8601 | ...::Mu Dauns::... UpTime: 24/7 EXP\DROPS: 9999x\100% Shops:BEST (wings lvl 1, bok+1+2+3+4+5, jewels in shops)ppl:10/13 Good Admins,GMs. Chaos Machine:100% Jewel luck:100% Enjoy!... | 0 | 267 |
8602 | Dawn Of Doom 9999exp!!100%drops!!exc shops and spots!!cool GM's and Admins!!Recruting GM's!join now!... | 0 | 263 |
8603 | New DawnMu Online season3 Welcome to DawnMu season3. xp:9999, drop:100%, online 20/7 , is new mu online so join us and make server populated and have fun... | 0 | 258 |
8604 | [ BG ] Dea7zOnE Mu OnLIne SeRveR VersiOn 1.00L | SeaSon 1 | ExP 1000x |BB - Off | DroPs 70x | Reset Points : 300 | BoX iN sHoP +1 +2 +3... | 0 | 277 |
8605 | Deadlymu is an 1.0.1L 2500 exp 90% drop nice admins nice players have in every city spots etc... | 0 | 261 |
8606 | Dead-Mu Server Version: 1.00L
Server Experience: 9999X
Server Drop: 80%... | 0 | 268 |
8607 | DeaD NetWork Mu Online S3 Ep.2 Features:All Events:Working,Reset Level:400,Reset Tip:Keep Stats,New Custom Items,New Maps:Elbeland,Swamp Of Calmess,New Characters Including Summoner,XP:250,Drop:90%,All Items In Shops Are +12+lk+skill(Weapons),All Maps Working,Verry Stable Server!... | 0 | 269 |
8608 | DeadSpaceMU Version: 1.04H
Experience: 5000x
ItemDropPer: 100%
Uptime 24/7 ( Non - Stop )
Advanced Security Sistem (SyGate)
Configuration :
- 5/7 points per level !
- BB : On
- Events : Blood Castle , Devil Square , Golden Dragon Invasion !
- Reset Leve... | 0 | 268 |
8609 | DeadSpaceMU Version: 0.97D+99i ||Experince: 5ooox ||Drop: 9o% ||Uptime: 24/7 ||BlessBuG: ON ||LvL reset: 350 ||Max Lvl: 1000||Bonus After Reset: 300 ||All Jwl In Shop All Items!... | 0 | 281 |
8610 | ----::::;DeeVilSMu::::::--- exp 5000 nice admin nice spots... | 0 | 285 |
8611 | >>>DeidRa MU<<< DeidRa MU season 4 episode 1
18 exp|60 drop|New Character|CASTLE SIEGE WORKING! | NEW SEASON 4 SETS, WEAPONS, MAPS, MOBS AND EVENTS... | 0 | 446 |
8612 | DeiDra Mu World full of adventures and quests!Cool admins!Server works 100%! Seson 4 Episod 2,exp-20000,Drop 70,new events,quests,new maps!... | 0 | 262 |
8613 | D3L3T3-Mu New good mu server||Exp:max||Drop:80%||RR LwL:400||Version:1.02d||... | 0 | 268 |
8614 | DeleteMu vers: 1.02N+3D+season2 xp: 5000X drop: 100% super spot.......no lag....... | 0 | 285 |
8615 | Welcome to DeleteMu Enjoy our server...... | 0 | 283 |
8616 | Delphin-MU Version:1.02N+3D [Season II] /\ Exp:5000x /\ Drop:90% /\ Good Shops And Spots /\ Friendly Admins /\ Server From Romania /\ Come And Enjoy !! /\... | 0 | 275 |
8617 | Mu-DemoniC New MuServer... Version 97r+1.0 ! Exp:100x Drop:80% ! Have spots... | 0 | 290 |
8618 | DestinationMu The best server Season II No bugs No lag Exp:5000X Drop:100% All events work New Maps New Spots New NPC.Enjoy... | 0 | 281 |
8619 | DestinyMu Season 4 DestinyMu Season 4| Exp 30x | Drop: 80% | New Character | Quest 100% | SEASON 4 SKILL TREE! | CASTLE SIEGE WORKING! | NEW SEASON 4 SETS, WEAPONS, MAPS, MOBS AND EVENTS! 24/7... | 0 | 296 |
8620 | DestinyMU Season 3 | The DestinyMU season 3 | All New 5 Character Class | New 3RD LEVEL WINGS | New Events| KANTURU EVENT | New Maps , REFUGE, BARAKS | New Mobs | Exp: 1000 | Drops 80% | 24/7 Stable |... | 0 | 274 |
8621 | DestinyMu DestinyMu... version 1.0D... 2000 exp...drop 100%... nice admins .. nice spots... join us now..... | 0 | 243 |
8622 | DestrucionMu MuOnline M�xico Season 3 Episodio 2 :: cliente 1.04x , 4 FREE SERVERS (pvp & non pvp) :: 2 SERVE...... | 0 | 279 |
8623 | DevilMu 1.04h DevilMu 1.04h,Max stats,New chars,New items,New maps.Come and play!... | 0 | 294 |
8624 | D3V1L->MuOnline D3V1L->MuOnline The Best MuOnline Server Played Ever!!!... | 0 | 271 |
8625 | DeviL Mu Hard Version:97d+99i,Experience:150x:Drops:60%,MobsHP:80%,Bless Bug: OFF... | 0 | 353 |
8626 | Devilmu - Season3 Episode 1 / 24/7 Season3 Episode1 / Exp: 2000x / Drops:80% / 24/7 / Lag Free / Golden Invasion / CryWolf,Kanturu,LorenDeep Events work! / Custom events daily / Join us now!... | 0 | 275 |
