1901 | COME AND PLAY THE BEST S3 SERVER Exp/Drop : 2000x/80, Soul success no luck/+luck - 35/100, Life success - 95, Chaos machine Custom. Player Shop Lost KALIMA (+7) - 22 80, Nice Events every day.... | 0 | 250 |
1902 | AnArHiLaTioN MU Exp/Drop : MAX Lvl Reset 350-1000 Keep stat BB: On Bless and Soul in shop Version : 97d+99i Box +1+2+3 in shopAuto Reset On 350 lvlJOIN NOW... | 0 | 274 |
1903 | mu..lt reborn Max Rate Server Exp/Drop : Max/100 Server Work 24/7, Event is who039s make first 777reset got all ops set on your char Reset 350 in web Max Level : 1000 Pnt Per LvL 6/7... | 0 | 293 |
1904 | SkysHard Mu-Online Exp/Drop : MEDIUM/ 8097s+ version10/15 points /post com /add command and more..Max stats 65k... | 0 | 253 |
1905 | MuSweex [] MuOnline Server [] exp/drop 260x/60 [] Points 7/8/8 [] Season 3Pluss 0 bugs online 24/7 All events working.... Website We have radio, Forum.... | 0 | 255 |
1906 | norm site EXP/DROP 3000. New maps new sets, new character. Good GM every day QWEST and real price in shops Kudnum+1+2 4 season. in shop items+11... | 0 | 249 |
1907 | HoliC-MU Season 2 Exp/Drop 400x/50Full S27/9 pplNo RESET ServerGood Staff1 Decided Server Full of PvP It039s The server for these guys who love the fun of No Reset Server :)... | 0 | 263 |
1908 | mu-toxic Exp/Drop 700x/70 Play mu and have fun... | 0 | 251 |
1909 | MuClean S3 ep1 Exp/drop: 400/85 Full s3 ep1 3rd quest,wings s3 mobs and events.... | 0 | 231 |
1910 | LegendaryMU Box in Shop Wings Exp/Drop: Max Points for level: 30/40. Version 97d+99 + Season 3 Wings... | 0 | 270 |
1911 | have fun Exp/Drop:1000/100 BB:on friendly gm039s server: 24/7visit us... | 0 | 294 |
1912 | [BULGARIA]EscapeZoneMu-99b+ Exp/drop-50x-/60-New Client-New Elfs wingsNew Angel wingsBk,Mg,Sm can use elemental maceNew DL Cape.And everything is great.Enjoy to See .]... | 0 | 247 |
1913 | Mu WebZen exp: 100 drop: max bb: oN res: 500 no bugs... | 0 | 251 |
1914 | MUICE - MUONLINE Exp: 100 Drop: 80... | 0 | 273 |
1915 | MU-IKAY Exp: 1000 Drop : 1000 and Every Saturday and Sundays GM shall have there event go to our webiste and see the other features of MU-IKAY the coolest server from the PHILIPPINES... | 0 | 228 |
1916 | Mu Per [ El mejor mu de Peru] Exp: 10000Drop: 80On las 24 horas del dia, eventos y Gms amigablesIp:532.sytesVersion: 1.02d... | 0 | 300 |
1917 | Mu-Bots 97n+Retail 2 Exp: 1000Drop: 80Pts: 5/7New Maps, Mobs, ItemsFriendly GM039sNo bugsNo Lags Up time 24/7... | 0 | 255 |
1918 | -- MuBomb -- Exp: 1000x Drop: 50 Version 97J... | 0 | 270 |
1919 | KoK Mu Seasons 1 FULL EXP: 1000x Drop: 60 Shops: All Scrolls+Orbs , Items +7 +Luck Just started Online 24/7 Events : Every day Nice Server,Nice GM039s,helpfull Admins -gt COME AND JOIN,NOW - MU Online... | 0 | 260 |
1920 | NYmoMU Exp: 1000x Drop: 80 Reset: 400 Bless, Soul, aripi de lvl 1 si 2 in Shop Online: NonStop... | 0 | 253 |
1921 | Mu-OlSha Exp: 1000x Drop:100 Online 24/7... | 0 | 252 |
1922 | Athena Private server- RNS TEAM Exp: 1000x.Drop 100x- Class balanced (No class is strongest)- Modified Items- Golden boss- Best Spot - .... and So On Join Now and experiment the best game play... | 0 | 268 |
1923 | MuCharruas Season 3 Exp: 1000xDrop : 50Bless Bug : OffReset Level : 350Max Level : 400Reset Point : 200Event : All Season 3 EventsMax Stats : 32K... | 0 | 243 |
1924 | RollsMU Exp: 1000xDrop: 60Ver. 1.02kReset stats and addin 620points per reset... | 0 | 259 |
1925 | MuGeminis Season3 Episode2 Exp: 1000xdrop: 80Spots: FULLINVASIONES: FULLBless Bug: SIRESETEA STATS: NOMAX STATS: 32767... | 0 | 274 |
