951 | Mexiro MexiRO Online
Rates 1000/1000/500
Max LvL 99
Max LvL Job 70
Max Aspd 190
GM Amigables
O lag
El Multi-Refinador
El Job Changer (Siendo Novice este te hace High novice, te ahorra la renacida)
Pvp NO POTS... | 0 | 407 |
952 | Kingdom-HeartsRO der server ist ein hight rates wurde mih freun wen ich plaxer grieg... | 0 | 247 |
953 | SaphireRO Deutscher High Rate Server |Nette GMs | Custom Items | Custom Maps | Rassen | Max lvl 230 | Max stats 200 |Join Us |... | 0 | 242 |
954 | Azure RO [Rate 255/255/50][MaxLv 255/120][MaxStat 255][Server PK][Custom][Uptodate][Event][Up24/7][Stable & No Lag][Friendly Community]... | 0 | 267 |
955 | Hyrule-RO Servidor Mexicano. Rates 75x/75x/50 Max Lvl 130, Max Stats 130 Servidor Pk. NO ITEMS CUSTOM. NO CORRUPCION. Actualizado hasta Cap. XIII.
Juega en nuestro mundo, tu mundo... | 0 | 267 |
956 | Ragnarok Online Kingdoms Mid rate server 200/200/100x, 99/70 lvls & 99 stats, NO Wipes all classes, WoE, quests @go, @autoloot, Join from the beginning. Toaly 8 GMs - Special Events whit rewards.... | 0 | 249 |
957 | Celestial RO Brand New Server With rates of 400/200/10% Max Stats of 250 with a max lvl of 255 the server runs on its own box and its donation free thanks to the support of Snister Alliance Hosting... | 0 | 263 |
958 | ZeptRO [Anti-Bot] [Anti-Wpe] [Novo epis�dio Ilhas Esquecidas][Rates: 50/50/20][Sistema ROPs + de 200][Equipe dedicada, suporte 24hrs][Poring Ball, Sortudo, Mega-Sena, Jogo da Velha, etc][PVP Rank online no site][Woe 2.0][10 quest exclusivas !!] [Entre agora mesmo e chame todos o... | 0 | 251 |
959 | Seventh Sanctum Special ROle Play Game Server! Storyline, Quest Log with many different Quests, Spell System, Time System, Job System, Guild Manager and much more!... | 0 | 279 |
960 | Data RO Data RO is a professional server. We try hard to mirror the original server without the cost. Our rates are different and we have way more customs then the original. Come play and have fun at Data RO. We have LIVE support, you talk to a real person, ... | 0 | 308 |
961 | Arockalypse Serveur ! Serveur fran�ais, middle rates 150/150/50, Max lvl 500, Aspd 199 ! bientot ouvert... Serveur heberg�, GMs sympas et events frequents... Soyez l� � l'ouverture ;)... | 0 | 288 |
962 | Bloodymoon-RO Dies ist ein hamachi server mit costum npc's wie z.B.
Novice Resetter/stat-skill seller uvm.... | 0 | 364 |
963 | SenkaiRO This is a fairly new server. We are still running through some updates, but getting them in. Servers on 24/7, Most GMs are always on! Rates are 100/100/20 Give us a try!... | 0 | 269 |
964 | ROextreme New eAthena based PK server with floating rates [100-500x]/[100-500x]/[100-150x]. Customized with new items, quests, maps and NPCs. WOE 3x/wk. Updated maps and mobs. Nice GMs. Growing community.... | 0 | 248 |
965 | Poring RO NEW LOW RATE SERVER 12X/12X/20X ~ CUSTOM MAPS ~ PROFESSIONAL GM'S ~ STABLE 24/7 UP TIME ~ NO LAG ~ GROWING POPULATION ~ DOUBLE EXPERIENCE EVENT 24X ~ Check us out at http://www.poringro.com... | 0 | 290 |
966 | Deep-RO Server Novo | Epis�dio: Ilha Esquecida | Rates: 1k/1k/500 | LvL Max: 99/70 |Otima Staff | Sistema Vip Ativo | Server Totalmente sem Lag | Venha Logo se Divertir com a Gente... | 0 | 260 |
967 | Nocturne Ragnarok Online Nocturne 100x100x100 y Unknown 20x20x10x5 No Items Custom, GM's activos, Excelente comunidad, te lo pasaras mas que Genial ;)... | 0 | 248 |
968 | TitanRO 24h ON,Ep�sodio Ilha Esquecida,ROda Com Bro,2 Servidores Dedicados,Staff Ativa,Eventos Di�rios.
Venha fazer parte do TitanRO!... | 0 | 263 |
969 | GenesisRO Rates: 100x/100x/50x , MVP drop (25x), MVP Cards (25x) Nunca Resets, Nunca Cierres, Backups Diarios!
Disfruta un Nuevo Server, Venga a jugar con nosotros te esperamos esperando!... | 0 | 401 |
970 | Espartan RO Spartan RO Low Rates: 8x 8x 6x Servidor Dedicado 24/7 GM's Amables y accesibles, Customs adquiribles por Quest, NO Corrupcion
... | 0 | 264 |
971 | Gangster bRO Rates: 1k/1k/250x - WoE: Quarta 18:00 as 20:00 e Domingo 16:00 as 18:00.
Servidor Novo, Ainda em faze "BETA".
Projetos: Baby Transclasse.
