1101 | World of Chaos and Magic Server Italiano di World of Warcraft aggiornato alla patch 2.1.3 con a disposizione Sito-Forum-Blog-Ts-Radio-Server... | 0 | 283 |
1102 | SanalGenc WoW SanalGencWow Server Fun PvP
DropMoney="200"... | 0 | 287 |
1103 | Grondor WoW Great funserver x100 kill and x105 quest! Custom vendors and lots of fun PvP! Uses Hamachi! Read the Connection Guide... | 0 | 250 |
1104 | Donate to be a GM Donate to be a GM! - Go to paypal.com and donate 19.99 to [email protected] and list yuor account name so I can flag you as a GM. You can get full tier 6! Black temple loot! Fly anywhere! Kill anything! Teleport anywhere! ANYTHING... | 0 | 273 |
1105 | WoW Dark Portal Kostenloser Deutscher Highrate Burning Crusade v2.1.3 Server >> Sehr gute Pings / Nette Community / F�higes hilfsbereites Team /Rates 50/55/35/ Server 95% auf Deutsch/Teamspeak IP: /sehr stabil/Gamers Treff und level arena 70+ und 1... | 0 | 292 |
1106 | Fantastic1WoWfunserver Very Good server no lagg no bug custom portals and high Rates... | 0 | 273 |
1107 | PWNAGECraft 2.0.12 PWNAGECraft 2.0.12 Funserver... | 0 | 322 |
1108 | MMOGLIDERBOT Glider ist ein WoW Bot der deinen World of Warcraft Charkter f�r dich spielt.
Er farmt, lootet, k�rschnert, sammelt Kr�uter und Erze, heilt und farmt sogar Seelensteine und das alles ohne dich.
httt://www.mmogliderbot.de... | 0 | 268 |
1109 | Ahorner's Private Server 100x gold, xp, drops, forums, friendly community... | 0 | 253 |
1110 | .: Rastafarian WoW :. Deutscher W@W PvP Realm. - Blizzlike Rates - WoW 2.1.3 - Komplett Deutsche DatenBank - Scherbenwelt wird Permanent von Uns Gefixt (die alten sachennat. auch noch) - Regelm�sige Updates - Viele BugFixxes - Top HardWare - Gute Pings
... | 0 | 302 |
1111 | Free WoW-Server with High-Rate Wir, WoW-International haben uns f�r die neue Antrix Emu entschieden da diese bugfreier und stabliler l�uft als die alte Mangos. Ausserdem k�nnt ihr bei uns immer mit dem neuesten Patch spielen, wir haben nette Admins, Gamemaster und Player
... | 0 | 264 |
1112 | ShadowCraft WoW Blizzlike WoW server, small community, but it's great and growing fast. Constantly updating, new items, quests, and the like. Join Today... | 0 | 258 |
1113 | DarkSoldierZ WoW TBC 2.2.3 Ein ganz neuer Privater WOW Server !Server l�uft unter der Patch ver. 2.2.0 - 2.2.3 ( TBC )! EP Rate x3 !Wir w�rden uns freuen euch zahlreich begr��en zu k�nnen.Wir haben einen Treff und viele nette user! ... | 0 | 276 |
1114 | BEYOND LT 1 KILL - 70 LVL | NO LAG | T1-T6 SHOPS | 2.1.X BC... | 0 | 295 |
1115 | rampagewow 2.1.3 rampagewow over 70+ custom vendors in shatt rates kill 50, quest 60, gold 50... | 0 | 265 |
