851 | FeNoZe Of DeaTh Serveur High Rate 200K/200K/100% // Pas de Customs // Npc:Warpa/Stylist/Job changer/Sexe Changer/+ de 30 Quetes/Warpa shop/Booster/Pvp ROom/Gold ROom/Mvp room/D�slotteur/Annonceur(Special)/Identifieur/Evil ROom/Tribunal/Zoo...On attend + que vous =')... | 0 | 250 |
852 | VR-RO 100k/100k/100%(cartas 80%) Max level 750 Max stats 600
gold room.vendedor de custon,pvp ,rank pvp,sala mpv refinador 100%... | 0 | 410 |
853 | FrozenGlade RO Rates: 1000x/1000x/50x ~ Up To Date
Max Level: 99/70 ~ No Custom Items
Stable And Secure Server... | 0 | 264 |
854 | HeliosRO Network [ Dawn & Dusk ] Dawn (20/20/10), Anime Server, 99/70 | Dusk (3k/3k/1k), RO Server, 500/120 | Over 1000 customs | Lagless Dedicated Server | 200+ Features... | 0 | 267 |
855 | GloomRO O Melhor Ragnarok De Todos Os Tempos!
Rates: 300k/300k/100%
Baixe J�!... | 0 | 237 |
856 | InsanityRO [High - 1k/1k/500][Servidor em Portugu�s][No lag - 24/7 On][Maximo lvl 175/70][Sem corrup��o][Staff dedicada][Eventos frequentes][100+on]... | 0 | 341 |
857 | Myth & Legend -Rates > 15k / 15k
-Droprate > Items 100%, Random Cards 50%, Popular Cards 1-25%, MvP Cards 1%
-Normal Level > 300/150
-Baby Level > 150/70
-WoE > Wednesday 8pm - 10pm GMT+1 / Sunday 4pm - 6pm GMT+1
-Donate Point System
-Custom NPCs (Job Changer, Hea... | 0 | 281 |
858 | Server Arua-RO Server Arua-RO,Rates base x500,Rates Job x500,Dropeo de item etc 100%,Dropeo de equipos 5%,Cartas normales 3%,Cartas MVP 0.50%,Todos los npc,Helaer dopador.
Que estas esperando unite!!... | 0 | 245 |
859 | .: The Oracle Game :. Brand New server. We strive to retain the essence that is Ragnarok.... | 0 | 251 |
860 | SproutRO New Server, Grand Opening, Close to kRO as possible, 10x Rates Join Today!... | 0 | 259 |
861 | Surge Ragnarok Online High Rate. Rates:[4000/4000/10%]. Over [30+] balanced custom items, none of them having more than [2] slots, don't add more than +50 to any stat, and no slotted lower-headgears. Exciting PvP, WoE:SE, as well as custom dungeons and town! Community is ... | 0 | 260 |
862 | Bana server 2500//2500 after 3 months be going to change 80//80... | 0 | 250 |
863 | Cry-RO Cry-RO | Rates 150x/150x/100x | Cartas 1% | Cartas Boss 0.15% | Servidor Estable 24/7 | Custom Items & Maps creados por el Staff | Apuntate ya!!... | 0 | 308 |
864 | Prision-RO Server Chileno || Mid Rates 1k / 1k / 10% || Max LvL 250/100 || Gran Apertura 13/08/08 || Entra YA !... | 0 | 247 |
865 | Bitz-RO [10k/10k/100%] � [255/120] � [Non PK Server] � [Friendly GM's] � [Customize Prontera] � [Custom Items 100+] � [Custom Pets]
Join now!! to experience the Best In The Zone - Ragnarok Online server =)... | 0 | 286 |
866 | Also-RO Also-RO is a low rate server with 15x rates, custom events,Working Endless Tower, Devils Square, old PvP maps, custom items everyone can get and a nice international community.... | 0 | 274 |
867 | Ethernal RO Rates: 90K/45K/100% Drop
Max Lv: 999
Max Job: 200
Max Status: 999
Armas 4 Slots
6 Meginjard
Ethernal Scroll [Da grandes Poderes pruevenlo...]
