101 | IllusionMu Grand Opening 6 Feb - No Speed Bag- Awesome quotgame playquot- Complete absence of bugs- New maps, new things, new stones- System Cash Shop- Protection against cheaters by 99- High quality and responsive administrationJoin us already on 6 February.3 serv... | 0 | 476 |
102 | MuOnlineDarkz Season 5 - Punto x lv 5/7- 7 mil Puntos de regalo al comenzar- Exp 1000x drop 70x- En este server se permite expresarse librementelas 24 hs de toda la semana On - Evento todos los diasWeb:http::... | 0 | 432 |
104 | -LegyonMU-SEASON 6- EXP:999X -DROP:70 - - SEASON 6 - NEW CHARACTER RAGE FIGHTER - EXP:999X - DROP:70 - S6 SETS, WEAPONS, MAPS, EVENTS - JEWELS IN SHOP - Weekly Castle Siege - New Skills - Crywolf Event Work - +15 Items - Duel System - 65535 Max Stats - Active GM039s - 5 Sockets -... | 0 | 533 |
105 | Darkcova revolution era 3 - Season 6- Experiencia X500- Experiencia Master (50 Resets) X600- Drop: 60- Nuevo Pj Rage Fighter- 3 Baules Por Pj Y 1 Por Clan- Evento Happy Hours 3 Veces Al Dia Con Plus De +200 De Xp Todos Los Eventos Activados... | 0 | 385 |
106 | MuToolz Medium Server 200 EXP - Server Name : MuToolz- Version : 0.98R- Exp : 200x- Drop : 90- Zen Bug : Off- Level Up Points : 5/7- Max Resets : 80- Restart In Web,Need To Put Items In Vault- Reset zen : 20,000,000 Zen- Max Level : 350- Level Reset : 350- Stats... | 0 | 464 |
107 | FuN.xMu.BG - Server Name : XTYLING-Mu FuN - Version : 0.98R - Exp : 1000x - Drop : 100 - Monsters Hp : 100 - Zen Bug : Off - Level Up Points : 5/7 - Max Resets : 60 - Reset zen : 1,000,000 ZenReset - Max Level : 1000 - Level Reset : 350 - Stats After Reset : 50... | 0 | 498 |
108 | XTYLING MU FUN SERVER - Server Name : XTYLING-Mu FuN - Version : 0.98R - Exp : 2500x - Drop : 100 - Monsters Hp : 100 - Level Up Points : 5/7 - Max Resets : 50 - Restart In Web,Need To Put Items In Vault - Reset zen : 1,000,000 ZenReset - Max Level : 1000 - Level Reset :... | 0 | 439 |
109 | MuOnline Server - Server name: .:: Heroes-Mu ::.- Server version: 97R+1.0- Server IP: Heroes-Mu- Server is from: Bulgaria,Sofia- Experience: 100x- Item drop: 80- Monster HP: 100- Bless bug: Off- Points per level: 5/6- Maximum points: 32767... | 0 | 458 |
110 | Hard AboutMu - Server Name: [AboutMu]- Server is from: []- Server Version: [97D]- Experience: [140x]- Item Drop: [60]- Monster HP: [100]- Bless Bug: [Off]- Points Per Level: [5/7]- Max Stats: [17500]... | 0 | 459 |
111 | ActiveMu - Server Name: ActiveMu- Version: 97D+99I- Server is from: Bulgaria- Experience: 99999999x- Item drop: MAXXX- Monster HP: 100- Points per level: 8/10- Maximum Points: 32767More info in the SITE... | 0 | 536 |
112 | ...::ChoosenMu::... - Server Name: ChoosenMu - Version: Season III - Experience: 4000x - Item drop: 90 - Monster HP: 100 - Points per level: 5/7 - Maximum Points: 65535 - Maximum level: 500 - Level for reset: 400 stats - Maximum resets: 9999... | 0 | 453 |
113 | DreadFearMu 99b+ Season Exp: 1500x - Server Name: DreadFear Mu- Version: 99b+season- Experience: 1500x- Item drop: 90- Points per level: 5/7- Maximum Points: 32 767- Reset Points (save) : +500... | 0 | 522 |
114 | Easy ScrollMu - Server Name: Easy ScrollMu- Server Version: 97d+99i- Experience: 999999x- Item Drop: 100... | 0 | 477 |
