301 | Kyles WOW (2.,3,0) ~Active~ Hello People, This is a mature server, with friendly Gms, custom mall,Max level 200 To join This server please go to:
http://kyleswow.no-ip.org/... | 0 | 287 |
302 | Headhunters Privat WoW 2.3.0 Server Unsere Community ist ein nettes 5k�pfiges team das sich darum kummer euch ein guten server zu Bieten regelm�sseige Updates und Bugfixes.
... | 0 | 295 |
303 | Venom wow Incredible uptime, Friendly GM's, 2 different realms, 500 player cap, Donations are incredibly cheap, No need for donations to become a GM.... | 0 | 283 |
304 | Danger WoW Funserver-Level Cap 70
DropMoney="500"... | 0 | 266 |
305 | Backslash Wow Blizzlike, Funserver Backslash|Two seperate realms|Blizzlike|Funtimes|Howlingpack|Ver2.4.x| TBC|arenas|Battlegrounds We are a new community of gamers, we have arenas and battlegrounds all curently working, fresh server in need of players.... | 0 | 303 |
306 | easyworld 2.4.2 fun max level 200 rate x 5000
t7,t8,t9 in queest
... | 0 | 295 |
307 | Ad-Honores - Serveur WoW BC FUN 2.4.2 Serveur WoW BC FUN 2.4.2 - rates * 550 - 0 lag, 0 crash - new item, zones, instances, set, teleporteur, mj comp�tents - event r�gulier - ar�nes et goulets ouvert... | 0 | 283 |
308 | Chaoswow [3.0.3][Real Blizzlike] [FUll Support Wotlk][DK Works][Barbershop Works][New Area][New Dungeons][Guild Hosting][All NPCs Scripted][All Instance Works][Fast Support][Good GMs Support][Server Rate Blizzlike]-----|Come Test It|-----... | 0 | 265 |
309 | Warsong-Warriors | Deutscher WoW Realm 1.12.X Blizzlike | 24/7 Online | Nice GMs | Deutsche Quest Text | Events | PVP Server | TS 2 Server | Lag Frei | 3,6 Ghz, 1 GB, 500GB HDD Linux |... | 0 | 290 |
310 | L I Z Z A R D - BG Server 2.1.3 The Server Is Bulgarian.Friendly Staff And Very Good Players.Very Much Of All Spells And Talents Are Working. All BATTLEGROUNDS WORKS !!... | 0 | 320 |
311 | Worlds Of Wonders A very nice server to play. People are very friendly and helpfull.
Almost all quests are working and we have a very active GM Team who keeps
fixing things around the clock. Come and have a look at our great World Of Wonders... | 0 | 274 |
312 | dEvolution dEvolution dedicated funserver | Running 24/7 on a 100mbit connection | Low amount of bugs | BlackTemple work | Looking For gm's | Custom venders to come | Lvl cap 90.. 200x rates | 2gb ram | Events |... | 0 | 266 |
313 | set realmlist This is new Bulgarian hamachi server 2.3.x... | 0 | 260 |
314 | World of Funcraft Instant 70 | Custom T7 | Custom instance with T7 drop | 2 custom malls | Friendly GMs... | 0 | 287 |
315 | Midgard-WoW Xtreme Funserver Midgard's WoW Server is Full Funserver * Custom Items* Custom Raids* Custom Events* Custom Arena/Areas * Custom Levelcaps to 100* Custom Creatures* Custom Shopping Mall*... | 0 | 251 |
316 | World of Warfare / High and Blizz -Realm Specials/High:
* Bis level 120
* PlayerTreff
* Alle Quests auf Deutsch
* Leveln bis Level 120
* Eigene Shopping Mall
* Nette GM's
* Jeden Tag un update... | 0 | 268 |
317 | iran farsi server ArianWOW tamame server dar hale tarjome be farsi ast.besiari az bugha edit shodeand.Be kasani ke bug gozaresh konand Gold dade mishavad.... | 0 | 269 |
318 | HoD PvP Server 2.4.2 PVP Server | Arena | Battlegrounds | No lag | All Server Rates x6 | Auction Bot | Mangos | Recently update | World best retards... | 0 | 277 |
319 | Wow Extreme Fun Server No lag | Wow Italian Fun Shard| Rates 999x 1 kill for level 100 | Friendly GM | Uptime 24/7 | Dedicated Server very powa |Tier 8 | Patch 2.4 | Join US!!... | 0 | 277 |
320 | Crisis WoW: The Apocolyptic Dissent [2.4.x support] [high rate servers] [create own custom weopons] [design new gear] [vote and be rewarded] [completly new quest lines]... | 0 | 240 |
321 | World Of Warcraft: Dreams Of Freedom New Server WoW.XP Rates x2 , Drop x1 , Drop Money x1. Emulator ManGOS.Dediicated server 100mbps.
