9451 | MuSephirotH ! MuSephirotH |Servidor Hispano ver1.1e+| ZEN INFINITO!!| full shops... |Bless Soul chaos lifes Wings normal +13+28+L en tiendas ETC|FULL CONNECTION!!... | 0 | 253 |
9452 | MU Serenity SEASON 3 EPISODE 2 | MU Serenity SEASON 3 EPISODE 2 | Exp: 1000 | Drops 80% | VIP Exp : 1500 | Server French | NEW CHARACTER SUMMONER | New Interface | New Items | New Maps | New Mobs | 24/24 7/7 |... | 0 | 239 |
9453 | MuService 1.04H+Season2 Nuevo Server MuServise Espa�ol Version 1.04H+Season2 2500Exp 90%Drop ADM Amigables 100%Spots Move Maps 100% i muchas cosas as quien entra no se ba espero que os guste nos vemos dentro... | 0 | 365 |
9454 | MuSgc-RoMania <> <> <> <> <> <>...0 | 283 | |
9455 | Mu Shantal Season 3 Episodio 2 | Peru | MU SHANTAL SEASON3 EPISODE2, EXP 3000 Full S3 server (Golden Fenrir, Elbeland, Summoner, Evento illusion) ESPECIAL: Nuestro Servidor Tienes 10 Armas nuevas que ningun otro servidor posee/ 65k full/ swamp of calmess/... | 0 | 250 |
9456 | MuSharingan MuSharingan | version seson3 | xp MaxX |Drop 90% | Cool spots especialy arena & dungeon | 24/7 | Many events |wings in shop | Join us !!!|... | 0 | 272 |
9457 | MuSHOCK MuOnline Private Server Mu.Shock Presents: MuOnline (97d+99i) ( Server1: UP ) (Exp/Drop MAX/80) (PPL 8/10) Info in web ( http://mu-shock.no-ip.biz/ ) Kunduns in shop,best items!... | 0 | 452 |
9458 | MuSHOCK MuOnline Private Server Mu.Shock Presents: MuOnline (97d+99i) ( Server1: UP ) (Exp/Drop MAX/80) (PPL 8/10) Info in web ( http://mu-shock.no-ip.biz/ ) Kunduns in shop,best items!... | 0 | 211 |
9459 | MusicMU - Let's hear the Music! MusicMU | Version: 1.02N+S2 | Exp: 7000x | Drop: 80% | BB: ON | Friendly Staff | Join Now!... | 0 | 241 |
9460 | mu-sikro New mu online server S_4_E_1 EXP:5000 Drop:95% New skils, new sets, new wepons.New bots.... | 0 | 386 |
9461 | Mu-Silver cel mai tare intra si ai sa vezi... | 0 | 244 |
9462 | Mu Siveral The Best MU SIVERAL fue montando en internet el 30 de agosto del 2006 con la vercion 97+99 y de ahi en mas fuimos solucionando y mejorando los problemas que se nos han presentado, con el paso del tiempo cambiamos a la vercion 1.02N utilisando las cuentas ante... | 0 | 223 |
9463 | Mu-Skate welcome to mu.skate.lv exp:8000 drop:80 points:50/60/70 version: season3 episode1 full [1.04h] in server hot spots in shop sell all kunums 1/2/3/4/5 and wings 1/2/3 in server good administration SeeitworkS server for longtime and
online 24/7 go play ... | 0 | 230 |
9464 | Mu-SkyAngel Version 97d+99items
Points 5/7
Exp 400x
BB off
Drop 70%... | 0 | 246 |
9465 | Mu-Skyline [5000xp][100%][99b+] Mu Online 99b+ [exp/drop 5000x/100%] CC,BC,DS ONLINE, eventos todos los dias!, 100% ARGENTINO!!