115 | ScrollMu - Server name: ScrollMu- Server version: Version: 97d+99i- Admin email scrollmuabv.bg- Server UpTime: 24/7- Server loc.: Gabrovo, Bulgaria- Experience: 9999x- Item drop: 100... | 0 | 442 |
116 | .:: Earth Mu Online Season III x25 ::. - Server Rates x25, Season III Server, Well Managed Server, Good Community + Party Based Gaming, No Overpowered Gamers, Long Term Playing Configuration, Alots of Good features Activated. Active Staff Ingame and Forum. Join our Server now and S... | 0 | 408 |
117 | Fun AboutMu - Server Version: [97D]- Experience: [9999x]- Item Drop: [80]- Monster HP: [100]- Bless Bug: [On]- Points Per Level: [8/10]- Max Stats for BK,SM,ELF: [32767]- Max Stats for MG: [32767]- Maximum Level: [400]- Reset Level: [400]- Max Resets: [2000]... | 0 | 500 |
118 | SilveR - Mu - SilveR - Mu - [97d Full Working][Exp 2000][Drop 80][Longterm][Fairy Play][24/7 Live Support][Quest Items In Shop][Dedicated Machine][100 mb Internet Connection][JOIN US NOW] - SilveR - Mu -... | 0 | 472 |
119 | Mu Next - 1.03M Season 4.6 - Sorteio diario de cash para players online- Faa seu cadastro e ganhe 5 dias vip- Premiao em cash para os tops: Dia, Semana e Ms... | 0 | 394 |
120 | Spyke-Mu -- Spyke-MU [-] Xp- 1000x , drop 90 , Great Spot039s , Good Shop039s , Nice GM039s , At shop -gt winghs lvl 1 , bok+1+2 , items + 11 , [-] GoGoGo [-]... | 0 | 412 |
121 | MuWolf Season 4 - Version: 1.05T+- Exp:quot300xquot- Drop: 90- Max Stats: 65000- Mximo Level: 400- 100 Chileno- Spots, Shops Personalizados- Eventos 100 funcionando- PC Point- Todos los evento 100 on y sin Bugs de ningun tipo.... | 0 | 377 |
122 | EternaL-MU Season 2 Dedicated MuServer - Version: Season 2- Experience:50X- Item drop: 30Commands: /post /add- Points per level: 5/7- Reset: From the site , Not deleted items and spells of inventory- Reset cost: 10 000 000 Zena- Max level: 400- Level for reset :400Re... | 0 | 461 |
123 | PlayMuOnline - Version: Season 3 ep.1- Experience: 500x- Drop: 75- Monster HP: 100- Bless Bug: Off- LevelUpPoints: 5/6/7- Max Stats: 32000- Character Reset: from site. items and skills is keeping- Max Level: 400- Reset Level: 300... | 0 | 489 |
124 | MuOnline - Version: Season 3 Episode 2- Experience: 3000x- Drop: 85- MOBS HP: 100- BB: On- Points per level: 5/7/7- Max Stats: 32767- Max Level: 400- Need level for reset: 400- Keep Items after reset: Yes... | 0 | 404 |
125 | unix PVP seasion 3+S4 - Version: Season 3+S4 - Experience: 9999x - Item drop: MAX - Monster HP: 100 - Points per level: 5/7 - Maximum Points: 32767 - Reset: From the site - Reset cost: 1,000,000 Zen - Maximum level: 400... | 0 | 413 |
126 | SourceMu - Version:97d+99i- Experience: 999 999X- Item drop: 100- Monster HP: 100- Points per level:5/7spells of inventory- Reset cost: 15000000 Zen- Max level: 1000- Level for reset : 500- Points per Reset : 1000- Maximum resets: No Limit... | 0 | 469 |
127 | NitroMu Online Season 2 - Verso: 1.02N + Season 2 - Drop de Itens: 80 - Drop de Zen: 100 - Bug Bless: Ligado - Experincia: 4.000x - PontuativoBonus para novas contas:5 dias vip10 resets3500 pontos... | 0 | 400 |
128 | Mu Mix Season 2 Original + 3D - Veso: 1.02C Season 2 + Camera 3D- Experincia: 1.000x- BugBless: Offline- Drop: 30... | 0 | 372 |
129 | Mu TiTaNiuMXtremO S3 Ep2 - Web: Exp: x1000- Drop: 60- Maximo lvl: 380- Puntos x Reset: 300- Horarios: 24 Horas - Spot: Medium- Shop: Normalesmutitanium_08hotmail el Server muy divertido entren ya divi... | 0 | 364 |
