7401 | (gtgtgt[[[MuDieuX]]]ltlt) Vers:1.4H+S3+ep1exp:500x24hors onlinejoin us... | 0 | 241 |
7402 | vers:97D exp:4000x drop 80 JoinAlll... | 0 | 277 |
7403 | Silence-Mu Vers:97d...Ex:1000x...Drop:100 ...Nice spot and shop...Nice Admin...Join All... | 0 | 263 |
7404 | .::SturzuMu::. Vers:97d,Ex:1000x,Good shop and spot,Nice Admin,Join All... | 0 | 258 |
7405 | SkinHead-Mu Vers:97d,Ex:5000x,Drop:100No Lag,No Bug,Good spot Good Shop,Good Admin....... | 0 | 222 |
7406 | Senzation MuOnline Vers:97dExp:500xDrop:80PvP ServerEvery day eventsReset TYpe : Keep StatsClear Inventory NoClear Magic List NoReset Level : 350Maxim Level : 1000Bouns Reset : 300 pointsMaximum Stats - 32767Good Spots in all mapsNo Jwl , No W... | 0 | 233 |
7407 | Shark-MU vers:99b+[exp:9999999x Drop:MAX][Box+1+2 in Shop][ all jewels in shop][Items+11 Shop][Good Spots][Events work:CC,BC,DS,GD]JOIN ALL... | 0 | 260 |
7408 | Legend-MU Vers:s3ep1drop:80exp:4000xblessbug:ofjewels in shop:off... | 0 | 242 |
7409 | BlueMu: 99999999999x 65K Status Vers:S3EP2Exp:MaxDrop:Max AllJwInShopAllWingsInShop AllRates:100ExcelentSpots SummonerNewEvent/Maps:SwampOfCamness BlessBug:ONResetLV:350 FullStatus:65534NoLagg Online:24/24CasteleSiegeEventIllusionTempleIN7OUT59... | 0 | 371 |
7410 | CelestyalMu Vers:S3EP2Exp:MaxDrop:Max AllJwInShopAllWingsInShop AllRates:100ExcelentSpots SummonerNewEvent/Maps:SwampOfCamness BlessBug:ONResetLV:350 FullStatus:65534NoLagg Seson4 items and new items Online:24/24CasteleSiegeEventIllusionTemple... | 0 | 255 |
7411 | SunRiseMu -99999999999xSeason 4 Vers:Season 4Exp:MaxDrop:MaxAllJwInShopAllWingsInShopAllRates:100ExcelentSpotsSummonerNewEvent/Maps:SwampOfCamnessBlessBug:ONResetLV:350FullStatus:65534NoLaggOnline:24/24Stabile ServersCasteleSiegeEventIllusionTempleGrandReset... | 0 | 319 |
7412 | X-TremeMU Season3 ep1+Gold Fenrir vers:season3 ep1,xp:100,drop:80,New maps,New mobs,New 3rd wings,New gold fenrir,New Interference,wings lvl1 in shop,all items+7 in shop,new skins wings,new skill DW DK ELF MG DL,sv on NonStop,good spots,good shops,good GM,----Join New----... | 0 | 216 |
7413 | Mu Strike Versao (97d / 600x / 1 Server) 24 Horas ON, Contas VIP, Loja de Itens, Multiplos Bas, Reset no acumulativo, Ranking Exclusivo, Qualidade em Primeiro Lugar.Entre e confira... | 0 | 227 |
7414 | gtMuEletroGameslt versao 1.02n+season2 e 31 k xp drops 5024hrs onlinenovas contas ganha 5 resets... | 0 | 227 |
7415 | - Mu InFusion - Versao 1.04h Full 99 bugs On 24h,Exp:2000,Drops:100,BugBless:On,Rate das Joias:100,Chaos castle, Castle siege CryWolf , Kantru,Novos Mapas: Kantru, Aida, Aida 2,Barracks,Deep Loren,Refuge, Novos pets,Classes Lvl 3, Asas LvL 3... Entre outras novidade... | 0 | 284 |
7416 | MuFireFenix Versao 1.04J+Season3, 3000 XP , Servidor Dedicado 24 Horas ON ,camera 3D,novos char039s,novas cidades, Loja de Itens , Reset no acumulativo , Rankings Exclusico.Events : CryWolf , BC , DV , CC e CS. MuDKT e etc...Venha conferir. Qualidade em Primeiro... | 0 | 273 |
