1001 | InfusionRO Rates: 500/500/1000 Max Lvl: 120/70 Join Us Today!
... | 0 | 243 |
1002 | FenixRO - Divers�o Garantida ! FenixRO -[100%BR]-[60k/60k/70%][700/200][Nameless][Veins][Wot][WoE 2][Ranking Systen][Eventos Di�rios][Staff Ativa][TeamSpeak Pr�prio][DevilSquare][MercadoNegro][Ranking][PoringBall][Hall da Fama][Forum][Suporte Online]... | 0 | 275 |
1003 | Drops-RO 20k Base/15kJob/100%drops , Level Max: 500Base/150Job , MaxStats: 450
... | 0 | 278 |
1004 | Lonely Dreams RO [Rebirth] Pk server
[Rebirth Jobs 150x]
Rates: 5k/5k/100%
Maxlvl: 255
Joblvl: 150
MaxAtkspd: 199
Max Stat: 255
Dedicated Server
Server Up time: 24/7
CustomNPC: StatSeller, Buffer, Disguiser, Wing Seller... | 0 | 302 |
1005 | UnitedRO 2K/2K/2K Max base and job level 254 max level 255 0 lag friendly community 24/7 lots of new customs and all the functions are working. Come and join UnitedRO for a fresh start... | 0 | 250 |
1006 | Copiapo Ragnarok Online Server Online , 24/7 , 0% Lag , Mas de 290 Customs, Server 100% PVP , Rates
20k/15k/100%... | 0 | 255 |
1007 | LibertyRO - Opening 1st February LibertyRO, a new 8/8/6 Low Rate COMING SOON | Low customization | exciting WoE | professional GMs | NO wipes | NO corruption | Friendly Community... | 0 | 273 |
1008 | Pandora RO Fun low rate with a twist! 75/75/x25 Loads of active GMs that love to do events. Tons of GM player interaction. Come join today!... | 0 | 253 |
1009 | KaiteRO
KaiteRO a New Ragnarok Online Server
Rates 10/10/10 ENG/ger
Server Start : 7.December or 8.December
Have Fun On KaiteRO... | 0 | 253 |
1010 | ChaoticRagnarokOnline Fresh new server. Max level 1,000 Job level 200. Dedicated hoster, friendly GM's. Can you face the Chaos?... | 0 | 285 |
1011 | DarkFlameRO German/English Server |DarkFlameRO |150k/150k/40% |Maxlvl/job : 5000/220 |Maxstats: 3000 |+300 CUSTOM ITEMS... | 0 | 294 |
1012 | EbilRO German/English Ragnarok Online Server Rates 8k/8k/15% Max lvl 350/70 Custom Items and more... | 0 | 344 |
1013 | KietRO SHR: 100K/100K/100%/25%
New Super High Rate server with custom quests and many more. try us out!... | 0 | 258 |
1014 | SanctiumRO A Lowrate(1/1/1) Server with Multi language System and much more community is very friendly(German&English)... | 0 | 288 |
1015 | ZeusRO Grand New Opening
*High & Low* Rate Server...Friendly GM,Daily Event,Lagless,Server built at TMNet Malaysia and GM Application OPEN!Join Us to get Free Equiment untill server reach 1xx! JOIN US TODAY... | 0 | 262 |
1016 | World Of RO sprites 3�CLASS, custom, 4 woes x semana; Custom NPC, Satan morroc y moscobia incorporados max lvl 999 rates 100k/100k/drop all 100%... | 0 | 295 |
1017 | Mundo-R02 nuvo servidor espa�ol Mundo-R02 esperamos ke disfruten de el gracias
tamvien buscamos gente ke ayude en el servidor como gms ect...
