401 | �Seijitsu-RO� 50k/50k/50k � Max Level 1000/300 � Max Stats 30k � Every Class! � Fun Events! � MvP/PvP Warper � Up 24/7 � Friendly Staff/Members � Custom Items � And More!... | 0 | 267 |
402 | **_Cardinal-RO_** This RO is to give fun for everyone and meet more freind and a Good GM this RO is very-very Freindly and a player and a GM .if you want this RO Join her and meet there freind and GM thx everyone to join here<<<<>>>>>... | 0 | 259 |
403 | MexRO. Servidor Gratis De Habla Hispana Se Acuerdan Der Nosotros Hace Un tiempo Tuvimos ONLINE Lamentablemente Caimos, Ahora Volvemos mas .:Revolucion:. Entren Y Diviertanse Con Un Nuevo Staff Dedicado A Servirles En LO Que Nesesiten Entre Al New �MexRO�
... | 0 | 284 |
404 | Archangel-RO Servidor Exelente
low rates 10x10x10
recien open entra ya no te pierdas la oportunidad de ser el mejor !... | 0 | 255 |
405 | Bifr�st Way French Server open to International. rates 1/1/1 lvl max 99/70, stylist ((including 263 colors of hair and 553 colors of clothing)and banker. Full Client 1,2Go and Friendly Staff. Good Play and have Fun ;)... | 0 | 293 |
406 | Move-RO Server brasileiro Low Rate, 100x/100x/200x
Staff Completa.... | 0 | 341 |
407 | ShinkaiRO Server that has been remaked and hosted on a dedicated host. Staffs are nice and fun to be with. Full of more quests and customized equips (Some are made by our spriter) that you can use. Less lag and happy gaming experience!... | 0 | 221 |
408 | Iron2ro the new and improved Ironro is certainly to be your new favorite ro
come to the site to learn more about us and join the community!... | 0 | 240 |
409 | FunRO International Servers | [5000/5000/50-100%] & [5/5/5] | 3 own Timezone Guild & Baby-Novice WoE america/europe/asia | Custom NPCs, Items, Quests & Monsters... | 0 | 383 |
410 | Devi Network A new high rate server looking for players and some free GM spots that need to be filled (spriter scripter and some helper spots) rates 100k 100k 100% cards 5% and drops rates increase depending on your luk new maps and many customs(soon over 500) so... | 0 | 387 |
411 | SeijitsuRO SeijitsuRO Rates:50k/50k/2%MvP 20%regular 100% equips and Healing items. this server is looking for YOU... | 0 | 342 |
412 | SpyRO Server novo, criado dia 27 de dezembro de 2007, Fase Beta para testes com rate 2k 2k 50% lvl max 99, o lan�amento do oficial n�o h� previs�es, o rate ser� 200/200/100 sujeito a mudan�as com lvl max 99/70, venha se juntar a n�s.... | 0 | 269 |
413 | Private Fenix Ragnarok Online server de ragnarok super atualizado, quase 24/7, com muitos custom itens, 100k/100k/100%, lvl max 999/300, para maiores informa��es acessem nosso web site.... | 0 | 254 |
414 | Myth Ragnarok Rates: 5000x/5000x/800x
Max Level: 300/120
Max Stats: 255
Homunculus: Ativados.
Customs: 21 atualmente.
Npc's: Jobmaster, Healer FAST, MVP, Homunculus, Platinium Skill, Stylist, Shop com todos itens comuns e muito mais.
Server sem lag, 24 horas on... | 0 | 253 |
415 | Venis Ragnarok Online Servidores de Ragnarok Online
�Thor ( Servidor 30/30/15 - 99/70 )
�Todas as classes
�Novos Mapas
�Online 24 Horas
�Servidor no estilo ORGINAL!!... | 0 | 253 |
416 | Holy-RO Servers High 100k/100k/100% lvl 999
low 5k/5k/5% lvl 350
Comunidade Brasileira de Ragnarok...
