9201 | http://muespada.sytes.net MuEspada Сезон 4 Exp 150/Drop 80 Заходи и стань лучшим.Приветли&... | 0 | 324 |
9202 | Mu Power Season 4 Episodio 2 Mu Power Season 4 episodio 2
Version: 1.05c
Exp: 1500x
Drop: 80%... | 0 | 236 |
9203 | MuEssence Season 4 MuEssence Season 4, with full Season 2 to Season 4, 24/7 Online, New items, New skills, New map "Raklion", customized items, Forum Private, Daily events, with 7.000 Exp. and 80% Drops, all events full working!!!, for contact us "admini... | 0 | 217 |
9204 | MuEthernal Nome do Server: MuEthernal
Vers�o do Server: 1.02N+S2
Ip e Porta: No Launcher
Xp e Drop: 3000x 100%
Resete Free= 360 Ganha 400 Pontos
Reset Vip= 350 Ganha 800 Pontos
Hor�rio Do server: CONNECTADO DAS 9:00 AS 00:00 FINAIS DE SEMANA 24h
Life do... | 0 | 236 |
9205 | MuEuropa New server v. 1.00L , exp rate 5000x , drop rate 80% , cool Shop(en shop bok+1+2+3), good Spot's ,[BB ON] Server ON 7/24 , LvLreset 400[Reset stats +bonus 700 per reset]... | 0 | 290 |
9207 | http://mu-evil.oo.lv/ MuOnline 3 Season... | 0 | 375 |
9208 | MuEvil 0.97d Exp: 30x (there is a poll on the site where you can vote 10x 15x or 20x)
Drop: 50%
Up-Time: from 09:00 to 00:00/non-stop in week-ends
Custom Shops in almost all towns
All fruits in Lorencia Bar
Reset at level 350
Raid monsters
Reset limit: 20... | 0 | 252 |
9209 | Mu Expensive New Ukrainian PvP Server | Nice GM | Events every day | Many spots on Lorencia, Davias3, and Arena | Exp 200% Drop 80% | Join to us | Have fun!.... | 0 | 246 |
9210 | Mu-Exployd 1.04h Mu-Exployd 1.04h x1000... | 0 | 234 |
9211 | Mu eXtasI Exp:3000x | Drops 80%, | Skill Tree Work 80%! | New Skills! | Over 100 Customized Items | New NPC | New MAP | 24/7 | New 80 items | 4lvl Wings | Daily GM Events |JOIN NOW!... | 0 | 229 |
9212 | MU-Extasy 1.04D+ 3Season AL events Works... | 0 | 236 |
9213 | -= Mu eXtaz =- { WEB mu-extaz.oo.lv }{ Server 1.0L versia }{ BB - OFF }{ Point 5 / 7 }{ EXP / 500 % }{ DROP / 70 } #Mu-eXtaz... | 0 | 228 |
9214 | Mu-Extreme 2000 Exp 95% drop Kumdun +1+2+3+4+5 event alls day... | 0 | 240 |
9215 | Mu-Faks Mu-Faks | 2.000 EXP | Drop 200 | Full Season1 & Season2 | All New map,Items WORK 999% | Excellent Admins/GMs | Excellent People (GOLD Players) | Just Come and Test it !... | 0 | 239 |
9216 | MuFallen Welcome to the best server muonline JOIN US VOT EFOR US!... | 0 | 284 |
9217 | Mu Fantazy Super Server... | 0 | 236 |
9218 | Fantazy MuOnline New MuOnline server Full Season3, port 100 MB, exp:15 drop:90.
Join all... | 0 | 223 |
9219 | Mu-Resita cel mai tare server intrati si minunativa... | 0 | 233 |
9220 | mu-faronna come and play mu faronna xp-300 drop-80 version 1.2q... | 0 | 222 |
9222 | Mu-Fear Mu-Fear Exp 2000 Drop 80 Points 10/15... | 0 | 226 |
9223 | MuFaseGame Mu 1.04x S3 ep2 + 93 new itens
exp:3000 drop:100%... | 0 | 219 |
9224 | .::Mu-Fiber New Server::. Mu-Fiber New Server || 97d || on 24/7 || xp 40x || drop 20% || Good spots || Good Admins || Join Us... | 0 | 310 |
9225 | MuFiesta 1.04H 700x Res Point : 700 MuFiesta 1.04H 700x Res Point : 700
Good Admin Good Gm Play A Fun Server... | 0 | 230 |
9226 | | MuFiesta | Exp:9999 7/24 FUN SERVER |MuFiesta | Exp:9999 3.LEVEL WİNGS + BOX+5 SHOP SELL ! PLAY FUN + PVP + 7/24 SERVER... | 0 | 256 |
9227 | Welcome To Mu-Filer Welcome To Mu-Filer Exp:800x
Drop:80% Version: Season3 Episode1 Full !!! Server is Online 24/7 [LongTime] In Shops Last Itemes +11 +luck !!
