1051 | Tecnology-RO |Servidor Mexicano|Rates 1000x,1000x,100x,25x|NPC custom(Jamas vistos)|Lvl Max 99/70 - Stats Max 99|GM's responsables y amigables dispuestos a ayudar|Horarios de WOE puestos a votaci�n|Sin items custom|... | 0 | 277 |
1052 | Thunder RO Server hispano 5k/4.5k/30% totalmente actualizado custom alas buen ambiente gm's amigables te estamos esperando!!!!... | 0 | 256 |
1053 | MacRO High Rate Server..
Custom STuffs:... | 0 | 265 |
1054 | Cj-Xro Max Base/Job level: 99/70 - Max Stat: 99 - (normal, MVP) - Exp/Job/Drops 1000000x/1000000x/10000x -Custom Ragnarok Server - Custom quests,Custom Items and gears - Attentive and Professional GMs - Growing Community - Best Pvp Server In Malaysia... | 0 | 237 |
1055 | Chidori RO New Ragnarok Online Server.
Rates 20/20/15.
Server starts 11.01.2009.
Come to a complete new WORLD!!!... | 0 | 245 |
EXPERIENCE RO is a new realm in RO. We want to bring to you a new EXPERIENCE in your favorite game. EXPERIENCE will expand your game play with many useful functions and operates. 40/40/20 - International server, with Custom... | 0 | 245 |
1057 | Mint Ragnarok Online 1k/1k/Custom Drops , SE WOE castles, 24/7 uptime , no custom items , Great Community.... | 0 | 238 |
1058 | EterniaRO EterniaRO is a Brand New Server, with a growing friendly & active community. Great GMs, non-boring grind of leveling & zeny making makes EterniaRO a Fun Place.
Rates: 25x/25x/25x || MaxStats: 99 || MaxBlvl: 99 || MaxJlvl: 70... | 0 | 263 |
1059 | DarkLightro We are a new High Rate Server. Rates:1000x/1000x/100%/5%. Max Stats: 255. Custom|quests|pets|items. Weapons, armors, garments, and shoes:[3]. Headgears and accessories:[2]. Custom Storyline!... | 0 | 347 |
1060 | Wargodz Ragnarok Online Join now..!!
Feel the 6k/6k/1k rates..
Invite Your Friends..
Max. Level: 99/70... | 0 | 238 |
1061 | FluxRO MR: 225/225/50/30 / 255/120 / Anti-Hacks / WoE:SE / Experienced Staff / Competitive PVP / Balanced Donations / Fun & Free!... | 0 | 273 |
1062 | moonro nice game... | 0 | 209 |
1063 | MaveRO ~New Generation MaveRO�s Come Back.*LowRate* 5/5/3 ; MaxLvL 99/70 ;Sch�ne Events und Nettes Aktives GM Team. kommt und Spielt mit uns wir freuen uns auf euch.
... | 0 | 261 |
1064 | Mint Ragnarok Online Rates are 3k/3k with modified drop rates, Fresh, fast growing online community. Friendly and non-corrupt GMs with years of experience. Lots of fun events, WOE and Mercenary system. Custom Hairstyles, new official headgear releases, tons of headgear q... | 0 | 222 |
1065 | Combat Cookie RO 5000/5000/10%/5% HR with challenges, balance, and a small but friendly community. Join us and have some fun.... | 0 | 250 |
1066 | DDRO - DarkDemon Ragnarok Online Base/Job/Loot : 30/20/20 - Fresh New Server - Max Blevel/Jlevel : 150/70 - custom items, wings, npc's, quests, events and more, All classes including, Poring Coin System, Mercenary's!!! updated regulary, hosted on a dedicated linux server 100mbps
... | 0 | 249 |
