501 | RagnaFire - Venham - GO !! [Servidor dedicado][24/07 - Sem LAG][50/50/30][GMs Ativos][www.ragnafire.com][msn:[email protected]]... | 0 | 279 |
502 | Ragnrok Progect Server novo, com custons novos, e gm's com experiencias.
Server de rate medio 80k/80k/90%... | 0 | 255 |
503 | FreeRO - Free Ragnarok Online FreeRO - Server novo com:
Custons / Ninja e Guns / Max lv 600/200 / Max stats 999 / Rates 10k/10k/5k.
Estou esperando voc�s.... | 0 | 264 |
504 | lespirit-du-chan-ro rates de 500x500x? ivi999/300 unete al mejor server y prueba q tienes poder para enfrentar el malllll.... | 0 | 248 |
505 | Thrymheim Ragnarok [Aqui voc� pode sonhar!][Rates:2k/2k/50][Level Max:255/130][No Lag][Custom Sets ROx][Akatsuki][Eventos di�rios][GMs amig�veis e respons�veis][Venha fazer parte da nossa fam�lha]... | 0 | 341 |
506 | RagnaBlade �RagnaBlade� Low Rates � 100x/100x/50x � GMs Amigaveis � Varias Quests � Online 24/7 �... | 0 | 337 |
507 | Valkyrie Town Servidor de la Comunidad Chilena de Juegos www.one.cl,Apertura 8 Enero 2008,Rates: 10x/10x/10x Cartas Mvp's 5x,Foros y Canales de TS Privados Para Guild,Cero Lag,100% Dedicado,Actualizado,Moscovia,Staff y Comunidad Amigable,3 WoE's Semanales,Homuncu... | 0 | 272 |
508 | RagnaROX_Servidor 100% dedicado Servidor Owned_High [Rates:3k/3k/30% Card 20%][MaxLv 300/125] Status:255 [@go/@warp/@autoloot/@autotrade]E Muito mais Venha conferir[Todas as Classes 100%][Online 24/7][ROda com bRO/Sak/kRO][WoE - divertidas][Eventos]E Muito mais por vim confira!!!
... | 0 | 240 |
509 | RO2Illuminati Professionaly Hosted RO2 Server Coming Up, No Lag No Wipe, 100% Support. Join Now!... | 0 | 263 |
510 | Ilimited RO Rates: 1k/1k/20%
Aspd max: 195
Max stats atributos: 250 / baby: 200
Level max: 255/120 server 24h online!.
70 Level de diferen�a para dividir exp em grupo!
+300 Pontos de atributos quando reborna na Mestra das classes
Episodio: Moscovia
... | 0 | 246 |
511 | FactionsRO + de 200 Custom items 100% Portugues venha se diverir!... | 0 | 314 |
512 | Bunneh Ragnarok Online [Rates: 300/300/100] [Max Lv: 255/120] [Stats/Aspd: 255/199] Original NPCs, Custom Pets for Everyone, 4 WoEs weekly, Join our family now! ^^... | 0 | 241 |
513 | Loki's High Rates Server high rates 900K/900K/100% sur d�di� have fun... | 0 | 266 |
514 | EnclaveRO EnclaveRO International Server
Rates: 15/15/10
maxlvl: 99/70
Rate: 5000/6000/Equip100%/Cards50%/MvPCards 25%
Maxlvl: 250/170
Join and Have fun... | 0 | 268 |
515 | NeoEthernosRO Rates: 10k/10k/1k || Baselv/Joblv: 255/99 || Homunlv: 255 || Ninja, Guns... || 24h On-line || e muito mais...... | 0 | 261 |
516 | OshiRO � MaxLvl 255/150 � Max Stats 300 � MR 500/500/500 � All Classes � Homunculus � WoE � PVP � Events � Custom NPCs, MVP's, Items & Quests � Friendly Community & nice GM's � Updated Server � Balanced Gameplay � Stable Server � Full Gunslinger and Ninja ... | 0 | 255 |
517 | ColdRO Server ColdRO Brasil Ragnarok Online
MaxLeveL: 750/500
Rate: 20k/20k/70%... | 0 | 274 |
518 | TechRO dgdfdsfewew... | 0 | 270 |
519 | RuthlessRO Hi! I am DragonHero/Hyakozu. i made this server to see how it would be making a server. well i added mvp, pvp, and mvm duels. i also have a donate delivery girl. so if you donate you will get some items! i made some mvp custom pets everything is in t... | 0 | 287 |
520 | Forsaken Ragnarok Online [255/255 Max Level][Rates 6k/6k/100%][Daily Events][Custom Event,Quest & Items][PvP Ranking System]New Custom Class! Try us Out !... | 0 | 346 |
521 | ThorRO | 2 Servers | Server Brasileiro | -------[Informa��es para acessos]-------
Contro Painel:
High :www.thor-cp.vai.la
Low : www.thor-cp2.vai.la
MSN De Suporte:
[email protected]
-------[Informa��es dos Servidores]-------
>>> Low
Lancamento : 02/03/08
Rates : 1... | 0 | 257 |
522 | JisadixaRO We are a very good english Ragnarok Online Server. ROot coming soon. Our community is still small, but if you vote we will grow very fast, i'm sure :D Many custom items/quests/etc. Many Custom Maps now! . Rates are: 100k/100k/80% High-rate... | 0 | 233 |
using "Ultra fast VDSL server"
new "lastest patched server"
for FREE RAGNAROK!!... | 0 | 235 |
524 | Knights of ROund RO Servidor Mexicano 10x/10x/10x GM's Amigables, reciente apertura, No corrupcion.... | 0 | 269 |
525 | Story Ragnarok Online A Low-midrate server for everyone! We have easy avaible gears. Everyone can be stong at StoryRO, we even offer you help, if thats what's needed. Unique Guild vs Guild PvP, and WoE bonus for all the guild capturers, not only the leaders! Feel free too... | 0 | 344 |
526 | KasekageRO Low_Hate 10/10/15% Maxlv150/80 GMs e ADM online Custom item,Homunculos.
