901 | SkyzerRO Servidor Latino.
Rates: 15/15/10.
GMs Amigables.
Eventos Entretenidos Semanal.
Custom Town.... | 0 | 318 |
902 | ExpeditionRO [ExpeditionRO][Servidor High Alto][10k/10k/50%/5%][Max Level 199/90]
Nosso principal objetivo, � promover a sua divers�o. Um server sem limite de players, onde voc� ter� muito mais compania.
Buffs gr�tis, tornando muito mais f�cil sua jornada por r... | 0 | 301 |
903 | FantasyBR Epis�dio: Ilha Esquecida | Rates: 10k/10k/100x | LvL Max: 300/150 | Staff Competente | Custom Items | Mercado Negro | Servidor Dedicado | Servidor Inaugurado 26/08/2008.... | 0 | 299 |
904 | Kiki-RO Wir sind ein recht neuer Server und sind noch schon �ber Hamachi Online. Kommt doch mal vorbei.... | 0 | 266 |
905 | Aphrodite-Online �Middle/high: 5k/5k/Custom�Mvp:2%/Normaux:10%�Bas�e sur le Custom(99%)(+5000item)�(+500Npc)�Capital:Ayothaya�Dongeon Custom�Auto-Event-Puissance4-Echec3D-Poring Race-Poring Ball-Woe (All time)�Gm tr�s pr�sent� Serveur Nouveaux! Rejoignez Aphrodite-On... | 0 | 266 |
906 | Buba-RO Server mid || rates 3000/3000/xxx||4 woes x cemana||ciudad principal lou||max lvl 400||lvl de heroe||hats como kahos alice acc de 40 str y mass....... | 0 | 247 |
907 | FulleRO - O melhor private do Brasil Servidor Thor -
Rates: 30k/30k/50%
Level Max: 300/170
Stats Max: 300
Veins: Veins
Servidor 0 LAG
Servidor Dedicado
GM's Respons�veis... | 0 | 305 |
908 | Blood RO 15k / 15k / 15k Server Still in Progress but I know it will be a life changing experience , Friendly and dedicated staff , Customs , Dedicated Host 24/7 And More Vote now!... | 0 | 263 |
909 | Ragnashadow server brasileiro - 1k/1k/50%
max lvl: 254/150
custom item e mais... | 0 | 313 |
910 | ||-- Pajaro RO --|| || Servidor Mexicano || High Rates 15k15k5% || 100mbps || Eventos diarios || Gran Comunidad || Proximamente 24/7 || WoEs fines de semana 1pm-2pm|| Customs... | 0 | 246 |
911 | Otaku-RO "Where anime and Ragnarok collide..."... | 0 | 275 |
912 | RagnaFury Epis�dio: Veins | Rates: 60/60/30 | Level Max: 99/70 | STATS 99 | Otima Staff | Evento 4x Exp | Quests de ROPS e Megingjard | Servidor Novo | Sem Customs | Sem Donates | Ragnar�k Al�m dos Limites!!... | 0 | 244 |
913 | Ragnarok World | Rates: 100/100 | Lvl max: 250/70 | Capital: Prontera | Lots of customs items, NPC Customs | Dynamic and very present GM | WoE 4days/ 7. Constantly evolving Server Fullclient available, database!! This server is for you =)... | 0 | 396 |
914 | Celtic-Rune | Ragnarok Online Servidor mexicano 10x/10x/10x custom. Completamente actualizado. No Lag, No corrupcion. Transferimos tu char renacido;D... | 0 | 280 |
915 | CakeRO CakeRO - 75x/75x/25x - Max lvl 190/90 - WoE Tues + Thurs - Helpful/Nice GMs - Lot's of NPCs - New Headgear Quests + Drops - Max Stats 170 - Max ASPD 196... | 0 | 268 |
916 | Maximillion Ragnarok Online � 5000x/9000x/50% � Level 99/90 � Stats 200 � Custom Items & Quests � All Classes � PvP � Events � Custom NPCs � Join Maximillion NOW!!... | 0 | 303 |
917 | ~Xatruch-RO~ Servidor Hispano, High & Mid Rates, Custom Items, 90% Quest, Mercenary System, Custom Pet, Human Pet, Woe Semanal, Etc... | 0 | 261 |
918 | Dark Porn RO diesser server is ein hight rates... | 0 | 291 |
919 | NpcMakerRO server Ita/Eng rates 8kx 8kx 10% 2%
is a beautyfull server with much feauters
come on people enter in my server!... | 0 | 266 |
920 | WorFuri Ragnarok Online Lvl Max : 700/250
Rates: 100k/100k/35%
donates: Sim
aspd: 196
arean PVP.Sortudo. Devil Square. Corida maluca ,Quest's.