1067 | dark-heartsro dark-heartsro... | 0 | 402 |
1068 | Epic Evolution RO The next generation in RO, High Rate 10k,10k,100x, Fully Customized... | 0 | 255 |
1069 | Dark HeartsRO diesser server is ein hight rates max lvl 999 base 110 bittE Kommt uns mal besuchen... | 0 | 212 |
1070 | Redemption-blood-ro server high rate 15k 15k dropeo de card 30%normal 10% Mvp Goold room GM amigables no corruptos customs,hats, wings, quest eventos diarios. etc unete a esta gran comunidad. si quieres vivir aventuras entra aqui. (inauguracion proxima)
... | 0 | 312 |
1071 | ShakeRO Lan�ado 17/01/2009 50x/50x/10x 1 x Carta MVP 99/70 Max LevelEpisodio Mosc�via[Vermelho]Staff apenas 1 ADM Sem Corrup��o[/Vermelho]Sistema de Voto Vote Ganhe Cash Para Trocar em Equips @autoloot @autotrade @go LiberadosRanking PVP Resetado todo M�s E... | 0 | 226 |
1072 | Shake Ragnarok Online Lan�ado 17/01/2009 50x/50x/10x 1 x Carta MVP 99/70 Max LevelEpisodio Mosc�via[Vermelho]Staff apenas 1 ADM Sem Corrup��o[/Vermelho]Sistema de Voto Vote Ganhe Cash Para Trocar em Equips @autoloot @autotrade @go LiberadosRanking PVP Resetado todo M�s E... | 0 | 185 |
1073 | Nara Ragnarok Online [ITALIAN, ENGLISH SERVER] 75x / 75x / 45x � Max Level 99/70 � Friendly community � No lag � Stable Server � No Wipe � 24/7 UP � Events � Endless Tower � And much More..... | 0 | 243 |
1074 | .:: StormRO ::. � .:: StormRO ::. � 500x/500x/100x � Level 99/70 � Stats 99 � Mas Fuertes Que Nunca ! �V2� Que Esperas ? � Unete � Server Online Las 24/7 � Control Panel � Actualizado Hosteado En ~ Code Olympus ~ � .:: StormRO ::.... | 0 | 189 |
1075 | System-RO Rate 5k/5k/70% Servidor 24 horas Sem la GM,s e ADM,s Amigaveis Anti-Bot Anti-WPE EPIS�DIO: 13.1 [Mosc�via]mais de 300 Custons Npc,s Vip,Buffer,Mestra das Classe, Gereciador dos Feudos
venha conferir!!!... | 0 | 265 |
1076 | Devious RO We have a friendly community and we are growing everyday. Active GM's, and software-based botting and hacking prevention, you can rest assured that we are balanced and not corrupt.... | 0 | 241 |
1077 | WarRO WaRO Is A Mid Rate Server 100x100x20... | 0 | 238 |
1078 | BuckRO � 5000x / 5000x / Custom � Max level: 255/120 � 9 Rebirths � Max Aspd: 195 � Max Stats: 200 � Friendly Community � Friendly and Active Game Masters � Cool Customs and Events � Vote for Points � Automatic Kafra Points � Dedicated 100Mbps � Up 24/7 � J... | 0 | 250 |
1079 | #lastbRO � 2 servidores de ragnarok online,
� 1SV:
*Level max:300
*Rate:10k / 10k / 70%
� 2SV:
*Level max:350
*Rate: 20k / 20k / 80%
Mais de 200 custons para os dedicados player venha s� devertir !... | 0 | 233 |
1080 | Combat Cookie RO 5000/5000/10%/5% HR with challenges, balance, and a small but friendly community. Join us and have some fun.... | 0 | 231 |
1081 | IndependenT-RO 100%chileno con GM responsables, eventos divertidos
con exelentes premios, woe todo el dia retes 5kx5kx5k, items 100%, card 50%, card MvP 25%, todo lo nesecesario para una buena estadia en el server.
