2.2.3.
www.EternalGameList.com... | 0 | 240 |
297 | World Rivera World-rivera.ru website.... | 0 | 257 |
298 | Sarabax IPER fun server {W*W} Xp rate: 999999x of ALL!!!!! max level is 300!
shearc a lot gm!!!!!!!!!!
fun event!! no crash no lag... | 0 | 273 |
299 | WoWCore Hello This a Private server with shoping center pvp level cap 70 low rate and more we got friendly GM,s that are willing to help .We looking for gm's that know what thay doing so post on the forum ure app and we will review it so come to... | 0 | 291 |
300 | AbcNet Server Burning Crusade 2.3.x � High Rate � PVP � Unmetered Connection � No lag, No Bugs � Experienced And Friendly Staff � Blizzlike * Uptime 99%.Join us today... | 0 | 276 |