401 | Mu stroond 99z 24 horas on 4000xp 1 do ranking quee chega a 300 resets ganhaa 1 set full jogueem mu stroond .. Vende bless , k+1 , k+2 . Perfeitoo .... | 0 | 292 |
402 | EVO-MU 1 MuOnline Server... | 0 | 256 |
403 | .:: AliensMuOnline ::. 1. Max resets: 842. Char must be at least Server: Aliens MuVersion: 97d+99iExp amp Drops: 150x amp 70 Mobs HP: 60Bless Bug: OFF2.Level Reset: 350 lvl3. Char recieves 450 points for every reset 4. Reset costs 10 mil x resetnumber... | 0 | 280 |
404 | ElevenMU 1.00.08 Exp:9999 Drop:100 Nice admin and GMs Join now... | 0 | 260 |
405 | AsusMu 1.00L , 3500exp , 80 drop , super shops amp super spots , NO BUG , lvl max 400 , conection 1MB/s real time , 4GB RAM , 6000 Ghz , so come and enjoy us ... Server From Romania ... Language : Romanian , English... | 0 | 258 |
406 | Kodjakasmu 1.00L EXP/DROP 500/80 FULL SPAWN EVENT TIME ONLINE 24/7... | 0 | 247 |
407 | Rulzan-MU 1.00L,exp 2.500X,international made in romania server,come,,, just try )... | 0 | 310 |
408 | MU SlayeR ver 1.01e 1.01e VERSION [New Skills ] [Weapons] [Maps working] [Duel Working] [EXP: x2000 Drop: 90] [Come and join us Guys]... [FORUM: ]... | 0 | 323 |
409 | SKYNET MU ONLINE 1.01e version BOX +1+2+3 in shop LVL up points 20/30 Webshop EXP:9999x drop rate:100 JOIN US... | 0 | 280 |
410 | MU HLB 1.02 PRO 3000xp 70 Drop... | 0 | 248 |
411 | Black Server 1.02 S1 Free bugs Exp 500 Drops 80 Nice spots Bles bug Off ..:: Enjoy ::..... | 0 | 302 |
412 | CycLoneMu Season 2 Exp:100xDrop:60x 1.02c Server Exp:100x, Drop:60, ReserLimit:10res ,Very Best Spots,Event:Kundun,Kanture,ChaosCastle.BloodCastle,DevilSquare,Balgass EVENTS, Bugless Files ,7/24Online,COME ALL We wait for you... | 0 | 279 |
413 | New COOL srever 1.02d // Ancient items drop from heart of love // Good spots // 10-15 pts... | 0 | 250 |
415 | Faction Mu 1.02N Exp : MAX Drop : 95 Soul Succes Rate : 100 Life Succes Rate : 100 Chaos Machine : 100 Nice Comunity Nice GM039s Nice Shops Nice Spots Join Today... | 0 | 267 |
416 | Vision Mu 1.02N + 3D 5000X 85 DROP JOIN US... | 0 | 250 |
417 | HighZone Mu 1.02N + 3D Exp 5000x Drop 100 8/10 Point for level 24/7 Good Admin , Shop Spots FREE BUG... | 0 | 289 |
418 | mu1.02n exp20 1.02n Exp20 Drop35 New mu server Today open... | 0 | 273 |
419 | mu 1.02n exp:20 1.02n mu online today open exp20 drop35 no lag... | 0 | 308 |
420 | LastMu 1.02n sesion2+3D experince 5000 very nice admins... | 0 | 288 |
421 | 1.02n+s2 1.02n+s2 exp:70x drupx:40 new mu online server NO BUGS, NO LAG Join Us Now... | 0 | 296 |
422 | MuOver 1.02n+s2 1.02n+s2 MuOver , otimo servidor com 100 de Qualidade , cadastre e ganha 3 dias de vip... | 0 | 363 |
423 | Scorpion MU 1.02n+S2/xp:10x/drop:30/Max Lvl:1001/MG DL ppl:30/BK, ELF SM ppl:20, after marlon quet 25 ppl... | 0 | 270 |
424 | Mu Dark Shadow 1.02n+Season2 Server state: 24/7 ON Bless Bug: OFF Exp: 500x / Drop: 70 Reset: lvl 350. More info in web page.... | 0 | 396 |
425 | Mu.SmasheD server 1.02q Season 2 bugless good server XP5000/Drop90 LVL to res400 points 5/7/7 Server online 24/7 Verry, verry good spots res on web.. 1000ponits after res 666 points to all starters much more coming... | 0 | 279 |
426 | Mu Revolution S.A 1.03n + Season II CompletaNovos EventosNovos MonstrosNovas ArmadurasNovas Armas3000 XPNaum Vendi JoiasReset Free: lvl 400, 100 PontosReset Vip: lvl 350, 250 PontosVarios Eventos para VipsValor vip R6,00... | 0 | 261 |