8627 | S3 Ep2 The SUMMONER! DEFACTOMU 1000x EPISODE2 The SUMMONER�S AWAKENING! SEASON3 FULL Exp 1000x New Summoner Items/6Sets/wings) New Map... | 0 | 266 |
8628 | _-DHMU-_ Experience: 9999x Drops: 100% Mobs HP: 100% Online 24/7... | 0 | 384 |
8629 | DIGIBOT MUonline Privat Server 98z+S1+S2+S3 Items [EXP:MAX DORP:60%]... | 0 | 249 |
8630 | Digimu Exp600 drop max. 3rd wingi . uptime 99.9% 24/7 online... | 0 | 261 |
8631 | Digital Mu Online Server XP 99999x Digital Mu Online : Vers : 97d 99i -- Xp:9999x -- Drop : 70 -- Nice Spots -- Nice Shops !!! Go All SERVER NONSTOP... | 0 | 261 |
8632 | Dignity-MU ## SEASON3 EPISODE1 FULLY - 1.04J ## Status - Online 24/7 ## Exp&Drop - 600x/90% ## All Events Work 100% ## All SEASON3 Items Work 100% ## All SEASON3 Mobs Work 100% ## LARGE SPOTS ## EXTREMELY GOOD SHOPS! ## JOIN NOW! ##... | 0 | 249 |
8633 | Mu DinaMic Cel Mai Tare Mu Posibil Versiune 97D 3000x .....Intra ca te astepte ;););)... | 0 | 284 |
8634 | DiversSlainMU Center Game WER; 1.0N GLOBAL
longggg term
exp 40 drop 30... | 0 | 238 |
8635 | DivineMU(NewServer) Version 1.00l,drop 100%,exp 5000x,online shop,bb on,jewels,box of kundum,wings lvl2,scrools,all in shops,long term server,no lag,no bugs!Together we can create a better world!... | 0 | 269 |
8636 | FORUM MU Nieoficjalne forum MU online... | 0 | 255 |
8637 | Mu DarkSun 1.02N + S2 Mu DarkSun 1.02N + S2 1500x . 80 % Drop , Bless Bug On , Reset Lvl 400... | 0 | 263 |
8638 | ..::DmgMu::.. | DmgMu | � xp 100 |� x drop |� 100% rates|� Jwls 90% Chaos M. 90% |� Good shops : Wings lvl 1 and bok+1 |� Nice Admins ... Come and play.... | 0 | 277 |
8639 | Mu Demoniakz exp:9999 Season2-s3/drop 100%/fryendli admin and gm's/good spots/good shops/bb OFF/
for creating a mail account to send [email protected]/Events every week/Join is now..!!... | 0 | 257 |
8640 | Demonic Mu-Online Join on WebSite!... | 0 | 305 |
8641 | DnP MUonline - The Battle of Sauron Uniquely configured gameplay | NO GM | No V.I.P | Fairplay | EXP : 500 | Good Shops | Bless 300k | Soul 2M | JOL 3M | Box of Kundun 100% EXC | Season I Stable & Longterm server | Bring back the Fun of your 1st MU.... | 0 | 267 |
8642 | DominatinGMu Server Welcome To DominatinGMu HARD Server. Server INFO:
Version:97d+99items ; exp:150x ; drop:85% ; ServerUpTime:24/7 ; Server location:BULGARIA ; GOOD ADMINS ; BB OFF !!! GL & HF... | 0 | 263 |
8643 | MuOnline Server EXP:9999 Drop:70% Version 1.0l box in shop +1+2+3+4... | 0 | 264 |
8644 | -= DragonMu =- Season 3 Episode 1 DragonMu Season 3 Ep 1 || Up Time 24/24 || Server Online 2 Years || Jwl in shop || Hot Spot || Box Of kundum +1+2 in shop || Bug Bles On || Nice Server || Join Us ||... | 0 | 296 |
8645 | MuOnline Cool Server For MuOnline :
Version : 1.02N (Season2 full) .
EXP : 1500x .
DROP : 100% .... | 0 | 266 |
8646 | The Dragons Lair (Season3)Exp:2500% \ Drop:90% \ American Server \ Admin:Draco \ Friendly GM's \ Crywolf Event \ Kantruu Event \ BC & DS Events \ Lots Of Excellent Item Drops... | 0 | 261 |
8647 | Dragon-MU Dragon-MU | Version-1.04H+Season3| Exp-3000X | Drop-80% | In Shops- Bless & Good sets | Helpful and friendly GM's | Events- Horn Race,Find,PK |Bless bug off | 5 New charters class... | 0 | 267 |
8648 | Dragulin MU Online Server Exp:10; Drop:80; Version:Season3 Episode1; MobsHP:80%; PointsPerLevel:BK/SM/Elf:50; MG/DL:64MAXLevel:400; ResetsOptions: MAXResets:20; PointsPerReset:2000... | 0 | 287 |
8649 | Drakan Mu | EXP 1500 | DROP:60 DrakanMu FULL SEASON 4| EXP 1500X | Drop: 60% | New Character | Quest 100% | SEASON 4 SKILL TREE! | CASTLE SIEGE WORKING! | NEW SEASON 4 SETS, WEAPONS, MAPS, MOBS AND EVENTS! 24/7 Dedicted Server... | 0 | 252 |
8650 | DraKula-MuOnline 1.0L !!! Exp:5000x Drop:100% COl Tot Srv Roman Intra si Convingete! Mai Multe Detali Pe Srv DraKula! Sites Afisate! Client Patch luncher Client FULL no BUg Pe Srv Go GO GO GO GO Va Multumim!pentru Intelegere...:D... | 0 | 259 |