comandos: @warp,@duel,@accept,@reject,@leave,@at,@autotrade,@storage,@autoloot,@time,/nc... | 0 | 259 |
921 | Caramby RO Servidor Dedicado/Rates:200k/200k/100% /Sala MVP/Evento MVP/Clonador/Avierto la 24 horas del dia/ETC... | 0 | 444 |
922 | Qu�bec-Gold RO Serveur mid rates: 55/55/30, tout nouveau. Staff competant events pr�vues plusieurs npcs venez d�couvrir QG-RO.... | 0 | 263 |
923 | gtRO [gtRO Server novo][24/7][110k/110k/80%] [Lvl 999/200][Sala VIP][Curandeiro] [Remvedora][Resetador][Estilista] [Teleporter][MVP ROOM][WOE Ter, Qui e Sab][Eventos Legais][Staff Legal][MaxStats:999][Em Breve Quests vips Megjin e Brisingamen]... | 0 | 312 |
924 | Emperium-RO - 2 Servidores Episodio: Ilha Esque�ida Rate 140x/140x/50% Card 0,50 % Level M�ximo:99/70 M�ximo Stats:99 Donation itens eventos de pvp com ranking [woe 100% funcional] Npc de ROps [Zero Lag] ROdando com bRO kRO sAK 100% -[Datacenter americano]... | 0 | 261 |
925 | DragonROk This server is still in beta.
The rates for now are 50k/30k
The max level is 1000 Max stats 1000
Great GM's.
Job Change
Stat and skill Resetter
240+ Custom Pets
Clone Potions!!
Working Mercenary Scrolls!!
homunc... | 0 | 248 |
926 | Ragnarok Fever Server Rates: B1k J1k Drates200 Ncard 2% MVPcard 0.10 in Normal Wolrd & Items Buyable in PVP World!
You can choose Two Different Worlds:
Normal World who wants role playing games, here we have many custom items like wings,headgears & many more!
Pv... | 0 | 268 |
927 | Krypton Ragnarok Online Un servidor 100% mexicano hecho para toda la comunidad de habla hispana... los mejores usuarios en pvp del mundo si no me creres entra y desmuestar q tu eres el mejor... | 0 | 252 |
928 | NUEVO +MAX-RO+ Servidor con todo lo mejor de ragnarok � ONline 100% � Mid Rates 1800x/1800x/40x Nuevos npc� Max Lvl 200/100 � GM's Responsables � Eventos � Muchos Items Custom � NO lang � Sin Corrupci�n � Job change, reset..etc. comandos:@WARP,@GO,@guild..etc..... | 0 | 260 |
929 | Nice RO Private Server Great..!!!... | 0 | 264 |
930 | FlameRO Deutscher MiddRate Server+MaxBase/Job=250/80+MaxRates=1k/1k+Viele
Customs Items/Maps/Quests+Nette Community/GMs+Donation... | 0 | 237 |
931 | How to create or make your own Ragnarok Do you want to be a owner and own a Ragnarok Online Private Server? Well here's a simple guide to follow, all you have to do is just visit this website :
http://www.ragnarok-online.tk... | 0 | 274 |
932 | DreamersRO <3 German Server | Mid/High Rate Server Max Lvl 255 Job 150 |Neuer Server noch im Aufbau | Viele Custom- Dungeons,Monster,Items,Jobs & viel Fun/Events | Freundliche Helper & GM's |
... | 0 | 261 |
933 | NightmareRO Rates 15k/15k/7%cards/3%mvp MaxLvl 500/150,Servidor Mexicano,Servidor Nuevo apenas vamos empesando ven y diviertete a NightmareRO
para que nuestra comunidad Cresca.Donde solo tu imaginacion es tu limite.... | 0 | 262 |
934 | Fandom Ragnarok Online Servidor Latino, Rates 4/4/3, Sin Customs, 100% Estable y Sin Lag, tu Decides Lo que Hay... | 0 | 362 |
935 | AkamaruRO 160 Items Custom, Gms amigables, variedad de quest, Woe 3 veces ala semana... | 0 | 346 |
About Me:
The best private server ragnarok malaysia...... top 100 ragnarok private server malaysia... no lag, no bot, no spam.....
