651 | AllureRO Super High Rates � Poring Ball � GS/Ninjas/Homuculus! � Friendly Staff � Dedicated Server � Special Maps,WoE,Items,Quest... | 0 | 257 |
652 | Chill Ragnarok Online Chill Ragnarok Online Base: 1500 Job: 1500 Drop: 500 I Say The Difference of Chill Ragnarok Online From other Server's is The Unique Things That You Will Experience Here. 24/7 server uptime/ MVP Event / New Items / Very Friendly GM's/ Great... | 0 | 406 |
653 | Sunrise Online New, fun and stable server. Opened 10mai!Soon will be lots of unique quests,customs, and many more!Good Community and helpful GMs.Won't u join us?... | 0 | 257 |
654 | NovaRO Servidor novo | Rates: 2k/2k/100x | Max lvl 255/255 | Compativel com bRO | Episodio Veins | Itens Custons | Forum | Join :D... | 0 | 245 |
655 | New bro [..::New bRO::..]
Servidor high 120k/120k/50 lvl 999/120
Servidor low (abriu 07/05/08) 3k/3k/70 lvl 255/120
Resets( igual a MuOnline )
Area VIP
DS( devil square )
Arenas : PvP, MvP, e Mini Boss
Por Enquanto o server a... | 0 | 271 |
656 | Godless RO Privat Ragnarok Online Server,nette Leute.
Gute Admin und GMs,rund 20 Leute t�glich Online...!... | 0 | 256 |
657 | [PedR� - Brazilian Server Dedicated 24/7 [NEW] 10/mai/08 - Server Dedicado UPTIME: 24/7 SUPORTA: 500+ ON
High Rates com presen�as Originais!!
..::600x/600x/200x - Max. LEVEL 99::..
Jogue Agora !!!... | 0 | 253 |
658 | DustRO seu mundo de Rune-midgarde � aqui Servidor DustRO
Servidor dedicado
Rates 500x 500x 100x
GMs preparados
WoE Quartas e Domingos
NPCs de evento
e muito mais
Equipe DustRO... | 0 | 250 |
659 | Kouji-RO Молодой, перспективный, стабильный 24\7-серв... | 0 | 275 |
660 | .: DawnRO :. *Rates: 50/50/25*Max Lvl 99/50 ~ 99/70*Stable, Lagfree Server*Latest Features*Growing Community*... | 0 | 289 |
661 | -=:: MxO RO ::=- 10x 10x 10x brand new server... | 0 | 260 |
662 | xcessro English Server� 2000x/3000x/100% � MaxLvl 550/120� MaxStats 400 �also lo rate server �lr 1/1/1 99/70 � Events By Gm Azra � Custom NPCs � over 200 Custom Items � Custom Quests� Big Mall � custom mobs that drop custom items lots of custom events and mu... | 0 | 268 |
663 | Wii-RO Novo server de Ragnarok!!
Uma nova era de aventura!!
Com muitas novidades!!
(ZERO LAG) Rates:10k/10k/100%
Maixmo lvl:500/150... | 0 | 313 |
664 | TchiBilouteRO Serveur high rate 450/450 gm souvent co et tr�s sympa ! ailes custom implanter ... Tr�s bonne ambiance on attend plus que vous :)... | 0 | 255 |
665 | Yung RO Yung RO - Novo Server BR rate Alto
GMs amigaveis... | 0 | 246 |
666 | KiraRO New private server max lvl 99/70 rates:1000x 1000x 1000x... | 0 | 240 |
667 | Wii-RO Wii-RO novo Server de Ragnarok (Sem LAG)Com muitas novidades participe dessa aventura!!... | 0 | 297 |
668 | - GothicRO - 1000/1000/100 Rates - Maxlevel 255/120
Custom Items - GM's Amig�veis - Venha Se divertir Conosco!
Resgistre-se J�! ^^... | 0 | 258 |
669 | MoonRO Extreme Gaming 100k/100k/100%(10%cards)|| High Rate Max Lv255/100 Max Stat 255 || Many Custom items, Custom Quest / Mobs, Fully Functional Maps Until Rachel,Viens || Events Daily, WOE || Friendly Community Join Us Now!... | 0 | 257 |
670 | Truth Ragnarok Online Rates: 25x/25x/10x || Episode 11.4 || NPCs: Warper, Healer, Stylist, PVP, Job Changer, Banker, and many, many more! || Friendly Staff || Started: May 17, 2008.... | 0 | 244 |
671 | SynRO A cool free new server that needs new players!... | 0 | 227 |
672 | Express-RO Malaysia Lagless & Free Private Server... | 0 | 258 |
673 | ROxRO [rate 7x/7x/3x][Veis][GM's Ativos][Funciona com bRO]
--> Quarta-Feira das 20h �s 22h
--> S�bado das 17h �s 19h
Venha conferir o novo mundo de ROxRO!
