6151 | Mu-LP Season 3 Seja Vip Seja Vip ajude Server a Fikar Online Status xp:8000Drops 100all events 100server link:100mbVersion : 1.04H+Season 3... | 0 | 249 |
6152 | SektorMu Ss5 Ep 4 SektorMu Ss5 Ep 4Exp: 800x Drop: 70 Status Max: 32767 Todos LOs event: OnLos Esperamos... | 0 | 293 |
6153 | Selectmu Season 3 Episode 1 Exp: 9999x SelectMu Items in SHOP ,32767 max stats ,Season 3 Episode 1 ,PPL: 25/30, NO LAG ,MAX DROP, BOX+1+2+3+4+5 in shop, Wings+1+2+3 In Shop, Full Spawns , Start points 500 to all,WebShop, Anti Cheat System,Vote System... | 0 | 263 |
6154 | MuOnline SelicoMu 1.02Sesson selicomu promocion news player sele regala 2500 puntos server facil ventas alas 3grados bless soul etc +13 todo unete tu tambien no esperes mas a unetea la diversion ....... | 0 | 393 |
6155 | SelizaMU SelizaMU S3EP1 Exp 80x Drop 80 Long term No lag V. 1.04J ALL EPISOD 1 EVETS WORKS 100... | 0 | 207 |
6156 | Seliza MU Season 3 epi 1 SelizaMu. Exp: 80x Drops: 80Reset at lvl 400. Keep Stats. Alot of events, every day... | 0 | 260 |
6157 | MuKraner 1.04+S3 Sell Kundum +1 +2 +3 +4 +5(Full Options Itens Drop) Sell Soul,Bless,Chaos,Wings Lvl 3 Very Good Server... | 0 | 253 |
6158 | -SeltMu- SeltMu Hard ver:98c exp:30 drop:65 maxres:15... | 0 | 283 |
6159 | SemprOMu 1.02n SemprOMu, exp: x800 , Dropeos: 60, LAG: Nulo, no hay hasta el momento. Bles Bug ON. Un nuevo servidor serio. Spot en lorencia, devias,stadium, etc. Eventos. Castle Sigue amp Criwolf y todos los anteriores.No te lo pierdas te esperamos... | 0 | 282 |
6160 | . . : : SenSationS MU Server : : . . SenSationS MU Server Version 1.03N + S2 Exp amp Drop: x18 amp 35 Reset 400 keep stat / 500 x reset Spots : all map039s Funny Server and admins amp very nice events... | 0 | 297 |
6161 | solues online seo internet solues online... | 0 | 274 |
6162 | CrYma-Mu serevr de muonline 97d experinta 9999 drop 100juwel is shop spotis lorencia stadium davias wings lvl 1 shop... | 0 | 296 |
6163 | XenomMuOnline DOBRY SERV serv 1.04h+ exp4000x drop80Friendly GM/AdminEasy and happy EventSeazon2 BIIG SPOTTTCome and play... | 0 | 234 |
6164 | Bun Venit / Welcome Servar 0.97d host Romania Click Net Xp : 100 drop 80 spots servar runs for 2 years contract with 24/7 lengh Come on Have Fun... | 0 | 231 |
6165 | CreaTiveMU Servar 97 D xp : 1000 drop : 100 Spot , Shop GOOD BB ON... | 0 | 292 |
6166 | ExceSsMu Servar de Mu/ExceSsMu/Vers. 1.00L/Exp 5000X/Drop 80/BBON/ShopWings lvl 1,Soul,Bless,Chaos,Life/Seturi bune in shop/Admin Goodd... | 0 | 283 |
6167 | Mariusmu.no-ip.biz Servar de MuOnline 97D cu client de sesoane 3 exp.5000 drop 100... | 0 | 255 |
6168 | RazVaN-Mu de best Servar nou de MuOnlineRazVaN-Mu Season3 Episode1Version : 1.04d + 3d CameraExperience : 5000xDrop : 80Spoturi si shopuri super marfa.Nu este lag pe serverNU exista plictiseala pe serverWEBSITE :... | 0 | 287 |
6169 | Excelent-Mu Servar S3 xp 5000 Bok in shop +1+2+3+4+5 all set in shop+9 etc.. join all and have fun... | 0 | 294 |
6170 | MuFlame Servar Season 3 Episode 2 .Exp:5000...Drop:80..Romanian Server..Good GM..Good Shops.... | 0 | 274 |
6171 | Mu-Prisiom Serve ..::NOVO::..Verso: 1.04h+ Experincia: 5000xp Drop de Itens: 80 Drop de Zen: 80 Bug Bless: On Level Mximo: 400 Pontos (MG / DL): 7 Pontos (outros): 6... | 0 | 287 |
6172 | MuBH Acumulativo Serve brasileiro, totalmente sem bugs 24hrs online 7dias por semana EXP:1000 DROP: 70 BB:off keep status (acumulativo) criado em 20/02/2009. venha conferir e ser o top... | 0 | 328 |
6173 | MuTotalWar [Brazuca Server] Serve Brazuca Xp:600x Drop: 85 Lvl de resete: 600 Verso: 97+99 Bons shops Gms Sempre On Com eventos Link de 1 MB 1 Gb de ram... | 0 | 303 |
6175 | MURoCk - P/Level - C/skins - 15x - 30 Serve -free Xp 15 -Vip Xp 3099+97+seson4Por level nada de resetCom Skins e Armas novas1 Servirdor de Campos-Rj... | 0 | 261 |
6176 | .........::::Mu24horas::::.............. Serve muito massa ta pronto pra chega no top ] Versao 97d+99 xP 3000 lv 1000 free acumulativo lv 600 vip acumulativo... | 0 | 295 |
