51 | Deity Ragnarok Online | 7x/7x/5x DeityRO is a brand new low-rate server with a lot to offer! Including our own party system, and a lot more! Check out our site for more details.... | 1 | 620 |
52 | SpartanRO Servidor Mexicano 8x 8x 6x, Lv Max Second Job 99/50 Renacidos 99/70, dedicado 24/7 GM's Amables y disponibles, Dimensional Gorge y Ash Vaccum Disponibles, Customs por Quest, Balanceado, No Corrupcion... | 1 | 849 |
53 | RagnaPOP - Orion Rates: 25/25/15/3/1 ~ eAthena emulator ~ Up-to-date ~ 99/70 ~ Ep. Moskovia ~ Lots of commands for free ~ Unique Vipop system ~ New server ~ Professional staff ~ forum&website ~ Tons of Events ~ WoE 1 & 2 ~ 20lvl share party ~ Game Customs & more... B... | 1 | 577 |
54 | Tsukiohana RO Events everyday, Balanced items, Lots of custom items, PK server, 24/7 Online visit our site for more infos!... | 1 | 677 |
55 | Nakama RO Deutscher Server | 24/7 online | Rates: 20/20/10 | Max LV 99/70 | aktives, nettes GM Team | freundliche Community | Custom NPC's | Commands | weitere Informationen auf der Homepage... | 1 | 563 |
56 | ~! COMING SOON !!! ~ Infused-RO !~ ~! COMING SOON!!!! Brand NEW 99/70 Low Rate Server! Rates are 10x/10x/10x(.1% Monster Card Drop%, .01% MVP Card Drop%)! WoE for every town! WoE 2.0 Implemented! KotH Everyday! Newest eAthena svn! New Control Panel! New Donation System! Anti-WPE/Ant... | 1 | 653 |
57 | RetRO 1,5k / 1,5K / 40% normal items Alpha Maps, Tons of customs, new pvp systems, non-PK server Friendly GMs, International Server, custom quests... | 1 | 683 |
58 | HarmonicRO 50x50x25x rates! 5x MVP! Max level 150/90! Perfectly balanced server, fair and friendly GMs. Custom items, WoE and events every week! Fully updated with the latest episode 13.2 - Nameless Island and Mascovia! Come give us a try today!... | 1 | 567 |
59 | HeliosRO (Kick Ass Gaming) NEW International 3k/3k/1k Server | Well Balanced | On-Going Developement | Friendly & Active Community | Coruption Free GMs | Join Us Today !... | 1 | 588 |
60 | Mave-RO - The Next Generation Mave-RO Wiederer�ffnung Brand Neu seit 1. M�rz.
Wir sind zur�ck mit neuen Rates (5/5/4) Eigenen Custom Quests und vielem mehr.
Bei uns bekommt nur derjenige etwas der auch was daf�r tut.
Wie �blich kein Warper, Job Changer oder unbalanced Custom item... | 1 | 568 |
61 | Harvest Ragnarok Exp Rates 1500x1250 | Job 3rd ( Sura,Rune Knight and Others | Base Lv: 160 | Job Lv: 50 | Max Aspd: 193 | Faction System | House System | 1000+ Custom Equip | Elegant Graphic | Mob Card: 2,5% | MvP Card: 0,25% |... | 1 | 536 |
62 | OtakuRO - The Best Server Br rates 100k/100k/100% | Max lvl 1000/219 | Max stats 999 | Max Aspd 199 | Media 30 Online | Server eAthena SQL | Let�s R�K!!... | 0 | 432 |
63 | FantasyRO ! Server Brazuuca !
Server High Rates ! 4k / 4k / 90% !
24 / 7 ! Custom Itens, Pets e Cards !
Server 24 / 7, com GM's amig�veis e prestativeis !
Homunoculos ! Custom Itens Seller e muitos outros NPC's para voc� se divertir ! Venha para essa aventura !... | 0 | 313 |
64 | destruidor-ro serv on 24/7 compativel com o bro fiunciona @go @warp @autoloot e rate dele e 2k/2k/50%... | 0 | 257 |
65 | Blaze-RO ROda com bro. Rates 2k/2k/350x/100x
level max 255/125
Lets-GO... | 0 | 265 |
66 | Shikamaru-RO Shikamaru-RO High
Rates: 2k/2k/1k
Level Max:255/120
Custons iten's, Custons Card's..
