701 | ForbiddenRO Active Friendly GM, Daily Event, Quest NPC, MVP Warper, Warp NPC, WOE, 200+ over Custom, 24/7 Server UP, 200 / 200 / 20 ( 10% Normal Card and 0.05 MVP Card )... | 0 | 263 |
702 | MetamorphosisRO Tired of servers that constantly wipe, lag or filled with corruption?
Well that's the exact reason we made this server. We provide you with high leveling rates but lower item drops so if you decide you don't like us it's not a big deal to you! Ou... | 0 | 248 |
703 | RamineRO English/Deutsch/Русский ��� Server start 30.05.2008 ��� Server Rates are 1/1/1 ��� Original KRO before Episode 6 ��� Last patch is Nifflheim. ��� NO TRANSCENDENT Classes!!! ��� NO Homunculus! ��� NO NEW MAPS!... | 0 | 270 |
704 | ProjectRO ProjectRO 24/7Dedic.99/70.150/150/80.LowRate. Staff dedic ON.Quests.Itens.610Mapas.@warp@go@storage@duel e muito mais venha se divertir com agente .... Camon Let�s Go....... | 0 | 271 |
705 | Gothic RO server com equips all 4slots menos shild 2slots
stats max 9999
100k rates
lvl max 1000/500
venham jogar com a gente
obs: quando entrar no site procure logo o link do orkut
pra entrar na comu e baixar o novo patch
mais informa�oes
entre na comu: ht... | 0 | 261 |
706 | Excellento RO �timo, perfeito, soberano, sublime, mestre, magn�nimo, inquestion�vel servidor de Ragnarok, aqui sim voc� se surpriender�. Ent�o se voc� � uma pessoa sensata e l�gica, venha logo!... | 0 | 257 |
707 | HeroesRO A sua jornada come�a aqui!... | 0 | 237 |
708 | || XoneRO || Servidor Hispano High Rates, Custom Items, Custom Mobs, Woe Semanales, Gm�s Amigables, Cero Lag, 512 Bandwidht Dedicado.... | 0 | 265 |
709 | Kawaii-ro Serveur Custom/1m.1m.100%/Sclientinfo Disponible/Full Client Bientot Disponible/Pet Custom a venir/Systeme Pokemon a venir/Nous recherchons un H�bergeur Stable/On attend plus que vous !... | 0 | 241 |
710 | Conceal Ragnarok Online Shyyy......
That is a secret paradise~~!!!... | 0 | 259 |
711 | HanamiRO 2k/2k/100%(cards 30%) � 255/150 � Hundreds Custom Items & Quests � friendly GM's � Unique Custom Mobs and Pets � many @commands like @warp, @storage... � all classes � JOIN NOW! =)
... | 0 | 244 |
712 | RObot RO Servidor Brasileiro
Rates: 500/500/250
Max lvl: 99/70... | 0 | 237 |
713 | RagnaUp Servidor 24/7
Npcs Customs
-Gold ROom
-Mvp e Mini Boss ROom
-Removedora de cards
-Removedor de pontos
-Mestra das classes
-BabyJob Changer
-Super Buffer
-Pvp e Gvg
-Gm Status
-Sala de Suporte
-Ranking Pvp Gvg e Emp Breaker
-Super merc... | 0 | 253 |
714 | R A G N A R O RagnaRO Servidor 24/7 Rates 30/30/20
comandos Publicos:
Comandos Vip
sala vip:
NPC's de venda simples
removedora de card
reset de stats
... | 0 | 215 |
715 | Extreme Ragnarok Online Extreme Ragnarok Online | The new genaration server! | Rates: 250x/250x/40% | Max lvl: 254/100 | Venha jogar ! Voc� n�o ir� largar mais o ragnarok !
para mais informa��es acesse: www.extreme-ro.org... | 0 | 243 |
716 | Tsubasa Online Ben voici le serveur RP par exelence vien voir clique ^^ rates 500/500/custom lvlmax 255/120(avd)... | 0 | 242 |
717 | MachineRO melhor game de todos... | 0 | 323 |
718 | Kingdom Of Valhalla Serveur RO Qu�becois Rate: 700/700/3%
serv. 24/24 7/7
Npc dispo:Stylist-Cloneur-Warpeuse-Banquier-Annonceur-Healer-Job Master Event Regulier Item/Hat Custom
Gm A L'�coute Lv Max 400 job 150 stat illi ! Venez En Grand nombre woe 3x/sem 2X/jour
System de peuple impanter... | 0 | 262 |
719 | Legion The prophecy Welcome to the server ragnarok online 300/300/300 full custom with communauty french, and english :)... | 0 | 227 |
720 | Max-RO Servidor Colombiano con todo lo mejor de ragnarok � ONline 100% � low Rates 10x/10x/10x Cards 0.10% Nuevos npc� Max Lvl 99/70 � GM's Responsables � Comunidad Amigable! � Eventos � Algunos Custom � NO lang � Sin Corrupci�n � Unete Ya!.