7417 | MU MADE IN BRAZIL Versao 1.07H Season5 Full, Experiencia de 9999x, DROP Rate 50, vende todos os items no SHOP, venha conheer... mais informaes no Site.... | 0 | 218 |
7418 | MuMaiden Versao 97+99b Acumulativo... | 0 | 251 |
7419 | [Z.R] MU Online Versao 97D+99I no bugs xp 2000 reset 350 x 300 , soul rate 95 machine chaos 85... | 0 | 221 |
7420 | Mu-Knight Versao: 1.04J+93 itensXp: 3500drop: 80reset free: level 400 e ganha 500 pontosreset Vip: level 350 e ganha 1000 pontosreset Vip Gold: level 330 e ganha 1500 pontosreset Vip Premium: level 290 e ganha 2000 pontoswww.muknightserver.vai.la... | 0 | 278 |
7421 | MuFenix Versao: 97d+99i + novos itens / reset acumulativo no lvl 500 / vende bless e box+1 e +2 na lojinha de davias / lvl para criao de mg 220 / novos chars comeam com 1000 pnts para add e 5 resets.... | 0 | 253 |
7422 | Mu Fight -Versao: 97d+99i-Xp: 1500x-Drop: 80-BugBless: On-Mob039s HP: 100-Max Level dos Itens: +11+18-Resete: Pontos-Level: 350-Pontos Por resete: 200-Website:... | 0 | 249 |
7423 | Mu ExE, Entre nessa VC Tmb Versao: 97d+99xp: 3000xBug Bless: On... | 0 | 220 |
7424 | Mu Xeon - Private Server Versao: Season 4FULL Exp: 350x Drop: Mdio Resets: Tabelados Eventos: Todosfuncionando Equipe 100 Dedicada aos players, [] - []... | 0 | 223 |
7425 | Mu-War Versao:97+99/EXP:2000/Drop:60/BugBless:oFF/Pontos:Ver Tabela No Site.... | 0 | 242 |
7426 | Mu Cyclone Versao1.07P+season5/xp5000/drop80/bless no npc/reset Acumulativo/box+1 e +2 no npc/drop maior de box +3 em devias dos bixo/box+4 dropa em tarkan dos bixo/ganha 5 dias vip,2500 pontos inicio... | 0 | 242 |
7427 | Hot-Mu [LT] VersijaSeason3 Epizode1Experience9999xDrop100PTS per Level7 - DK, DW, FE 7- MG DL- 7Reset level400Max Stats32 767Chaos Machine Rate90+10 Item Success Rate90+11 Item Success Rate85... | 0 | 253 |
7428 | West-Mu Season 6 Versin 1.7h Drop : 100 Exp:99999x . Events all time for eveythings..News sets... | 0 | 237 |
7429 | DreadFrearmu com Versin 97+99 Exp 500 Drop 70 Good jevel rate come on all server working 3 day more info in web dreadfearmu-com... | 0 | 192 |
7430 | DreadFrearmu com Versin 97+99 Exp 500 Drop 70 Good jevel rate come on all server working 3 day more info in web dreadfearmu-com... | 0 | 190 |
7431 | DreadFrearmu com Versin 97+99 Exp 500 Drop 70 Good jevel rate come on all server working 3 day more info in web dreadfearmu-com... | 0 | 252 |
7432 | DreadFrearmu com Versin 97+99 Exp 500 Drop 70 Good jevel rate come on all server working 3 day more info in web dreadfearmu-com... | 0 | 181 |
7433 | DreadFrearmu com Versin 97+99 Exp 500 Drop 70 Good jevel rate come on all server working 3 day more info in web dreadfearmu-com... | 0 | 192 |