1116 | ABC World of Warcraft Version 2.4.3, rates 2x -- dedicated server, 100mbit line -- ascent with newest stable revisions - custom, but blizzlike fixes -- professional and experienced staff -- founded at wow version 1.2... | 0 | 261 |
1117 | ORION TBC 2.1.3 (PL) (EN) (100mbit) (2x) PL+EN | quality 100mbit-FD link | dedicated AMD X2 4600+ / 2GB DDR2 | rates/drops: 2x | 2.1.3 | no lags | 20h+ uptime | 700 slots | TBC & non-TBC | friendly players and staff... | 0 | 276 |
1118 | DaRkManGOS 2.1.3 [GER] Deutscher WoW Fun-Server. T2-Vendor, Portale uvm. soll euer Leben erleichtern.... | 0 | 285 |
1119 | GameCorn US & EU 2.2.3 Blizzlike, 99% Uptime, 2000 user cap, No-lag, 2 Dedicated Servers based in North-America and Europe! We have a Very Good Community! Join us Now... | 0 | 253 |
1120 | LordZ UltiMaTe SerVer LordZ SerVer : it has 2 shopping malls , with tier 1 -4 vendors.... | 0 | 250 |
1121 | The Burning Crusade Realm No bugs , no lag , daily auto events ! JOIN NOW... | 0 | 271 |
1122 | West Coast Mangos West Coast MaNGoS private World of Warcraft server is currently supporting 2.1.3 and TBC. 99.9% uptime, Daily Updates and fixes, Very few bugs, low latency, And there is almost Always a GM online to help you.... | 0 | 278 |
1123 | FantasyS Burning Crusade 2.1.3 ::High Rate Realms :: 2000+ User Caps :: Powerful Dedicated Servers :: Fast Connection :: Lag-Free :: Black Temple :: Tier 6 :: Flying Mounts :: Custom Shops :: Plus heaps more... | 0 | 258 |
1124 | .:: ZeroNiX WoW ::. -=/=- Version . 2.1.3 -=/=- Drop/XP . Blizzlike -=/=- Connection . 100 Mbit... | 0 | 256 |
1125 | Metaplane Unique World of Warcraft (2.1.3) Realms (x1 & x100).We have features that you won't see even on the OFFICIAL realms! Not some "custom items&vendors crap",but the real innovations:two new factions,town sieges and many more! WE MOD WOW!!!...... | 0 | 257 |
1126 | FreeDOM Русский сервер World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade 2.1.3... | 0 | 376 |
1127 | ☼ WoWquest - Private Server ☼ Burning Crusade (2.2.X) :: 100mbit Connection :: Friendly GMs :: Constant Uptime :: High Rate :: Fun Events :: Portals :: NO LAG :: 1000+ Players :: Latest Core... | 0 | 267 |
1128 | Klingenkrieg Ein Deutscher WOW server / mit netten Gm�s / Nette Spieler / Playertreff im Aufbau / Alles Bugfrei/neuste Mango 2.2.3 drauf/ 24/7 Online/ keine Crash/ 1 kill= lvl 70/PVP Funserver
... | 0 | 276 |
1129 | HellGamerS Romania 2.1.3 (TBC) Rate.XP = 60 / Rate.QuestXP = 70 / Rate.RestXP = 60 / Rate.Drop = 80 / Rate.DropMoney = 100 / Players Maxim = 50 / Online = 12/24 / HF and GJ... | 0 | 254 |
1130 | Supreme Darkness We also have Custom Items. Dungeon Set and Tier Set 1-3 are in Sw and Org.