... | 0 | 226 |
721 | DanceRO - NEW SERVER DanceRO is a NEW Server started at 06.06.2008 // PK Mode(PvP-Server) // Rates: 5k/5k/50 // Max Level 300 // Max Stats 300 // Official Auction System // Anti Cheat System // All Classes // latest eAthena // up to date // Homunculus // WoE // PVP // Ev... | 0 | 247 |
722 | DkasRO - The RO of Challenge! New High Rate Server! 255/85 | 8k/8k/Custom | Lots of Custom Npc's | 200+ Custom Items | Active GM's! | Lagless Community | 31 Hairstyles, 271 Hair Colors, 521 Cloth Colors | Enhanced 4 Times a Week WOE | Custom Items: Quest, Treasure and Monster Dr... | 0 | 232 |
723 | Panda RO Episode 12.1 (Satan Morocc Ressurection), 40/40/15,PvP,Endless Tower,Rachel, Veins, Moscovia,sala DeathBranch,Servidor dedicado(7/24)Emulador full actualizado,GMs y cominudad amigable
... | 0 | 241 |
724 | FactionsRO Ragnarok Free Private Server... | 0 | 250 |
725 | Ragnalive Rates do Servidor: 500x/500x/1.5%
Level Max: 260/80
Max Stats: 150
Max ASPD: 190
Estatisticas do Servidor: Brasileiro 24/7 ~ 24Horas Online
Emulador: Cronus-Emulator
Comandos: @go, @warp
Comandos Vip: @autoloot, @mobinfo, @mobsearch, @autotrade, @due... | 0 | 228 |
726 | OblivionRO Rates: 30x/30x/15x | Woe aos S�bados e Domingos | Painel de Controle | Server 24/7 Confira!!!... | 0 | 229 |
727 | ElectronicRO, High Rate PVP Ragnarok ElectronicRO, a High Rate Singapore Free PVP WOE Ragnarok Online Private Server with lots of customs items and customs npcs. New Woe system enabled wand LAGLESS!Join Us NOW!!! Main Site: freewebs.com/freehighratepvp
Registration Site: ecro.no-ip.info... | 0 | 224 |
728 | Also-RO 15x,15x,15x Also-RO is here! Daily events, Devil Square, old school PvP maps and much more! Join the community so you can also be part of Also-RO!... | 0 | 258 |
729 | KiriRO 250x/250x/100x Rates! Active, Friendly Community! Balanced Donation Items! Custom Gear, Custom Wings, Custom Auras! Balanced PVP and PvE! Daily Events! 3x Weekly WoE! Active Gm's! What RO was meant to be! Fun!... | 0 | 268 |
730 | FallenRO FallenRO Hoster Dedicado,VIP Custando Apenas 7 Reais,Inaugura��o Prevista Para Dia 30/06/08,GM's Amigaveis,Rates 300/300/40,Periodo de Double XP Aproveite
Status Do Servidor:
Servidor 100%
NPCS 70%
CP 60%
Site 50%
Patch 0%
Forum 0%... | 0 | 210 |
731 | New-Era-Ragnarok Serve 100k/100k/100%
Lv 700 / job 150
custon e muito mais...... | 0 | 245 |
732 | Zerlotus-RO Tu comunidad Hispana De RO Zerlotus-RO - Servidor Espa�ol dedicado 24/7 | 0 lagg | 24 horas on | Rates: 14x/14x/13 | Max Level: 99/70 | Healer, PvP Arena, Stats Reset | WOE's | GM Amigables y no corruptos | Comunidad en crecimiento, lo unico que te pedimos a cambio es divertir... | 0 | 345 |
733 | Mi Bro - F� Server Mi Bro - F� Server : Contamos com um servidor Low Rates chamado �ris cujas Rates s�o 10/10/07. WoE/GdE todos os s�bados das 19 as 21 horas. Venha voc� conferir, contamos com sua presen�a! Atenta: Equipe Mi Bro � �ris... | 0 | 249 |
734 | Revo RO �No Botting � Anti Cheat System � 3k/3k/10 � MaxLvl 99/70 � MaxStats 99 � All Classes � Homunculus � WoE � PVP � Events � Custom NPCs � Custom Items(coming soon) � Custom Quests(coming soon) �... | 0 | 218 |
735 | Bitz-RO [Free Server][10k/10k/100%][255/120][Friendly/Helpful GM's][Custom Items][Custom Pets][Balanced Classes][Dedicated Server 24/7 Online] JOIN NOW!!!!... | 0 | 236 |
736 | ROleamos Ragnarok Online Server Server Espa�ol 24/7, rates 12/12/12, futuros customs items, cards, monsters, quests, maps.
