601 | KaoRO Main Language: German/English | Support Language: German,English,Italiano,Russia,Ceski | Rates: 3000/3000 | Drops: All Items 100%, Cards: Monster 15% and MvP/Miniboss 5% | MainTown: Prontera | Max LvL: 254/120 | Max Stats: 250 | Max ASPD: 199 |... | 0 | 253 |
602 | Portugal RO Servidor Portugu�s - A partir do dia 01/07/2008 pelas 20h00. Classes Balanceadas. Rates: 4x4x2, Eventos de Rate uma Semana por m�s: 5x5x3, Nivel Maximo: 99/70, Status: 99, Custom Itens, Wings Quest, Naruto Headgears, Jobchanger, Baby Jobchanger, 24... | 0 | 236 |
603 | DragoosRO [rate 2k/2k/30%][WOE qua, s�b e dom, d�s 19h �s 21h][mais de 250 custons][On 24 horas][ROda com bRO][Rachel e Veins][ADMs e GMs amig�veis e muito mais...]... | 0 | 245 |
604 | DefinitionRO Um novo Ragnarok para voce menino serelepe|Com rates 5k/5k/30%|ADMs e GMs ativos sever|Custon Items|Quest's|Sala Vip| e tudo mais| 24/7 Esperamos por voce... | 0 | 227 |
605 | New server Land Of Freedom RO New server Ragnarok Online * Rate 10/10/7 * WarOfEmperium * CaptureTheFlag * Healer * # Comands: @autoloot, @commands (list of all) * Nice GM TEAM *... | 0 | 285 |
606 | DivineRO DivineRO is back! Join in on our beta test and have fun! Rates are 13/13/13 until further notice.... | 0 | 299 |
607 | < ~ LolRO Reloaded ~ > LolRO Servidor SemiHigh Rates 1500/500/100 M�ximo nivel 255/120. Servidor Pk Mode, Woes S�bados y Domingos, Comunidad en crecimiento, Custom Items y NPC's - Comandos B�sicos implementados... | 0 | 237 |
608 | QuadCore-RO Mid Rate Server. a daily schedule event. friendly community and let's rock -n- roll at pvp yehaaa! touchdown....... | 0 | 251 |
609 | Baho Igit Si Kolut he leaves his Shit in the toilet alone..w/o flashing it out!... | 0 | 256 |
610 | Miamas RO A fresh, brand new server that has been released on Sunday, April 13th 2008!
We come jam packed with over 200+ custom head gears, even more custom items and quests, over 45+ hairstyles, many custom job class sprites and NPCs, and our own unique featu... | 0 | 362 |
611 | CigarRO Online We are newly server the rates is 2k-2k-2k. Please vote and invite players the many players we have the better... | 0 | 240 |
612 | SweetRO English/German |Grand Opening 18/04/08 | Brand new Midrate Server | Max lvl: 99/70 | 50/50/20 Rates | No Customs | Experienced GM Team | Fresh Community | Join us Now!... | 0 | 245 |
613 | RagnaTrojan Servidor BR..Max lvl 100/70 280/280/30%..Card Drop 30%..Com @go e @warp..WOE Ter�a,Quita e S�bado GMs amigos e ativos..Entrem e Confiram... | 0 | 255 |
614 | Explosive Ragnarok Online Private Server Explosive RO is a free, customized, high rate private Ragnarok Online server dedicated to provide YOU, the players, a fun and enjoyable environment.... | 0 | 235 |
615 | Ragnarok Game sensacional... | 0 | 392 |
616 | 3k/3k/30% 20% rates 3k/3k/30% 20% max lvl 300/120
varias quest mais de 50 custons
patch pequeno somente 9mb.