427 | MuBoss Gaming Network 1.03N Updating Season 3 moded 9999X exp - 90 drop all working Kantru Event Crywolf Event Castle Siege New skills Good item shop Mob Spots... | 0 | 348 |
428 | -Mu Why- Free VIP, season 2 1.03n+season 2 ,temporaly v1.02dcomienzo 1/03/0820mb conection24hrs OnVIP Fee... | 0 | 274 |
429 | Mu-Sacre 1.04 vers./Exp:1000/Drop 80/Chaos mix 100/BBON/All events working/Friendly GM/ 24/7 Up time... | 0 | 249 |
430 | MuStar 1.04 vers./Exp:200/Drop 80/Chaos mix 100/BBON/All events working/Best spots/Friendly GM/ 24/7 Up time... | 0 | 267 |
431 | DkfsoftMU 144 - Season 3 Episode 2 1.04 y Season 3 Episode 2 Exp: 650x (Medium-Low) Drops : 72x Bless Bug : OFF Reset: 365 24/7 Dedicated Eng Support... | 0 | 290 |
432 | Mu-Fallen 1.04+s3+s4itemsExp:9999xDrop:100Good GMWebshopLong term... | 0 | 274 |
433 | SarsaiMU 1.04d ...:Season 3:... xp300X 50 drop, all events working including kanturucore come amp enjoy SarsaiMuNetwork... | 0 | 292 |
434 | Fire-Mu2 1.04D S3 1.04D VER.EXP MAXDROP MAXADMINS AND SHOPS VERY GOODLOTS OF EVENTS,SPOTSPPL:bk,me,sm-10dl-14mg-15NO LAG... | 0 | 261 |
435 | rulzanMUonline 1.04H [season3] international server made in ROmaniaExperiance: 3.OOO,big exc drop,low jewel drop.Box +1+2in shops join now... | 0 | 258 |
436 | Mu GridLock 1.04H Full Custom Files 1.04H 100 Bugless Custom Full NO LAG Great GMs Online 24/7 Exp 750 Drop 50... | 0 | 314 |
437 | .::MuFastZone-Season3::. 1.04H Full Season 3 Server Experience:5000x Server Drop: 90 goods spots shops:wings s3 newsets:+13+28... | 0 | 270 |
438 | MU DGA 1.04H S3 Ep1 Exp 400 drop 60 Online 24/7 Fking awesome client... | 0 | 263 |
439 | Andromeda-Mu 1.04h Season 3 Exp:100 000 Drsop:80 Shops: Best items +13+24+Luck. BB:On All succes rates : 100 All events 100 Check the website for information on BoK+1+2+3+4+5 in shop Server isnt 24/7 so if site is dead dont worry.... | 0 | 314 |
440 | Muconquer 1.04h Season3 1.04h season3 xp 1.500 reset lvl 400... | 0 | 309 |
441 | Muconquer 1.04h Season3 1.04h season3 xp 1.500 reset lvl 400... | 0 | 276 |
442 | Mu Have Fun 1.04H. Season 3 Episode 2. Exp 2000x. Drop 50x.... | 0 | 301 |
443 | Plague Mu 1.04H, Exp:30x, Drop:40, Reset:400, Payment:300M, Type:Reset Stats, Bonus:500RESETS, PTC Contests enter monthly to win iPods, HDTVs, Cellphones, and much much more, JOIN TO WIN... | 0 | 334 |
444 | Mu-Expert 1.04H+s3+3D Bug bless: oN Xp: 3000 Drop: 60x New wings 5 /Class 5 /Maps /Mobs No Lag 24/7 Box +1 +2 on Shop Ancient itens (need kill kundun mob) Jewels on shop quotNoobsquot sets +13 on shopEnjoy.... | 0 | 263 |
445 | Vertigo 1.04H+S320x/40Reset 400Stadium300 stat points in resetBB offRate 75 with Luck... | 0 | 281 |
446 | Mu Mandy 1.04H+Season2+season3 Long term server XP 80x Drop 50 BB:OFF Pts: 5 7 All races All Maps All events Online 24/7 Reset 400lvl... | 0 | 377 |
447 | IIlusionNetwork Mu 1.04HSeason 3 Episode1Normal+3DEXP 3000XDROP 60Double Points 10/14Good Spots and Shops Friendly Community and StaffJoin now ]... | 0 | 278 |
448 | RaidenMu Server de LATINOAMERICA 1.04J SESION 3 episodio 1 3D con 3 server, exp de 600X en adelante, drop de 50 SERVER cuentas VIPy FREE todos los eventos, servidor venezolano 100 en espaol... | 0 | 265 |
449 | MuAfected 1.04J+S3/2000x/80/Reset 400/500pts/BB OFF (Sua diverso o nosso objetivo)... | 0 | 262 |
450 | Sexy MuOnline Season 3 1.04X Exp: 5000x Drop: 80 Max Lvl: 500 Reset Lvl: 400 Box(+1+2+3) in Shops /post Command Uptime 99.9 Language: English UNIQUE VOTE AND WIN SYSTEM Nice Community Many Events Daily 24/7 LongTerm... | 0 | 243 |