1151 | Republic Ragnarok Online Server Chileno,Mid rate 200x200x20x, Satan Morroc, Endless Dungeon, Woe 4 veces a la semana,Sistema RankPvp, ClonePvp, Warper directo ciudad, dung, fields, 0 corrupcion, refines y hats x coins... | 0 | 273 |
1152 | Neverland Ragnarok Online. Te esperamos para esta nueva comunidad!!!
Informaci�n principal.
� Rates: 800x800x100%
-100% Items Normales
-10% Cards Normales
-5% Cards Mvp/Boss
Nivel Maximo:
-Base: 500
-Job: 150
-Stat: 500
-ASPD: 199
� Comandos disponibles:
-@commands... | 0 | 226 |
1153 | SEARO 200k/200k/10%
Instantcast DEX 270
Maximum ATKSpeed 196
Refines Rate 80%.BLvl320,JLvl128,Stats256.We will be glad to see you soon and we take serious sugguestion from you for a better new developing SEARO server.
... | 0 | 302 |
1154 | NaiveRO - Botter's Paradise Rates : 20/20/10
Full customized items.
Tired of getting banned for botting?
Join us in NaiveRO, a bottable server!... | 0 | 274 |
1155 | GiggleRO International Ragnarok Online Server.
Rates: 100/100/100
Active PvP
Friendly GM's
Free Lag... | 0 | 237 |
1156 | Dreyko ro El mejor servidor en espa�ol Max lv 300Base y 150JOb 100x Exp. Base 100x Exp. Job 100x Drop 50xCartas Server dedicado 24/7 GM's toda la semana. Hospedado en M�xico. Objetos Personalizados.Alas que te permiten ganar hasta el 600% de Exp Base Warper Premium.... | 0 | 251 |
1157 | MirageRO.com - The New Server (v2) Play! 24/7 Online | No Custom Items | Dedicated Server | EUA/BR Community | Low Rate | WOE | EXP 10x/10x/25% | Emulator eAthena SQL | Suport: Msn/F�rum/E-mail | Play Now! mRO!... | 0 | 277 |
1158 | Innovation Ragnarok Online # [#1][vermelho]Mini Informa��es[/vermelho] ~ Servidor Fullpvp ~ Max.Aspd 195 Status 175/70 ~ Eventos,Competencia,WOE servidor S�rio, npcs preparados para sua diver��o...
Paletes das novas classes e muito +
confira... | 0 | 239 |
1159 | Light-RO RATES:20K 20K 100%Server 24hrs Via Hamachi Mais de 164 Custons para voc� 200Quests para voc� Npcs:Buffer Curandeiro Vendedor de Custons Vendedor de pets Treinador Evendos Todos os Dias WOE Domingo... | 0 | 267 |
1160 | MoiRO (GMT +8) 99/70 Lots of custom item , balanced etc... | 0 | 238 |
1161 | ReeF RO rates 250x/250x/100x~150x | Custom quest | m�s de 300 custom | custom weapons | comunidad hispana | 100% libre de corrupci�n | NO LAG. | Unete hoy mismo... | 0 | 263 |
1162 | DestinyXRO Online! Server Information:
Max Base/Job:255/155
Main town:gornyun @go 11
WoE times:Wednesday, 15:00 until 17:00
Emulator:Using updated(from time to time)
Latest feature:
Server is free and open forever
Will be added custo... | 0 | 240 |
1163 | EthernalRO Ethernal RO es un servidor de ragnarok online.
Un servidor creado por una familia k nacio y krecio n este juego, que cansados de varios contratiempos con los quenos topamos en otros servidores, unimos fuerzas para crear una nueva forma de ver, jugar ... | 0 | 226 |
1164 | ...::: Misterio RO :::... Misterio RO es un server Slow. Rates 1k/1k/100%.
Server 27/7 WOE 3 veces a la semana, No Custom item.