-many custom wings (so beauty)
-gm so friendly
- easy livling
- high rate server
- max lvl 255
- pvp lad... | 0 | 308 |
937 | HeRO Ragnarok Ein neuer Deutscher Miderate Server 450/450 nette GM und nette User warten auf dich. Join in... | 0 | 271 |
938 | DarkLegion-RO Servidor low rate 8x8x7x, Sistema de jugo de Uva, NO CUSTOM, FULL QUEST, GMs amigables, Eventos cada fin de mes, PVP y WOE al extremo, Abierto hasta noviembre 2008... | 0 | 246 |
939 | RittleRO Server espa�ol low rates 25x/20x/15x 99/70 unanse ya!!... | 0 | 240 |
940 | Kuro Project New Server. Weekend Rates: 3k//3k//2k Week Rates: 1.5k//1.5k/1k German//English Support Friendly Team. PVP//MVP//WOE!! Join Us =) Hope to see you ingame!... | 0 | 242 |
941 | DefinitionRO - Sua aventura come�a aqui! DefinitionRO - server low rates 15/15/15 sem custons itens sem @warp, totalmanete atualizado e sem bugs server dedicado 24/7 Staff amigavel e sempre on line
... | 0 | 266 |
942 | Tales of Star 50x/50x/30x <3 Online 24-7 <3 Friendly staff & community <3 HOT custom items..Hmmmm..What else did we miss? OH! It's YOU!!... | 0 | 323 |
943 | How to Create or Make Ragnarok Online RO Click here to know How to Create or Make Ragnarok Online RO Private Server for FREE. Free Ragnarok Online RO Private Server Files Download.
... | 0 | 351 |
944 | EliospRO rate 25/25/15.... | 0 | 301 |
945 | KortRO KortRO [7/7/3 Server]+[updated]+[No Lag]+[Friendly GM's]+[Active GM's]+[No Down Time]+[Awesome Community]+[Friendly Community]... | 0 | 266 |
946 | Valhalla's Chronicles. Servidor M�xicano Gratuito, CUSTOM. +100 Customs,+530 Colores.
Moscovia, Satan Morroc, Endless Tower y WOE 2.0 Implementados.
Arenas PVP Completamente Nuevas.
Rates 15x/15x/10x
Eventos en sincron�a con Programas de Radio.
Historia Propia, con quest's... | 0 | 246 |
947 | OnheRO - Servidor de rates 15x15x10x| Con JobMaster | Reset | Warper a dungeons al primer nivel| CUSTOMS |y mas cosas que podran encontrar | Nuevo servidor, comunidad en crecimiento | 1 GM con experiencia por lo tanto 0 corrupcion | Totalmente abierto 1 oct... | 0 | 252 |
948 | ServerBurnRO ! Level / Job maximos : 700/200
Hates: 100k/100k/40%
Maximo stats: 600 + Atributos dos itens.
NPC's: Job Master (Mestre de abilidades), Devil Square, Sortudo, Corrida Maluca, Resetadora, Curandeira, Teleportadora,Buffer ( Nivel 5 ) entre muitas outr... | 0 | 273 |
950 | NezraRO We are a friendly server with a variety of customs, Many of our customs are obtainable through events and quest, with some which you may donate for.
With your help our server will grow bigger, Making the game more enjoyable for you, Please vote for ... | 0 | 255 |