5351 | OliveMu 1.04H Season 3 OliveMu Season 3Xp 5000 drop 70 Full Spots Items In Shop +11Bless,Chaos In Shop Full Events points 1500Free zen 20 Mil... | 0 | 270 |
5352 | OliveMu OliveMu:version 1.0L Xp 5000 15 points per level drop 100... | 0 | 262 |
5353 | OlympusMu OlympusMu s5e4 exp 25x drop 20 NO RES 8 JULY OFFICIAL START 2011 Full S5 EP4 , No Bugs , Joins Us... | 0 | 259 |
5354 | Omega MuOnline Season 3 episode 1 OmegaMU -New mu online(made on 21.12.208)XP:4000, drop:100, good shop, good gm,JOIN ALL TO NEW MU ONLINE... | 0 | 262 |
5355 | NOA MU One of the best Bulgarian Mu Online Servers Play and Enjoy EXP: 300x DROP : 80Have a nice game... | 0 | 277 |
5356 | Mu Immortal One of the best Russian servers Server EXP: 75 Server Drop: 100 Server Version: 0.97+99 Items BB: On Items: +15+28... | 0 | 267 |
5357 | MU REVELATIONS One of the growing communities of MU Online.. New (5) Server: Server Name: Faerie ALL SERVERS 3000xp/PVP.. GM039s Still recruiting... | 0 | 300 |
5358 | MuHeroes WorldHero One of the most balanced server Mu Online, with innovation, user-friendly website. Here you will find - all that was lacking on other servers. All the ideas that you039ll see us - have been developed by us. Join, whether the topic... | 0 | 275 |
5359 | Insane Mu Online One Server : London UK, Server Version: 0.97D + 99 Item, Exprience Rate: 100x, Drop Rate: 95, Jewel Succes Rate : Jol (60 succes without and 70 Success with luck), Bless Bug: OFF, Auto Reset On(log off 10 secs)... | 0 | 290 |
5360 | Mu CSLan One very good server of Mu Online Version is 97d with very cool staf and uptime 24/7... | 0 | 313 |
5361 | Mu Online Season 4 100 Work One very good server of Mu Online with nice Staff.... | 0 | 255 |
5362 | one.lt ONEgtLT... | 0 | 360 |
5363 | OneHitMu OneHitMu is back whit new version Season2 Full no bugsExp 3000x drop 80 Bok+1+2 in shop and much more........ | 0 | 260 |
5364 | muMAX onli in muMAX:EVERY BODY WHO REGGISTER IN THE SERVER GET039S ADMIN RULLESbox+5 in the the shopsMAX level pointsMAX exp. AND 3D cam.... | 0 | 258 |
5365 | Fill MuOnline - The Rebirth Online 24/7 LongTerm Season 2 Exp 40x Drop 80 Max Resets 30 Keep status NO Cash Shop VIP System Active GameMasters Great Community Bugless No lags Join us now... | 0 | 278 |
5366 | New Best mu online server Online 24/7 Exp 1000 Drop 80 Version 97-99 Points 5/7... | 0 | 266 |
5367 | The Best Mu Online 24/7 xp 4000 drop 100 bless bug off in shop bless,suol off... | 0 | 279 |
5368 | Mu Crime Online 24/7. Version 97d+99item. Web . Exp/Drop - 2000/80. Points 10/15.... | 0 | 296 |
5369 | DragonMu ONLINE PLAYER 81/300 Exp 80x - DROP 35x - SEASON 4 EP2 - ITEM +2+8 IN SHOP - GODLIKE ITEMS - BALANCED PVP - EVENTS - GRAND RESTART - ONLINE TIME EXCHANGE - 24/7 SERVER START 06-02-2012... | 0 | 375 |
5370 | The-Mu-Show Online show in MU.... | 0 | 288 |
5371 | BoV MuOnline 0.97 Retail 5 ONLINE//This Is BoV MuOnline Server With Version 0.97 Retail 5,Exp amp Drop : MaX,BoX +1 Drops : Steel Empreor Blade,Baphomet...Lycantropus Items,JOIN US,IF YOU WANT TO BE A GAME MASTER FOR 1 DAY,WRITE TO ME ON SKYPE : n0k1a_bg... | 0 | 271 |
5372 | Mu-ProStreeT Online:24/7 - Server Dedicado - Funcionalidad De Los Eventos:100 - Version:1.4x Season III Episodio II - 0 Lag - Drop:80 - Exp:3000 - Reset:Lv.350 (Sistema De Reset por la web) - Stats Max:32767 - Shop Box+1 - Bless Bug: ON - Spots: Lorencia, Arena, ... | 0 | 260 |
5373 | OnlineGame OnlineGame... | 0 | 260 |
5374 | Zig-ZagMU OnlineMU Season 3 ep 1 Box+5 in store exp 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999Drop 100wings in shop lvl2 quest lvl 3 at priest devin lorencia... | 0 | 300 |
