101 | Angel-RO Deutscher Server, High-Rate 3k/3k/3k , Low-Rate 20/20/20, Custom-Npc, Donates in Arbeit... | 0 | 281 |
102 | Serenity RO SerenityRO - 7/7/4 Rates - Active GMs - War of Emperium - Events! - Episode 11.2 Thor\'s Volcano - Friendly Community - Join Today!... | 0 | 257 |
103 | reMember Ragnarok Online 2k / 2k / 1k | High-Rate PK Server | Max lvl 255/120 | Weekly Events & Quests | Custom Items | Friendly Staff... | 0 | 336 |
104 | R A G N A R O K X Servidor BR | 24/7 ON | - Serve Mid (30/30/30) e High (10K/10k/80%) Venha conhecer a verdadeira emo��o de jogar Ragnarok.... | 0 | 283 |
105 | Crimson Soul-RO MR-30x/30x/10x, Max Level: 99/70, NO Rebirth, NPC Buffer & Healer, Crimson Casino, All Classes Implemented, Updated to Episode 11.3 Unnamed Island, WoE: Saturday's 19~21Hrs Server Time,Come and join us!... | 0 | 251 |
106 | ProtectRO Max lvl/job 999/120; Stats 100k/100k/100% + max Stats are 999; Much NPC`S, WoE Active and Friendly GM`s, No Lag Join today We have many NPC`s (Gold ROom, every Shop, Stat- Skillpoint Seller, much more...) The server Is Every Day On,... | 0 | 289 |
107 | Solidro Ragna�k On-Line Solidro server de ragnarok On-line rates 500/500/100 novissimo server sem lag e muito custom itens venha se dirveti com agente! ... | 0 | 299 |
108 | XtazisRO Free PvP Ragnarok Online Server [1.5k/1.5k/80] 254/150 Stats 300 all!!, Fully Updated, Friendly Community, Pro GM's ,Homu. ,Custom Items, Lots of Events, No lag, DEDICATED SERVER!... | 0 | 300 |
109 | PerfectRO Server PerfectRO pega com o kro e sakray
Site: www.perfectrogames.com
Rates: 2k/2k/90%
Lvl maximo: 255
Link do patch: http://rapidshare.com/files/32987274/Patch.rar
Nao so gm o nome do meu personagem � Orochi se algum gm ou player perguntar fa... | 0 | 265 |
110 | MetralhasRO-Server Brazuca de Ragnarok 100K/100K/100%
Ajude-nos de a sua Opini�o!!!... | 0 | 299 |
111 | DestinyRO - Seductive Fatalism [1000/1000/100 MaxLv 255/120] Pk, Working Races, WoE, Events, Non-corrupt, Friendly GMs, No Wipes, No Lag, Customs, +MORE!... | 0 | 429 |
112 | Noob Fury RO A fun server, with over one hundred quest custom items. Lots of custom maps and npcs. Non-corrupt GMs. All new classes. Homunculus. PK Server. Marriage and Adoption. Cool Woe. And no Lag! Rates: Phantom Kitty->2k/2k/1k Psycho Teddy->10/10/10... | 0 | 256 |
113 | KaitosRO -- Brasil Servidor BR novo, rates 2k/2k/2k -- Max level 300/200. Usa bRO.... | 0 | 365 |
114 | LovingRO LovingRO is a low\medium-rate server, that has just started, with great GMs and a hardworking admin. LovingRO is climbing to the top. We have a large variety of customs, and much more.... | 0 | 428 |
115 | Artema Ragnarok Online Servidor Hispano, Full Actualizado, high rates, max lvl 255/100, 15k15k8k, max stats 255, shop con todos los nuevos hats, thor volcano y veins completamente funcionales... | 0 | 287 |
116 | RO-Tales Low Rate 7x/7x/7x | Custom Quests | Mailing System | Weekly Events with EP System | Customs Wings/Helm bought with EP | Extended Classes | Guild Bonus for Guilds with 10+ Active members | Active GMs with Periodic Updates... | 0 | 456 |