ADM: Nicohser y Alexanders... | 0 | 269 |
9466 | MU SKY mu sky
file todo... | 0 | 247 |
9467 | MuSkyZone MuSkyZone|||||vers 1.01L|||Exp 5000x||Drop100%|||nice admin|||nice Shop||| nice playeri join go go go go... | 0 | 254 |
9468 | SERVER DE MU SLACKER...... Nombre: Mu-Slacker
Versi�n: 1.04x Pre Season4
P�gina Web: http//mu-slacker.sytes.net
Foro: -----
Ip Server: mu-slacker.sytes.net
Puerto Server: 44405
Experiencia: 1200x
Drop: 80%
Hp Monster: 80%
Blees Bug: Online
Puntos por lvl: 5 / 7
Stat Maximo: 64... | 0 | 247 |
9469 | http://mu-slaisti.sytes.net/ Serveris: ONLINE
Version: Season4
Exp & Drop: 300x & 50%
Bless Bug: Off
Max Stat: 64000
Point: 5/7/7... | 0 | 345 |
9470 | Mu-Slan 97d + 99i [97d + 99i | 50x exp | 80% drop | BB: off | Bless in shop | Stadium: off]... | 0 | 261 |
9471 | Mu.SmasheD vers 1.02Q| 24/7 |fun server|very big spots|nice shops| new latvian server, come and checkout! :)... | 0 | 355 |
9472 | Mu - SnowFun Mu - SnowFun / Latvian Mu Online server! / EXP - 10x Brīvdienās x3 (30x) / Drop 80% / Web - http://mu-snowfun.oo.lv / Stabils 20 / 7 Serveris! / Webshop / Kruti GM / Katru dienu 3x questi / NO LAGS!
Mu - SnowFun / Лат... | 0 | 246 |
9473 | Mu-SoADerS 1. exp max
2. drop 100%
3. points for lvl 15/20
4. some jewel in shop
5. 3rd wings in shop
6. box of kundun +1+2+3+4
7. set+13
8. MAX stats 32767... | 0 | 235 |
9474 | Welcome mu-SoulSezon4 Welcome Mu-SOul Max exp server !
We have 3d kamera
Points 30/35... | 0 | 238 |
9475 | MuSpeedFast !! V 1.04x season 3 ep 2 MuServers.
SpeeDFasT Producciones
Creamos Servidores Gratuita Mente
Via Team Viewer
Mayor Informacion
Agreguen Al Correo Electronico
[email protected]
No Pierdan La Oportunidad
Servidores De Mu
100% Funcionales
El Server :$
Nombre Del Server:Mu ... | 0 | 370 |
9476 | Server Mu Spell Servidor de Mu onine 24 horas en linea
Servidor: MU
Version: v0.99b
IP: mu-spell.no-ip.org
Puerto: 44405
Exp & Drops: 200% & 50%
Mobs HP: 100%
Bless Bug: OFF
Blood Castle: ON
Devil Square: ON
Chaos Castle: ON
Reset... | 0 | 255 |
9477 | Mu-STASEASON4 EXP:9999999999 DROP:100 Season4 Exp:9999 Drop:100 Ppl:20/25/25 master skil work,new map rakleon &Sailent,Server online 24/7 long term,Irc:Mu-STA Ilusion temple work !new skill new set ,new weapon, join now... | 0 | 240 |
9478 | MustangMu MusntangMu private MuOnline server , exp3000X , drop 65% , season2 , BB ON , Good admins , extreme events , join now !!! And go to the TOP!!!... | 0 | 245 |
9479 | http://Mu-Star.no-ip.biz Mu-star Online Reset lvl 350 version 97d+99i Tr spot lorencia davias losttower7 tarkan stadium Full Full Shop
http://Mu-Star.np-ip.biz Go go go... | 0 | 278 |
9480 | MuStar MuStar Exp:6000x Drop:100% Vers:1.00L+10 new items svr NON-STOP!!! god Admins and GMs... | 0 | 243 |
9481 | Mu StarGate Good MuOnline server.