Let's R�X!... | 0 | 249 |
674 | Vaizard RO Come Join Us Today!! Rate 140x/170x/100 Max Lvl 99/70 International Server,Custom equips,arena,maps.Friendly Active GMs daily online,Event Weekly... | 0 | 278 |
675 | Dukiel RO Dukiel-RO, mas que un servidor, una comunidad. Rates 500/500/500. NO LAG. No custom items. Max lvl 99 /70. Servidor actualizado, SIN DONATION ITEMS. Quien es bueno con nosotros es por que es leyenda. Ven y conocenos.... | 0 | 248 |
676 | FatalityRO Sever HightRate
Rate 100k/100k/100%... | 0 | 245 |
677 | FallingRO 10k/10k/100x | 255/120... | 0 | 261 |
678 | DeadlyRO Rates: 5.5k/4.2k/20%, Max Level is 500/220, 24/7 Lag-Free, 600+ Custom items, Friendly GMs... | 0 | 275 |
679 | RagnaDark !! Onde as trevas atacam !! SERVIDOR ROXX!!
funciona com BRO, servidor naum eh totalmente BR mas garanto que eh muito bom ^^!!!
680 | RagNaRuX Venha Jogar RagNaRuX....
Comandos Livres:
@go,@warp,@autoloot,@autotrade e.t.c
Funciona Com o Bro....... | 0 | 238 |
681 | RagnaMix Rate: 3k/3k/30% - Gm Ativos - Eventos diariamente - Devil Square modificada - Fa�a parte dessa familia...... | 0 | 251 |
683 | BestOfRO Server Rate 30/30 Drop Rates 50; Card Rate 0.40%; MVP Card Rate 0.50%; Max Lvl 255/125; Great GM's; Many Customs; Great Community... | 0 | 256 |
684 | HellionRO Great community, 3k/3k/1k rates, 99/70 levelcap, active GM's, daily events and more! Join us now and experience the new breed of RO gaming.... | 0 | 266 |
685 | GlobalRO - RagnarokOline [rate:150k/150k/100%][+de 200 customns][mercado negro, vip's, shop customs, mvp,pvp e muito +] venha descubrir um novo mundo de Ragnarok!!!... | 0 | 255 |
686 | LH Ragnarok Online Servidor Brasileiro Inaugurado 24/05/2008 Rates 30/30/15
GM's e ADM's Amigaveis ... | 0 | 252 |
687 | UnknownRO Brand New SHr! Max blvl 999,jlvl 170, stats 900(999 for babies), Custom Items (event or SHop) Mall, BUffer/healer,Events EVERYDAY!,Stat+skil Seller,Level Seller,+100 Refiner, Balanced PVP that uses builds. Disabled Seyrens and Odiums... | 0 | 259 |
688 | ZombineRO ragnarok online ZombineRO - 30x/30x/50x - custom items - custom maps - custom aura - 530 cloth colours - 261 hair dyes - 37 hairstyles - professional Admin/Gm's - nice gameplay - free to join - TxT based server.... | 0 | 255 |
689 | RagnaCampos Servidor de Ragnarok Online privado.... | 0 | 256 |
690 | platexRO platexRO server website... | 0 | 252 |
691 | OrionRO Private Server Servidor com 10k 10k 10% No Lag. Com Varios Eventos.. Staf Sper Competente. serve sem bug. Com PVP,GVG e WOE. Entrem e Confira.... | 0 | 259 |
692 | LazyGamer Ragnarok Online LazyGamer Ragnarok Online Original Style Warper And JobChanger Only No Any Custom Item N Npc rate50/50/50... | 0 | 243 |
693 | ValionRO ||ValionRO - A new Beginning|| x200x200x50 Max LvL 255 || Max Stats 185 || Growing Community || No Corruption || Balanced Donations || Renovated Server! V2.21 All up to Date || And Much More
Come and Join Us!... | 0 | 252 |
694 | RagnaWin - Seja voc� tambem um vencedor - Online 24 horas ~ 7 dias por semana
- Rates 7k/7k/2k
- Level M�ximo: 750/150
- Itens e quests customizadas
- Staff Ativa... | 0 | 258 |
695 | VRO! This is a brand new Ragnarok Online Private server, Opened on the 28/05/08, Bring as many friends, family and other people that you know, for your chance to be a part of the biggest RO server to hit this world, rates are 10x10x10x, JOIN VRO TODAY!... | 0 | 272 |
696 | AzureRO Rates 20/20/15 � Max Level 99/70 � Custom items � Professional Friendly GMs � Several commands available... | 0 | 269 |
697 | Adiktuz-RO Super Server 3 Server in one. Low, Mid, and High Rates Servers in one... | 0 | 278 |
seja bem vindo ao DarkWayRO
rates: 200k/200k/100%
max level: 999/700
max level transc: 999/700
status maximo: 999
executav�l: bro/kro
episodio: veins
servidor totalmente em portugu�s
... | 0 | 370 |
699 | RagnaNET 4k/4k/60% Estamos lan�ando um servidor de Ragnarok com muita gratid�o e a Equipe RagnaNET veio com muita alegria para recebe-los.
Estamos Cientes que o servidor acabou de come�ar, e por isso pode ocorrer Erros de Palletes,Erros de Sprites,Erros do Patcher e et... | 0 | 267 |
700 | Pessimist RO PRO is dedicated Ragnarok server hosted by experienced GM's. Our goal is to give people a fun and friendly community to grow into and feel welcome. We update the server at the moment any errors or lag arise,as well as being backed up daily and stored... | 0 | 276 |