551 | Ethereal Kingdom PK Server, Rates 3k/3k/1k, We plan to have quests for all headgears, spree system, ranking system... | 0 | 288 |
552 | IlimitedRO Hates 3k/3k/40%, Lv Max: 255/120, Max Atributos Stats: 200//Baby 150, ASPD: 195, Episodio: Rachel, Woe: Ter�a e Quinda Das 19h as 21h...S�bado Das 17h as 19h...... | 0 | 247 |
553 | Ifrit Ragnarok Online Novo Servidor Brasileiro de Ragnarok
New Brazilian Private Server
Rates: 25/25/15
Max level: 99/70
pk mode... | 0 | 288 |
554 | ProBR-RO Server s�rio, online 24/7, ainda em constru�ao e implementando varios customs venha conferir voce tambem!... | 0 | 243 |
555 | Puddings RO 3k/3k/100 � 255/70 � Runs 24/7 � PK Server � Custom Equips/Cards/Monsters/Maps � Mini Games � Dedicated server � All Jobs � Custom Pets with Skills � No Wipe, EVER � Lots of Player Commands Including @autolootitem �
... | 0 | 257 |
556 | AtekO RO nuevo servidor 25x25x15x I Sistema Sql I Chileno I Estable y amigable I 24/7 I GM's 24 hrs Online I Apertura 5 de Abril del 2008 Entra a AtekO RO !... | 0 | 244 |
557 | XtremeMidgar Ragnarok Online 2008 XtremeMidgar 2008-Server Nuevo-Rates 10x 10x 5x-Customs Quets-Customs Mobs-Poring Ball-Actualizado-Eventos Divertidos-No Corrupcion-Invaciones-MVP Arena-Lab 4-Host Dedicado 24/7.... | 0 | 248 |
558 | TRENX Servidores Mexicanos de Ragnarok Online... | 0 | 312 |
559 | UntouchableRO 1000x1000x100x Warp Agent Reset Girl Kafra Refine Service Pvp Warper WoE Warper And More Join Now!~ Please...?xD... | 0 | 232 |
560 | Caos-RO ROda com: Kro , ou bRO , ou Sakray ... (N�o � necess�rio so 3 ... apenas 1 ja � o suiciente)
Servidor Caos:
Rates: 999k/999k/100%
M�x Level: 999
M�x Job: 999
M�x Stats: 999
Custons: Temos V�rios... Todos com allstats+20
NPCs: PvP Arena, Ranking, MVP ... | 0 | 254 |
561 | ROIlluminati Professionally Hosted RO Server Coming Up, No Lag No Wipe, 100% Support. Join Now!... | 0 | 361 |
562 | Pro-Rag Hates: 200k/200k/100%
Level M�ximo: 999
Job M�ximo: 999
Staff Competente / 100% Online
Vip / Donations
Suporte Online
[Venha J� Jogar Conosco!] Equipe Pro-Rag
Agradece!!... | 0 | 240 |
563 | Day Zero Ragnarok Level:255/120, Stats:200, 1000x/1000x/Varies, Custom Story/Headgear Quest System with Custom Skills, City Invasion, Custom MVP, Poring Ball, Custom set items, Custom Commands and more! Come join us~... | 0 | 271 |
564 | Ragnarok World Serveur rates 100/100 | Sous serveur D�di� | Level max 250/70| Capitale Prontera | Nombreux hats, Wings, Npc customs | Equipe dynamique et motiv�e toujours � l'�coute des joueurs avec un serveur en constante �volution ! Ce serveur est fait pour vous... | 0 | 257 |
565 | GamesRO Tr�s servidores de ragnarok com diversar categorias e gostos:
Servidores: High, Sirius, Dragons... | 0 | 255 |
566 | Extreme Soldier RO ESRO
ESRO � um servidor de ragnarok totalmente profissinal e com GMS especializados para atender a todos.
