451 | BehemothRO Now on Dedicated Server! Balanced Gameplay! PVP+RPG Server! Multiplayer quests! Custom items with storyline! Rates: 10k/10k/85%, Max Cap: 254/70 | Bahamut Server - Rates: 3k/3k/250 Max Level Cap: 99/70, Server Connection Speed: 100mbps Uptime: 24/7.... | 0 | 265 |
452 | PlayRO [BR] PlayRO - 10k/10k/1k - 99/70 - Server Full PVP, Varios comandos liberados, RODA COM KRO ou Sakray, Venha se divertir conosco !... | 0 | 262 |
453 | StreetFullRO Vem jogar esse serve e roxx rates 30x/30x/15% lvl max 99/70... | 0 | 245 |
454 | BurRO BurRO finalmente sai do papel!*
Rates 100k/100k/100%
Lvl Max 700/170
Stats Max 699 (babys 698)
NAO TEM VIP... | 0 | 243 |
455 | Norse Mythology Ragnarok Online Welcome to the history of NmRO!
The servers Grand opening will be the First of Febuary.
Four Exciting new server's. Four Exciting new Rates.
Ragnarok Online. At its finest.
-Bylgia: 10x/10x/10x
-Laga: 100x/100x/100x
-AngrBoda: 1k/1k/1k
-Loki: 1k/1... | 0 | 263 |
456 | RagnaSoul-RO 5k/5k/50 lv max 255/70
descri��o ainda ser� feita... | 0 | 273 |
457 | SamiRO ragnarok on-line Exp 3k/3k/80x lvl maximo 255/90 host dedicado 24hrs on-line sistema vip,3 woes por semana,muitos comandos liberados. vale a pena conferir....... | 0 | 246 |
458 | LetsRO - [90k/90k/100%] - 1000/1000 - PK Brand New Super High Rate Server! Giving YOU what YOU want! All items 4-slotted! 100% complete item mall! Custom Gold ROom! Hardcore PvP!... | 0 | 252 |
459 | Ragnarok360 Server Honesto
Medium Rates
Venha conferir... | 0 | 324 |
460 | RagnaMix Novo servidor de Ragnarok online, ROda com bRO e kRO, rates 40/40/20. Gms Amigaveis, Players de qualidade, Sem lag. Venha conferir.... | 0 | 318 |
461 | Fanatics-RO SERVER HISPANO lvl 255 job 150 woe sabados y domingos 3 pm npc, 3K/3K/2K no te lo puedes perder atrevete a entrar.gm amables
... | 0 | 309 |
462 | Vanserver the most prestigous one... | 0 | 246 |
463 | Dizzy Online A New High Rate PvP Server. Completely Balanced PvP (I'm serious). 5k/5k/5%, but unique experience tables making leveling easy. This server will be one of the most unique ones you have played in all of you RO experience, Guaranteed. A set time for... | 0 | 280 |
464 | Dragon ro HI Guys Welcome to all This is New Server From India I hope all u enjoy the server
Custom wings and headgears... | 0 | 350 |
465 | Posterity RO Mid/Low-rate Server
Rates are 30/30/20/15.
Boss Monsters are 30/30/10/5.
Based around a more classic RO you are encouraged to do job quests, but a trainer is availible for 1m.