Te esperamos...... | 0 | 259 |
1165 | Revolution Arena Instant 99/70 | PvP | Custom Arenas | Team Arenas | Earn Zeny by killing players | Buy better weps/items and kick some ass!... | 0 | 307 |
1166 | Faith Ragnarok Online (Game Network) Come and Join us (500x 500x 200x) no custom items, friendly GM's fast growing community, Many Npcs, Automated Events, Endless Tower, Capture the Flag, Pvp with dota allstar sounds, player tracker and so on more to come.... | 0 | 271 |
1167 | OlduRO High Rates OlduRO ist ein Deutscher server und hat die Rates 8000x/8000x/10% Maintown: Prontera Costum.Event aktive.Up to day.Moscovia mit monstern.ROweens dropen Gold coins(1 milion wert)zu 20 %
Alle Jobs und Npc ,auch neue NPC.... | 0 | 297 |
1168 | Old Spiral Ragnarok Online Relembre os velhos tempo de ragnarok com alguams novidades.
Episode - Resurrection of Satan Morroc | Rate 2x/2x/2x | Lvl Max 99/70
Without Donation Items | Instances Dungeons | BattleGround with Factions... | 0 | 248 |
1169 | Wings RO Diesser server is ein hight rates... | 0 | 241 |
1170 | Tatics RO Online Malaysia private server for PVP !!!... | 0 | 316 |
1171 | AkiRO Rates 2k/2k/100|Mas de 200 Custom items|Custom NPc's|Mas de 50 Custom Mobs|Sistema de Akiro Coins|Job Changer y Warper|Stats Seller y Skill Seller|Sin Lag!... | 0 | 257 |
1172 | Desire Ragnarok Online The Best Friendly Ragnarok online server. continuously updating and proving. Join us today.... | 0 | 292 |
1173 | LithRO Server Low, Dedicado, 0 LAG, Rates: 20x/20x/20% Lvl 99/70 SIN CUSTOM, Completamente Actualizado.... | 0 | 267 |
1174 | World Of Ragnarok Buelve WoRO Unete a Nosotros. max lvl 350||max lvl job 150||rates 8000x/8000/100%||Cards mvp 5% Normales 10%||Sprites 3� job a eleccion Server NO trucho, GMs Responsables Custom... | 0 | 234 |
1175 | Dark Im A smexy boy >3
Im a gfx-er xD... | 0 | 317 |
1176 | ROkugan Ragnarok Online Rates: 25/25/25. 100+ Custom Items (getable by quests and PVP points), Faction War, WoE 2, House System, All ratemyserver equips/quests. Free Vip ROOM!... | 0 | 238 |
1177 | MilleniumRO Servidor Dedicado Pela DataCenter 0 Lag | lvl 255/130 | Rates 5k | Eventos In-Game | Sala de Quest | Custom Itens | Staff Dedicada | [Episodio] Satan Morroc | PoringBall 100% Traduzido | Sala VIP Completa | Estilista com mais de 230 cores de roupa,ca... | 0 | 264 |
1178 | particle ragnarok online The new private Server on the philippines..Come on join now!mga KABABAYAN!... | 0 | 338 |
1179 | XaosRO Classic server|free and fun|
Al classic and no bugs|
no lag|www.xaosro.com
... | 0 | 248 |
1180 | asaRO Private Server The newest and hippest Ragnarok Online Private Server.... | 0 | 284 |
1181 | Servidores Ragnarok || Ultimate-RO Servidores Ragnarok Online || Low rates || Rates: 80x/80x/40x || Lvl Max: 110 || Lvl Max: 110 || Sprites 3er job... | 0 | 269 |
1182 | starcross new standard ragnarok server... | 0 | 271 |
1183 | Last World Ragnarok
75x/75x/50x � Level 99/70 � Stats 99 � Active WOE - PVP/GvG � Server Stable, dedicated 100mbit � Calendar Event � Patch Installer � All Jobs/Items � NO CUSTOM!
... | 0 | 243 |
1184 | Snoow RO Online Snoow RO Online Server Ragnarok Online Lvl Base 255 lvl job 120 [rates 5k/5k/3k]
Custom item, Npc, Mob's y muchos mas.... | 0 | 236 |
1185 | PBKRO RATES: 999k/999k/100% 24/07 Rates: 999kk/999kk/100%
Cartas normais: 100%
Cartas MVPs: 100%
Level máximo: 999/999
Atributos máximos: 999
ASPD: 199
Roda com: bRO, kRO ou Sakray.
Protegido com Harmony Shield! Anti-BOT WPE/RPE.... | 0 | 246 |
1186 | Vixen Ragnarok Online Free to Play! 100% Uptime!