Server Version: 1.0L
Server exp: 500
Server drop: 80%... | 0 | 246 |
9482 | MuStars MuStars season 3 !!!! 4 new maps !!! 5 new wings !!! season 3 classes for all characters !!! Many new items !!! Full Working season 1,2 !!!!! Cry Wolf,Castle Siege,Blood Castle,Devil Square,Chaos Castle and ILLUSION TEMPLE (30 % working)!!!!!!!!!!!!!... | 0 | 237 |
9483 | Mu-Steel Mu-Steel < LongTerm Server> > 6000X EXP > 80% Drop > 10 MB Connection > 24/7 | DS 1-6 < Personal Shops > Friends Function > Reset LvL 400 < Join Now! >...0 | 240 | |
9484 | Mu StreetFire Mu StreetFire Season3+S4 Skins
Exp 30x drop 40x Russ server Join Now!... | 0 | 235 |
9485 | Mu Stress The Final Evolution Exp: 250x | Drop: 80% | Version: 97d+99i | Reset Level: 350 | Points Per Reset: 350 | Points Per Level: 5/7 | Max Reset: 200 | Good Spots | NO LAG | LONG TERM | NO HACKS | Vote Reward System | When you res you receive credits | Server Online Time: 2... | 0 | 260 |
9487 | Mu Sun Sun Mu FULL SEASON 3, EXP 500X , Drop: 80% , New Character , Quest 100% , SEASON 3 SKILL TREE! , CASTLE SIEGE WORKING! , NEW SEASON 3 SETS, WEAPONS, MAPS, MOBS AND EVENTS! 24/7 Deciated Server... | 0 | 234 |
9488 | mu.sunburneD [Version 1.04H] [Exp 500х] [Drop 80x] [Allowed new items , 3 wings and other] [Uptime 99.9%] [Good GM's Team]... | 0 | 229 |
9489 | Mu Sunlight Season 2 + Season 4 Versão: Season 2 + Season 4
Experiencia: 4.000x
Drop: 75%
Resete Vup: 330
Resete Free: 380... | 0 | 228 |
9490 | ::: System Mu-Online Private Server ::: ::: Private Mu-Online Server ::: Exp - MaX ::: Drops - MaX ::: Points - 50/70 ::: Version - 97d+99i ::: Bles Bug - On ::: Reset Level - 350 ::: Hosted on 24/7 SL.NET Network ::: No Lags ::: Nice Players ::: Friendly Administration ::: Come and play :... | 0 | 233 |
9491 | MuTDN - Expirience : 100% Season1 Full ,... | 0 | 242 |
9492 | mu-tdr mu-tdr exp/drop 200/80 pt 5/7 up 24/7
server for long term... | 0 | 238 |
9493 | NEW sesion4 server update every month! THe bes new mu online game S4 EXP1000&Drop10 server update every month!
The best Admin and GM online !!!... | 0 | 261 |
9494 | Mu Tectonik -| Mu-Tectonik |- In this Mu Is GooD Gm and Event are every dey In our mu is good spots in arena :) Come And Pley First Pleyer get EXC items +all... | 0 | 225 |
9495 | Votar por Mu-TemPo By TheDannY & Totic0 Hola.. somos las comunidad de Mu-TemPo esto es una votacion x nosotros para que nuestro servidor sea Internaciona.. Grax.. att: kis ADM..... | 0 | 253 |
9496 | http//mu-tempra.oo.lv mu 99b+99i... | 0 | 395 |
9497 | MuThermi 97D Fun Server Mu Thermi 97D (MAX EXP | 100& PvP server | +1+2+3+4+5 Boks | No Security Server ! No Ports Block ! Blast Available ! All Hacks Available ! ) HF... | 0 | 287 |
9498 | .-=MuThunders=-. Version 1.02N!! exp. 1000x Jewels Souls rate 99%, Drop 70%, Server New, Modo Vip and Free, New Sets Season+II, Server Fron Venezuela! Habla Espa�ol.... | 0 | 257 |
9499 | mutim Joguem mutim Serve Dedicado 24Hs Online com 2 Servers de MuOnline um
99z ou 1.04H+Season3 EPS1 para confirir mais enforma��es entre em nosso site
www.mutim.vai.la... | 0 | 254 |
9500 | Titans Comunity Mu online & Counter-Stri Mu online server! version 1.04j Season 3+3D exp MAX drop MAX Long term server! Join us! Counter-Strike 1.6 server pub! great admins and more!... | 0 | 239 |