^^... | 0 | 251 |
527 | RagnaPoweR melhor serve de raganrok hates 10k/10k/15 nivel 300/120 quests secretas eventos legais staff ativa servidor 24/7 no lag... | 0 | 285 |
528 | DARKRAGNAROK FURY very dark!... | 0 | 287 |
529 | Juice-ro The best Ragnarok 7k 7k 50%
ROda com Bro
Gms onlines... | 0 | 239 |
530 | Nectar RO Nectar RO... | 0 | 255 |
531 | Oblivion-RO Low rate Server|Rates: 20/20/10/|Max Base Lvl: 99| Max Job Lvl: 70 |Max Stats: 99 | Inaugura��o do Servidor dia 17.03.08... | 0 | 250 |
532 | Emerald-RO HR Nouveau serveur , rates 40k/40k/90% DB room PVP WOE 19h-21h tout les shops , event fr�quents et custom items !Presque tout les npc ..... | 0 | 299 |
533 | tech-ro none... | 0 | 271 |
534 | LegendaryRO servidor hispano, 0% lag, HR 1000/1000/100,max lvl 99/70, GMs responsables y no corruptos,que esperas unete a esta comunidad.... | 0 | 241 |
535 | RAGNA HERO- LETS GO! VEM COM AGENTE!... EP 15.2 - VEINS - Odin:200k/200k/70% - Max Level: 999 - Patch 20MB - Bro/Kro/Sak/iRO - Support in English - Suporte em Portugues - Soporte Espa�ol - Supporto Italian - EXPERIMENTE - EXPERIMENT - ... | 0 | 270 |
536 | Eternal Memory Ragnarok Online Servidor Chileno | Rates Mid 1k | Max Lvl 255 | 0 Lag | On! 24/7 =) | Una Comunidad Amigable | Gm Con Experencia en Ragnarok | ke Esperas Entra ya y no se pierdan la verdadera aventura de Ragnarok Online n.n Atte: Lenneth... | 0 | 275 |
537 | Twilight Revolution RO Servidor de reciente creacion con ganas de crecer los rates son 20x20x10x Gm`s con 0 Corupcion.
... | 0 | 261 |
538 | Spectral-RO servidor hispano,mid rates,custom pets,gms atentos,sin corrupcion,siempre actualizado,dedicado... | 0 | 250 |
539 | VampiRO Servidor 50x50x20x espa�ol,traduciendo al espa�ol el server,a�adiendo custom items y mas.
Entra y Pruebalo ^^... | 0 | 273 |
540 | ROyality / Lowrate Wir sind ein Deutscher Low Rate Server 20/20/20/20 Ohne Customs, Mit Warper, Resetter, .. schaut einfach mal vorbei (noch im Aufbau)... | 0 | 257 |
541 | Ragnaloki Bom Sever GM legais Com VIPS drop de Card:Rates: Hor�rio da WOE: Ter�as e Quintas e Sabados Das 6:00 as 8:00
... | 0 | 273 |
542 | FlameRO Deutscher Low-Rate Server || 5/5/3 || 24/7 on || Healer, Jobchanger, Warper uvm... || Custom Items || Nette GMs || schaut einfach mal rein...... | 0 | 270 |
543 | Bahamut Server An International and Pinoy Server Experience the Real RO! Almost all latest and custom headgears are sell on NPCs! An Up-to-date Server! Rates: x3000/x3000/x250 Max Level Cap: 99/70 with 100 Mbps Connection Uptime: 24/7 join now!... | 0 | 245 |
544 | Hel-RO rates 200k/200k/100%
Gold ROom/Custom Items,Npcs/Stats Seller/Max stats 1000/Max lvl 999/170
eventos diarios/entre otras cosas q mas pueds pedir?�...... | 0 | 262 |
545 | Henka RO Nuevo Servidor| Servidor Chileno| Low: 10/10/5| Max. Lvl Base 99| Max. Lvl Job 50| Gm's Amigables... | 0 | 256 |
547 | Brutal-RO 35k/35k/50% Brutal-RO 35k/35k/50% maxlvl:700/130
mais de 250 customs items,muitos npcs.
woe todo domingo.... | 0 | 238 |
548 | Omega Angels Raganarok Online Servidor brasileiro com 200 custon itens, quests dinamicas poringball mestra das classes, eventos multiplos, venha voce tambem jogar no nosso server ^.~... | 0 | 242 |
549 | VhxRO NEW mid rate server started on 23/03/08
fresh community New cards, custom pets, casino, custom items(nothing overpowered) rates 250/250/20 Just come and give us a try =D... | 0 | 257 |
550 | Apocalypto-ro Servidor eAthena Mid 500/500/500 y high rates 20k/20k/10k, Customs items, Donaciones. Server PVP, Level 250/120 para el mid y 999 para el high.... | 0 | 270 |