... | 0 | 430 |
1082 | TwilightRO Rates 250k/250k/70% Level Max 700/200
Muitas Quests,
Muitos Customs,
MVP e MINI BOSS Sumonner, Gold ROom, PVP e GVG Com Ranking, WOE 2.0 (WOT), Anti-Bot NPC de Chat, Devil Square, Corrida Maluca, Sortudo, Corrida dos Poring... | 0 | 264 |
1083 | KiniRO PRIVATE SERVER HIGH RATES[gray]Rates: 100k/100k/1000%
Max Level: 999/500... | 0 | 435 |
1084 | Old School RO Server 19/1 ☼ Max lv 99/70 ☼ Rates 1k1k200x ☼ Full Balance ☼ NO custom Items ☼ Join 'n Enjoy RO (:... | 0 | 279 |
1085 | RO2 Emergencia RO2 EMERGENCIA Servidor Hispano de Ragnarok 2 Con traducciones al espa�ol, eventos... y muxas mas cosas entra y diviertete con los demas jugadores ^^ Rates: 100 cexp 95 jexp 100wexp 85 Drop... | 0 | 446 |
1086 | bpRO Fresh New Server � 99/70 � 1000/1000/1000 � Up-To-Date � Anti-Third Party � Friendly and Active GMs � Regular Events � WoE and WoE SE... | 0 | 261 |
1087 | PelangiRO --------------------------------Server Specifications--------------------------------------
Processor : Intel� Core 2 Quadro QX6700 (4CPUs), ~ 2.67Ghz
Memory(RAM) : 2G DDR1 400
Hard Disk : 2 x Western Digital Raptor 250GB 16MB Cache on Raid 0
Server ... | 0 | 262 |
1088 | The-Last-Legend Deutscher Server 2.4.3 Characktertransfer-Angebot Funktionsf�hige Arena + Instanzen + Boss Spells Nette GMs Online Map TS� Server vorhand 2xRats W�chentliche Events... | 0 | 260 |
1089 | Caustic Gaming Online Brand New Server| Low Rate Server:150x/150x/150x Rates| Level 99/70| Friendly & Growing Community| Active-GMs | Daily Events | @go, @storage,@gstorage @showexp & More! | Jobchanger, WarpNPC, Healer & More! | Join Today!| over 300+ Customs|Balanced Do... | 0 | 246 |
1090 | SteamRO! En donde la Locura es parte de la Razon || 1000x/1000x/200 || Lvl Max 99/70 || Activo 24/7 || Servidor 100% Dedicado || 0 lag || 3 Woes por Semana || NO CUSTOM || No Donaci�n|| Eventos Continuos || Endless Tower|| Satan Morroc|| Poring Coins System II Te estamos esperando solo Faltas TU ;D... | 0 | 247 |
1091 | Wisp RO! Servidor Hispano/Spanish Server Rates: 20k/20k/50%,Servidor Dedicado, Eventos SIEMPRE, customs fashion -PAYO SET CREADO POR NOSOTROS-, 0 Lag, WoE 2.0, VIP Shop, Gold ROom y mas cosas que veras si entras a jugar con nosotros.... | 0 | 256 |
1092 | .::VisionRO Free private Ragnarok Server .:: Custom Scripts / items , War Of Emperium Combo 1.0 And 2.0 , Lovely GM's , 100 mb Connection , 100% No Lag, KS Protect system, Dedicated server 24/7 , Rates : 200/200/25/10 , Dutch / English Cummuntiy , Max. lvl base 99 - Job 70/50 ::.... | 0 | 262 |
1093 | DeviousRO WoE 2.0 | Anti-KS | 0 Bots | Events Every Hour | Balanced | Friendly Community + GMs | 99.9% Uptime | Brand New Server... | 0 | 251 |
1094 | Pioneros-RO2 nuevo servidor espa�ol los gm somos muy amigables con los player
rates 150
drop 150
servidor hosteado 24\7
esperamos que disfruten de la estancia en el servidor... | 0 | 259 |
1095 | ROckRagnarokOnline a High Rate Server 2k2k1k //Nice Community // Daily Event // Need GM // 4 woe for weeks // GMT+1... | 0 | 233 |
1096 | Vote xilero Vote my xilero for vote points... | 0 | 236 |
1097 | FoxRO - Servidor de Ragnaruto Servidor de Ragnarok com naruto, por enquanto ele sera por hamachi, e mas pra frente tera um hoster. Servidor com varios custom de naruto servidor online em fevereiro vai ser 24/7 quando tiver um hoster, mas venha se divertir... | 0 | 333 |
1098 | massacre Ragnarok Online International High Rate! Rates 2500/2500/1000/500!
Max. Level 255/120! Friendly growing Community! Friendly GMs! Satan Morroc Update!
NO Donations! NEW Headgears!
Join us!... | 0 | 281 |
1099 | Grand Ragnarok Online High rate
Custom NPC
Bot Legal
@warp @autotrade... | 0 | 268 |
1100 | Imperium-RO Servidor Brasileiro de Ragnarok.
Rate 800/800/80
Level 200/150
PVP, MVP, Custons Itens, Rank e muito mais!... | 0 | 286 |