el servidor es de ragnarok 2... | 0 | 262 |
1018 | NightlyRO [Epis�dio Custom Prontovia] [Servidor Novo] [Rates: 100x/100x/75x] [LV Max:120/70 (Transclasses) e 120/50 (Classes Normais) [Cidade Principal: Izlude] [ROPs como Quest] [Lugares Desafiadores] E muito mais !!... | 0 | 241 |
1019 | ApocaRO Online! Sever 24 Horas Total contas pelo sistema:
username_m ou _f
Patch Mto bom mais de 160 itens cunstomizados para SUA DIVER�AO
BOM JOGO A TODOS.. !... | 0 | 227 |
1020 | EndlessRO Base: 5000 ~~ JOB:5000 ~~
Drop-Items: 50x
Drop-Items(Bosse): 50x
Card-Drops: 50%
Card-Drops(Bosse): 5%
Max. Stats: 199
Max. Stats(Babie Klassen): 150
Max. Aspd: 199
Max. Level: 255... | 0 | 202 |
1021 | SerenityRO New Highrate 5k/5k/6% SerenityRO
300/125�MAX.STAT 255�ASPD 197�MVP-ROOM�6% CARDs 3% MVPCARDs�
1022 | Eddy Ragnarok Online Free To Play Server Mid rate server ~ Got many custom egg and latest item ~ No lag !! ~ Friendly GM ~ No donation ~ Hyper Buffer NPC ~ And many more ~... | 0 | 235 |
1023 | DaredevilRO High Rate High Rate Server.
Currently on dedicated hosting!
No Lag, 99.9% uptime!
Max base level 500 Max job level 150 Rates - 50k/50k/50% (20% droprate for cards). Friendly Community! You wont Regret it.... | 0 | 417 |
1024 | ~* RagnaCyber *~ Estreia 13/O2/2OO9 [Rates: 30/30/15] ~ [Level maximo: 99/70] ~ [@go, @autotrade, @duel, @die, @time][Inalgura��o 14/02/2009 �s 13:00 Horas, Contamos com voc� . . .]... | 0 | 237 |
1025 | Guardians-RO serve online dia 19/12/2008... | 0 | 249 |
1026 | NoRO Serve com hamachi 90k/90k/100%... | 0 | 257 |
1027 | Adik Gaming Network AdikGamingNetwork Rates: 99/70, 10k/10k/12%, 24/7.MegaMall,Healer,Stat/SkillReset, Donation Item, CuteWings(Small), No OverPower, Balance Server, Good Staff,Good Event(PvP w/o Boss/MiniCard) And More.. Join Now!!... | 0 | 229 |
1028 | battlero ragnarok online private server max= lvl 99/70 uptime= 24/7 mid rate 450/450/7% Fair server, no wipe, Event every day, WOE, no lag, new server December 2008. ~ NO DONATION ~... | 0 | 256 |
1029 | ll-- Ragnarok Dedicado --ll -llRagnaPocalipsell- A VOLTA DA DERROTA
-STATS:Servidor dedicado.
-JOB MAX:200
-INFO:Sem LaggS
-LE... | 0 | 240 |
1030 | Faceless Ragnarok Online A brand new server looking to expand it's population. With a fun
and helpful GM team, a great community, upcoming customs including items, equips, pets and quests! 250x/250x/100x. Join our growing family!... | 0 | 243 |
1031 | Mogambo-RO Servidor Espa�ol 75x 75x 99/70 anti-bot
warper con niveles
carrera de morroc
y mucho mas...... | 0 | 286 |
1032 | Etivacz RO [255/180 Max Level][Rates 20k/20k/100%][Sat- Events][Custom Event,Quest & Items][PvP Ranking System]Stable/No Lag FriendlyGM... | 0 | 259 |
1033 | Daybreak RO *NEW SERVER* 1000/1000/50 Rates - Custom Items, Mobs, Towns, Quests - Max Level 300/80, Stats 250 - Stable Uptime 24/7 - Balanced, Growing Community - Friendly GM Staff.... | 0 | 240 |
1034 | ROUniverse 300x/150x/10x | Lvl 250/75 | Dieser deutsche Server ist ein Team-Server, der so ausgerichtet ist, das zusammen alles leichter f�llt. Alleing�nger werdens hier definitiv nicht leicht haben. Noch sind wir eine kleine Familie die stetig w�chst... mit eu... | 0 | 242 |
1035 | WerewolveRO Custom Towns, Dungeons, Mobs, Races, Arenas, Quests and Items and some more stuff,
Come in and discover WerewolveRO and Elfen Hain...