No ESRO voc� ir� encontrar a NPC Faz Tudo ( Job Master, PVP ROom, Gold ROom, Mercado Negro, Mercad�o dos Players, Arena MVP...), O teleporter p... | 0 | 277 |
567 | ChobitChii RO Very Good High Rate Server, Max lvl 255/120. Friendly GM's & Players, Lots of Customs, All new jobs/Quests working. And alot more. Really Worth a try.... | 0 | 264 |
568 | Inject RO Rates 200k/200k/100% - 24/7 ON - Woe todos os dias,sistema vip,donates,varias customs.
... | 0 | 228 |
569 | vhxRO 250/250/30 � Max L180/70 � Custom Quests, Items, and NPC's � ~100 Custom Cards � 350+ Custom Pets � Customized Casino Gambling w/ Prizes � Events � Official Mail/Auction � No Imbalancing Items. � Frequent Updates � WoE � All Classes � Great community... | 0 | 246 |
570 | TeraRO Reverence Max 99/80 O melhor server em que voc� p�de jogar.
D� uma passada aqui, GM's interativos, WoE's monstras...Stalker com skill trans e muito mais!!!... | 0 | 335 |
571 | InvisibleRO Brand New! International PK Server|High Rate-2k/2k/500|Max Lvl-230/70|WoE|Pvp|Events|Friendly Community|Many Custom Quests/Customs|All Classes|Anti-Bot System|NO LAG|ONLINE 24/7|ENDLESS TOWER|MOSCOVIA|SATAN MORROC DUN|Fully Updated!!... | 0 | 269 |
572 | ragnarok Online servidor 24/7 online com varios custons itens
rate 50k/50k/15%
300/150 max status 00
... | 0 | 223 |
573 | HeroBRO RATE 20k/20k/100%(base/job/drop) | LvL 400/200 | STATS 300 | +200 CUSTOM(177 EM QUESTS) | RANK PvP/GvG e EMPERIUM BREAKERS | YGG e GTB oFF | GMs ON | WOE 3x | 24/7 ON | KRO e SAKRAY ou BRO | SERVIDOR SEGURO | SISTEMA ANTI-BOT | DEVIL SQUARE |... | 0 | 247 |
574 | Join it Today SerenityRO� Ger/Eng Highrate[5k/5k/1K]lowrate[50/50/50] Npc costum, new Maps[new WoE castel] new hairstyle usw.
Homepage: Serenityro.de.vu... | 0 | 351 |
575 | TamaichiiRO We are a new small Server. Rates are 10k/10k100%
... | 0 | 262 |
576 | Dennis RO A really nice server with good players and friendly GMs,super balanced job and exp,weekend WoE and events!!!
JOIN US NOW~~... | 0 | 252 |
577 | Knights Of Avalon Gm Amigables, 10X10X8, Poring Ball, Muscovia. DB ROom, Event ROom. 04/04/08 Gran Apertura. Integrate a est� Comunidad Y Diviertete aqu�
... | 0 | 268 |
578 | DeliciousRO [� Statisticas �]
~ Site http://www.DeliciousRO.net
~ F�rum Em Breve!!
~ Patch http://www.deliciousro.net/index.php?page=downpatch
~ ROda com bRO, kRO, Sakray, iRO atualizados!