... | 0 | 273 |
617 | Revolution Midgard Storyline Server - 750/750/1k, Custom Items, Quests, Job Changer... | 0 | 265 |
618 | InfectRO Server Novinho 24/7 RAtes: 1k/1k/100x n�o temos Custons... so rops staff dedicada Npcs: Arena de ca�a Poring Ball etc... | 0 | 275 |
619 | Endless Ragnarok Online Low Rate Server:20x/20/10x (Cards 8x) - 2 Year Agreement with SIP - Online 24/7 - International Server - Great GMs and Community - No Over Powering DONOR items - Custom Quests - Great Events - Start the Endless Journey NOW!!!... | 0 | 253 |
620 | Hard Brasil Ragnarok Online Server De volta a ativa agora com 2 Sub-server - Trynit Rates 300/300 Lvl 99/50 - Virid Classic Rates 50k/50k Lvl 450/200 - Muitos Custon Itens - GMs amigaveis e muita divers�o venha conferir.... | 0 | 262 |
621 | ShinigamiRO Rates 20k/20k/100% many players many custom items custom jobs friendly GM's n DONATION... | 0 | 276 |
622 | JSPRS [SERVER JSPRS] Rates: 100k/100k/100k | RACHEL e VEINS | ROda com bRO/kRO/SAK | Ninja e Gunslinger | 130+ Custom Items | Venda de Custom | Sortudo e Outros | Comercio Forte | BR Confira JA.... | 0 | 291 |
623 | ShinobiRO Novo Servidor Brasileiro!
Servidor dedicado 24/7... | 0 | 261 |
624 | Legion-RO el mejor mid rate del mundo en linea 1000/1000/100 quests customs subiran tan rapido por los eventos concursos woes!! que no notaran q es mid rate max lvl 99 ademas una expancion para utilizar el ro de otra manera quieren saber cual entren y lo veran... | 0 | 283 |
625 | TrustRO Small but nice Ragnarok Online server! Great for friends and fun. 10�/10�/200. Friendly GM | Nice people arount, active forum.... | 0 | 266 |
626 | JOIN NOW MustangMu!! Season3, version1.04H, exp1000x,drop 65,No Bugs Only Bless Bug, Nice Admins and Nice Events. JOIN NOW!!!... | 0 | 220 |
627 | Mortal Kombat RO New high rate pk server. Looking for people to help the community grow. Max lvl 300, Max aspd 192, Custom NPC's. All basic needs are fulfilled here, and much more to come. Come help us grow, and have fun in the process.... | 0 | 255 |
628 | ContempoRO Brand New Low Rate server. Max level of 99 with Ascendency character expansion to level 110. Rates are 9/9/15 plus many customs.... | 0 | 261 |
629 | NekoRO German Highrate & Low Rate Server!
Befindet sich noch im aufbau.... | 0 | 252 |
630 | Betha-RO Servidor hispano de rates 100x/100x/100x/1drops card , comunidad amigable, no item custom, recien inagurado.... | 0 | 258 |
631 | Spice [RO] Up Your Life - NEW PK SERVER - Rates: 2500x / 2500x / 250x - Max levels Base - 255 Job - 120 - Max stats 255 - Main Town Prontera - Custom Dungeons - Custom Headgears - NO donation items ever - Welcoming community - JOIN TODAY! -... | 0 | 257 |
632 | Infinity Ragnarok Online Rates
Base/Job/Drop: 3k/3k/5k
Main town : prontera
Baby Jobchanger
Gold ROom
Shopping Mall
Mvp Ladder Warper + zeny
Healer + Buffs
Pvp Warper
Over 200+ customs
Over 200+ custom quest to be found
Balance server wi... | 0 | 247 |
633 | CokeRO Informa��es do servidor ROda com bRO ou kRO
Servidor dedicado 24/7
Rates: 100k/100k/100%
Level Max: 700/250
Custons Itens A venda
Quests de asas
Cartas de Lhz e entre outras coisas Comandos: @warp - @storage - @go E muitos mais Venhaa... | 0 | 251 |
634 | Rayzern-RO Rate:10/10/10
El mejor servidor de ragnarok en espa�ol unico server con tienda en foro!!! postea y gana puntos k podras intercambiar por items ,morroc races ,eventos cada semana siempre actualizado Gms atentos
��Ven y conocenos!!... | 0 | 263 |
635 | RagnaOdinRO RagnaOdinRO Rate: 100k/100k/50%
Stat Max: 400
Aspd: 195
LvL Max: 600
Job Max: 300
Comandos liberado para Players:
@go, @warp
@duel, @accept e etc..