MaxLvL and MaxStats 200... | 0 | 228 |
1036 | LoyaltyRO �50x/50x/20x�Max lvl 99/70�Max Stats 99�Extended Classes�Homunculus System�Endless Tower�Sealed Shrine�DB Arena�PvP,GvG,Battlegrounds�Custom Pets�Custom NPCs�Mercenary�24/7up�Active GMs� Join us now!�... | 0 | 257 |
1037 | ROck and RO �nica Comunidad ROckera! con nuevo y divertido estilo de combate elemental, Sprites �nicos del servidor, Spirits y Pets customs,Rates: 30x/30x /Variable, Max Lvl: 255/120, +400 jugadores, Vis�tanos.!... | 0 | 248 |
1038 | Tyr Ragnarok on-line
Dia 3 de janeiro estara sendo lan�ado o novo servidor de ragnarok Tyr. A s rates do servidor ser�o 800/800/80, lvl 200/150. contara com sistemas de mercenarios, job changer, curador, nc warper, npc bufer, @autotrade, @mail, @die, 5 dias de vip grati... | 0 | 373 |
1039 | Decode RO Server Type: PK Server (Player Killing Server)
- Basic Information -
Base Experience : 30000
Job Experience : 30000
Drop Rate : 1000 (10% on MVP Rare Cards)
Max Stats: 255
Max Base Level : 255
Max Job Level : 255
Max Base Level (notAdv): 99
Max J... | 0 | 328 |
1040 | DivestRO - Servidor Ragnarok Server High Rate |Rates: B:1000.0x JOB 1000.0x |B Lvl Max 255 J Lvl Max 70| Custom Items| 3 woe for week | Server Pk.... | 0 | 247 |
1041 | StaminaRO 100k/100k/100%/50%/2%
We are proud to present you StaminaRO,a brand new highrate server inspired by PreRO.Enjoy Epic PvP many Custom Items,a working stylist with 37 custom hairstyles and have fun with us on StaminaRO!
Please don't leave when you se... | 0 | 241 |
1042 | Falcon Ragnarok Online Wir sind ein server mit den Rates 55/55/35% haben viele eigen gescriptete NPCs und t�glich mindestens 1 event jobmaster und warpkafra inbegriffen.viele @commands sowie @go und @storage.... | 0 | 265 |
1043 | The Adventure RO Floating Rates-4x~6x, Max lv 125/70, Max Stats 130, Instant Cast 115, Raid Dungeons, 100+ Tier Set items, 100+ PvP set items, and three types of BattleGround's!! Friendly GM's, Custom items, Smithing, Crafting, Fishing, Nightmare Woe and Quests!! C... | 0 | 228 |
1044 | Desca RO server |Lvl 255/150| 550x550x50% /nameles-satan morroc-edless/quest -zona mini Gold-/alas -armadura 2 slote/Mercenarios Pet/ Job advance Novice una version mas fuerte de la normal/refiner +10 /mvp ROom /armas elementales /gg :D... | 0 | 350 |
1045 | Ragnarok Online FFATRO Lvl 1000/150? Rates 100k/100k New server, At us many special things, constant events both fair and sympathetic administration!!! Join Us!!!... | 0 | 269 |
1046 | .:End oF DayS RO:. End oF DayS RO ist a new high rate server of ragnarok with rates 500x/500x/100% ..MaX Lvl 99/70
Full of Events And Friendly gms 24/7 ro serv join Now... | 0 | 239 |
1047 | SkyhawkRO The New Generation SkyhawkRO is a International PK Server with activly and nice GMs.We have cool events and very cool WoE. Rates 3.7k/3.8k/20%. Max lvl is 255/70 =D. SkyhawkRO is every day Online 24/7.
Join us today! =D... | 0 | 267 |
1048 | The Ragnarok Online [Red] www.thero.xpg.com.br
server novinhu 24/7
Max lvl:999/300
* M�x Status:300
* Max aspd: 197
* Servidor 24h Online
* Staff especializada
* Prote��o(Anti-Bot, Anti-WPE)
�Npcs Personalizados:
* Garota Enquete
* Curandeira buffer
* Ar... | 0 | 250 |
1049 | Aslard RO server ro low rates 25x 25x 25x 99/70 y mucho mass... | 0 | 261 |
1050 | ResacutionRO Join This server right here!... | 0 | 239 |