751 | SaintsRO Max level : 150/70
Rates 20x/20x/10x
SaintsRO is a brand new server with a brand new skill point system with customs items/auras. We have super friendly GMs that will help you in case you need them. Tons of events every week, crazy rewards. WoE thre... | 0 | 250 |
752 | Final Evolution-RO We are a new stable Ragnarok Online Low Rate Server(5/5/3). We would like to meet you ingame!... | 0 | 290 |
753 | RagnafigtherS Nome: [ RagnafigtherS ], Rate: [ 100k/100k/100% ], Level Max: [ 800/300 ], Stats Max: [ 700 ],Custons Itens: [ +150 Custons ], ROda: [ KRO e SAKRAY / BRO ].
Venha Conferir.. ( Nao Perca Seu Tempo Venha Joga RagnafigtherS ).... | 0 | 269 |
754 | munetplay blablabla blablabla blabalbalabalsal... | 0 | 245 |
755 | illuminatiRO Episode 12.1, Endless Tower , Satan of Morroc , WOE 2.0 SE , Rates: 20 / 20 / 10 , Max Lvl 99 / 70 , Custom PVP system , Mail System , Balanced Customs, Class Specific God Quests, OPENS 6-20-2008, Join Today !!... | 0 | 257 |
756 | VickRO Max: 999/250
Rates: Super High
24/7 uptime
Friendly GMs/Admins
Custom Wings/headgears
COME AND JOIN!!!... | 0 | 240 |
757 | DivinityRO A small community with a highrate server. Our MaxBase/Joblevel is 999!... | 0 | 234 |
758 | ElectROChock Serveur francophone Ragnarok-Online.
Rates 20k/20k
Drop Card 15%
Level Max 1000/200
... | 0 | 252 |
759 | >> ColiseuRO << Um novo come�o do ragnarok um servidor cheio de novidades novo tamb�m.. Rates: 3k/3k/50%| 0% de lag|Gm�s Muiitos Amigav�is|24 Hrs|Novas Cidades|Npcs Novos: Mvp ROom,Tele,@warp,Mestra das classes,Pvp, V.I.P.,e muiito maiis para voc�s Venha Conferir !!... | 0 | 237 |
760 | LATINORO Somos una comunidad del viejo ROHispano que trata de rescartar a su gente ingresa y no te arepentiras rates 5/5/5... | 0 | 233 |
761 | BlackRO Black Ragnarok Online
DetailsInternational server � Rates 10/10/10 � Started on Juni 2008 � Max. Level 99/70 (rebirth) / 99/50 (non reborn) � All Classes � Custom items (Cooming Soon) � Skill/Stat reset � Homunculus � Events � WoE � Friendly Communit... | 0 | 248 |
762 | CarbonRO 5/5/4 rates - Super new RO server that wants to bring back the greatness of RO! It's just RO the way it's meant to be played! We're all about friendlyness and community!! So join now!
+++ Espa�ol
Tambien hablamos espa�ol. Es un server nuevo dise... | 0 | 273 |
763 | Gothic_RO Rates: 15x/15x/20x
Item Rates MvP:3x
Max Level: 99
We have a nice community and nice GM`s
WoE Times are:
8:00-9:30pm GMT +1
8:00-9:30pm GMT +1
8:00-9:30pm GMT +1... | 0 | 237 |
764 | DarkNight RO A Brand New & Growing Private RO Server. 30/30/15, customs, WoE, MVP Arena, etc.... | 0 | 234 |
765 | Sistema-RO Sistema-RO mais um novo sever dea Ragnarok Online
WOE: Ter�as e Quintas 18:00 �s 20:00... | 0 | 288 |
766 | Kisuro deutscher Server || Rates 150 / 150 / 100 || maxlvl 255 / 70 || nette GM's || Mainchat NPC || Jobchanger || Homunculus, Gunslinger, Ninja || Custom Headgears || neuste Dungeons wie u.A. Thor Volcano || Radio, Gallery, Klatschpresse u.v.m.... | 0 | 339 |
767 | OlimpusRO Servidor 200k/200k/100%
Entre e fa�a o download...
naum tem Site... | 0 | 184 |
768 | Amafia-ro Rates 1k/1k/250 LV max:260/70 Status max:200
NPCs Especiais, Quests Muito Loucas, Colecionador de Caveiras PvP,Ranking PvP(Em breve+novidades)
... | 0 | 256 |
769 | Angel Demoniak Deux Camps : Anges et D�mons. Un Seul ch�teau, un seul vainqueurs, rel�verez-vous le d�fis! *** Info Serveur : - Rates : 500/500/100 - Lv 255/120 - Woe : Mercredi et Samedi 20h-22h.