6177 | [[ Mu CroSS]] [[ MuOnline ]] SERVE NOVO 24HS VERSAO 99Z RESETE FREE LVL 400/22PTOS RESETES VIP LVL 350/400 PTOS... | 0 | 280 |
6178 | Mu-Angels Serve via hamachiSala: muangels1 ao 20Senha:1(de todas as salas)XP de 2000Drop de 80Verso 97d+99Espero que gostem... | 0 | 301 |
6179 | mu.lil.lv Server - MuOnline LiLWebsite - - MaXDrop - MaX (Hight Acient item Drop in arena)PPL - 5/7/7Spots - Small Spot in Lorencia , Medium Spots in Davias2 Davias3 , One Big Spot in Losttower7 , Hight Spots in Arena..Rates... | 0 | 294 |
6180 | [BG] Emerald Mu Classic 97d Fix Server : Emerald MU Classic Version 97d all Fixed Exp : 150 Drop : 70 Reset Level : 350 Max Level : 350 Max Reset : 50 Points For Reset : 350... | 0 | 232 |
6181 | -Mu4eVer- -The Best Of Mu- Server : Mu4eVer Version : 97d+99itens Maps : Normal +Place Of Excile,Stadium2 and Icarus2 BB : ON Reset : 350/Acumulativo Drop : 100 Chaos Globin : 100... | 0 | 298 |
6182 | MuSkyNeT-MD New Server 1.0 L Server :Online 24/7Version : 1.02kClientVersion:1.02kServer : MDExp : 100xDrop : 80Golden invision :60Big Spots Cool Shops Come all and play... | 0 | 274 |
6183 | Mu Command Server 0.97 italiano... | 0 | 293 |
6184 | Steel Mu Server 097d+99, Exp: x12 Drop: 45. 24/7 ON.... | 0 | 396 |
6185 | VioleT MU Server 1.00L Exp 7000x ALL ITEMS IN SHOP IS ACCIENT+13 BOK+1+2+3 IN SHOP LVL1/LVL2 WINGS+13+LUCK IN SHOP ACTIVE ADMIN039s/GM039s Every Day Events Join us And Have Fun..... | 0 | 293 |
6186 | Mu Nghiep Du Server 1.02N, Free server Wing 1,2,3Online 24/7... | 0 | 262 |
6187 | Kahotic Mu Server Server 1.04 - full season3 - Exp x2000 Drop x 80 - wings lvl3 - Spot - Eventos - Server Argentino.... | 0 | 284 |
6188 | MuKira onde PKlizar uma arte Server 1.04H Season 3 Episodio 11000 xpEvoluo do char para a 3 Classe Todas as Asas level 3 e o Mantle of LordReset Automatico-Sai do jogo e espera 1 minuto.Possibilidade de TROCAR DE CLASSE pelo siteTODOS OS EVENTOS FUNCIONANDO... | 0 | 272 |
6189 | Kahotic Mu Server Server 1.04X - full season3 Episodio 2- Exp x2000 Drop x 80 - wings lvl3 - Spot - Eventos - Server Argentino.... | 0 | 299 |
6190 | MuQuantum Server 1.07v season 6 ep1 exp 1000 Drop 70 New Character Rage Fighter Enjoy It :) 100New... | 0 | 252 |
6191 | Mu Destino Final Server 100 ColombianoMas de 2 Aos OnlineSEASON 3 EPISODIO 2EXP: 100x DROP: 70... | 0 | 269 |
6192 | Mu Opening Season 6 EP2 Server 100 estable venezuelano todos los eventos funcionando GMS y ADM para resolver problemas y Moderadores para ayudar al comienzo evento de lunes a lunes Todos los eventos del server Funcionando al 101... | 0 | 253 |
6193 | MU INFRA FULL SPAOL server 100 latino solo idioma spaol exp:6000x drop:100 vercion: season 3 spisodio 2+items season4spot:en todos lados hay big spot se levea muy rapido server de venezuela no hay discriminacion... | 0 | 272 |
6194 | L2EuropeanCommunity Server 20xp 20sp 15drop 25drop Adena... | 0 | 296 |
6195 | MuFenix Server 24 horas online, criando sua conta agora, ganhe 5 dias de vip gratis Nome:MuFenix Versao:1.4h+season 3 com camera 3D xp 300 drop 85 joias soul 100 bless 100 life 100 , Season 3 Wing Mix 100, Drop Jewel nas Medal e Heart Love.... | 0 | 257 |
6196 | Server MuGuardians Season3 Server 24 Horas OnlineXp 5000XBug Bless ONVerso 1.04j+80 itenswww.muguardians... | 0 | 274 |
6197 | . . : : Mu Nox : : . . Server 24 horas Server 24 horas, com 2500Xp, 100 Drop, BB ON, Level maximo 350, vero 97+99, Criar Guild lev 200, Server Novinho aproveitem e faa logo sua conta e veja nossas promoes... | 0 | 242 |
6198 | MondialMu Server 24/24 ON Exp 6k,drop 80.Version.97dNew Server for funny... | 0 | 341 |
6199 | Red-Angel.Ru Server 24/7 all support Have: webshop/market 1 Administrator Play hard go pro FULL Season 2... | 0 | 278 |
6200 | Inf3ct3d Mu Server 24/7 always mu version 97n+1.0items exp 1800 give us a try, u wont regret :)... | 0 | 267 |