Control Painel (Cp ou Control painel)
Online 24 Horas por dia 7 dias por semana sem lag (24/7 no lag)...
Gm's Ativos, equipe especializada...
Eventos di�r... | 0 | 374 |
67 | Kmote-ro Servidor Latino | Rates 25k/25k/100% | Customs Hats,Wings y Armas Healer pvp Platinum skills Todos los jobs funcionando Max lvl 999 Max stat 400 Para Babys 500 server Up 16/7 Abbey,Veins y namaless habilitado =D... | 0 | 322 |
68 | Naruto Ragnarok Online Rates:30/30/100x
Classes: Gennin, Chunnin, Jounnin, Kage e akatsuki!!
Comandos: @go... | 0 | 305 |
69 | roFX ~ High and Low Rates ~ Low Rate: 7/7/4 High Rate: 3k/3k/1k bolt are PK enabled!~ Thor's Dungeon and Abbey ENABLED!! ~ Working Ninja & Gunslingers ~ Different PVP & GVG environment styles ~ Fully working Homunculus... | 0 | 285 |
70 | Magical Dreamers Servidor 100% mexicano 10x//10x//5x Ya contamos con vulcano dungeon y veins Woes miercoles y sabados Sin Corrupcion... | 0 | 261 |
71 | ROtaku Servidor low rates 5/5/5 @ No custom items @ 1 a�o en linea @ Cero lag @ Comunidad amigable @ warper y styler NPC @ WoE miercoles y sabado @ GMs dedicados y experimentados @ Vengan y pruebenlo, no se arrepentiran!!... | 0 | 291 |
72 | Tekila-RO Servidor 100% Espa�ol - 500 Custom Items -
Homoculous - Rates 2k/2k/2k - Max level -
300 - Job Level 120 -... | 0 | 295 |
73 | ZenaRO American/Israeli Server Max Lv.999,Max Job.70 + Stast/skill seller to buy Skill and Stats Max Stats 999 NPC's:
Gold room,pvp arena,Mall shop,and many many more!... | 0 | 331 |
74 | EpiphanyRO Epiphany RO is a steadily growing server at the rates of 30/30/15. Max level 99/50, 99/70 trans. We have WoE twice a week with a great friendly community. GM Staff is knowledgeable and active. Join us today!... | 0 | 271 |
75 | Malawi Online 25x EXP - Custom Drops - Max Level : 99/70 - Newly Opened - English GM Support... | 0 | 282 |
76 | G�tterd�mmerung (GdRO) - Best German GdRO XP Server (High Rate) - Base / Job 3000x - Drops 200x - Cards 150x - 300 max Base Level - 125 max Job Level (rebirth) - 255 max Sats - Crystal ROom, CtF, Tron,... - GdRO Office - 24/7 Online - S�mtliche Klassen verf�gbar - Town WoE - keine Wipes... | 0 | 282 |
78 | KisuRO || deutscher Server || Rates 150 / 150 / 100 || maxlvl 255 / 70 || nette GM's || Mainchat NPC || Jobchanger || Homunculus, Gunslinger, Ninja || Custom Headgears || neuste Dungeons wie u.A. Thor Volcano || Radio, Gallery, Klatschpresse u.v.m. ||... | 0 | 278 |
79 | DeliriumRO: Lords of Chaos English only. Low-Rate ROle-Play server. Original storyline and events. Friendly community and GMs. Race System: Elf, Fairy, Beast, Human, Titan, Dwarf, (Arc)Angels, Demons.... | 0 | 282 |
80 | Eternal~LoveRO Job Changer
Baby Changer
300/120 (base/job lvl)
@ commands (do @commands for list)
More places to get married
Custom items/pets/hair/questCustom Hair style (over 30 to pick)
Custom monster pets and human pets (some are ... | 0 | 256 |
81 | � SmokeRO� � We have friendly people.Mostly GM's ^^ Our rates are only display in our website..^^
For now, We are currently recruiting a dedicated host. If you think you can be one, Join us now ^^... | 0 | 245 |
82 | AdventureRO - Start your Adventurer NOW! � 10/10/10 Lowrate Server � No Jobchanger � No free Warper � Anti Cheat System � Official Mailing System � Dayily Backups All Classes � Homunculus � WoE � PVP � Events � Custom NPCs � Custom Quests � Friendly Community � Dedicated 24/7... | 0 | 284 |