Custom Items: 18 [Por el momento]
Mall Custom
Gold ROom
G... | 0 | 268 |
868 | Ragnarok ROyale Aegis Server! 7/7/3 AEGIS server | Episode 11.3: Nameless Island | Moscovia | Reopened Feb 27th!! | Stable 100mbit | No Donations | Few Customs | WoE:Second Edition !... | 0 | 270 |
869 | Perfect Love Rates: 400/400/100 Level Max: 400/150
Capital Custom, Items Customs, Job Custom, a Baby Land. Perfect Love is an English French server very friendly where the love of the game is our priority. Join Us Now !
... | 0 | 270 |
870 | ChilliRO International PK Server New International Private PK Server, 5k/5k/100% , 10% Card Drop (inkl. MVP), Max LVL 255/99, Max Stats 199, Max ASPD 190, Custom Features / New Features, Up to date eAthena server, Friendly Staff, Few customs with low effects, No Donation Items!, WoE... | 0 | 250 |
871 | AgO-RO Aqui Seu Tedio Acaba ! ! ! AgO-RO Aqui Seu Tedio Acaba ! ! !... | 0 | 287 |
872 | .::ChobitchiiRO::. Join ChobitchiiRO. It has many npc, events and ALOT other things. Join now... | 0 | 256 |
873 | ResurrectionRO Rates 200k/200k/40% | WoE 2.0 | 0 lag | mais de 240 Custons Itens | Devil Square, Sortudo, Ygg ROOM | Lvel Max 700 | Max Stats 600 | Max ASPD 196 e muito mais venha para o mundo de ResurrectionRO... | 0 | 273 |
874 | Hitsuzen RO [Rates 10k/10k/200][Max lvl 400][Max Job 150][Bonus STR,INT,DEX,AGI,VIT,LUK x 4 en todos los items, cartas y equipo][Nuevos Hats][Kafra Shop][Moscovia Map & Moscovia Dungeon][WOE 2.0][Sistema de Poring Coins][WOE 3 veces por semana][Staff dedicado la... | 0 | 301 |
875 | DarkSky Servidor de ragnarok online, max lvl 999 , stats 500 , custom item , rates 100k/100k/100%... | 0 | 300 |
876 | Sanctuary Ragnarok Online soon... | 0 | 273 |
877 | Max-RO Servidor con todo lo mejor de ragnarok � ONline 100% � Mid Rates 200x/200x/100x Nuevos npc� Max Lvl 255/100 � GM's Responsables � Eventos � Muchos Items Custom � NO lang � Sin Corrupci�n � Job change, reset..etc. comandos:@WARP,@GO,@guild..etc..... | 0 | 275 |
878 | Dark Sky RO 75/75/25 max level 145,Woe 2.0,Updated weekly.Customs added in every week! Donation achievable by all.... | 0 | 307 |
879 | RepaiRO ReapiRO Rates 7/7/7 Friendly Gms
Custom towns, dungeons, items, quests, npcs, monsters, and summoning jobs. We are a new server looking to get big everyone is friendly. lots of updates to make the game better.... | 0 | 261 |
880 | Prometheus Online Prometheus Online - Servidor de Ragnarok
Rate 15/15
lvl unlimited
Mapas Custon(Implementando)
Quests Custon
Sist. Evolu��o Pr�prio
Storage 600 itens
Evolu��o acima da Transclasse (Implementando)
NPC Item custon em Zenys
Itens custon exclusivos de Qu... | 0 | 258 |
881 | jogue nosso servidor !!! pesso pra que vc's players nos ajudem a crescer e venham jogar !!!
aqui sua divers�o acaba ?... | 0 | 217 |
882 | Joguem nosso servidor... STAFF amigavel venha conhcer a nova
era de Ragnarok online Demolition-RO... | 0 | 275 |
883 | breakdownro Servidor Mexicano Gm's Amigables 0 Corrupcion 0 Lag, lvls 99/70, Rates 500/500/300 ,3%cards normales, mvps 0.50% 24/7Online Custom Quest De Items Oficiales 3 WoEs A La Semana Si Buscas Oponentes Dignos De Ti Unete! Te Esperamos.... | 0 | 274 |
884 | Pure Essence RO Rates-10x/10x/10x
Max Lvl-120/90
We're a new low rate server. We have some custom items that are balanced, also some custom mobs. We also have over 400 Clothing Style, 30 Hairstyles, and 300 Hair dyes!!!... | 0 | 246 |
885 | FreezeRO Ragnarok Online Server.Deutsche nette Communtiy.Server noch in Bearbeitung aber bald Online!Joint uns heute und werdet ein teil der Communtiy!Control Panel,Homepage,
u.v.m.!Kommt heute und habt Spa�!... | 0 | 234 |
886 | bROEvolution bROevolution novo server lvl 255/130 , inaugura��o dia 01/09/2008, iremos trazer a maior novidade de todos os tempos para voc�s, Aguardem! Teremos muitos eventos no dia do lan�amento, esperamos vcs l�.... | 0 | 292 |
887 | SwatRO Ol� galera!