Plus de 300 hat Custom bient�t disponible en quete et Events.
Plusie... | 0 | 223 |
770 | � Rag\/\aFrenesi � POPOPOP...... | 0 | 297 |
771 | Sux-RO Bem sever estreou Dia 25/06/2008 estreia o Sux-RO corra e Entre logo para ser o menhor =D
Rates: 200k200k100%... | 0 | 261 |
772 | Shadows of Pyro RO Challenging Mid-Rate 100/100/40 server | Custom items, quests, storyline, dungeon | Active and experienced GM Team | And more!!! Check us out... | 0 | 262 |
773 | SynergyRO SynergyRO is a advanced super high rate server with special events such as Assault and Grand Tower. We have many custom equips such as headgears and wings. Theres loads of things to do to keep you occupied and our GM team is experienced. They know wh... | 0 | 233 |
774 | Toji-RO Join Us A new middle rate, international RO-Server. Rates 20/20/20; Custom NPC, Jobchanger, Healer, Warper and more... 4 GMs ingame and many surprises. JOIN TojiRO... A new era begins!... | 0 | 235 |
775 | Brother RO Server 10k/10k/500x,sistema de PvP com WaV sound,sistema vip totalmente seguro,buffer NPC,WoE 2.0,Clone room e com uma staff preparada para receber e ajuda-lo. Venha conferir.... | 0 | 233 |
776 | KanzenRO Servidor brasileiro voltando lentamente a ativa. Com o tempo iremo contratar um servidor dedicado.^^
rates 10k/10k/10k, lvl max 999/180, Stats 800, atualizado e roda com BRO, KRO ou Sakray... | 0 | 238 |
777 | Kristall RO New German Ragnarok Server | Rates 2k/2k/1k | Nice GM's | Nice Event's | NON-HAMACHI... | 0 | 334 |
778 | Narnia RO Rates : 500kkk/500kkk/100%
Lvl Base : 999
Lvl Job : 99
a los gunslinger tienen lvl base max : 99 por eso se edito el arma garrison que se vende en el mall y con eso atacan 520.000
se buscan GM moderadores
npc: job master, warper, mvp, pvp, vendedo... | 0 | 261 |
779 | Skyzer-RO server mid rates 60x60x15%
mvp room,arena pvp,mercado
@go 0,@storage,@duel
Server dedicado GM amigables... | 0 | 241 |
780 | Libertad RO Rates 500x/500x/500x
Max lvl 99
Server PK
ASPD 190... | 0 | 242 |
781 | viciten a MetalZero-RO bueno les descrivire el server
baselv999 joblv300 maxstat500 npc custom si warp agent si healer si reset point si gold rom si y si quieres saber mas solo entra a nuestra web y baja el parche nos vemos hay... | 0 | 254 |
782 | Celes RO - Official Mailing System - Server Celes 5/5/10 - MaxLvl 99/70 - Server Cerberus 2000/2000/10 - MaxLvl 255/99 - All Classes - Homunculus - WoE 2.0 - PVP - Events - Custom NPCs - Upcoming Friendly Community - Dedicated 100Mbit/s - 24/7up... | 0 | 225 |
783 | ...:::RagnaHistory:::... Server BR, High(90k/90k/100%) e Low Rates(Em Breve), com 800 custom pra voce!