Linux Gentoo,update core and db 2-3 days.
Version 2.2.3
Go game... | 0 | 271 |
322 | Gates of Hell Gates of Hell jest młodym serwerem podtrzymującym tradycję gry blizzlike. Administracja przygotowała sprzęt tymczasowo na 500 online oraz 24/7 działanie serwera. W najbliższym czasie pragniemy to zmienić oferuj... | 0 | 277 |
323 | :CLN: WoW Realm http://gogin.cln.ru
Режим сервера:Normal+superXP
Версия Клиента: World Of Warcraft Burrning Crusade ... | 0 | 268 |
324 | Dead Throne Server rates x15
Good GM
Its OK... | 0 | 299 |
325 | EddyWoW New fun server. one admin two gms.
fun for all.
xp rate is 300... | 0 | 240 |
326 | Malaysia's Most Anticipated WOW Server Malaysia's most anticipated World of Warcraft server is now ready to go! Everyone give it a try, it is as blizlike as it can get at the same time it is extremely FUN! Just give it a try, and i promise you one thing... SATISFACTIONN~... | 0 | 242 |
327 | [INSTANT70]UTGARD.Network[Hardcore PvP] Instant 70 � Burning Crusade 2.4.3 � Hardcore PvP � 3 Servers � Tournament � Highrate � Lowrate � Arena � WSG � AB � EOTS � Alterac Valley Open PvP � Chose Gear � PvP Malls � Voting Rewards � Gigabit Server � Best Staff � Better than every other PvP ... | 0 | 292 |
328 | Batyevka WoW Server Rate.Drop.Items = 100
Rate.Drop.Money = 300
Rate.XP.Kill = 10000000
Vendors whith T1 T2 T3 in Ogr and storm
Server info : Quad Q6600 3000 MHz , Asus P5KC , 4096 mb (DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM)... | 0 | 264 |
329 | WoW2Fear new 2.4.3 + Dedicated PvP 5x Blizz||The 1st server with the New companion AI bot player system Check it out!!||scripted bosses and instances + mobs||friendly GM's ||cripted bosses and instances + mobs||ventrilo server||Working BG's + arena's|... | 0 | 275 |
330 | Adminscraft #1 Privite Gm Server Stable Very Fun All HAve Gm Commands Custom Ranking System, Srcipted Server.. 2.4.1... | 0 | 251 |
331 | Carbon WoW 2.4.0 & 2.4.1 Supported.
Custom Malls (Horde & Alliance).
Full Tier 7,7.5,And Tier 8 (Custom).
Custom World Bosses.
Custom instances.
Events Daily.
24/7 Uptime (For Sure).
Stable Server (No Lag At All).
Fully Scripted Custom and origin content.