Emm Faze de Testes: WoE 2.0... | 0 | 252 |
972 | NeonRO 15x/15x/15x/ Brand New Server!!!/ Own Maps/ No Corrupt GM's/ Unique Customs... | 0 | 248 |
973 | Cruz RO Online � HR 5k/5k/30 � Max Lvl 500/130 � Max Stats 500 � 700+ Custom Items � 700+ Custom Quests � 1110 Custom Pets � Lots Of Event's & Ingame Games � WOE 1 & WOE SE � Updated Up To EP 13 � And a lot more � Join The Fun Now �... | 0 | 271 |
974 | Delith RO Servidor Chileno || Rates 300x/300x/100x, Cards 1%, MVP Cards 0.01% || GM's dedicados || Satan Morroc, Ash Vacuum, Job Master, Buffer, Sala privada Dead Branch, Warper, Emperium ROom, Endless Tower || Max Lv 99/70, Max Stats 99 || WoE S.E || Sistema ... | 0 | 284 |
975 | suf diesser suf... | 0 | 235 |
976 | Shadow Of Midgard Frensh Serveur - Serveur Fran�ais .
Futur Serveur High . Nous cherchons un h�bergeur pour pouvoir commencer notre serveur . Celui ci aura une place Gm .... | 0 | 269 |
977 | ragnarok online brasil eu gosto de ragnarok online e tambem adoro isso pq me divirto... | 0 | 223 |
978 | Rugen-RO 100% dedicado
Rates: 6x/6x/1x... | 0 | 277 |
979 | diesser server is ein max hight rates diesser server is ein max hight rates max lvl 700 base 120 bitte keine nicht aktiven player oder so ^^... | 0 | 410 |
980 | http://ragnarok.co.kr/ http://ragnarok.co.kr/... | 0 | 306 |
981 | Infinity Ragnarok Online The New Breed of Ragnarok!... | 0 | 276 |
982 | VanRO VanRO is a Ragnarok Online server that is stable and updated every day! We are running on Extremely stable machine with our own compilation kernel taken from Emulator Eathena and Freya combined together. We are proud to present you one of the biggest... | 0 | 236 |
983 | TwilightRO Hight Rate (255/70)/Low Rate (99/70)- Old WoE/WoE 2.0- Custom items/Quest - Many Events,GMs Friendly and Professional.Come and Try.... | 0 | 285 |
984 | .:YuffaRO:. .:-YuffaRO-:.
Okay, its my first RO, im a girl and u understand its very hard administrator for me. I need u say your opinionts that it. Thanks your.
High/Middle Rate!
Max. Lvl Base 500/Lvl Job 100
Rates: 1000/1000/15
Hispano 100%
English 100... | 0 | 324 |
985 | wafflero rebirth... | 0 | 282 |
986 | DarkInstinc-RO DarkInstinc-RO Es un Servidor Hispano Con Gente amigable y gms amigables cero lag asi que entren ;D! denos una oportunidad no se arrepentiran entren al foro o a la pagina web darkintins-ro.no-ip.biz o al foro www.darkinstinc-ro-foro.tk entreen!!!... | 0 | 259 |
987 | Filipino Server the Best Filipino Server,the best of all,new server ,and latest Equips... | 0 | 243 |
988 | SanRO Free/No donate/1000x/170lvl/Russian... | 0 | 246 |
989 | Fenix RO Woe - Gold ROm- Mercado -Quezt Custom - Custom... | 0 | 265 |
990 | Magnos RO 75x75x50|Sistema de Gremios|Customs Quest|Eventos Diarios|0 Lag|GMs activos y amigables|170/125| PK Server| No Esperes Mas y Entra :D... | 0 | 268 |
991 | KazuRO - Like a Green ..::Deutscher Ragnarok PServer::.. New!!
Mid Rate, Rates: 400x400x100, Viele Events, Nette GM\'s, Alle Map\'s, WoE, Npc\'s: Headgear Sloter;Warper;Buffer;Job Master etc. Join Now!!... | 0 | 246 |
992 | GuiaRO Disponemos de 3 Servidores: Low Rates 6x, 5x, 4x, Mid Rates 20x, 20x, 20x, Beta Rates 100% All, GM Responsables, Trabajadores, Sin corrupci�n. Disponemos de una gran gama de �tem custom, Mob custom, NPC Custom, Mapas Custom (Ciudad Propia), [Low Rate... | 0 | 246 |
993 | RagnatomiK Mid Rates 1k/1k/500x Level Max: 99/70, @go, @autoloot,@warp... V�rios NPCs, 100% Atualizado, Host Dedicado 24/7,GMs legais, eventos di�rios. Venha se divertir conosco!... | 0 | 253 |
994 | Dragon_FighterRO Dragon_FighterRO... | 0 | 262 |
995 | Prophetie-RO 21m/21m/100% Prophetie-RO....Serveur Ragnarok De 21m/21m/100%,bonne enbience,500custom unique:bleach naruto,one piece on vous attend tous sur prophetie-ro... | 0 | 255 |
996 | Akloria - The new world of Ragnarok German/Deutscher Server // Rates 300/300/300 /Cards 3% // Maxlvl: 120/70 Maxstat: 120 // Customitems, Customquests, Custom World Akloria // freundliches, gerechtes Gm-Team... | 0 | 240 |
997 | Gladiator Ragnarok Private Server Ragnarok Online Private Server... | 0 | 223 |
998 | Syntheh-RO Come Join us.. Friendly Community..Free Custom Items!!!Join now Server Rates 50/50/10... | 0 | 256 |
999 | LegacyRO LegacyRO will open around December 2008. We aim to be an active, challenging server for those looking for a place to escape to. Our goal is simple, to make this server the last you ever have to search for.We are constantly changing and adapting to th... | 0 | 234 |
1000 | Charging No Description... | 0 | 243 |