117 | KalypsoRO Client version: eAthena | Friendly GMs & Community | Lag-free server | Daily Events | Rates: 50x Base EXP / 50x Job EXP / 50x Drops / 25x Cards | Users are given certain commands | Come join our server today!... | 0 | 303 |
118 | NemesisRO New High Rate Server/Max lvl 255/Max Stats 500/Custom Items/Nice GM's/WoE/Fun Events/All Classes/PvP/Join Us Now!... | 0 | 256 |
119 | Game-In RO Fresh Server. Blvl99 Jlvl70 rates600/600/300 up to date server100% working. Looking for players. Currently recruiting 5 GM's representative for each country available.. Join Us!!!... | 0 | 294 |
120 | GenesisRO EXP : 50000x || JOB : 50000x || Self customised NPCs || New events EG. Zakum and GM Boss [Prizes given away] || Custom items || Random EXP rates from 50000 to 1000000!! || Friendly and helpfull GMs || Server needs hamachi but will have more NPCs whi... | 0 | 256 |
122 | WalkRO Seu Server De Ragnar�K Online Server 1k/1k/100. GMs paci�ntes e Atenciosos, Eventos Frequentes.
Server Iniciando, venha nos Visitar.... | 0 | 258 |
123 | .:�ColiseuRO�:. Rate: 5k/5k/60%|Servidor:24/7|Custom itens especiais|GMs amigaveis|Level:255/80|Entre e ganhe a honra de um Gladiador!!!... | 0 | 244 |
124 | Ragnarok World Ragnarok World, rates: 70k/70k/100%, lvl max? 999/400, max stats: 999, varios custons, todos os npcs que voc� presisa!!! Venha se divertir junto com nos!!!... | 0 | 280 |
125 | Insane RO 30x/30x/30x max lvl 99/50 todas as classes 24/7 sem istabilidade
servidor BRASILERO... | 0 | 274 |
126 | Soul Society RO Soul Society RO is a new mid rate server [rates pending]. We have tons of custom items, and all the classes. Join Now!... | 0 | 269 |
127 | Brasil Ragnarok Online Warrior Servidor Todo em portugues, Low Rate 30/30/15.
Sem custom items.
Guerra: Ter�a, quinta e Domingo 21:00 as 23:00.... | 0 | 270 |
128 | MindightRO A brand new ragnarok mid rate server friendly community/great GM's come join us! Rates: 50x 50x 70x... | 0 | 243 |
129 | Destruction RO server totalmente 24/7 roda com Kro e Sak com rates 10k/10k/100% contando com novas classes totalmente unicas ! server sem lags e sem bugs venha conferir!!... | 0 | 235 |
130 | DeltaBRO, Aqui voc� pode Sonhar ! ! DeltaBRO||Low Rates 99/70||24 horas online||Ninja||Justiceiro||LHZ||Servidor Totalmente em Portugu�s||Delta Brasil Ragnarok Online||N�o perca mais tempo venha agora mesmo e fa�a parte de DeltaBRO||... | 0 | 273 |
131 | CorporationRO Server 100% 10
www.corporationro.xpg.com.br... | 0 | 270 |
132 | Kohtla-Jarve: Ragnarok server Kohtla-Jarve: Ragnarok server... | 0 | 256 |
133 | .:: Storm RO ::. Server Chileno ,Medium RateS: 3k/3k/100%, 255/130,Max Stat 500 , Tenemos: NPC Job Master,Vende Stats y Skills,Healers,Gold ROom, Mvp, Buen Staff, 298 Custom Item , 24/7 ...... | 0 | 306 |
134 | FunBRO Novo servidor Rates Altas - 50k/50k/70% - Level maximo 350/100 - Status maximo 355 - Muitos ITENS e NPCs personalizados - Quests faceis - Homunculos - Exclusivo NPC Ranking de PVP - Prote��o extra de ACC - Client KRO e SAK - Confira.... | 0 | 269 |
135 | StrongholdRO our server have alot of costums ,nosotros hablamos espa�ol, english, tenemos muchos costum y nuestro server es
5x/5x/10% rates... | 0 | 243 |
136 | Alora-RO Server Novinho!! Totalmente em Portugues!!