When You Do New Char You Give 800 free points and 80kk zen !!! Play And have Fun !!!... | 0 | 297 |
9228 | Mu Fire Novo Servidor: Mu Fire!! Via Hamachi
Por Pontos:300
Joias a Venda:Bless
Salas do Hamachi:
senha: 123
GMs e ADMs Amig�veis, Staff dedicada e os 5 primeiros players... | 0 | 241 |
9229 | mu-FL [Welcome to mu-FL] [Server for long time and ONLINE 24/7] [Version: 1.04(Season 3 spots)] [exp/drop 1000/100] [points 10/15/17] [good spots ] [web: http://mu-fl.sytes.net] [Server status: ONLINE]... | 0 | 264 |
9230 | *-*-*FLY MUONLINE*-*-* Season 4 episode 2 | Exp 150 | Drop 80% | online 24\7 | BB=OFF | New sets | New Maps | New events | Drop Events | Jawel to Shop | No lag | No Bag | Russian server | New Character | Events every day | Shop system |... | 0 | 408 |
9231 | +++MuFly+++ Server 99.62TX | ONLINE 24\7, EXP 30X DROP 80% |Stats clear +500 points | WORK ALL EVENT | RUSSIAN SERVER | COLL GM. COOL SPOTS | SERVER ONLINE FOREVER... | 0 | 230 |
9232 | *-*-*MuSky*-*-* Server v Season 3 | 1000 exp | BB=On | Online 24\7 | New Qwest | New Map ! New item end Wings| New qwest morlon |... | 0 | 262 |
9233 | Mufns Mas Que Un Server Una Comunidad...
Host: Amd Phenom 8450
4 Gigas de Ram DDR2 800Mhz
Conexion a internet de 2 Megas Fibertel
-Nombre: -=Fanatic-Mu=-
-Version: 99b+Dark Lord - Items Season4.
-Exp: 1500x
-Drop: 80%
-Web: -=Fanatic Mu=... | 0 | 267 |
9234 | Mu For Fun ~Name : Mu For Fun
~Exp : MAX
~Drop : 70%
~Points : 10/12
~Version : 97d-99 Items
~RESET (In WEB) : 1000 Level... | 0 | 241 |
9235 | mu-for-fun.sytes.net Good mu come and play ;)You like it!!!... | 0 | 234 |
9236 | Mu4life Server Season 3 Episode 1 server, no lag, on 24/7, nice and helpful admins.Enjoy the new experience of 99999x and the generous shops!!!... | 0 | 227 |
9237 | Mu-FoX Seson III Episod I Exp:3000 Drop:70% Pll 10/15/15 Some jewel in shop Max stats 32767 box of kundun +3 in shop come paly... | 0 | 221 |
9238 | Mu-FoxY Season III Episode I {Mu-FoxY}{Exp:MAX}{Drop:60%}{Kundum+5 in shop}{PPL10/15/15}{Some wings and sets+13 in shop}... | 0 | 391 |
9239 | Mu-Free Cool Mu-Online Server.... | 0 | 253 |
9240 | Mu online 24/7 Exp/Drop : 450/75% Irc -> #mu-freestyle: * Welcome MuFreeStyle Server * (> Stasus : Online<) * (> Exp/Drop : 450/75% <) * (> Vers. : 97f+ <) * (> Point : 5/7 <)... | 0 | 309 |
9241 | =-=-=-=-MuOnline FreeTMD-=-=-=-= New server of Mu online Exp:9999 Drop:80 Version:Season3 Episod2 Point per Lvl: sm,bk,me-10 point, MG, DL-15 point http://mufreetmd.oo.lv/ Vote for USE!!!! First 100 reset GM +full set!!! Join!!... | 0 | 248 |
9242 | mu frozen server mu online 24 hrs online vers�o 1.02n+season2
acesse e come�e agora msm a jogar mu frozen... | 0 | 256 |
9243 | MU FSX 97d+99+custom itens 5000x acumu. Mu FSX Server,exp 5000x,drop 100%, chaos machine 100%, Reset lvl 350 acumulative,uptime 24hr, update canstant,nice events gm,... | 0 | 213 |
9244 | Mu Furious Russian Server!!! Mu Furious Russian Server!
Version 99.62T exp 30 Drop 40 BB: off
24/7... | 0 | 238 |
9245 | -=MuForever=- versao 1.04+Season3| Exp=3000 |Drop=90%itens|24 horas... | 0 | 250 |
9246 | Mu GaioN Nome Mu GaioN
Criado Em:28/09/2007
Experiencia: 9999 Evento 15k xp
Horario:24 horas se nao cair internet ow energia
Drops normais: 50%
Drops Excellents Das Box: 100%
Bug Bles: ON
Chaos Machine Com Luck ow Sem Luck +10 100% +11 100%
Npcs... | 0 | 234 |
9247 | MuGalima Private Server !! MuGalima | exp:5000x | drop: 80% |nice GM , nice shop's , nice spot's | join now~ have fun !!!... | 0 | 235 |
9248 | mugameover Vercion: 99b+DL Nombre: MuGameOver
Vercion: 99b+DL
Ip: mugameover.no-ip.info
Experciencia: 20.000x
Drop: 90%
Hp: 100%
Lvl Maximo: 350
Reset: lvl 350
Stat Maxmimo: 32.767
Registro: MuReg b5... | 0 | 223 |
9249 | MU-Gandzek MU-Gandzek|S3 E1|Exp 5000|Drop 95|PPL 8/10/10|Max, Reset lvl 400|Max stats 32767|Good shops and spots|Need good GMs... | 0 | 227 |
9250 | Mu-Russian Gangsta _MuOnline Russian Gangsta Server_
Exp:10% Drop:20%
!!!Join us NOW!!!
by RU$$IA Team... | 0 | 235 |