We ha... | 0 | 438 |
332 | LegendaryWoW 2.4.x Welcome to join LegendaryWoW 2.4.x! We are currently working on fixing our trainers, and We're working on getting the instant 70 at login. Please be patient and currently, We are giving out lvl 70 and T4. Enjoy your Gaming... | 0 | 328 |
333 | xcla.net Servidor de World of Warcraft 2.4.3 100% Portugues :-: sem Lag :-: GM's Amig�veis :-: Portal do Servidor com F�rum e Not�cias :-: Sempre on-line :-: Servidor PVP Dedicado :-: V�rios Eventos promovidos por GM's e Players :-: Novidade -> World Chat li... | 0 | 264 |
334 | Angels of Darkness WoW Server 2.4.3 Support,Burning Crusade,Rates:x2-x3 Soon: 2 pvp-fan realm with rates x45. Server with great plans for future!Low Ping, Active and Helpful GM's, Regulary updates! So enjoy... | 0 | 332 |
335 | WoW Kobold Хороший сервер с хорошими рейтами х15,быст
... | 0 | 270 |
336 | ExionWoW Instant lvl70/vendors for all in capitals/friendly gm`s/join and tri it out.... | 0 | 451 |
337 | KoZ WoW TBC server -=FuN TBC server=- wow patch 2.0.8, 2.0.10
MAX Level- 90
Rate.XP.Kill = 40
Rate.XP.Quest = 50
Rate.XP.Explore = 30
Rate.Drop.Items = MaX
Rate.Drop.Money = 40... | 0 | 360 |
338 | L-WoW Drop rates:
Money = 400x
Items = 100x
XP rates:
Kill = 250x
Quest = 350x
Explore = 50x... | 0 | 282 |
339 | WOW VECRO SERVER The best wow server ever..... | 0 | 270 |
340 | THROZEN WOW GREEK PVP SERVER Join all THROZEN WOW... | 0 | 272 |
341 | WoW server 2.4.3 Newlands WoW 2..3 server Newlands 99%uptime/blizzlike/1000 user caps/no-lag/events and many other interesting things))) Friendly GM's/Intel Core 2 Duo 6400+/8 Gb Ram/
Are the best Russian private server. Join us now!!!
1000 MB/SEC UPLOAD CONNECTION!!... | 0 | 284 |
342 | WoW Eos We are a beta server.10x drops,10x exp.Working arena's,battleGrounds,Voice Chat and many other things.Also a all new Shopping mall with portals from every magor city.Please coem and enjoy are server and growing community.... | 0 | 266 |
343 | Realm of Espionage World of Warcraft 3.0.9 (Original, BC, and WotLK) Private Server.... | 0 | 276 |
344 | WoW diabolikaris WoW Italian Server with high rate and many daily events.
WowDiabolikaris server italiano tanti eventi quasi ogni sera con gm disponibilissimi transfert server Fun... | 0 | 253 |
345 | EGF-WoW-2.3.2-2.3.3 Germany/Deutscher : Burning Crusade : 2.3.2-2.3.3 : 60/50/30/10 : Lag-Free : Freundliche GMs : Discussion Boards : Constant Uptime : PVP/RP/RPPVP : Great MiRate Server : Custom Item�s :Events : InG-Kommandos bank/listgm/save...ect... | 0 | 268 |
346 | WoW-Infected WoW 2.3.3 Funserver | Custom Items | Viele Events | GMs gesucht! | Deutscher Mangos Server... | 0 | 252 |
347 | Elite FunServer 2.4.x Elite FunServer 2.4.x | Instant LvL 70 & 20000 Gold | Custom Vendors | >> Tier 7; 7,5; 8 << | Custom Items | 2 Custom Mall | Custom Instances, Arenas, PvP | No Bugs, No Hacks | No Lag... | 0 | 258 |
348 | JAPAN BURNING LEGION 3.0.8a/3.0.9 * OCEANIC SERVER - server located in Japan (100 mbp/s fiber optic)
using Intel Core2 Duo / 3GB RAM / 7200rpm HDD
10x QuestRep
5x KillRep
5x Honor
4x KillXP
8x QuestXP
8x RestXP
3x DropRate
10x DropMoney
JBL WotLK 3.0.3/3.0.8/3.... | 0 | 270 |
349 | (TSP) Team Southpark Team Southpark Funserver... | 0 | 258 |
350 | Hell Wow Server Gm/admin server. Custom Items, mounts, leveling areas. Pvp arenas. Wsg, Ab, and av are all working. Za and bt spawned. vote and be rewarded. custom donation items. Dungeon 1- tier 12!! REMEBER IF IT AINT FUN THEN IT AINT HELL!... | 0 | 241 |