Lvl_max:800/300 Stats:800
ENTRE E CONFIRA!... | 0 | 264 |
784 | TechnoRO Parla hispana
rates 25x25x10
poca gente
0 lag
abierto SIEMRPRE
y GM entretenios ^^... | 0 | 240 |
785 | Strawberry Private Ragnar�k Online Rates 6.000x - 6.000x - 100%, Nivel M�ximo 255/200, Status M�ximo 255, Classes Expanded, Custom Itens, Custom NPCs, e muito mais, venha conferir e se divertir!... | 0 | 277 |
786 | MagnificRO Full PvP MagnificRO Rates 0/0/1% LvL Max 99/70 LvL Max automatico comandos: @allskills,@duel,@die... Todos os itens avenda por 0z... | 0 | 245 |
787 | SavantRO New!Low rates 15/15/3 MaxLv:99 Job:50 with new classes.Friendly community and nice Gm's too, Event everyday!... | 0 | 212 |
788 | Urso RO max lvl/job: 999/300
xp: 200k/200k 100%
NPC's extra: Gold ROom,Buffer,MvP,MvP Mini Boss,Resetador,Mestre das Classes.
+100 custons
... | 0 | 247 |
789 | RagnaVirtual TS - Teamspeak| Rates: 15k/15k/150x | LvL Max: 300/200 | Rachel,Veins E Muito Mais | Otima Staff | EXCLUSIVO: WOE DE BABYS | Quests De Custom Items | Mercado Negro | Venha fazer parte do nosso Mundo Virtual |... | 0 | 277 |
790 | Desparche RO Nueva Comunidad, servidor high rates, 200000/200000/20%, Woe, PvP, Comandos @warp @go, Customs quest, custom items (los hay tambien por quets), Donaciones, todo lo necesario para que intentes ser el mejor de Desparche RO, "No es solo un server,e... | 0 | 290 |
791 | Mhidely RO Servidor Hispano// Rates 25x | 25x | 10x// Gms Atentos y Creciendo Entren y disfruten con nosotros ^^//Servidor dedicado 24/7 siempre Online... | 0 | 267 |
792 | Yondaime Ragnar�k Online Servidor Novo, GM altamente divertidos, + de 200 custons, 24/7, 3 WoEs por semana. O que voc� esta esperando? baixe logo o patch e divirta-se!!!... | 0 | 222 |
793 | LikiRO Servidor Ragnarok Chileno Servidor Chileno. Rates 150/140/100/6. Cartas: 80x. Cartas MVP: 1x. Lvl m�x: 99/70, Stats m�x: 99.
Incluye� Moscovia y Endless Tower. Poring Ball, Maze ROom, Sistema de Guild Wars. WoE SE, WoE Ancient, Princess War y mucho m�s. Sin mapas o items cust... | 0 | 301 |
794 | Ideal Ragnarok Online � 850x/850x/Custom Drops � Level 99/70 � Stats 99 � Active WoE � Custom Quests � Lagless, Stable, Backup Protection � NO CUSTOM DONATION ITEMS �... | 0 | 356 |
Have you ever get the feeling like you're meant to do something extraordinary?
99/70 Midrate balance server full with custom items. Come and join us.... | 0 | 227 |
796 | Cocktail-Online� Serveur gratuit Middle/Hight FULL Customisation! 5k/5k/Custom|Lvl 500/180|Drops: 2.5%(mvp) 5%(normaux)|Capital: Ayothaya|+3000items|+400Npc|Map custom,Dongeon Inedit,Poring Ball,Poring Race,Ancien ROom,Dongeon Cocktail! venez vite!... | 0 | 316 |
797 | .:Black&White RO:. � HR & MR � Level 999/200 � Rates 50k/50k/20% � Max Stats 650 � Over 300 Customs � Poring Fu�ball, Poring Race � Maintown Prontera� Friendly GMs �MR � Level 255/130 � Rates 1000/1000/10% � Max Stats 250 � Over 300 Customs � Pring race � Visit use... | 0 | 271 |
798 | QQ Ragnarok Online Up-to-date stable eathena RO server with a great community, 5/5/3 Dedicated LR Server, 24/7.... | 0 | 248 |
799 | High hate Rate:200k/200k/50%
Lvl max:999/300
max atributos: Infinito vc distribue o m�ximo q quiser mas c por mto em for�a pod falta em dex etc... fa�a sua bild e owne... | 0 | 266 |
800 | Blast RO 20k/20k/70% Rates:20k/20k/70% Maxlvl:500/200
Super Aprendiz:175/70
Etc....... | 0 | 270 |