We are in progress of making custom areas, custom mounts and custom spells. 1 kill = Level 9 so just a few minutes to 70. Money rate is 650 and Drop Rate is 250. We have nic... | 0 | 268 |
1131 | Death Legion WoW Hight raiti Versia 2.1.3 ... | 0 | 259 |
1132 | Gideons Lair WoW , An amzing game. Great staff. IRC help channel. Join now =p... | 0 | 289 |
1133 | Koz WoW Server BG Funserver | 1 hit 70 | Tier 5 vendors | All weapons vendors | Malls | Custom City for each faction | PvP Mall | Portal NPC | Easy to increase skills ( 100 skill each time you are supposed to get 1 ) and much more... | 0 | 233 |
1134 | German WoW A good WoW BC Server/ver2.1.3/xprate 100
droprate 20... | 0 | 252 |
1135 | WoH FunServer Welcome to Funserver Heatra
you kill a monster instant lvl 100
this server have vendors enter pls
Bienvenidos a heatra server se haran mejoras lvl 100 instantaneo ahy vendors... | 0 | 325 |
1136 | World of Legends World of Legends 2.1.3 ||| 2.2.x
2 Server (Roots) - 1 Realmlist - 2 TS� Server
10Std. Support mind. (GM's, Ticketsystem)
Datenbank & Core wird t�glich mind. 2x am Tag geupdatet &gefixt
300+ Accounts - Events - Playertreff
Join U... | 0 | 307 |
1137 | World of Warcraft [Xemokor] World of Warcraft 2.1.3
dropitem = 2;
dropmoney = 6;
expkill = 3;
expquest = 3;
expexplore = 3;... | 0 | 247 |
1138 | Warcraft-Evolution Ihr sucht einen Deutschen WoW Server? Dann seit ihr bei uns richitg FunRealm T1-T6, leistungsstarker Root Server mit Teamspeak Server und Super HP. Wir Freuen uns �ber jedes neues Mitglied. Forum u.s.w vorhanden Join Now!! version 2.2.3... | 0 | 249 |
1139 | Avenged-WoW Custom BC 2.0.10 server. 15x rates, high drops. Custom instances/friendly community. 24/7 Uptime... | 0 | 231 |
1140 | Wbb Server xp 100x| drop 3000x | Funserver... | 0 | 243 |
1141 | World of Warcraft BZ - #1 Server Funserver instant 70. Free T4, Everything working like Blizz including Battlegrounds. Custom gear T7+. Daily events and prizes.... | 0 | 246 |
1142 | WoW Pegaso - Dedicado - 2.2.X (last ver) Servidor de Ascent traducido al castellano, con un servidor dedicado 24/7 y trabajando con las ultimas versiones.
Siempre estamos arreglando fallos y damos muy buen soporte.... | 0 | 263 |
1143 | Blood-N-Honor TBC v 2.3.3 *German* Wir sind ein Ascent WoW 2.3.x TBC PVE Server.// EXP - Explore - Quest 55x // Gold 250x - Drop 150x // Nice GM�s // Max LvL 70 // Max 2 Jobs // T1 - T6 // Latenz um die 20 Ping // Teamspeak vorhanden... | 0 | 281 |
1144 | ..::LizZaRD-BG::..TBC Fun Server Burning Crusade 2.1.x , 250 mb/s Internet Connection = No Lag! ^_~ ( rates: Drop=x300 | Gold=x1500 | Xp=x150 ) Friendly Staff , Lot's of Custom Events and many many more! ::: JOIN NOW ! ::::
... | 0 | 224 |
1145 | Geinserver Highrate 55XP - 25 Gold - 2 Item malls - 2 Leveling zones - Warp robots - Instant revive - Blizzcon band - the best playergroup there is.... | 0 | 234 |
1146 | Peanutservers , Instant 70 ultimate fun Peanut server is back! The server is brand new and need you! We have nice gm's and all sorts of vendors! Join today! We will do what ever it takes to make you have fun , so se ya in game then. :)... | 0 | 249 |
1147 | � World-Gaming Wow � [2.4.x , NO LAG] World-Gaming Community Server :: Version 2.4.2 ENABLED ! Big Rates , No wipes , No lag , No bugs , No disconnects , Friendly GMs , Huge Community , Server support 1000+ PLAYERS ON ... | 0 | 276 |
1148 | New-Gen of WoW German/English Ein Deutscher WoW Funserver mit alle x100 Rates und einem eigenen Treffpunkt und LevelArena dar�berhinaus �ber 100 H�ndler!!!! Also steige heute noch ein ^^....... | 0 | 269 |
1149 | 4power Jest to Polski server Rates high Server dedykowany 100mb/s łącze... | 0 | 244 |
1150 | Nebula Description: 1000mb/fully dedicated/100% uptime/custom everything, experienced GMS and great developers/tier 1-8 vendors/level 100 max/ We bring the fun YOUR way... | 0 | 249 |