Max Level 120/80 Trans.... | 0 | 286 |
466 | Zuero ZueRO server brasileiro roda com bro
kafra hentai
Staff Amigavel
custons de quest e em lojas... | 0 | 333 |
467 | DeadlyRO Fun community, Bound with USA and phillipine players. Fully 100% Customized Play. Dedicated server. Never Lags. 500 People Host. 2k/2k/50x Rates. Has 20 players on at night Up To 40 Max Since were kinda new.... | 0 | 271 |
468 | Erewhon RO Low Rate | 7/7/5 | Open 24/7, WoE| Same Sex Marriage| Custom Items, NPCs, Pets, Quests and Events | Daily Events | Friendly Staff... | 0 | 281 |
469 | ..::RaGnaOwNeRs::.. (BR)RaGnaOwNeRs 2 Servers [Apocalipse...2,5k/2,5k/1k]_[Alpha...200x/200x/100x] Com + de 350 custons incluindo sharingans e Byakugan,Staff Ativa,Server 24/7
WoEs Super Dispultadas, Sistema ViP,Poring Ball e Mais venha conferir... | 0 | 259 |
470 | Flashe-RO Nuevo server, comunidad en crecimiento, Gm's atentos a consultas,eventos semanales, Server PK, mid rates 1k/1kx100
cards 1%, 24/7 on, cero lag. Unetenos!!... | 0 | 279 |
471 | BFMRO Server BR High Rates 200K/200K/100%, 24/7, confira mais no site... | 0 | 269 |
472 | Avatar-RO Servidor rates 40/40/15 con comandos basicos activos. Npc's: warper,healer,reset,estilista,pvp room,entre otros.... | 0 | 273 |
473 | RO Uruguay Servidor RO 100% Update Hispano. Comunidad en crecimiento , 0 Lag , GM's Responsables. Rates 10/10/5 Renacidos 7/7/5. Staff Serio... | 0 | 265 |
474 | Heavenly RO Servidor Brasileiro de High Rate Com Customs, Staff Atencioso, Eventos, Custom items, Rates 5k/5k/3k Max Level 500/120... | 0 | 267 |
475 | BurRO, Venha se Diverti ! ||Rates 100k/100k/100%||24 hrs online||Justiceiro e Ninja||ROda com Bro (100% atualizado)||N�o Donates||+ 300 custons||Venha agora mesmo fa�a parte dessa familia !... | 0 | 246 |
476 | ArmadaRO Dedicated Server * 120/120/40 * Max Level 255/120 * Over 300 New Donates to pick from * Donation Quest Items * Poring Ball * 3D Tick Tack Toe * Great Comunity * Player Castle * Disguise NPC * Pistal Man * PvP BlackJack * And Much More... | 0 | 339 |
477 | Legends of Camelot RO Hello there! We have last season. Rate [20/20/10] max lvl 99/70 PvP,MvP(with levels and reward)Clone wars Party vs Party Custom,items,heads,dyes,wings. Easy CLIENT download!Join and Enjoy!... | 0 | 291 |
478 | StrikeRO Rates: 100x/100x/50x Level M�ximo: 99 Atributos M�ximos: 99 Servidor 100% portugu�s... | 0 | 302 |
479 | NehanRO 150/150/100 Mid-Rate Server. 195 ASPD for complete clas balance. 200 cap with 150 max stats for specific builds. Professional Administrator and GMs. Custom Quest, Items, and NPCs with additional commands for flexibility.... | 0 | 269 |
480 | ragnarok online Best-RO Rates: 40k/40k/40% com drop de card de 15%
Max lvl: 600/200
Max stats: 500
Classes disponiveis: todas
mais informa�oes me adicionem
[email protected]... | 0 | 244 |
481 | DEATH-RO A Mid-Rate server with a twist
-Custom Wings
-Custom Headgears
-Custom Midgears
Custom items are not overpowered
Balance WOE and PVP for better gameplay
Friendly GMs and Players
Events Daily
Custom Wings/Head/Mid can be acquired by Boss Hunting or... | 0 | 273 |
482 | SplashRO GMs Ativos...Duas Woes semanais...faixas exclusivas...quests alucinantes...Venha Jogar... | 0 | 258 |
483 | Apocalipsy-RO Dos Servidores, Nueva Comunidad, High rates y Mid rates, No Hay Lag, Sin Corrupciones, Servidores Dedicados, 100mbps de Conexi�n, Siempre Actualizados ^^. Rates del mid : x2000/x900/x70 rates del high: x15k/x15k/x900... | 0 | 234 |