~ Comunidade no Orkut http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=47060845
~... | 0 | 288 |
579 | UchihaRO servidor de ragnarok, comunidad en crecimiento,con gms corruptos y dedicados, hoster 24/7 dedicado, con rates 1500x/1500x/25%, max lvl 99/70 , que esperas a unirte a UchihaRO Entra Ya!!... | 0 | 246 |
580 | Global-RO 100k/100k/10% | Woe dias Ter�a, quinta, S�bado e Domingo.... | 0 | 303 |
581 | wow guild my guild ^^... | 0 | 263 |
582 | ~ Lif-RO eAthena ~ || Servidor Hispano || 1000x/1000x/100x/5x || Activo 24/7 || Servidor Totalmente Dedicado || 0 lag || Conexion 2gb || 3 WoE'S por Semana || Quest Nuevas || Lvl Max 99/70 || Stats Max 99 || Baby Stats Max 80 || 1 Baby WoE por Semana || Sin Custom ||... | 0 | 243 |
583 | GORRIAK RO 100X 100X 100X MVP CARD 1X Servidor dedicado, comunidad en crecimiento, no custom items, unete a la experiencia...... | 0 | 263 |
584 | ThrymRO Nuevo Servidor Espa�ol low rates 4x/4x/4x
2 WoEs por semana, Eventos, SIN LAG
Servidor Dedicado - GMs Serios... | 0 | 231 |
585 | Ragnalan Mais de 20 Quests Custons! Varios Custom Item, WOE e PVP!!!100k/100k/100% Milhares de Custons Itens e Quests - LVLMAX - 999/999... | 0 | 259 |
586 | FansRO [Veins][Rates: 90/10k/50k/100k][+300 custom itens][Best GMs][Datacenter Brasileiro][ZERO LAG][Poring Ball][PVP Rank][bRO/kRO]
Download:http://arena.fansro.org/fansro_bro.exe... | 0 | 303 |
587 | zeRO - Ragnarok Online English/German | START 11.04.2008 lowRate Server 'Thor' (6/6/4) + Custom NPCs, Satan Morroc & Moscovia with Dungeon. Free Server, Join Now!... | 0 | 260 |
588 | DeamonRO Low-Rate-Server || Rates 10/10/5 || Custom NPCs || Custom Items || und vieles mehr || nette GMs || 24/7 || No Lags || Der D�mon in dir wird erwachen... | 0 | 234 |
589 | .:: Fake Ragnarok Online ::. FakeRO is the dark and sexy 8/8/6 open PK server where night is always enabled.
We make interesting modifications to the game while trying to keep everything stable.
Server opens on February 28th 2009.
May contain some nudity. ;)
... | 0 | 239 |
590 | SkyRO Rates : 2k/2k/30% | Max lvl : 254/120... | 0 | 262 |
591 | RagnaVipers Rates : 50k/50k/90% / Max level 999/170 / Customs / Events every day / Market / Quests and more... | 0 | 242 |
592 | Summon RO 30k/30k/20% Equip/5% Card Max Level: 1200 Max Stats: 600 Still Building Phase, but playable. Banner isn't correct yet.;)... | 0 | 258 |
593 | The Imposible RO Its a new Low Rate Server[Rates:5x/5x/10x Max lvl:999/150 <-- omg , but we'll makin custom mob as well u being lvl,we have same sex marriege ] we do not accept discrimination.... | 0 | 553 |
594 | Empire-RO 5000/5000/100% mais de 60 custons, npcs especiasis, staff competente. 24/7 ROda com o BRO/KRO/Sakray. Evento Especial: Invas�o em Rune-Midgard.... | 0 | 242 |
595 | RaGnArUx Venha Participar do nosso Serve Serve 100% Dedicado i mt mais venha conferir.Rates 10/10/5.... | 0 | 243 |
596 | SunriseRO Low/Mid Rate Come join this Low/Mid rate server. 1k/1k/100%/4%(cards). It's fun and exciting and Updates will be made soon and GM's are on plenty of the time.... | 0 | 259 |
597 | AbsolutRO | AbsolutRO | Rates: 300x/300x/150x Drop de MvP e mini-boss cards 0.3% | Lv Max: 99/70 | Veins | PvP Ranking | Staff atenciosa | ROda com bRO | dedicado de 100Mbps | Estr�ia dia 25/05... | 0 | 245 |
598 | NightmareRO O Melhor High Rate Do Brasil Chegou O Mais Novo High Rate Do Brasil
NightmareRO!!! Ele e Perfeito Para Voc�
Max Stats:999
Max LeveL:999/70
Mais De 120 Custom Items
- Eventos Diarios
- Staff Amigavel
- Sem Lag
- 12/7 Logo Mais Vai Ser 24/7
- Novo Patch Em Constru��o Com Mais D... | 0 | 401 |
599 | InsideRagnarokOnline! 25k/25k/40% 800/300,Max Stats 600,Max Atkspeed 195,0% de Lag mesmo!,Ajude-nos a crescer... | 0 | 235 |
600 | Lux Aeterna RO servidor dedicado venezolano de rates 150/150/20%ekip/5%cards gm amigables no corruptos con experiencia sin lag eventos 3 dias a la semana quest custom !NO ITEM CUSTOM! entra y diviertete ya ^^... | 0 | 248 |