Rates: 200K/200K/100%
Max Level: 999/500
Max Status: 900
Max ASPD: 199
Esse eh meu primero server entao nao ta totalmente perfeito e kem me ajuda a dexa ele perfeito com custom item,mercado e AutoPatcher gan... | 0 | 386 |
137 | Stronghtro http://www.freewebs.com/stronghtro
servidor muito bom com custom , eventos...
rates altas
lvl max :999
Liga 7 da manh� e desliga 11 da noite
adms e gms preparados para atender a qualquer duvida..
roda com bro ou kro ou sak
tem ... | 0 | 242 |
138 | Midgard World Servidor hispano 5/5/5, online 24/7, Actualizado 100%. pets y homuns activados. eathena 99% actualizado. WoE martes y sabado.... | 0 | 281 |
139 | vanzRO A newly made server. With only few players atm. Totally stable with rates 150k/150k/100%. Max lvl is 999 and max stats is 999. Homunculus working.
All cards can be use, no "undecided" cards. And lots of custom cards.... | 0 | 250 |
140 | Elect-RO Melhor server de RAGNAROK do BRASIL!!!... | 0 | 321 |
141 | Advanced RO [Max levels 999/150][Rates 10K/10K/100%][Custom Items & Npc][Friendly GM][@commands][100% Card Drop][Daily Event 'Win Donates!!']... | 0 | 283 |
142 | Apocalipsy RO Servidor PVP, Eventos y m�s,24/7 online., 15k 15k 900, drop de card 70. GM Amigables y no corruptos, Muchos eventos divertidos. No custom item. Demuestra que eres todo un pr0 en pvp.... | 0 | 297 |
143 | .:Breaks Ragnarok Online:. Ragnarok totalmente br.Gms amigaveis, serve 24/7! Low rates: 40/40/30, curandeira, teleportadora, estilista e mais confira venha jogar!!!... | 0 | 259 |
144 | Breaks Ragnarok Online Serve dedicado 24/7 totalmente br. GMs amigaveis com teleportadora elista e mais venha cofirir. Low rates 40/40/30... | 0 | 258 |
145 | [-_Chaos-RO_-] � Every Jobs has Homunculus � / 10k / 3k / 20% � 99 / 70 � Customized NPC � Stable & Lagless � Growing Community � Custom Quests � Wings � Monsters � Items � No wipe � Friendly GMs � Ball Trade System � Events � Come join us now! �... | 0 | 287 |
146 | SolarRO O melhor server de RAGNAROK do BRASIL.... | 0 | 231 |
147 | ROAR!! Laggles,Stable,Good server
We need u people to grow our comunitie!... | 0 | 231 |
148 | Saints RO 1k/1k/100 Rates.|Server is up 24/7.|Max Level 99/70|Friendly and outgoing GMs,dedicated to serving you|WoE during Wednesdays and Saturdays| PvP, KoE, GvG, Devil Square, Same Sex Marriage, Headgear Quests NPC, DB . Working Homunculous, Ninja and GunSl... | 0 | 267 |
149 | Hellforge RO A ragnarok server newly started with 100x Rates, Max lvl 99/70 and alot of other features like, jobchanger, custom stylist, pvp warper and alot more! Join us today!... | 0 | 264 |
150 | Hero-RO Rates: 60k(base)/60k(classe)/100%(drop)...
Max�mo level: 500(base)/120(job)...
Custons iten's e muito mais...
... | 0 | 301 |