S�o Muitos entrem no server e vejam ^^... | 0 | 252 |
636 | Celtic Rune | Ragnarok Online Servidor Mexicano, Proxima Apertura. Gm's Amigables y Responsables.
Customs Wings & Hats moderados.
�Ven a Vivir la Magia del Mundo Celta!... | 0 | 269 |
637 | Chill RO Chill Ragnarok Online
A brand new Server / April 30 2008
Base: 150 Job: 150 Drop: 50
I Say The Difference of Chill Ragnarok Online From other Server's is
The Unique Things That You Will Experience Here. 24/7 server uptime/
Headgear Events/ MVP Even... | 0 | 289 |
638 | Broken World Server Rates 30/30/20 / level 99/70 ---- WoE----- GS, Ninjas, Homuculus Available /JOB CHANGER / PVP... | 0 | 266 |
639 | RagnaMealum Ol� , Vou passar as Infos do RagnaMelaum
RagnaMelaum "Ao Seu Alcan�e , Ao alcan�e de TODOS"
Rates : 100 / 100 / 10
ROps : On
Level Maximo : 99 / 70
Npcs : Job Master , Skills Platinum , Garota Negociante , Npc waper Entre ou... | 0 | 260 |
640 | ROsarium-RO Nuevo servidor Argentino!
Rates (30x/30x/30x)
-Warp City and Dungeons, Job master, Healer, Reset, estilista, WoE Viernes y sabados.... | 0 | 279 |
641 | Ragnarok Revolution Online Ragnarok Revolution has been online for 4 years now, we have a very dedicated staff team as well as: Rates 20/20/20 � MaxLvl 200/120 � 12 Characters per Account � ANTI-BOT/WPE/KS � Heavily Customized � WoE:SE � Homunculus � Newest Features � Dedicate... | 0 | 240 |
642 | Global-RO [Detalhes] [Rates: 500x/500x/80%][MaxLv 255/70][Stats 150][@go - @warp - @autoloot][Todas as Classes][Online 24/7][ROda com bRO][Nps disponiveis Curandeira,vip,sala gold] E muito Mais Confira... | 0 | 253 |
643 | Maniaco RO Maniacos por ragnarok se vc tbm � um entaum junte-se a nos... | 0 | 243 |
644 | new server !! original 24hr. 24hr./7 99/70 play and register now !!... | 0 | 258 |
645 | Resurrection of Aglaophotis RO Nuevo servidor Dedicado Venezolano, rates 200x/200x/100x, max lvl 99/70 y stats 99, buen dise�o y NPCs: warper, healer, buffer, jobmaster, breeder, reset, PVP y GVG, Poring Ball, Mercado y WOE 4 veces a la semana. Capacidad para 1000 personas sin LAG... | 0 | 266 |
646 | MiduRO High Rate | MaxLvl 255/70 | german and english members | a lot of fun | try it out =)... | 0 | 246 |
647 | LuxuriousRO rates: 150x/150x/5%|lvmax: 99|max stats: 99|� permitido o uso de:@go~>@autoloot~>@storage~>@warp|vip: pagar no site | 7 reais | no local de "nome completo" voc� coloca o nome do seu character no jogo. s�o 2 dias �teis at� o vip entrar em su... | 0 | 255 |
648 | Sociedad De Almas RO Base x500, Job x500, Drop x100, Cards 1%, Mvp Card 0.05% / @rates"; @mi"; @commands"; @storage"; @showdelay"; @showzeny"; @whodrops"; @refresh"; @die"; @duel"; @autoloot"; @autotrade"; @chan... | 0 | 258 |
649 | Russian RiverRO New server with friendly Admin's. ****loads of new items, quests, events.
Custom Pets.
New Locations!
Rates: 25/25/15/2
Server very stable! no lags!... | 0 | 275 |
650 | AnsalomRO Nuevo servidor de Mid rates, MUY joven poca gente, 0 lag, muchos eventos, GM amigables no corruptos. Npc: warper, healer, job master, reset, estilista, alquiler universal, banco. Te esperamos amigo/a. Servidor Hispano, x15x15x10, 24 horas on-line.... | 0 | 269 |