7434 | DreadFrearmu com Versin 97+99 Exp 500 Drop 70 Good jevel rate come on all server working 3 day more info in web dreadfearmu-com... | 0 | 198 |
7435 | DreadFrearmu com Versin 97+99 Exp 500 Drop 70 Good jevel rate come on all server working 3 day more info in web dreadfearmu-com... | 0 | 190 |
7436 | Mu GeForce Versin 97z+Season 2+Season 3 No DL Exp amp drops: 250x and 40 Reset gratis a nivel 350, borra stats y da 400 puntos... | 0 | 220 |
7437 | MU-BIOSTAR 99B+DL[800x][80] Versin del Server: 99b+ Pgina del Server: mu-biostar.3a2Mas informacion en la web... | 0 | 267 |
7438 | Mu Azphen Versin: [1.07V] Season 6 episodio 2Experiencia: 1000xDrop: 70Online 24/7Reset Normal: 400 lvlReset Vip: 380 lvl... | 0 | 250 |
7439 | CronoMu Season 2 Versin: 1.02Q Ip: 44405 Exp amp Drops: 2000 amp 80 Bless Bug: On Reset: lvl 400 24 Horas On Blood Castle : On Devil Square : On Shops: Sets completos +luck+ opt, Jwls bless... | 0 | 225 |
7440 | Anko MuServer Versin: 1.3k Season 6 Episode 1 Exp: 150x Drop: 60 Reset: 1000 Bless BUG: OFF New server slow-medium full S6 Enjoy... | 0 | 280 |
7441 | AlexandriaMu S4 E2 Versin: Season 4 Ep 2, On-line 24/7 Exp 25x Drop 65 Bless Bug:Off Reset: Nivel 400... | 0 | 258 |
7442 | OverClock MU Season4 Versin: Season 4.6Exp: 800xDrop: 60Bugless Season4... | 0 | 240 |
7443 | Mu-Mendoza 99b Sell box +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Versin:0.99b + Dark LordIp:mu-mza.sytesCreacin de cuentas:Mu Register y Web Web:Mu-Mendoza.ar Exp:9999xDrop:85Reset:300Pts x Lvl: 200/200Shop:Ventas De Kundun +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Joya Pluma , Alas evo Set +13 Items Nuevos... | 0 | 300 |
7444 | [Mu- 1.0R 24/7 Of Fun NoNStop Version 1.0R / Exp: 5000x / Drop70 / Bless Bug On / Server 2 / Working Castle Siege / Ancient Items / New Maps / New Monsters / New Interface / New Skills / BC 1 to 7 / DS 1 to 6... | 0 | 230 |
7445 | Fire-mu version 97+99 shops +11 jewels in shop 1/2/3 kundum in shop point per lvl 13/15 rr level 350lvl point stay +300 New server from Lithuania... | 0 | 300 |
7446 | IQ-MU.TIK.LT Version - 97d+99i - [Custom] 9999x Drop100 MAXX LVL 350,5/7 points/lvl UNTIL JULY 9, making 10 RESET 3000 CREDTS receive... | 0 | 258 |
7447 | 4Pu Mu Version - 97D+SEASON4 Server Online - Non Stop no lag 200 slot New Night Mare Wings 9999xp... | 0 | 265 |
7448 | Gobless-Mu Season3 Version Season 3 Episode 1 + customExperience 9999xExe Drop 88Zen Drop 40Zen drop time 40secPoints per Level 6 - DK, DW, FE 8 - MG -DLReset level 400Max Stats 32767... | 0 | 233 |
7449 | -DeaDZonE- -Mu- -Server- Version : 0.97d+0.99items Exp : 350x Drop : 60 ResLvl : 340 24/7 COME... | 0 | 263 |
7450 | --EviLL-Mu MAX MAX MAX-- Version : 0.98c + 3d cammera Exp : Real Max Drop : Real Max Reset Points : 20 000 PPL : 50/100 Vote Reward System Reset LVL : 330 All Jewels in Shop Box +1+2+3+4+5 in shop all wings in shop Max Lvl : 350 NEED 1 HOUR TO BECAME MAX STATS... | 0 | 251 |