83 | LongBeach113 RO Formerly known as DarkPhoenixRO
Rates: 50k/50k/100... | 0 | 307 |
84 | Zephon Ragnarok Online, Medium Rates Buenos d�as, buenas tardes y buenas noches a todos. Me presento, soy + Zephon_GM +, Administrador del server Zephon Ragnarok Online, de Medium Rates 500x/500x/500x, rebirth 99/50, m�x lvl 99/70, m�x stats 99, nada de custom, tenemos los NPCs necesari... | 0 | 277 |
85 | Sacred Angel RO 200/ 200 / 40 with a twist | Crazy Custom Mobs|Custom Gears | Devil Square|Daily Invasion| COme Join the FUn, We Hope to see you there.... | 0 | 284 |
86 | ..:: Aki-RO || International Server::.. Just Wiped Midrate 350/350/50! Weekly events! Custom items! Event coin system! Poring ball! Dodgeball Events! Awesome team! JOIN NOW!!! Se habla Espa�oL!... | 0 | 280 |
87 | GeoRO 2.0:Welcome to the Next Generation Rates: 7000x base | 7500x Job | 10000x items (5k for mvp drops)
Max Level: 1000/120
Max Hp/Sp: 20 mil
Uptime: almost 24/7
WoE: 4 Times daily for one hour on weekdays and four times daily for four hours on weekends.
Custom npcs: over 28
Custom I... | 0 | 270 |
88 | RenegadeRO Server Information:
Rates: 50k/50k/100%
Max Lvl: 999/120
Max Stat: 500
Main Town: Prontera
More info on website/forums.... | 0 | 320 |
89 | BestRO A Friendly server with GM that can help you in all your problems. Custom items that is acquired to quest and a new place to battle with your party. Stronger custom monsters is engage in this server and fight them for their good custom items. We have ... | 0 | 378 |
90 | Nocturne Ragnarok Online Servidor Espa�ol Rates 100/100/100 LVL Max 99/70 NPC: Jobchange,PVP,WARP Dugeon Ciudades, shop,etc. Descripci�n de ITEMS y del server en espa�ol!... | 0 | 291 |
91 | Imortal Ragnarok Brasil 100% em Portugu�s ][ 5/5/2 - 1k/1k/100 ][ High Rate PvP/Pk para lvl 70 ou maior]
Mais de 150 jogadores por castelo na WoE.... | 0 | 267 |
92 | SolarRO Free Ragnarok Online Server - Hundreds of Custom Items, NPC's, Maps and more! Friendly Staff/Players. Rates 1000/1000. Ninja/Gunslinger/Taekwon/Soul Linker. Homunculus Working 100%... | 0 | 382 |
93 | RegenerationRO A Ragnarok game full of experienced GM's, Server Developers and Designers. We have a well maintained 1500x1500x500 High rate server.... | 0 | 258 |
94 | SexyRO SexyRO,
Breve com voc�... | 0 | 256 |
95 | eROtic Erotic RO is a mid-rate hentai server (300/300/100) Max levels of 500/120, and WoE once a Week! (sat) Everything from Custom Headgears, Sprites, Monsters, Mobs, and Quests... Because, What isn't naughty?....... | 0 | 1163 |
96 | RagnaUp! 30/30/15 � Servidor BR � 100% Portugu�s � ROda com bRO/kRO/Sakray � Online 24/7 � LHZ E NHZ � Servidor Novo [01/05/07] � Venha conhecer!... | 0 | 282 |
97 | KalistoRO Kingdom of Kalisto is a smaller community with a new stable server. We have all character classes working fully.... | 0 | 366 |
98 | SatisfactionRO Deutscher Ragnarok Server | Rates: 15/15/100 max lvl 99 max stats 70 + Custom NPCs, PvP&MvP Arenen, fast alles deutsch und mehr... | 0 | 324 |
99 | DeviruchiRO Rates: 10x/10x/5x, Ceres Control Panel, Monster spawn rate 100%, eAthena SVN 10115 Stable SQL, General @ Commands
NPC's: 1 click healer, city and dungeon warper, pvp warper, mvp warper, donation girl, street mall, banker, guild banker, rentals, dyes,... | 0 | 283 |
100 | SimpleRO this is a free donation server any one who join will stay here ^^ just try it..... | 0 | 296 |