1926 | Mu StarNet Exp: 1000xDrop: 99Points: 13/14/15BB: OFFMax Level: 400All Jewel in ShopGood Spot039sMD Server Play Now... | 0 | 292 |
1927 | Shedow Mu EXP: 100DROP: 99... | 0 | 244 |
1928 | Nuevo Server Chileno Nod Mu Se 3 Epi 1 Exp: 100x / Drop: 80 / Bless Bug: OFF / Reset Nivel: 400 / Creacion Guild Nivel: 150 / Elf Buffer: Nivel 179 / Eventos: Todos los Eventos S3 E1 / Velocidad de Conexion: 1000 Megas y Mucho Mas ....... | 0 | 257 |
1929 | DarknessMu Season 6 Ep 2 Exp: 100x Drop: 10 Bot Buffers ON All Events ON Level Max 1000 Reset level 400... | 0 | 248 |
1930 | [BULGARIA] - Mu BattleZone 100exp - EXP: 100x Drop: 70 Version: 97d+99i Classic Best server 97d version low with no bugs and no hackers... | 0 | 250 |
1931 | Millennium Exp: 100x Version: 0.97d + 0.99 items Maps: Standart Drops: 50 Bless bug: ON. Reborn at level 350,auto. Point for lvl 8/10.... | 0 | 298 |
1932 | GAMERS DREAM MUONLINE - ELITE EXP: 100x, Drop: 70, PPL: 5/7/7 +1, ONLINE 24/7, NO LAGS, STABLE SERVER, NEW SERVER, PERFECT GAMEPLAY, SEASON IV FULL Friendly players, best TECH support Join us now... | 0 | 294 |
1933 | King Mu Online Server Episode 2 Exp: 100xDrop 70+Season 4 Items... | 0 | 257 |
1934 | Mu Entertainment Network Center Exp: 100xDrop:50... | 0 | 275 |
1935 | S-MuOnline Hard Exp: 100xVersion : 97+99iDrop: 40Bless bug:: OffReset level:: 350Points per reset:: 500Points per level: : 5/7Clear Inventory after reset:: YESClear spells after reset:: NOZen for reset:: 50,000,000MAX Stats:: 32767Zen for PK Clear:... | 0 | 320 |
1936 | WorldCross-Mu Exp: 1200 Drop : 80 Reset Lvl : 400 Spot : Full Shop : +9... | 0 | 260 |
1937 | Mu Nueva Era Season 6 Eps 2 Exp: 1200x Drop: 65 Y Mucho Mas...Nuevo Server Jamas Visto, 100 Estable.Estas Dispuesto A Soportar El Reto Tes Espero Adentro...... | 0 | 256 |
1938 | ...----Mu-SpK----... Exp: 1200x//Drop: 85//New Pj039s//New 3 Wing039s Season III//New Map039s//New Mob//All Events 100 //Season I And II Full... | 0 | 360 |
1939 | HSMu - Top Rated 97d+99i Server Exp: 130x Drop: 80 Version: 97d+99i Fresh Database No Bugs No Lag 3D camera: On/Off website:... | 0 | 295 |
1940 | Pomelos Underground Mu Exp: 15.000x Drop: 90 Ver:1.04h Season2+Season3 Long Term Almost 24/7 Spanish/Enlgish Server... | 0 | 264 |
1941 | Mu Arte Exp: 1500 Drop: 80 Lag: No Ver: 99b+ BB: On Eventos/events: BC,CC,DS ON Entra No esperes ms - Go online now Not wait more... | 0 | 307 |
1942 | Mures MU Exp: 1500X Drop: 75 Version: 0.97d + Season4 Bless Bug On Great Spots Great Shops Join Us Now... | 0 | 266 |
1943 | Mu iFun Exp: 1500xDrop: 35Max Stats: 32767Points Per Level: 5 / 7Reset Level: 400Max Resets: 100Grand Reset: 75r... | 0 | 254 |
1944 | MU DEAGLE Exp: 1500xDrops: 75Ppl: 5/6/7UpTime:24/7Hosted On 100mb/s... | 0 | 258 |
1945 | Gabrovo MuOnline 97+99 Exp: 150Drop: 80VErsion: 97+99 wich extras... | 0 | 264 |
1946 | Mu-Kiss Season 6 EXP: 150x , Drop: 70... | 0 | 307 |
1947 | Paradise MU Server Website Exp: 150x Drop: 60 Ver. 1.06b+... | 0 | 272 |
1948 | Mu BattleZone IMBA 150 exp EXP: 150x Drop: 90 Vers: 97d+99i MAX RESET: 35 NEW SERVER JOIN US... | 0 | 287 |
1949 | Mu Powernet Season 6 Exp: 1600x normal3000x (Vip master) / Drops: 80/ Server Reseteado el 28/08/11 / Version: 1.07v+ / Nuevos Set, Nuevas Armas, Se regalan 10 das vip simples al crear tu cuenta para que sea ms facil levelear. Te esperamos adentro una gran comunidad en cr... | 0 | 340 |
1950 | [0.99b+] ImperiuM of Asgaroth EXP: 1600xDrop:70Reset: lvl400 [Quedan Skill-Set-Evos-INV][800 puntos x Resets] FULL SPOTS... | 0 | 285 |