Gm's amigaveis Staff on
Venha fazer parte desta comunidade
+200 on
Ajude-nos ^^... | 0 | 272 |
417 | SKpziM RO Server SKpziM RO - High [5k/5k/5k - Level: 998 / Job: 254] + Custons Itens... | 0 | 290 |
418 | Ragnaevils Comunidade amig�vel, GMs ativos e inovadores, WoEs disputadas, servidor sem lag, com os melhores customs, rate 100k/100k/50%. Sua Nova Aventura lhe espera aki....Venha voc� tambem junte-se a n�s!!!... | 0 | 342 |
419 | KitsuneRO Rates: 5k / 5k / 100%
Custon card (5% de chance de usae edp , max over thrust, full protect lvl 5 etc...),custom monster (deadly poring 5kk de hp com azura heal e edp),e muitos equips custom! (:
Enjoy!!!!!... | 0 | 257 |
420 | Zephionne Ragnarok Online There is no point for me to describe...just try this server and u know it better than me...Rates 6k/6k/1.5k and max level 99/70... | 0 | 282 |
421 | SupEr RaGnArok SerVeR RaTe 100/100/75/75
max lvl 99/70
super server
langue czech slovak englisch
super custom npcs server only now start :)please:) go on this server:):):)... | 0 | 275 |
422 | Sun-RO New Ragnarok Server Server Rates -[=10=]-[=10=]-[=20=]- **24/7** // Spirit Warper // Satan Morroc (Quest Dungeon) + Ehre System (EhreLvs bringen [Blanaced] Bonis) // Back to the ROots (Custom rebirth quest [Belohnung: Headgear {optik} nach Wahl + Wahlm�glichkeit f�r Sta... | 0 | 283 |
423 | DeathRO Low Rate: 6/6/3 Max Level 99/70 | High Rate: 1500/1500/1000 Max Level 255/99 | Daily Back-Ups | Always Up To Date | All Classes | Custom NPCs | Friendly Staff | Player @ Commands... | 0 | 289 |
424 | RagnaFullRO serve bom rates 200k/200k/100% lvl max 999/255... | 0 | 271 |
425 | TimeRO Serve Bom!! rates 10k/10k/100% lvl max 300/150... | 0 | 259 |
426 | IcemanRO Revenge "The Begining" 2 SERVER | Low Rates - 99 / 70 | High Rates - 255 / 120 | New Custom's Fast Growing Community Join Now !! �Were Hiring A NEW GM� Signup Now !!... | 0 | 256 |
427 | New Server Rate 2k/2k/1k
500 peoples on
various npcs
enter on the website to see details... | 0 | 238 |
428 | iLLusionBRO Nome do Servidor : Streett
Servidor : Cronus
Level M�ximo : 999/70
Execut�vel : bRO e sak
Status M�ximo : 999
Emulador : Cronus
Hor�rio do Server 24/7
Rate : 100k/100k/100%
WoE : Quartas : 16:00 �s 18:00 e S�bado : 17:00 �s 18:00
... | 0 | 254 |
429 | The Only RO 175/175/100 Max Level 255/99 Max Stat 200 Max attkspd 194 instacast 125 dex 1 ammo= unlimited essemble skills no partner We offer customs for zeny, customs are also balanced to allow for fun PvP WoE. We have 164 customs headgears/wings being added in this month... | 0 | 329 |
430 | Meteora RO Novo server de rag saindo da versao beta ja com muitas coisa boas, com sistema vip
itens custom, e muito mais para voc�.
Divirta-se e aguarde muitas melhorias vir�o, para ajudar a voc� jogador.... | 0 | 274 |
431 | ThundRO Server em Portug�s!
Rates: 100k/100k/70%
Max lv: 900
Max job: 300... | 0 | 295 |
432 | Ragnar�k Corporation Server dedicado 24/7 com um sistema de desenvolvimento de personagens inovador, rates 10x/10x/10x e Itens e NPCs Custom. Confira...... | 0 | 268 |
433 | Mogyo RO 25/25/25/1
It's a Hungaryan server , and we are starting in the next days.