WOE S�bados 18:00-20:00 horario peninsular. Pr�xima opertura.... | 0 | 236 |
737 | Mega-RO - Fun e High |Epis�dio Veins | Fun 100k/100k/100% | High 10k/10k/50% | WOE 3x | Varios Eventos Diarios | @go-@warp-@autotrade-@autoloot-@storage-@duel | Dedicado 24/7 No Lag | 250+ CUSTON ITENS| Poring Ball. Mercado Negro. BabyJobChanger. MvP ROom. PvP Rank... | 0 | 264 |
738 | TechnoRO O Melhor Server do Brasil!! Esse � o TechnoRO, o mais novo e o melhor server do brasil!!!
Rates: 100k/100k/100x
Mais INforma��es no site
... | 0 | 295 |
739 | EnergiiRO Online ||Servidor Chileno|| || LvL Max 255 || Npc de:Card,God,Hat,Item Etc || al iniciar tu juego el server te regala 200m para que compres item a tu guisto || GM Amigables pero serios al momento de serlo ||... | 0 | 252 |
740 | Legio Gaming Ragnarok Hellraiser:
Ne Menge Neuer npc Quest�s
Es kommen immer neue Sachen dazu.
Baslevel:255 Max Joblevel:125
Haben Custom Item,Donation,Freundliche GM�s
Maintrace: Sonntag 0 Uhr -1 Uhr
WoE Zeiten:
20-21Uhr Montag & Freitag
Novi-Baby ... | 0 | 273 |
741 | HalifaxRO HalifaxRO � um servidor ragnarok online brasileiro roda com sakray e/ou bro
Rates: 30k/30k/10% (base/job/drop)
[ quando termina a vota�ao da enquete vou mudar os rates ]
Level m�ximo: 600/150 (Base/Job) Status M�ximos: 500
Comandos: @autoloot, ... | 0 | 290 |
742 | HonorHold RO Rates 100x/100x/20x ~New Server~ Custom npcs, Healer, Skill Resetter, Stat Resetter, Job Changer, Platinum Skill, Dungeon Warper, War of Emperiumm, Marriage System, Adoption System. Mini Games, Events, And alot More
... | 0 | 245 |
743 | WTF-RO Rates: 0/0/0 - Lv Paralelo |Capture a Bandeira MOD- S� pvp! - Quase todos itens de gra�a - 95+ Custom - WoE Disputadas - Instant Lv99/70. E muito mais!
... | 0 | 236 |
744 | Liberth-RO || O in�cio da aventura! Rates 3k/3k/30%, Vel. de Atq: 195,Level maximo: 300/150, Servidor dedicado ^^, staff amig�vel!! Entre j�!... | 0 | 220 |
745 | Returns forever Ragnarok Rates: [3k/3k/70%] base/job/drop
LvL M�ximo: 400/200
Stats: 500
Emulador: Cronus SQL
Servidor: 24/7 (Dedicado)
RAM Dedicada: 1.5Gb
Conex�o: 8 MG
[NO LAG] [100% FREE]
Detabase, tutoriais, builds...... | 0 | 264 |
746 | Super RO El Mejor Server De Ragnarok... | 0 | 267 |
747 | Best Server Ever just like the Original This is a high rate server with all of new headgears available by quest, and its very close to real ragnarok so it doesn have any custom, this server is very balanced and stable join now!!... | 0 | 288 |
748 | Arunafeltz-RO Arunafeltz-RO 100% Serio [24/7] M�ximo Lvl/Job/Stats: 225/120/200
Rates 300x/250x/20x Cartas: 0.25%
Npcs: Todos en espa�ol Somos un servidor nuevo y libre de corrupci�n. partimos el: 13/06/08... | 0 | 237 |
749 | Vit�riaRO Servidor AUEI - [Rate: 30k/30k/30k, Level: 300, Status: 300, Job: 300] | Servidor REP�BLICA - [Rate: 100x/100x/100x, Level: 100, Status: 100, Job: 100] | KRO e Sakray | 250+ Customs | Sem Itens Donators | Sem Lag | Venha fazer parte vc tambem!... | 0 | 264 |
750 | TwiztidRO Great Community Many Customs Rates 60000k 60000k 5000k... | 0 | 220 |