99/70 Transcendent Classes Sprites
Guaranteed No WIPE
Balanced Custom Items
No overpowered skills and classes... | 0 | 278 |
1187 | Glorious Ragnarok Online dsgfggds gdsgdsgd gd gdsg sd... | 0 | 305 |
1188 | Grand Ragnarok Online 3k/3k/(varied) | Quest Log | Hugel Map Main Town | Storyline | New Costume Items | Synthesis Shop | Races | WoE System Everyday | Balanced System | Friendly Gm's and Players |... | 0 | 339 |
1189 | Empire Reborn Ragnarok Online WOE Server Fun n Friendship. All Equip you need, Sale on Mall ! Rate : 10k/10k/custom. Lvl/job : 150/70 [Job 3] [Sura,RK,RG,dll] Dex NoCast 150. Card 11%, MVP Card DISABLED... | 0 | 260 |
1190 | fode ro Em breve Fode RO, um servidor para relembrar os bons tempos do ragnarok. Venha fazer parte desse comunidade vc também!Em Breve.. Estreia 18/05/2013um servidor phoda entre em confira... | 0 | 308 |
1191 | [Private Server]NeverLand Ragnarok • Easy Leveling
• Max Level 255/120
• transcendent Job 255/120
• Job 3rd (Sura,warlock,RK,dll)
• 3rd Baby Class
• Exp Rate 2.500k/2.500k/custom
• Max Status 250... | 0 | 269 |
1192 | Blind Ragnarok Online | New Server We have 2 newly servers opened, Mid Rate[transcend job-99/70] and High Rate[3rd job-255/120] servers. We gives special items for a new players as FREEBIES! Very unique and balanced modification! Most of All, BALANCED SERVER!... | 0 | 251 |
1193 | 7Second Ragnarok Non Donation server play fun with gm friendly... | 0 | 280 |
1194 | TrueRO GRAND OPENING! Be the first to join and experience the true Ragnarok experience. All renewal features:3rd classes and skills, latest towns, dungeons, NPC. 20x/20x/5x rates. www.TRUERO.com... | 0 | 241 |
1195 | Gilas Ragnarok Online 255/100-rebirth classes only
Max status-255, max aspd-196
Base & job exp-15k/15k
Drop rate-modified
Normal items:100%
Mini/mvp items:50%
Item obtained using card:15%
Bonus mvp drop:50%
Normal cards:35%
Mini boss card:25%
Mvp card:20%
Rare ... | 0 | 259 |
1196 | Garden Ragnarok Online Garden Ragnarok Online Private Server
Server Specification:
• 24/7 Online (99,9% UpTime) ( Kecuali Gangguan dari Server / Maintenance ) •
• Processor : Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1230v2 •
• RAM : 32 GB DDR3 Memory •
• Hardisk: 2TB HDD Raid-10 ... | 0 | 255 |
1197 | GSPOT RAGNAROK GSpot Ragnarok Server Information
Base Experience Rate: 5000x, Job Experience Rate: 5000x, Max Level: 99 [Trans Job Only], Job Level: 70, Max Stats: 99, Max Aspd: 190, MVP Card Disable, Normal Card Drop: 20% continue Reading...www.gspot-ragnarok.c... | 0 | 243 |
1198 | epicRO Start 27.02.2015 | German Server (GMT+1) | 5x 5x 3x 1x Quests Exp | Max Lv: 99/70 |
Pre-Renewall Episode 13.2| no 3rd Job |very balanced and farmable Donation's! | Achivements |
@request-Support-System | Daily selectable Events | over 80 Monster Ki... | 0 | 231 |
1199 | BarinasRo Excelente servidor, en crecimiento users activos, amigables y listos para una buena pelea, entra y compruébal... | 0 | 255 |
1200 | Xilero WebSite : http://www.xilero.net
Forums : http://www.xilero.net/forums/index.php
Banner: http://oi57.tinypic.com/2yngw2a.jpg
Home Town: Prontera
Max Lvl: 255/70 (3rd Adv. Jobs)
PK Server - 1k/1k/2k rates (XP/SP/Drop) - Custom Rates
Server Sp... | 0 | 288 |