484 | UltimatumRO Brand New Server 2008 :: Rate 10k/10/50% Cards Drop Rate 20% :: max lvl: 255/70 :: Non Corrupt GM :: WOE :: PVP :: Events :: Custom Items :: Server Balance :: Friendly Community :: Dedicated 100Mbit/s :: 24/7up :: Join now... | 0 | 238 |
485 | Twister Ragnarok 200/200/25 LvL: 99/70, No Customs! (euRO, iRO like) no Downtimes!... | 0 | 266 |
486 | ROStROgino Free ragnarok server. (rus) medium rate 300x. Fanny admin's. on the aver day go IVENT. New NPC. and more. go in this server... | 0 | 263 |
487 | Hell-RO Hell-RO es un servidor dedicado 7x7x7 habla hispana, comunidad agradable,GM's amistosos eventos constantes, server hace poco empezando con 40 usuarios on, Unete ahora y no te quedes atr�s!... | 0 | 258 |
488 | Deadly-RO - Server rates: 100x Base Experience, 100x Job Experience, 20x drop rates
- Server is Non-Player-Kill
- We have all currently available jobs including Gunslinger and Soul Linker
- Fully implemented homunculus
- Fully functional in-game mail system
- ... | 0 | 229 |
489 | Alternative RO Brand new server dedicated to player enjoyment. please visit site for details. we do have a mid rate and super high rate server... | 0 | 254 |
490 | *~ MuspelRO ~* Aegis ~ No Lag! ~ 7x/7x/3x ~ MaxLvl 99/70 ~ Anti Bot System ~ All Classes ~ WoE ~ PVP ~ Official Quests ~ Official Mailing and Auction System ~ Starting Community ~ Dedicated 100Mbit/s... | 0 | 279 |
491 | ProfileRO - ProfileGames Interactive Dois servidores - Fenrir (Low 50/50/10%), Hell (Med 500/500/50%) - Sistema VIP exclusivo, Anti-BOT profissional com mais de 11 idiomas, Muitos Customs, Servidor com Rachel e Ice-Dun, e muito mais...... | 0 | 302 |
492 | RagnaBURN Servidor Dedicado,24/7, 30/30/15 | 99/70, Custom Itens, NPC's de Evento(Poring Ball, Clone Wars, Capture The Flag, EmpTime com ranking via site!) e mt +... Venha conferir e se divirta!... | 0 | 290 |
493 | Jogo mais radical do mundo Venh�o jogar o melhor jogo do mundo ragna ou seja ragnarok online ven ca e se divirta... | 0 | 341 |
494 | AssasinationeAthena Preparate Para la Nueva Generaci�n, Entra a AssasinationeAthena y disfruta la mejor diversi�n, Tomate tu tiempo para revizar nuetra pagina web, tus dudas seran respondidas.Servidor Medium Rates 24/7.... | 0 | 373 |
495 | HellvenRO Ae para galera que joga ragnarok
serve novo come�amos agora dia 20/02/2008
me desculpe mandar essa menssagem para todos mas e que eu presisava divulgar o serve entao esta informa�oes do serve
Rates do Servidor : 8x/8x/5%
Level Max : 99/50 Normal ... | 0 | 273 |
496 | KildareRO [Novos mapas,itens e classes][rates: 3k/3k/200x][+100 custom itens][GMs Amigaveis][Datacenter Brasileiro][ZERO LAG][PVP Rank][E muitas outras novidades]... | 0 | 323 |
497 | ElementRO server novo se cadastre no forum e fique por dentro de tudo | Rates ainda a definir(altas mas qual n sei)| + de 200 custon | Eventos todos os dias |... | 0 | 266 |
498 | EmoRO Deutscher Ragnarok Online Server! Stats 250/250/100 Max. Lvl 255/70 Viele NPCs No Costums :) Realese 20.2.2008... | 0 | 269 |
499 | PowersRO Server Br/GMs Sempre on/Hoster dedicado 16/7/200 custons/Rates 999k/Atkspeed 199/Stats 199... | 0 | 264 |
500 | LunaRO Grand Opening 01/03/08 | Brand new Lowrate Server | 6/6/4 Rates | No Customs | Experienced GM Team | Fresh Community... | 0 | 293 |