130 | code muonline ( code-muonline ) ( version : 97d+ ) ( uptime : 24/7 ) ( experience : 100x ) ( drop rate : 30 ) ( points : 5/7 ) ( bb : off )... | 0 | 406 |
131 | Mu Finisher Season 4 Episodio 2 ( Exp : 2000 , Drop 70 , Reset Level 350 , Puntos por Reset 400 , Borra Stat )... | 0 | 354 |
132 | .:Mu-DarkLiFe:. ( Mu.DarkLiFe )::( Server Online 24/7 )::( Exp/Drop : Max/Max )::( Version : Season3+3D+NeW Items+NeW MaPs )::( Web : )::( Reset : 400 lvl )::( BB : On ):: aLL Items +13+Lyck In Shop MeGa SpOtS In aLL MaPs... | 0 | 356 |
133 | MuGame ( Mu.Game Is BacK ) ( OnLine 24amp7 ) PoinT Per Lv 70/75/80 ( ) ( Seaso3+3D+NeW Items+NeW MapS) ( aLL SeTs+13+Lyck Wings 2 3 In Shop MeGa SpoTs In aLL Maps )... | 0 | 311 |
134 | Mu-IceLife ( Mu-IceLife )::( Version: 97D+99item )::( Exp/Drop: MaX/MaX )::( PLL: 50/60 )::( Box: +1+2+3+4+5 )::( Bless Bug: On )::( Join USS )... | 0 | 413 |
135 | Mu Warmy Private Server ( Server - Online ) ( Exp/Drop - Max/Max ) ( Vers - 97D+99i ) ( Points - 5/7 ) ( BB - Off ) ( Web - ) ( Project Chanel Warmy )... | 0 | 377 |
136 | ()Mu()GameLanD() ()Mu()GameLanD()(Version 1.03C+S2+S3)Exp-500 Drop-80 Bless,lifes,Chaos, in shops...Good spots ,Arena,losttowe,davias2,3,4..in ALL server Just Come play. NEW EUROPIEN MU SERVER.. JUST COME AND TELL TO YOUR FRIENZZZ... | 0 | 343 |
137 | MU Quakers - Public MuOnline Server (97D+99) EXPEREINCE 150 ITEM DROP 75 JAWELS 100 AUTO RESET 320 LVL... | 0 | 439 |
138 | MU Dracula (99d)EXP:50000 Drop 90 REG:OPEN BB:On... | 0 | 378 |
139 | ConnectMu -(exp 5000x)--(Drop 100)--(Nice admins)-- HaVeFuN... | 0 | 354 |
141 | InSecurity (ISR) InSecurity este un forum care incearcasa ajunga la standarde cat mai inalte si sa le ofere userilor tot ce isidoresc.Nu mai spunem nimica , va asteptam sa vedeti cu ochi vostrii si sava dati cu parerea.... | 0 | 236 |
142 | HellYeahMU Season 3 Episode 1 Low Exp (NEW SERVER) Exp:5x, Drop:20x,No lag No bug Premium server files+Dedicated Hosting Cashshop Working Webshop items for donation We are waiting legend low exp fan players from old servers MU EUROPE, REALITY MU ONLINE, FRIENZMU ONLINE... | 0 | 364 |
143 | Crezy_Mu (ver97+99items)... | 0 | 368 |
144 | MUline.co.il -- Long Term (version)1.0N, (bless bugg)Off, (exp)150X, (drop)70, (soul Succes)75, (choas succes)Normal, (spot level)Above Normal, (location)Israel. LONG TERM SERVER... | 0 | 326 |
145 | Mu WesT ...:::...Mu WesT...:::......:::...Versao 1.02o+Season 2...:::......:::..XP 8000...:::......:::...DROPS 70...:::.....:::...Server Dedicated...:::......:::...Nice Servidor...:::...... | 0 | 370 |
146 | ...:::HardMU 97N:::... ...:::HardMU 97N:::...Ex:9999x Drop:90 Good Shop Good Spots PvP Bok 1-3 in shop Come and Play... | 0 | 446 |
147 | Love-MU ...:::max stats 32767:::...1. server PVP2. experience 1000x3. drop 504. guild create lvl 2005. character started points 300... | 0 | 347 |
148 | ...:::Mu FTM:::.... ...:::Mu FTM by FTM NetworkExp:15 Drop:60Version 0.99.62TServer in MoldovaPlay Now... | 0 | 350 |
149 | ...:::MuCaritas:::... ...:::MuCaritas:::... Version:0.97z Drop:0.97z Drop:100 Exp:100xp Come and play... | 0 | 381 |
150 | MuGraffity ...:::MuGraffity:::...Vers:97D EXP:Max No BugsNew Skins Friendly GMs 24/7 New Weapons SO COOL Join us Now... | 0 | 377 |