Estamos de volta para detonar, com novos equipes, quest e muito mais!
Ficaremos online de 08:00am at� 23:00pm, por um tempo, mas em breve estaremos online 24horas para seus dias ficarem melhores!
Ajudem o serve crescer simplesmente votand... | 0 | 273 |
888 | StormRO HR Server bisher unbekannte Main Town.
Nette Gms.Leichtes download Prinzip.
Also meldet euch an und spielt StormRO
Es gibt nat�rlich auch schwierige Quest falls man kein geld f�r StormRO ausgeben will... | 0 | 244 |
889 | StellaRO Stable and lagfree 6/6/4 Low Rate | Low customisation | Great WoE | Active and experienced GMs | NO wipes | NO corruption | Friendly Community... | 0 | 263 |
890 | Harrison RO Server High Rates 3500/3000/2500, drops mvp 8,5%, customs maps,eventos,+comandos. Staff dedicado, sin corrupci�n, 24/7.... | 0 | 269 |
891 | retRO retRO brings you two new dedicated servers that is always here and up for you. 700/700/60 or 25/25/25 for your liking, We offer never before seen gameplay that will rock your bottoms. We give fair gameplay and never before seen customs and a lovely a... | 0 | 279 |
892 | ..:LumiRO:.. [20/20/15x | 99/70 | International Community | PvP Ranking | All Classes | Cool Events | Active WoE | Anti Bot & Hack | Friendly GMs | Latest Updates | Lagless] 24/7. Join us today!... | 0 | 243 |
893 | Zephil-RO || Servidor Hispano || 30x30x10 || Lvl Max 99/70||Max stats 99, para baby 80|| Horarios temporales||0 lag || GM's no CORRUPTOS || 3 WoE'S por Semana || Con Custom items ||... | 0 | 263 |
894 | RetRO Ragnarok Do you miss the glory days of second class WoE? Do you miss interacting with other players and forming mass parties to level? Do you miss sitting in old Payon and chatting with your friends? Do you feel the transcendent class ruined your Ragnarok Onl... | 0 | 306 |
895 | Metal RO Server High rates 3k/3k drops variados, jobs personalizados, cartas modificadas y muchos custom, actualizado... | 0 | 267 |
896 | Kimera RO Servidor Low rates 10X/10X/5X GM's Dedicados/Servidor 12 horas 7 dias No Costoms items/
AntiBot/Warper/Healer/Eventos/WOE,Activa/Custom Quest, Custom Npc's/Comunidad Amigable No Corrupci�n/Servidor Nuevo.... | 0 | 432 |
897 | Sinx RO Server Chileno II Rates : 1k/1k/300x II Woe 3 x Semana II Full Actualizado II Npc: Warper (Niveles), Banko , Skill Platinium , Npc Quest y Mucho Mas... Ven Te Esperamos!... | 0 | 252 |
898 | Influence Ragnarok Online Server Estable 20x/20x/15x [Actualizado Satan Morroc, Bio lab 4 & Endless Tower] WOE 2.0, Sistema de tickets, Lagg-free, Comunidad Amigable Hispana.
WOEs - Sabados y Domingos.
Server Mall; Empty Bottle Seller, Tool Dealer, Event Tickets Showcase, A... | 0 | 288 |
899 | WarROx-RO Bem Vindos ao WarROx-RO!
Rates: 90k/90k/70%
Max LvLs: 255/170
Max Stats: 250
200 Customs Itens
Customs na loja
Gold ROom
Donates a um pre�o acess�vel!
Venha Coferir, aqui sua divers�o est� garantida!... | 0 | 272 |
900 | SeraphicRO Rates:10k/10k/500 - 444/150 - New server... | 0 | 249 |