5375 | Best No Lag Mu Servers Only The Best Mu Servers Are Posted Here... | 0 | 281 |
5376 | WarHazeMU OnlyeYouMu Season2 Started With 10.04.2010Exp:1000xDrop:85Monster Every Map Chas Shop enablecomand:/Post/Add/PkClear/online/timeKanturu EventCrywolf EventSeason II MonstersSeason II Maps-gtAida-gtCrywolf-gtKanturu... | 0 | 252 |
5377 | OnSkyMU OnSky MU Presents Unique Website + Forum Exp FULL 90 Skill Tree New Monsters New NPC Vote Reward CASTLE SIEGE amp CRYWOLF Duel System 24/7 Max Stats 32k Reset : 400 NEW INTERFACE Great Community... | 0 | 261 |
5378 | MU-NOIBAI.COM Season 6 Ep1 Open 25/6 /11Mu Season 6 ep 1 , exp 80 drop 40 new event, new maps . no webshop free all .. Online 24/7 Gm good . Come join us to find out.... | 0 | 268 |
5379 | ImperiaMU OPEN 9 June 15.00 at Moscowgood spots,good events,funs GMs and ADMINs, every day events Season 4 FullExp 100Drop 30... | 0 | 255 |
5380 | .:Onex Radio:. Open New Onex Radio Club Music , RampB , Hause Music Radio Work 24/7 New Songs Come And Listen Onex Radio... | 0 | 258 |
5381 | DragonMU Hard Server 50xp Open the site to see more information for server... | 0 | 311 |
5382 | GodsZone Season 6 . 2 Opened new server SEASON 6.2, the server access to unique sets / weapons, all you can get on their own Server Rates: EXP: 20000 DROP: 1000... | 0 | 262 |
5383 | DNser Opening of a server will DNser x9999 06/23/2011 12: 00 (server time). On the server: version 1.05T + (4 season full), drop 100 exp 9999x... | 0 | 257 |
5384 | OplexMu OplexMu Online 97d+99i 250xDrop-80 Come On... | 0 | 278 |
5385 | Optick Mu Team OptickMu Version 0.97d Exp 5000x Drop 80 Good Spots Bok +1,+2,+3 in shops , and more Come all... | 0 | 277 |
5386 | OptiLanMu OptiLanMu 99b+ 150xp 80 drop bless bug:OFF... | 0 | 242 |
5387 | Sun OptiLanMu OptiLanMu is a Back... | 0 | 254 |
5388 | OptimMu Season2 Low Exp Optim Mu Presents Low Rate Server Original,Buggles and Full Season 2 Experience 100x Drop 50 Server Uptime 24/7... | 0 | 280 |
5390 | Optimus-Mu 24/7 Optimus-Mu 24/7 Exp:4000x Drop:80 level reset 300 box in shop 1,2,3 version:99b+ NO LAG... | 0 | 271 |
5391 | OradeaMu Season II OradeaMu Season II on 24/7 xp 50x drop 30 Good spots Good Admins Server Romanesc... | 0 | 226 |
5392 | MuOrhei OrheiMu - Season 3 Episode 1New 3rd level wings and 5 new characters classNew Chaos Machine Mix New Custom EventsNew ItemsNew Maps,New MobsExp: 3000Drops 80... | 0 | 251 |
5393 | -OrheiMu- OrheiMu - Season 3 Episode 1New 3rd level wings and 5 new characters classNew Chaos Machine Mix New Custom EventsNew ItemsNew Maps,New MobsExp: 3000Drops 80... | 0 | 320 |
5394 | -OrheiMu- OrheiMu - Season 3 Episode 1New 3rd level wings and 5 new characters classNew Chaos Machine Mix New Custom EventsNew ItemsNew Maps,New MobsExp: 3000Drops 80... | 0 | 213 |
5395 | 97+99i (Original Version) Original 97+99i ServerExp: 500xServeri Time : 24/7And More...... | 0 | 280 |
5396 | OMUSERVER Original Mu Season 2 7x 20... | 0 | 225 |
5397 | Origins Mu Season 4 Slow Origins Mu Season 4 Servidor Slow 24 horas online Exp: 150x Drop: 35... | 0 | 273 |
5398 | Os Imperdoaveis MuOnline - OsIMu Os Imperdoaveis MuOnline lt-gt 1000x, 80 drop rate, all boxes in shop, more information at website... | 0 | 239 |
5399 | MuGr1M Otkrqlsja novij server quotMuGr1MquotVersia servera:97+99Exp servera:350Drop servera:80Max lvl 350... | 0 | 407 |
5400 | fire-mu.ru otkrut novuy NU online server fire oput/drop 80/30 v pt doxodit do 400 adminu online vsegda wmot v magazinax na vse rassu +9... | 0 | 261 |