Magyar szerver, amely a napokban fog induni.... | 0 | 255 |
434 | KaiyoshiRO Balance Server, Active Friendly GM, Active Event, Quest NPC, MVP Warper, Warp NPC, Active WOE and RPC Event, New Map Nameless, Thor and Viens, 24/7 Server UP, Donation K-Point, 1K / 1K / 100 ( 10% Normal Card and 0.05 MVP Card )... | 0 | 276 |
435 | HighwayRO Um novo servidor privado com tudo funcionando perfeitamente.Online 24/7.Comunidade Amig�vel .Guerras seg/qua/sab, de 19hrs as 20hrs.Rates 30/30/15% lv max 99/70 Nossa equipe espera que todos se divirtam em nosso servidor... | 0 | 236 |
436 | ||Valkyrie's War Ragnarok Online|| ||Servidor 25x/25x/25x con sistema de juego innovador(Casiopea's Destiny) - Custom NPC(Healer, Guardiana del Destino, etc.) - Staff Atento y no corrupto - Sistema de soporte via MSN - El otro lado de Ragnarok - �A qu� esperas?||... | 0 | 248 |
437 | Etna RO EtnaRO is a newly founded server whith a caring gm team
We just aired and we are in need of a community
gms are open for questions and can be found in public
also small modifications help make gaming more fun
If you enjoy a server with a team that l... | 0 | 247 |
438 | Tales of RO 1k/1k/500 Brand New Server and Looking for new players. Friendly community.Lots of CUSTOMS and QUEST. On a dedicated server. Max lvl 299 max job 99.English.Super novice commands.
... | 0 | 264 |
439 | PinRO Community Deutscher Server - Rates 600x/600x/60x - Maintown Hugel - Nettes GM Team... | 0 | 273 |
440 | KinomotoRO Rebirth of DarkPhoenixRO
50k/50k/100% Friendly GM's, Custom NPC's , Headgears and Wings! WoE & PvP!
Join Now!... | 0 | 247 |
441 | sou mulher mais sou forte SOU QUERRERA... | 0 | 292 |
442 | FusionRO Melhor serve private serve com medio rate 50/50/30x muito custon items... | 0 | 256 |
443 | Ragna��o - High rates Rates: 2k/2k/1k , MaxLevel: 254/130 , MaxStats: 250 , 24/7 , Emulador: eAthena SQL MVP ROom, Venha.
Sem lags.... | 0 | 251 |
444 | Kero-RO 25x 25x 10x | Comunidad Hispana | GM's siempre on y amigables | Sin LAG | Sin CORRUPCION | Custom items, npc, quest y mucho mas | Healer, warper, etc | Dedicado 24/7 | MUCHAS MUCHAS SORPRESAS MAS!!... | 0 | 258 |
445 | FlameRO server high rates
max lvl 1000/150
max status 500 contamos
con bastantes custom... | 0 | 276 |
446 | SeijitsuRO Max lvl 999/999 100%/10% 80k/80k Rates,WoE,Customs,@ Commands,... | 0 | 226 |
447 | ...:::BrazilroxRO:::... [Ninja e Gunslinger][rates: 3k / 3k / 10%][+200 custom itens] [Melhores GMs do Brasil][Datacenter Brasileiro][ZERO LAG]... | 0 | 239 |
448 | RagnaShadows RagnaShadows - Simplismente O Melhor,
Venha Jogar Conosco
Rates de 150k/150k/75%
Lvl Max 750/200
Woe Ter�a e Quinta as 5h as 6h � de quinta as 5:30 as 6:30... | 0 | 250 |
449 | Legion The Prophety Server ragnarok online free 300/300/300 (700 on MVP), running 24h/24h 7 / 7, and custom moob item implanted and soon the custom maps max lvl: 999/350
Site Official: http://legion.corp.st Official forum: http://legion-fo.corp.st/
Frensh community
And ... | 0 | 355 |
450 | Happy RO Servidor mexicano, Rates: 10/10/8, Lv's m�ximos: 99/50 - 99/70(Renacidos) Balanceado, GM's amables,
Sin corrupci�n, Equipo custom por clase disponibles por quest, Actualizado y estable,
Ambiente agradable y ameno.... | 0 | 266 |